changed wording of input queries to (hopefully) clearer statements

This commit is contained in:
Philip Eisenlohr 2011-03-30 15:48:18 +00:00
parent fc471d73f3
commit a546f8dbd2
2 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -32,18 +32,18 @@ program voronoi
print*, 'generates:'
print*, ' * description file "_OUTPUT_.seeds":'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter name of output seed file: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'output seed filename: '
read(*, *), filename
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value random seed: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'seed of random number generator: '
read(*, *), randomSeed; randomSeed = max(0_pInt,randomSeed)
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for first resolution: '
read(*, *), a
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for second resolution: '
read(*, *), b
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for third resolution: '
read(*, *), c
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter No. of Grains: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'number of grains: '
read(*, *), N_Seeds
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'min. Fourier points in x: '
read(*, *), a
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'min. Fourier points in y: '
read(*, *), b
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'min. Fourier points in z: '
read(*, *), c
allocate (seedmap(a*b*c)); seedmap = .false. ! logical to store information which position is occupied by a voronoi seed
allocate (seeds(N_Seeds,3))

View File

@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ program voronoi
print*, ' * material file "material.config": Orientation information for solver'
print*, ' * "_OUTPUT_.spectral": combined information for solver'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter output filename: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'output filename: '
read(*, *), output_name
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter seed input file (extension .seeds): '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'seed input filename (w/o extension .seeds): '
read(*, *), input_name
open(20, file = trim(input_name)//('.seeds'), status='old', action='read')
@ -226,22 +226,22 @@ program voronoi
grainCheck = .false.
print*, 'resolution: ' ,a,b,c
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'New first resolution: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'resolution in x: '
read(*, *), a
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'New second resolution: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'resolution in y: '
read(*, *), b
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'New third resolution: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'resolution in z: '
read(*, *), c
step(1) = 1.0_pReal/real(a,pReal)
step(2) = 1.0_pReal/real(b,pReal)
step(3) = 1.0_pReal/real(c,pReal)
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'First dimension: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'size in x: '
read(*, *), dim(1)
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Second dimension: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'size in y: '
read(*, *), dim(2)
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Third dimension: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'size in z: '
read(*, *), dim(3)