generalized _FEasCP (string what,int ID) to use targeted arrays

available what options are 'elem' and 'node'
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Philip Eisenlohr 2007-03-27 12:53:31 +00:00
parent 9fca4824e4
commit 9671dc7de5
1 changed files with 32 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
! ---------------------------
! _Nelems : total number of elements in mesh
! _NcpElems : total number of elements in mesh
! _NcpElems : total number of CP elements in mesh
! _Nnodes : total number of nodes in mesh
! _maxNnodes : max number of nodes in any element
! _maxNips : max number of IPs in any element
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
! _node : x,y,z coordinates (initially!)
! _sharedElem : entryCount and list of elements containing node
! _mapFEtoCPelement : [sorted FEid, corresponding CPid]
! _mapFEtoCPelem : [sorted FEid, corresponding CPid]
! _mapFEtoCPnode : [sorted FEid, corresponding CPid]
! MISSING: these definitions should actually reside in the
! FE-solver specific part (different for MARC/ABAQUS)..!
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@
! order is +x,-x,+y,-y,+z,-z but meaning strongly depends on Elemtype
! ---------------------------
integer(pInt) mesh_Nelems,mesh_NcpElems,mesh_Nnodes,mesh_maxNnodes,mesh_maxNips,mesh_maxNsharedElems
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mesh_mapFEtoCPelement
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: mesh_mapFEtoCPelem,mesh_mapFEtoCPnode
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mesh_element, mesh_sharedElem
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: mesh_ipNeighborhood
real(pReal), allocatable :: mesh_node (:,:)
@ -200,35 +201,51 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
! FE to CP id mapping by binary search thru lookup array
! valid questions are 'elem', 'node'
FUNCTION mesh_FEtoCPelement(FEid)
FUNCTION mesh_FEasCP(what,id)
use prec, only: pInt
use IO, only: IO_lc
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: FEid
integer(pInt) mesh_FEtoCPelement, lower,upper,center
character(len=*), intent(in) :: what
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: id
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), pointer :: lookupMap
integer(pInt) mesh_FEasCP, lower,upper,center
mesh_FEasCP = 0_pInt
select case(IO_lc(what(1:4)))
lookupMap => mesh_mapFEtoCPelem
lookupMap => mesh_mapFEtoCPnode
case default
end select
mesh_FEtoCPelement = 0_pInt
lower = 1_pInt
upper = size(mesh_mapFEtoCPelement,2)
upper = size(lookupMap,2)
if (mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(1,lower) == FEid) then
mesh_FEtoCPelement = mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(2,lower)
! check at bounds
if (lookupMap(1,lower) == id) then
mesh_FEasCP = lookupMap(2,lower)
elseif (mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(1,upper) == FEid) then
mesh_FEtoCPelement = mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(2,upper)
elseif (lookupMap(1,upper) == id) then
mesh_FEasCP = lookupMap(2,upper)
! binary search in between bounds
do while (upper-lower > 0)
center = (lower+upper)/2
if (mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(1,center) < FEid) then
if (lookupMap(1,center) < id) then
lower = center
elseif (mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(1,center) > FEid) then
elseif (lookupMap(1,center) > id) then
upper = center
mesh_FEtoCPelement = mesh_mapFEtoCPelement(2,center)
mesh_FEasCP = lookupMap(2,center)
end if
end do