extended to kinehardening
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ submodule(constitutive:constitutive_plastic) plastic_kinehardening
type :: tParameters
real(pReal) :: &
gdot0 = 1.0_pReal, & !< reference shear strain rate for slip
n = 1.0_pReal !< stress exponent for slip
n = 1.0_pReal, & !< stress exponent for slip
dot_gamma_0 = 1.0_pReal !< reference shear strain rate for slip
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:) :: &
theta0, & !< initial hardening rate of forward stress for each slip
theta1, & !< asymptotic hardening rate of forward stress for each slip
theta0_b, & !< initial hardening rate of back stress for each slip
theta1_b, & !< asymptotic hardening rate of back stress for each slip
tau1, &
h_0_f, & !< initial hardening rate of forward stress for each slip
h_inf_f, & !< asymptotic hardening rate of forward stress for each slip
h_0_b, & !< initial hardening rate of back stress for each slip
h_inf_b, & !< asymptotic hardening rate of back stress for each slip
xi_inf_f, &
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
interaction_slipslip !< slip resistance from slip activity
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: &
@ -138,37 +138,37 @@ module function plastic_kinehardening_init() result(myPlasticity)
xi_0 = pl%get_asFloats('xi_0', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%tau1 = pl%get_asFloats('xi_inf_f', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%tau1_b = pl%get_asFloats('xi_inf_b', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%theta0 = pl%get_asFloats('h_0_f', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%theta1 = pl%get_asFloats('h_inf_f', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%theta0_b = pl%get_asFloats('h_0_b', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%theta1_b = pl%get_asFloats('h_inf_b', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%xi_inf_f = pl%get_asFloats('xi_inf_f', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%xi_inf_b = pl%get_asFloats('xi_inf_b', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%h_0_f = pl%get_asFloats('h_0_f', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%h_inf_f = pl%get_asFloats('h_inf_f', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%h_0_b = pl%get_asFloats('h_0_b', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%h_inf_b = pl%get_asFloats('h_inf_b', requiredSize=size(N_sl))
prm%gdot0 = pl%get_asFloat('dot_gamma_0')
prm%dot_gamma_0 = pl%get_asFloat('dot_gamma_0')
prm%n = pl%get_asFloat('n')
! expand: family => system
xi_0 = math_expand(xi_0, N_sl)
prm%tau1 = math_expand(prm%tau1, N_sl)
prm%tau1_b = math_expand(prm%tau1_b, N_sl)
prm%theta0 = math_expand(prm%theta0, N_sl)
prm%theta1 = math_expand(prm%theta1, N_sl)
prm%theta0_b = math_expand(prm%theta0_b,N_sl)
prm%theta1_b = math_expand(prm%theta1_b,N_sl)
prm%xi_inf_f = math_expand(prm%xi_inf_f, N_sl)
prm%xi_inf_b = math_expand(prm%xi_inf_b, N_sl)
prm%h_0_f = math_expand(prm%h_0_f, N_sl)
prm%h_inf_f = math_expand(prm%h_inf_f, N_sl)
prm%h_0_b = math_expand(prm%h_0_b, N_sl)
prm%h_inf_b = math_expand(prm%h_inf_b, N_sl)
! sanity checks
if ( prm%gdot0 <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' dot_gamma_0'
if ( prm%dot_gamma_0 <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' dot_gamma_0'
if ( prm%n <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' n'
if (any(xi_0 <= 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' xi_0'
if (any(prm%tau1 <= 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' xi_inf_f'
if (any(prm%tau1_b <= 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' xi_inf_b'
if (any(prm%xi_inf_f <= 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' xi_inf_f'
if (any(prm%xi_inf_b <= 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' xi_inf_b'
!ToDo: Any sensible checks for theta?
else slipActive
xi_0 = emptyRealArray
endif slipActive
@ -303,16 +303,16 @@ module subroutine plastic_kinehardening_dotState(Mp,instance,of)
dot%crss(:,of) = matmul(prm%interaction_SlipSlip,dot%accshear(:,of)) &
* ( prm%theta1 &
+ (prm%theta0 - prm%theta1 + prm%theta0*prm%theta1*sumGamma/prm%tau1) &
* exp(-sumGamma*prm%theta0/prm%tau1) &
* ( prm%h_inf_f &
+ (prm%h_0_f - prm%h_inf_f + prm%h_0_f*prm%h_inf_f*sumGamma/prm%xi_inf_f) &
* exp(-sumGamma*prm%h_0_f/prm%xi_inf_f) &
dot%crss_back(:,of) = stt%sense(:,of)*dot%accshear(:,of) * &
( prm%theta1_b + &
(prm%theta0_b - prm%theta1_b &
+ prm%theta0_b*prm%theta1_b/(prm%tau1_b+stt%chi0(:,of))*(stt%accshear(:,of)-stt%gamma0(:,of))&
) *exp(-(stt%accshear(:,of)-stt%gamma0(:,of)) *prm%theta0_b/(prm%tau1_b+stt%chi0(:,of))) &
( prm%h_inf_b + &
(prm%h_0_b - prm%h_inf_b &
+ prm%h_0_b*prm%h_inf_b/(prm%xi_inf_b+stt%chi0(:,of))*(stt%accshear(:,of)-stt%gamma0(:,of))&
) *exp(-(stt%accshear(:,of)-stt%gamma0(:,of)) *prm%h_0_b/(prm%xi_inf_b+stt%chi0(:,of))) &
end associate
@ -442,14 +442,14 @@ pure subroutine kinetics(Mp,instance,of, &
gdot_pos = prm%gdot0 * merge(0.5_pReal,1.0_pReal, prm%nonSchmidActive) & ! 1/2 if non-Schmid active
gdot_pos = prm%dot_gamma_0 * merge(0.5_pReal,1.0_pReal, prm%nonSchmidActive) & ! 1/2 if non-Schmid active
* sign(abs(tau_pos/stt%crss(:,of))**prm%n, tau_pos)
else where
gdot_pos = 0.0_pReal
end where
gdot_neg = prm%gdot0 * 0.5_pReal & ! only used if non-Schmid active, always 1/2
gdot_neg = prm%dot_gamma_0 * 0.5_pReal & ! only used if non-Schmid active, always 1/2
* sign(abs(tau_neg/stt%crss(:,of))**prm%n, tau_neg)
else where
gdot_neg = 0.0_pReal
Reference in New Issue