Reading and writing not very efficient method

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Vitesh Shah 2018-10-04 17:00:24 +02:00
parent 8619b49e20
commit a6ebdfc1ff
2 changed files with 105 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ subroutine CPFEM_init
use prec, only: &
pInt, pReal
pInt, pReal, pLongInt
use IO, only: &
IO_read_intFile, &
@ -122,11 +122,23 @@ subroutine CPFEM_init
crystallite_Li0, &
crystallite_dPdF0, &
use hdf5
use HDF5_utilities, only: &
HDF5_openFile, &
HDF5_openGroup2, &
use DAMASK_interface, only: &
implicit none
integer(pInt) :: k,l,m,ph,homog
character(len=1024) :: rankStr
integer(HID_T) :: fileReadID, groupPlasticID
integer :: hdferr
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: dummy3
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: dummy5
!dummy = material_phase
!write(6,*) shape(dummy), flush(6)
mainProcess: if (worldrank == 0) then
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- CPFEM init -+>>>'
@ -134,16 +146,40 @@ subroutine CPFEM_init
#include "compilation_info.f90"
endif mainProcess
!restartRead = .true.
! *** restore the last converged values of each essential variable from the binary file
if (restartRead) then
if (iand(debug_level(debug_CPFEM), debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
write(6,'(a)') '<< CPFEM >> restored state variables of last converged step from binary files'
!write(6,'(a)') '<< CPFEM >> restored state variables of last converged step from binary files'
write(6,'(a)') '<< CPFEM >> restored state variables of last converged step from hdf5 file'
fileReadID = HDF5_openFile(trim(getSolverJobName())//trim(rankStr)//'.hdf5')
call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'recordedPhase',dummy3,int(shape(material_phase),pLongInt))
material_phase = dummy3
allocate(dummy5(size(crystallite_F0,1),size(crystallite_F0,2),size(crystallite_F0,3), &
call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'convergedF',dummy5,int(shape(crystallite_F0),pLongInt))
crystallite_F0 = dummy5
! call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'convergedF')
! call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'convergedFp')
! call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'convergedFi')
! call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'convergedLp')
! call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'convergedLi')
! call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'convergeddPdF')
! call HDF5_readDataSet(fileReadID,'convergedTstar')
! groupPlasticID = HDF5_openGroup2(fileReadID,'PlasticPhases')
! call HDF5_readDataSet(groupPlasticID,'convergedStateConst')
call IO_read_intFile(777,'recordedPhase'//trim(rankStr),modelName,size(material_phase))
read (777,rec=1) material_phase; close (777)
@ -259,7 +295,7 @@ subroutine CPFEM_age()
integer(pInt) :: i, k, l, m, ph, homog, mySource
character(len=32) :: rankStr
integer(HID_T) :: fileHandle, groupHandle
integer(HID_T) :: fileHandle, groupPlastic, groupHomog
integer :: hdferr
integer(HSIZE_T) :: hdfsize
@ -310,8 +346,15 @@ if (restartWrite) then
call HDF5_writeScalarDataset3(fileHandle,crystallite_dPdF0,'convergeddPdF',shape(crystallite_dPdF0))
call HDF5_writeScalarDataset3(fileHandle,crystallite_Tstar0_v,'convergedTstar',shape(crystallite_Tstar0_v))
groupHandle = HDF5_addGroup2(fileHandle,'PlasticPhases')
!call HDF5_writeScalarDatasetLoop(fileHandle,plasticState(ph)%state0,'convergedStateConst',shape())
groupPlastic = HDF5_addGroup2(fileHandle,'PlasticPhases')
do ph = 1_pInt,size(phase_plasticity)
call HDF5_writeScalarDataset3(groupPlastic,plasticState(ph)%state0,'convergedStateConst',shape(plasticState(ph)%state0))
groupHomog = HDF5_addGroup2(fileHandle,'material_Nhomogenization')
do homog = 1_pInt, material_Nhomogenization
call HDF5_writeScalarDataset3(groupHomog,homogState(homog)%state0,'convergedStateHomog',shape(homogState(homog)%state0))
call HDF5_closeFile(fileHandle)

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module HDF5_Utilities
HDF5_addGroup ,&
HDF5_closeGroup ,&
HDF5_openGroup, &
HDF5_openGroup2, &
HDF5_forwardResults, &
HDF5_writeVectorDataset, &
HDF5_writeScalarDataset, &
@ -30,7 +31,9 @@ module HDF5_Utilities
HDF5_removeLink, &
HDF5_createFile, &
HDF5_closeFile, &
HDF5_addGroup2, HDF5_addScalarDataset2, HDF5_writeScalarDataset3
HDF5_addGroup2, HDF5_addScalarDataset2, HDF5_writeScalarDataset3, &
HDF5_openFile, &
subroutine HDF5_Utilities_init
@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ subroutine HDF5_closeJobFile()
end subroutine HDF5_closeJobFile
!> @brief open and initializes HDF5 output file
integer(HID_T) function HDF5_openFile(filePath)
use hdf5
implicit none
integer :: hdferr
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filePath
call h5open_f(hdferr)!############################################################ DANGEROUS
if (hdferr < 0) call IO_error(1_pInt,ext_msg='HDF5_openFile: h5open_f',el=hdferr)
call h5fopen_f(filePath,H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F,HDF5_openFile,hdferr)
if (hdferr < 0) call IO_error(1_pInt,ext_msg='HDF5_openFile: h5fopen_f',el=hdferr)
end function HDF5_openFile
!> @brief creates and initializes HDF5 output file
@ -163,7 +182,6 @@ subroutine HDF5_closeFile(fileHandle)
end subroutine HDF5_closeFile
!> @brief adds a new group to the results file, or if loc is present at the given location
@ -211,6 +229,22 @@ integer(HID_T) function HDF5_openGroup(path)
end function HDF5_openGroup
!> @brief open a existing group of the results file
integer(HID_T) function HDF5_openGroup2(FileReadID,path)
use hdf5
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
integer :: hdferr
integer(HID_T), intent(in) :: FileReadID
write(6,*) FileReadID,'hello';flush(6)
call h5gopen_f(FileReadID, trim(path), HDF5_openGroup2, hdferr)
if (hdferr < 0) call IO_error(1_pInt,ext_msg = 'HDF5_openGroup2: h5gopen_f ('//trim(path)//')')
end function HDF5_openGroup2
!> @brief adds a new group to the results file
@ -1418,6 +1452,25 @@ end subroutine HDF5_writeScalarDataset3
! end subroutine HDF5_writeScalarDatasetLoop
!> @brief read datasets from a hdf5 file
subroutine HDF5_readDataSet(FileReadID,NameDataSet,DataSet,myshape)
use hdf5
implicit none
integer(HID_T), intent(in) :: FileReadID
character(len=*), intent(in) :: NameDataSet
real(pReal), intent(inout), dimension(*) :: DataSet
integer(HSIZE_T), intent(in), dimension(:) :: myshape
integer(HID_T) :: dset_id
integer :: hdferr
call h5dopen_f(FileReadID,NameDataSet,dset_id,hdferr)
call h5dread_f(dset_id,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,DataSet,myshape,hdferr)
end subroutine HDF5_readDataSet
!> @brief creates a new scalar dataset in the given group location