Slip systems for fcc,bcc,hcp implemented

Schmid matrices calculated
Hardening matrices calculated
subroutine calc_SlipRates implemented
This commit is contained in:
Luc Hantcherli 2007-03-21 13:49:47 +00:00
parent a8145f7185
commit ae644e4b09
1 changed files with 348 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -1,121 +1,281 @@
!* contains: *
!* - constitutive equations *
!* - Schmid matrices calculation *
!* - Hardening matrices definition *
!* - Parameters definition *
!* - orientations? *
! --------------------------- MODULE constitutive
MODULE constitutive
! ---------------------------
! *** constitutive equations ***
use prec, only: pRe,pIn !*** Include other modules ***
implicit none use prec, only: pReal,pInt
! NB: 'only'-commend may not be needed
implicit none
! *************************** !*****************************
! *** Material parameters *** !* Material parameters *
! *************************** !*****************************
real(pRe), allocatable :: Cslip_66(:,:,:),Cslip_3333(:,:,:,:,:) !* Character *
real(pRe), allocatable :: s0_slip(:),gdot0_slip(:) character*80, allocatble :: TCfile(:),ODFfile(:)
real(pRe), allocatable :: h0(:),w0(:),s_sat(:),q0(:),n_slip(:) ! NB: orientation files TCfile(number of material)
real(pRe), allocatable :: hardening_matrix(:,:,:)
character*80, allocatable :: TCfile(:), ODFfile(:)
real(pRe), parameter :: latent=1.4_pRe
integer(pIn), parameter :: Nslip(3)
integer(pIn) Nmats
real(pRe) sn(3,48,3),sd(3,48,3) !* Integer *
real(pRe) Sslip(3,48,3,3),Sslip_v(3,48,6) integer(pInt) Nmats
! *** Vectors n and d for each fcc slip systems *** ! NB: Number of materials (read in material file)
! MISSING needs to be generalized to fcc and bcc (and hcp?) integer(pInt), allocatable :: crystal_structure(:)
! 1: fcc, 2: bcc, 3: hcp ! NB: crystal_structure(number of material)=1-3
! the respective crystal structure has to be defined integer(pInt) Nslip(3)
! via material parameter 'crystal_structure' in [material] ! NB: Number of systems for each crystal structure (3)
data sd( 1,:)/ 0, 1,-1/ ; data sn( 1,:)/ 1, 1, 1/
data sd( 2,:)/-1, 0, 1/ ; data sn( 2,:)/ 1, 1, 1/
data sd( 3,:)/ 1,-1, 0/ ; data sn( 3,:)/ 1, 1, 1/
data sd( 4,:)/ 0,-1,-1/ ; data sn( 4,:)/-1,-1, 1/
data sd( 5,:)/ 1, 0, 1/ ; data sn( 5,:)/-1,-1, 1/
data sd( 6,:)/-1, 1, 0/ ; data sn( 6,:)/-1,-1, 1/
data sd( 7,:)/ 0,-1, 1/ ; data sn( 7,:)/ 1,-1,-1/
data sd( 8,:)/-1, 0,-1/ ; data sn( 8,:)/ 1,-1,-1/
data sd( 9,:)/ 1, 1, 0/ ; data sn( 9,:)/ 1,-1,-1/
data sd(10,:)/ 0, 1, 1/ ; data sn(10,:)/-1, 1,-1/
data sd(11,:)/ 1, 0,-1/ ; data sn(11,:)/-1, 1,-1/
data sd(12,:)/-1,-1, 0/ ; data sn(12,:)/-1, 1,-1/
contains !* Real *
real(pReal), allocatable :: Cslip_66(:,:,:)
! NB: Cslip_66(1:6,1:6,number of materials)
real(pReal), allocatable :: s0_slip(:),gdot0_slip(:),n_slip(:)
real(pReal), allocatable :: h0(:),w0(:),s_sat(:)
! NB: Parameters(number of materials)
real(pReal), allocatable :: hardening_matrix(:,:,:)
! NB: hardening_matrix(48,48,3)
real(pReal), parameter :: latent_hardening=1.4_pReal
real(pReal) sn(3,48,3),sd(3,48,3)
! NB: slip normale and slip direction for 3 crystal structures
! Is 48 always the maximum number of systems?
real(pReal) Sslip(3,3,48,3),Sslip_v(6,48,3)
! NB: Schmid matrices and corresponding Schmid vectors
! ************************************** !*** Slip systems for FCC structures (1) ***
! *** module Init *** Nslip(1)=12_pInt
! ************************************** !* System {111}<110> Sort according Eisenlohr&Hantcherli
subroutine constitutive_init() data sd(:, 1,1)/ 0, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:, 1,1)/ 1, 1, 1/
data sd(:, 2,1)/-1, 0, 1/ ; data sn(:, 2,1)/ 1, 1, 1/
data sd(:, 3,1)/ 1,-1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 3,1)/ 1, 1, 1/
data sd(:, 4,1)/ 0,-1,-1/ ; data sn(:, 4,1)/-1,-1, 1/
data sd(:, 5,1)/ 1, 0, 1/ ; data sn(:, 5,1)/-1,-1, 1/
data sd(:, 6,1)/-1, 1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 6,1)/-1,-1, 1/
data sd(:, 7,1)/ 0,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 7,1)/ 1,-1,-1/
data sd(:, 8,1)/-1, 0,-1/ ; data sn(:, 8,1)/ 1,-1,-1/
data sd(:, 9,1)/ 1, 1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 9,1)/ 1,-1,-1/
data sd(:,10,1)/ 0, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,10,1)/-1, 1,-1/
data sd(:,11,1)/ 1, 0,-1/ ; data sn(:,11,1)/-1, 1,-1/
data sd(:,12,1)/-1,-1, 0/ ; data sn(:,12,1)/-1, 1,-1/
call constitutive_calc_SchmidM() !*** Slip systems for BCC structures (2) ***
call constitutive_calc_hardeningM() Nslip(2)=48_pInt
call constitutive_parse_materialDat() !* System {110}<111>
!* Sort?
data sd(:, 1,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 1,2)/ 0, 1, 1/
data sd(:, 2,2)/-1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 2,2)/ 0, 1, 1/
data sd(:, 3,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 3,2)/ 0,-1, 1/
data sd(:, 4,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 4,2)/ 0,-1, 1/
data sd(:, 5,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 5,2)/ 1, 0, 1/
data sd(:, 6,2)/-1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 6,2)/ 1, 0, 1/
data sd(:, 7,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 7,2)/-1, 0, 1/
data sd(:, 8,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 8,2)/-1, 0, 1/
data sd(:, 9,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:, 9,2)/ 1, 1, 0/
data sd(:,10,2)/-1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,10,2)/ 1, 1, 0/
data sd(:,11,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,11,2)/-1, 1, 0/
data sd(:,12,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,12,2)/-1, 1, 0/
!* System {112}<111>
!* Sort?
data sd(:,13,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,13,2)/ 2, 1, 1/
data sd(:,14,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,14,2)/-2, 1, 1/
data sd(:,15,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,15,2)/ 2,-1, 1/
data sd(:,16,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,16,2)/ 2, 1,-1/
data sd(:,17,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,17,2)/ 1, 2, 1/
data sd(:,18,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,18,2)/-1, 2, 1/
data sd(:,19,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,19,2)/ 1,-2, 1/
data sd(:,20,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,20,2)/ 1, 2,-1/
data sd(:,21,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,21,2)/ 1, 1, 2/
data sd(:,22,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,22,2)/-1, 1, 2/
data sd(:,23,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,23,2)/ 1,-1, 2/
data sd(:,24,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,24,2)/ 1, 1,-2/
!* System {123}<111>
!* Sort?
data sd(:,25,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,25,2)/ 1, 2, 3/
data sd(:,26,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,26,2)/-1, 2, 3/
data sd(:,27,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,27,2)/ 1,-2, 3/
data sd(:,28,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,28,2)/ 1, 2,-3/
data sd(:,29,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,29,2)/ 1, 3, 2/
data sd(:,30,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,30,2)/-1, 3, 2/
data sd(:,31,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,31,2)/ 1,-3, 2/
data sd(:,32,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,32,2)/ 1, 3,-2/
data sd(:,33,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,33,2)/ 2, 1, 3/
data sd(:,34,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,34,2)/-2, 1, 3/
data sd(:,35,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,35,2)/ 2,-1, 3/
data sd(:,36,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,36,2)/ 2, 1,-3/
data sd(:,37,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,37,2)/ 2, 3, 1/
data sd(:,38,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,38,2)/-2, 3, 1/
data sd(:,39,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,39,2)/ 2,-3, 1/
data sd(:,40,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,40,2)/ 2, 3,-1/
data sd(:,41,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,41,2)/ 3, 1, 2/
data sd(:,42,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,42,2)/-3, 1, 2/
data sd(:,43,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,43,2)/ 3,-1, 2/
data sd(:,44,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,44,2)/ 3, 1,-2/
data sd(:,45,2)/-1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,45,2)/ 3, 2, 1/
data sd(:,46,2)/ 1, 1, 1/ ; data sn(:,46,2)/-3, 2, 1/
data sd(:,47,2)/ 1, 1,-1/ ; data sn(:,47,2)/ 3,-2, 1/
data sd(:,48,2)/ 1,-1, 1/ ; data sn(:,48,2)/ 3, 2,-1/
end subroutine !*** Slip systems for HCP structures (3) ***
!* Basal systems {0001}<1120>
!* 1- (0 0 0 1)[-2 1 1 0]
!* 2- (0 0 0 1)[ 1 -2 1 0]
!* 3- (0 0 0 1)[ 1 1 -2 0]
!* Plane (hkil)->(hkl)
!* Direction [uvtw]->[(u-t) (v-t) w]
!* Automatical transformation from Bravais to Miller
!* not done for the moment
!* Sort?
data sd(:, 1,3)/-1, 0, 0/ ; data sn(:, 1,3)/ 0, 0, 1/
data sd(:, 2,3)/ 0,-1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 2,3)/ 0, 0, 1/
data sd(:, 3,3)/ 1, 1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 3,3)/ 0, 0, 1/
!* 1st type prismatic systems {1010}<1120>
!* 1- ( 0 1 -1 0)[-2 1 1 0]
!* 2- ( 1 0 -1 0)[ 1 -2 1 0]
!* 3- (-1 1 0 0)[ 1 1 -2 0]
!* Sort?
data sd(:, 4,3)/-1, 0, 0/ ; data sn(:, 4,3)/ 0, 1, 0/
data sd(:, 5,3)/ 0,-1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 5,3)/ 1, 0, 0/
data sd(:, 6,3)/ 1, 1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 6,3)/-1, 1, 0/
!* 1st type 1st order pyramidal systems {1011}<1120>
!* 1- ( 0 -1 1 1)[-2 1 1 0]
!* 2- ( 0 1 -1 1)[-2 1 1 0]
!* 3- (-1 0 1 1)[ 1 -2 1 0]
!* 4- ( 1 0 -1 1)[ 1 -2 1 0]
!* 5- (-1 1 0 1)[ 1 1 -2 0]
!* 6- ( 1 -1 0 1)[ 1 1 -2 0]
!* Sort?
data sd(:, 7,3)/-1, 0, 0/ ; data sn(:, 7,3)/ 0,-1, 1/
data sd(:, 8,3)/ 0,-1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 8,3)/ 0, 1, 1/
data sd(:, 9,3)/ 1, 1, 0/ ; data sn(:, 9,3)/-1, 0, 1/
data sd(:,10,3)/-1, 0, 0/ ; data sn(:,10,3)/ 1, 0, 1/
data sd(:,11,3)/ 0,-1, 0/ ; data sn(:,11,3)/-1, 1, 1/
data sd(:,12,3)/ 1, 1, 0/ ; data sn(:,12,3)/ 1,-1, 1/
! **************************************
! *** Calculation of Schmid matrices ***
! **************************************
subroutine constitutive_calc_SchmidM()
use prec, only: pRe,pIn contains
implicit none !****************************************
!* - constitutive_init *
!* - constitutive_calc_SchmidM *
!* - constitutive_calc_HardeningM *
!* - constitutive_parse_materialDat *
!* - orientation reading???? *
!* - constitutive_calc_SlipRates *
!* - constitutive_calc_Hardening *
!* - consistutive_calc_PlasVeloGradient *
!* - CPFEM_CauchyStress??????? *
integer(pIn) i,j,k,l
real(pRe) invNorm
do j=1,3 ! iterate over crystal system subroutine constitutive_init()
do i=1,Nslip(j) ! iterate over slip systems !**************************************
do k=1,3 !*** Module initialization ***
do l=1,3 !**************************************
Sslip(j,i,k,l)=sd(j,i,k)*sn(j,i,l) call constitutive_calc_SchmidM()
call constitutive_calc_hardeningM()
call constitutive_parse_materialDat()
end subroutine
subroutine constitutive_calc_SchmidM()
!*** Calculation of Schmid matrices ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) i,j,k,l
real(pReal) invNorm
!* Iteration over the crystal structures
do l=1,3
!* Iteration over the systems
do k=1,Nslip(l)
!* Defintion of Schmid matrix
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3)
!* Normalization of Schmid matrix
invNorm = dsqrt(1.0_pReal/
& (sn(1,k,l)**2+sn(2,k,l)**2+sn(3,k,l)**2)*
& (sd(1,k,l)**2+sd(2,k,l)**2+sd(3,k,l)**2))
!* Vectorization of normalized Schmid matrix
!* according MARC component order 11,22,33,12,23,13
enddo enddo
end subroutine
subroutine constitutive_calc_HardeningM()
!*** Hardening matrix (see Kalidindi) ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) i,j,k,l
!* Initialization of the hardening matrix
!* Iteration over the crystal structures
do l=1,3
select case(l)
!* Hardening matrix for FCC structures
case (1)
do k=1,10,3
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3)
enddo enddo
invNorm = dsqrt(1.0_pRe/ !* Hardening matrix for BCC structures
& (sn(j,i,1)**2+sn(j,1,2)**2+sn(j,i,3)**2)/ case (2)
& (sd(j,i,1)**2+sd(j,1,2)**2+sd(j,i,3)**2)) do k=1,11,2
Sslip(j,i,:,:) = Sslip(j,i,:,:)*invNorm forall (i=1:2,j=1:2)
Sslip_v(j,i,1)=Sslip(j,i,1,1) hardening_matrix(k-1+i,k-1+j,l)=1.0_pReal
Sslip_v(j,i,2)=Sslip(j,i,2,2) endforall
end subroutine
! ****************************************
! *** Hardening matrix (see Kalidindi) ***
! ****************************************
subroutine constitutive_calc_hardeningM()
use prec, only: pRe,pIn
implicit none
integer(pIn) i,j,k,l
! MISSING iteration over crystal systems
! PE does not understand the j,k looping
do i=1,10,3
do j=1,3
do k=1,3
enddo enddo
do k=13,48
enddo enddo
!* Hardening matrix for HCP structures
case (3)
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3)
do k=4,12
enddo enddo
end select
! **************************************** end subroutine
! *** Reading 'material.mpie' ***
! ****************************************
subroutine constitutive_parse_materialDat()
use prec, only: pRe,pIn
implicit none
character*80 line !* NOT YET IMPLEMENTED *!
integer(pIn) i,j,k,l,positions(4) subroutine constitutive_parse_materialDat()
!*** Reading parameter files ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
character*80 line
integer(pIn) i,j,k,l,positions(4)
! MISSING: needs to be 2 pass ! MISSING: needs to be 2 pass
! first pass to count Nmats and allocate ! first pass to count Nmats and allocate
@ -224,6 +384,7 @@
end end
!*********************************************************************** !***********************************************************************
!*** This routine reads orientations from 'orientations.mpie' *** !*** This routine reads orientations from 'orientations.mpie' ***
@ -305,60 +466,85 @@
subroutine slip_rate (tau_slip,tauc_slip_new,gdot_slip, subroutine constitutive_calc_SlipRates(
& dgdot_dtaucslip) & matID,
C ******************************************************************** & tau_slip,
C Subroutine contains the constitutive equation for the slip & tauc_slip,
C rate on each slip system & gdot_slip,
C Input: tau_slip : shear stress on each slip system & dgdot_dtaucslip
C tauc_slip_new : critical shear stress on each slip system & )
C Output: gdot_slip : slip rate on each slip system !*********************************************************************
C dgdot_dtaucslip: derivative of slip rate on each slip system !* This subroutine contains the constitutive equation for the slip *
C ******************************************************************** !* rate on each slip system *
use mpie !* INPUT: *
use Zahlendarstellung !* - matID : material identifier *
implicit none !* - tau_slip : applied shear stress on each slip system *
!* - tauc_slip : critical shear stress on each slip system *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - gdot_slip : slip rate on each slip system *
!* - dgdot_dtaucslip : derivative of slip rate on each slip system *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
real(ZdRe) tau_slip(nslip),tauc_slip_new(nslip), !* Definition of variables
& gdot_slip(nslip),dgdot_dtaucslip(nslip) integer(pInt) matID,i
integer(ZdIn) i real(pReal), tau_slip(Nslip(crystal_structure(matID)))
real(pReal), tauc_slip_new(Nslip(crystal_structure(matID)))
real(pReal), gdot_slip(Nslip(crystal_structure(matID)))
real(pReal), dgdot_dtaucslip(Nslip(crystal_structure(matID)))
do i=1,nslip !* Iteration over the systems
gdot_slip(i)=g0_slip*(abs(tau_slip(i))/tauc_slip_new(i)) do i=1,Nslip(crystal_structure(matID))
& **n_slip*sign(1.0_ZdRe,tau_slip(i)) gdot_slip(i)=gdot0_slip(matID)*(abs(tau_slip(i))/tauc_slip(i))
dgdot_dtaucslip(i)=g0_slip*(abs(tau_slip(i))/tauc_slip_new(i)) & **n_slip(matID)*sign(1.0_pReal,tau_slip(i))
& **(n_slip-1) *n_slip/tauc_slip_new(i) dgdot_dtaucslip(i)=gdot0_slip(matID)*(abs(tau_slip(i))/tauc_slip(i))
enddo & **(n_slip(matID)-1.0_pReal)
& *n_slip(matID)/tauc_slip(i)
return return
end end subroutine
subroutine hardening (tauc_slip_new,gdot_slip,dtauc_slip)
C *********************************************************************
C Subroutine calculates the increment in critical shear stress due
C to plastic deformation on each slip system
C Input: tauc_slip_new :critical shear stress needed for slip on each
C slip system
C gdot_slip :slip rate on each slip system
C Output: dtauc_slip :increment of hardening due to slip on each
C slip system
C Local : selfhr
C *********************************************************************
use mpie
use Zahlendarstellung
implicit none
real(ZdRe) tauc_slip_new(nslip),gdot_slip(nslip), subroutine constitutive_calc_Hardening(
& dtauc_slip(nslip) & matID,
real(ZdRe) selfhr(nslip) & tauc_slip,
integer(ZdIn) i & gdot_slip,
& dtauc_slip
& )
!* This subroutine calculates the increment in critical shear stress *
!* due to plastic deformation on each slip system *
!* INPUT: *
!* - matID : material identifier *
!* - tauc_slip : critical shear stress on each slip system *
!* - gdot_slip : slip rate on each slip system *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - dtauc_slip : increment of hardening due to slip on each system *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
do i=1,nslip !* Definition of variables
selfhr(i)=h0*(1.0_ZdRe-tauc_slip_new(i)/ integer(pInt) matID,i,j
& tauc_sat)**w0 real(pReal) tauc_slip_new(Nslip(crystal_structure(matID)))
& *abs(gdot_slip(i)) real(pReal) gdot_slip(Nslip(crystal_structure(matID)))
enddo real(pReal) dtauc_slip(Nslip(crystal_structure(matID)))
dtauc_slip=matmul(hardening_matrix,selfhr) real(pReal) self_hardening(Nslip(crystal_structure(matID)))
!* Self-Hardening of each system
do i=1,Nslip(crystal_structure(matID))
& s_sat(matID))**w0(matID)*abs(gdot_slip(i))
!* Hardening for all systems
return return
end end