support windows line endings

if first line ends with CRLF, convert all CR to ' ' (trailing spaces
will cause no harm)
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2021-05-19 09:03:10 +02:00
parent 85ecb68b8f
commit 9a37b6ddbe
2 changed files with 16 additions and 11 deletions

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit d10a94a36056d99ea0892d1c6c69aa0e1dbe9d46
Subproject commit dab246aea2cc3f29d57e0043edfebd3aedded124

View File

@ -113,8 +113,7 @@ end function IO_readlines
!> @brief Read whole file.
!> @details ensures that the string ends with a new line (expected UNIX behavior) and rejects
! windows (CRLF) line endings
!> @details ensures that the string ends with a new line (expected UNIX behavior)
function IO_read(fileName) result(fileContent)
@ -124,8 +123,7 @@ function IO_read(fileName) result(fileContent)
integer :: &
fileLength, &
fileUnit, &
myStat, &
character, parameter :: CR = achar(13)
@ -143,12 +141,17 @@ function IO_read(fileName) result(fileContent)
if(myStat /= 0) call IO_error(102,ext_msg=trim(fileName))
foundCRLF: if (scan(fileContent(:index(fileContent,IO_EOL)),CR) /= 0) then
CRLF2LF: block
integer :: c
do c=1, len(fileContent)
if (fileContent(c:c) == CR) fileContent(c:c) = ' '
end block CRLF2LF
endif foundCRLF
if(fileContent(fileLength:fileLength) /= IO_EOL) fileContent = fileContent//IO_EOL ! ensure EOL@EOF
firstEOL = index(fileContent,IO_EOL)
if(scan(fileContent(firstEOL:firstEOL),CR) /= 0) call IO_error(115)
end function IO_read
@ -400,9 +403,6 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,instance,ext_msg)
msg = 'invalid character for logical:'
case (114)
msg = 'cannot decode base64 string:'
case (115)
msg = 'found CR. Windows file endings (CRLF) are not supported.'
! lattice error messages
@ -644,11 +644,16 @@ subroutine selfTest
if(dNeq(1.0_pReal, IO_stringAsFloat('1.0'))) error stop 'IO_stringAsFloat'
if(dNeq(1.0_pReal, IO_stringAsFloat('1e0'))) error stop 'IO_stringAsFloat'
if(dNeq(0.1_pReal, IO_stringAsFloat('1e-1'))) error stop 'IO_stringAsFloat'
if(dNeq(0.1_pReal, IO_stringAsFloat('1.0e-1'))) error stop 'IO_stringAsFloat'
if(dNeq(0.1_pReal, IO_stringAsFloat('1.00e-1'))) error stop 'IO_stringAsFloat'
if(dNeq(10._pReal, IO_stringAsFloat(' 1.0e+1 '))) error stop 'IO_stringAsFloat'
if(3112019 /= IO_stringAsInt( '3112019')) error stop 'IO_stringAsInt'
if(3112019 /= IO_stringAsInt(' 3112019')) error stop 'IO_stringAsInt'
if(-3112019 /= IO_stringAsInt('-3112019')) error stop 'IO_stringAsInt'
if(3112019 /= IO_stringAsInt('+3112019 ')) error stop 'IO_stringAsInt'
if(3112019 /= IO_stringAsInt('03112019 ')) error stop 'IO_stringAsInt'
if(3112019 /= IO_stringAsInt('+03112019')) error stop 'IO_stringAsInt'
if(.not. IO_stringAsBool(' true')) error stop 'IO_stringAsBool'
if(.not. IO_stringAsBool(' True ')) error stop 'IO_stringAsBool'