doing some internal checks

trivial, but better safe then sorry
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2020-01-26 20:24:09 +01:00
parent 830b05005f
commit a4134b4552
1 changed files with 20 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ contains
!> @brief does nothing.
! ToDo: needed?
subroutine IO_init
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- IO init -+>>>'; flush(6)
call unitTest
end subroutine IO_init
@ -914,4 +914,23 @@ real(pReal) function verifyFloatValue(string)
end function verifyFloatValue
!> @brief check correctness of IO functions
subroutine unitTest
if(dNeq(1.0_pReal, verifyFloatValue('1.0'))) call IO_error(401,ext_msg='verifyFloatValue')
if(dNeq(1.0_pReal, verifyFloatValue('1e0'))) call IO_error(401,ext_msg='verifyFloatValue')
if(dNeq(0.1_pReal, verifyFloatValue('1e-1'))) call IO_error(401,ext_msg='verifyFloatValue')
if(3112019 /= verifyIntValue( '3112019')) call IO_error(401,ext_msg='verifyIntValue')
if(3112019 /= verifyIntValue(' 3112019')) call IO_error(401,ext_msg='verifyIntValue')
if(-3112019 /= verifyIntValue('-3112019')) call IO_error(401,ext_msg='verifyIntValue')
if(3112019 /= verifyIntValue('+3112019 ')) call IO_error(401,ext_msg='verifyIntValue')
if(any([2,1,2,4,4] /= IO_stringPos('aa b'))) call IO_error(401,ext_msg='IO_stringPos')
end subroutine unitTest
end module IO