Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/YAML-improvements' into development
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ subroutine CPFEM_initAll
call DAMASK_interface_init
call prec_init
call IO_init
call YAML_types_init
call YAML_parse_init
call config_init
call math_init
call rotations_init
call YAML_types_init
call YAML_parse_init
call HDF5_utilities_init
call results_init(.false.)
call discretization_marc_init
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ subroutine CPFEM_initAll
#ifdef Mesh
call FEM_quadrature_init
call YAML_types_init
call YAML_parse_init
call config_init
call math_init
call rotations_init
call YAML_types_init
call YAML_parse_init
call lattice_init
call HDF5_utilities_init
call results_init(restart=interface_restartInc>0)
@ -494,6 +494,10 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,instance,ext_msg)
msg = 'Unsupported feature'
case (706)
msg = 'Access by incorrect node type'
case (707)
msg = 'Abrupt end of file'
case (708)
msg = '--- expected after YAML file header'
! errors related to the grid solver
@ -621,6 +625,9 @@ subroutine IO_warning(warning_ID,el,ip,g,ext_msg)
msg = 'polar decomposition failed'
case (700)
msg = 'unknown crystal symmetry'
case (709)
msg = 'read only the first document'
case (850)
msg = 'max number of cut back exceeded, terminating'
case default
@ -227,6 +227,52 @@ logical function isKey(line)
end function isKey
! @brief skip empty lines
! @details update start position in the block by skipping empty lines if present.
subroutine skip_empty_lines(blck,s_blck)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: blck
integer, intent(inout) :: s_blck
logical :: empty
empty = .true.
do while(empty .and. len_trim(blck(s_blck:)) /= 0)
empty = len_trim(IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2))) == 0
if(empty) s_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL)
end subroutine skip_empty_lines
! @brief skip file header
! @details update start position in the block by skipping file header if present.
subroutine skip_file_header(blck,s_blck)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: blck
integer, intent(inout) :: s_blck
character(len=:), allocatable :: line
line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2))
if(index(adjustl(line),'%YAML') == 1) then
s_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL)
call skip_empty_lines(blck,s_blck)
if(trim(IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2))) == '---') then
s_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL)
call IO_error(708,ext_msg = line)
end subroutine skip_file_header
! @brief reads a line of YAML block which is already in flow style
! @details Dicts should be enlcosed within '{}' for it to be consistent with DAMASK YAML parser
@ -363,7 +409,9 @@ recursive subroutine lst(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset)
do while (s_blck <= len_trim(blck))
e_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2
line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:e_blck))
if (len_trim(line) == 0) then
if(trim(line) == '---' .or. trim(line) == '...') then
elseif (len_trim(line) == 0) then
s_blck = e_blck + 2 ! forward to next line
elseif(indentDepth(line,offset) > indent) then
@ -377,8 +425,10 @@ recursive subroutine lst(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset)
if(trim(adjustl(line)) == '-') then ! list item in next line
s_blck = e_blck + 2
e_blck = e_blck + index(blck(e_blck+2:),IO_EOL)
call skip_empty_lines(blck,s_blck)
e_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2
line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:e_blck))
if(trim(line) == '---') call IO_error(707,ext_msg=line)
if(indentDepth(line) < indent .or. indentDepth(line) == indent) &
call IO_error(701,ext_msg=line)
@ -447,7 +497,9 @@ recursive subroutine dct(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset)
do while (s_blck <= len_trim(blck))
e_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2
line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:e_blck))
if (len_trim(line) == 0) then
if(trim(line) == '---' .or. trim(line) == '...') then
elseif (len_trim(line) == 0) then
s_blck = e_blck + 2 ! forward to next line
elseif(indentDepth(line,offset) < indent) then
@ -510,10 +562,12 @@ recursive subroutine decide(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset)
character(len=:), allocatable :: line
if(s_blck <= len(blck)) then
call skip_empty_lines(blck,s_blck)
e_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2
line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:e_blck))
if(len_trim(line) == 0) then
if(trim(line) == '---' .or. trim(line) == '...') then
continue ! end parsing at this point but not stop the simulation
elseif(len_trim(line) == 0) then
s_blck = e_blck +2
call decide(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset)
elseif (isListItem(line)) then
@ -548,23 +602,30 @@ function to_flow(blck)
character(len=:), allocatable :: to_flow
character(len=*), intent(in) :: blck !< YAML mixed style
character(len=:), allocatable :: line
integer :: s_blck, & !< start position in blck
s_flow, & !< start position in flow
offset, & !< counts leading '- ' in nested lists
if(isFlow(blck)) then
to_flow = trim(adjustl(blck))
! move forward here (skip empty lines) and remove '----' if found
s_flow = 1
s_blck = 1
offset = 0
s_flow = 1
s_blck = 1
offset = 0
if(len_trim(blck) /= 0) then
call skip_empty_lines(blck,s_blck)
call skip_file_header(blck,s_blck)
line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2))
if(trim(line) == '---') s_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL)
call decide(blck,to_flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset)
to_flow = trim(to_flow(:s_flow-1))
end_line = index(to_flow,IO_EOL)
if(end_line > 0) to_flow = to_flow(:end_line-1)
line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:s_blck+index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL)-2))
if(trim(line)== '---') call IO_warning(709,ext_msg=line)
to_flow = trim(to_flow(:s_flow-1))
end_line = index(to_flow,IO_EOL)
if(end_line > 0) to_flow = to_flow(:end_line-1)
end function to_flow
@ -636,6 +697,20 @@ subroutine selfTest
if (.not. to_flow(block_dict_newline) == flow_dict) error stop 'to_flow'
end block basic_dict
only_flow: block
character(len=*), parameter :: flow_dict = &
" {a: [b,c: {d: e}, f: g, e]}"//IO_EOL
character(len=*), parameter :: flow_list = &
" [a,b: c, d,e: {f: g}]"//IO_EOL
character(len=*), parameter :: flow_1 = &
"{a: [b, {c: {d: e}}, {f: g}, e]}"
character(len=*), parameter :: flow_2 = &
"[a, {b: c}, d, {e: {f: g}}]"
if (.not. to_flow(flow_dict) == flow_1) error stop 'to_flow'
if (.not. to_flow(flow_list) == flow_2) error stop 'to_flow'
end block only_flow
basic_flow: block
character(len=*), parameter :: flow_braces = &
" source: [{param: 1}, {param: 2}, {param: 3}, {param: 4}]"//IO_EOL
@ -650,12 +725,21 @@ subroutine selfTest
basic_mixed: block
character(len=*), parameter :: block_flow = &
"%YAML 1.1"//IO_EOL//&
" "//IO_EOL//&
" "//IO_EOL//&
" aa:"//IO_EOL//&
" - "//IO_EOL//&
" param_1: [a: b, c, {d: {e: [f: g, h]}}]"//IO_EOL//&
" "//IO_EOL//&
" "//IO_EOL//&
" param_1: [a: b, c, {d: {e: [f: g, h]}}]"//IO_EOL//&
" - c: d"//IO_EOL//&
" bb:"//IO_EOL//&
" - {param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}"//IO_EOL
" "//IO_EOL//&
" - "//IO_EOL//&
" {param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}"//IO_EOL//&
character(len=*), parameter :: mixed_flow = &
"{aa: [{param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}, {c: d}], bb: [{param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}]}"
Reference in New Issue