first ideas for more user friendly usage
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from collections import defaultdict
import h5py
import numpy as np
import as ma
from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
import damask
@ -345,76 +346,6 @@ class Result:
raise PermissionError('Rename operation not permitted')
def place(self,datasets,constituent=0,tagged=False,split=True):
Distribute datasets onto geometry and return Table or (split) dictionary of Tables.
Must not mix nodal end cell data.
Only data within
- inc*/phase/*/*
- inc*/homogenization/*/*
- inc*/geometry/*
are considered.
datasets : iterable or str
constituent : int
Constituent to consider for phase data.
tagged : bool
Tag Table.column name with '#constituent'.
Defaults to False.
split : bool
Split Table by increment and return dictionary of Tables.
Defaults to True.
sets = datasets if hasattr(datasets,'__iter__') and not isinstance(datasets,str) else \
tag = f'#{constituent}' if tagged else ''
tbl = {} if split else None
inGeom = {}
inData = {}
# compatibility hack
name = 'Name' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'label'
member = 'Position' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'entry'
grp = 'mapping' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'cell_to'
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
for dataset in sets:
for group in self.groups_with_datasets(dataset):
path = '/'.join([group,dataset])
inc,prop,name,cat,item = (path.split('/') + ['']*5)[:5]
key = '/'.join([prop,name+tag])
if key not in inGeom:
if prop == 'geometry':
inGeom[key] = inData[key] = np.arange(self.N_materialpoints)
elif prop == 'phase':
inGeom[key] = np.where(f[f'{grp}/phase'][:,constituent][name] == str.encode(name))[0]
inData[key] = f[f'{grp}/phase'][inGeom[key],constituent][member]
elif prop == 'homogenization':
inGeom[key] = np.where(f[f'{grp}/homogenization'][name] == str.encode(name))[0]
inData[key] = f[f'{grp}/homogenization'][inGeom[key].tolist()][member]
shape = np.shape(f[path])
data = np.full((self.N_materialpoints,) + (shape[1:] if len(shape)>1 else (1,)),
data[inGeom[key]] = (f[path] if len(shape)>1 else np.expand_dims(f[path],1))[inData[key]]
path = ('/'.join([prop,name]+([cat] if cat else [])+([item] if item else [])) if split else path)+tag
if split:
tbl[inc] = tbl[inc].add(path,data)
except KeyError:
tbl[inc] = Table(data.reshape(self.N_materialpoints,-1),{path:data.shape[1:]})
tbl = tbl.add(path,data)
except AttributeError:
tbl = Table(data.reshape(self.N_materialpoints,-1),{path:data.shape[1:]})
return tbl
def groups_with_datasets(self,datasets):
Return groups that contain all requested datasets.
@ -1385,3 +1316,73 @@ class Result:
def read(self,labels):
r = {}
labels_ = labels if isinstance(labels,list) else [labels] # check for arbitrary iterable
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
for inc in util.show_progress(self.visible['increments'],len(self.visible['increments'])):
r[inc] = {'phase':{},'homogenization':{}}
for ph in self.visible['phases']:
r[inc]['phase'][ph] = {}
for me in f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph)].keys():
r[inc]['phase'][ph][me] = {}
for da in f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me)].keys():
if da in labels_:
r[inc]['phase'][ph][me][da] = \
for ho in self.visible['homogenizations']:
r[inc]['homogenization'][ho] = {}
for me in f[os.path.join(inc,'homogenization',ho)].keys():
r[inc]['homogenization'][ho][me] = {}
for da in f[os.path.join(inc,'homogenization',ho,me)].keys():
if da in labels_:
r[inc]['homogenization'][ho][me][da] = \
return r
def place(self,labels,fill_int=0,fill_float=0,constituents=None):
r = {}
labels_ = labels if isinstance(labels,list) else [labels] # check for arbitrary iterable
if constituents is None:
constituents_ = range(self.N_constituents)
constituents_ = labels if isinstance(labels,list) else [labels] # allow abribtrary iterable
grp = 'mapping' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'cell_to'
name = 'Name' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'label'
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
N_cells = if self.structured else np.shape(f['/geometry/T_c'])[0]
to_cell_ph = []
for c in constituents_:
to_cell_ph.append({label: np.where(f[os.path.join(grp,'phase')][:,c][name] == str.encode(label))[0] \
for label in self.visible['phases']})
to_cell_ho = {label: np.where(f[os.path.join(grp,'homogenization')][name] == str.encode(label))[0] \
for label in self.visible['homogenizations']}
for inc in util.show_progress(self.visible['increments'],len(self.visible['increments'])):
r[inc] = {'phase':{},'homogenization':{}}
for ph in self.visible['phases']:
for me in f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph)].keys():
r[inc]['phase'][me] = {}
for da in f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me)].keys():
if da in labels_:
data = f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me,da)][()]
unit = f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me,da)].attrs['unit']
description = f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me,da)].attrs['description']
if not h5py3:
description = description.decode()
unit = unit.decode()
if da not in r[inc]['phase'][me].keys():
dt = np.dtype(data.dtype,metadata={'description':description,
r[inc]['phase'][me][da] = ma.empty((N_cells,)+data.shape[1:],dtype=dt)
return r
Reference in New Issue