functionality for geom generation in python lib

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2020-10-08 18:33:40 +02:00
parent bdfbd2c62e
commit 952ad4f8fe
3 changed files with 44 additions and 139 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import h5py
import numpy as np
import damask
@ -64,88 +60,12 @@ parser.set_defaults(pointwise = 'CellData',
if options.basegroup is None:
parser.error('No base group selected')
rootDir ='DataContainers'
if filenames == []: parser.error('no input file specified.')
for name in filenames:,name)
errors = []
inFile = h5py.File(name, 'r')
group_geom = os.path.join(rootDir,options.basegroup,'_SIMPL_GEOMETRY')
size = inFile[os.path.join(group_geom,'DIMENSIONS')][...] \
* inFile[os.path.join(group_geom,'SPACING')][...]
grid = inFile[os.path.join(group_geom,'DIMENSIONS')][...]
origin = inFile[os.path.join(group_geom,'ORIGIN')][...]
except KeyError:
errors.append('Geometry data ({}) not found'.format(group_geom))
group_pointwise = os.path.join(rootDir,options.basegroup,options.pointwise)
if options.average is None:
label = 'Point'
dataset = os.path.join(group_pointwise,options.quaternion)
quats = np.reshape(inFile[dataset][...],(np.product(grid),4))
rot = [damask.Rotation.from_quaternion(q,True,P=+1) for q in quats]
except KeyError:
errors.append('Pointwise orientation (quaternion) data ({}) not readable'.format(dataset))
dataset = os.path.join(group_pointwise,options.phase)
phase = np.reshape(inFile[dataset][...],(np.product(grid)))
except KeyError:
errors.append('Pointwise phase data ({}) not readable'.format(dataset))
microstructure = np.arange(1,np.product(grid)+1,dtype=int).reshape(grid,order='F')
label = 'Grain'
dataset = os.path.join(group_pointwise,options.microstructure)
microstructure = np.transpose(inFile[dataset][...].reshape(grid[::-1]),(2,1,0)) # convert from C ordering
except KeyError:
errors.append('Link between pointwise and grain average data ({}) not readable'.format(dataset))
group_average = os.path.join(rootDir,options.basegroup,options.average)
dataset = os.path.join(group_average,options.quaternion)
rot = [damask.Rotation.from_quaternion(q,True,P=+1) for q in inFile[dataset][...][1:]] # skip first entry (unindexed)
except KeyError:
errors.append('Average orientation data ({}) not readable'.format(dataset))
dataset = os.path.join(group_average,options.phase)
phase = [i[0] for i in inFile[dataset][...]][1:] # skip first entry (unindexed)
except KeyError:
errors.append('Average phase data ({}) not readable'.format(dataset))
if errors != []:
config_header = ['<texture>']
for i in range(np.nanmax(microstructure)):
config_header += ['[{}{}]'.format(label,i+1),
'(gauss)\tphi1 {:.2f}\tPhi {:.2f}\tphi2 {:.2f}'.format(*rot[i].as_Eulers(degrees = True)),
config_header += ['<microstructure>']
for i in range(np.nanmax(microstructure)):
config_header += ['[{}{}]'.format(label,i+1),
'(constituent)\tphase {}\ttexture {}\tfraction 1.0'.format(phase[i],i+1),
header = [scriptID + ' ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])]\
+ config_header
geom = damask.Geom(microstructure,size,origin,comments=header)
geom = damask.Geom.load_DREAM3D(name,options.basegroup,options.pointwise)

View File

@ -2,11 +2,8 @@
import os
import sys
from io import StringIO
from optparse import OptionParser
import numpy as np
import damask
@ -40,64 +37,20 @@ parser.add_option('-q', '--quaternion',
dest = 'quaternion',
type = 'string', metavar='string',
help = 'quaternion label')
dest = 'axes',
type = 'string', nargs = 3, metavar = ' '.join(['string']*3),
help = 'orientation coordinate frame in terms of position coordinate frame [+x +y +z]')
parser.set_defaults(pos = 'pos',
parser.set_defaults(pos= 'pos')
(options,filenames) = parser.parse_args()
if filenames == []: filenames = [None]
if np.sum([options.quaternion is not None,
options.microstructure is not None]) != 1:
parser.error('need either microstructure or quaternion (and optionally phase) as input.')
if options.microstructure is not None and options.phase is not None:
parser.error('need either microstructure or phase (and mandatory quaternion) as input.')
if options.axes is not None and not set(options.axes).issubset(set(['x','+x','-x','y','+y','-y','z','+z','-z'])):
parser.error('invalid axes {} {} {}.'.format(*options.axes))
for name in filenames:,name)
table = damask.Table.load(StringIO(''.join( if name is None else name)
table.sort_by(['{}_{}'.format(i,options.pos) for i in range(3,0,-1)]) # x fast, y slow
grid,size,origin = damask.grid_filters.cell_coord0_gridSizeOrigin(table.get(options.pos))
labels = []
for l in [options.quaternion,options.phase,options.microstructure]:
if l is not None: labels.append(l)
config_header = table.comments
if options.microstructure:
microstructure = table.get(options.microstructure).reshape(grid,order='F')
elif options.quaternion:
q = table.get(options.quaternion)
phase = table.get(options.phase).astype(int) if options.phase else \
unique,unique_inverse = np.unique(np.hstack((q,phase)),return_inverse=True,axis=0)
microstructure = unique_inverse.reshape(grid,order='F') + 1
config_header = ['<texture>']
for i,data in enumerate(unique):
ori = damask.Rotation(data[0:4])
config_header += ['[Grain{}]'.format(i+1),
'(gauss)\tphi1 {:.2f}\tPhi {:.2f}\tphi2 {:.2f}'.format(*ori.as_Eulers(degrees = True)),
if options.axes is not None: config_header += ['axes\t{} {} {}'.format(*options.axes)]
config_header += ['<microstructure>']
for i,data in enumerate(unique):
config_header += ['[Grain{}]'.format(i+1),
'(constituent)\tphase {}\ttexture {}\tfraction 1.0'.format(int(data[4]),i+1),
header = [scriptID + ' ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])]\
+ config_header
geom = damask.Geom(microstructure,size,origin,
geom = damask.Geom.load_table(name,options.pos,labels)
geom.save_ASCII(sys.stdout if name is None else os.path.splitext(name)[0]+'.geom',compress=False)

View File

@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
import copy
import multiprocessing as mp
from functools import partial
from os import path
import numpy as np
import h5py
from scipy import ndimage,spatial
from . import environment
from . import Rotation
from . import VTK
from . import util
from . import grid_filters
from . import Table
from . import Rotation
class Geom:
@ -397,6 +400,35 @@ class Geom:
def load_DREAM3D(fname,base_group,point_data=None,material='FeatureIds'):
root_dir ='DataContainers'
f = h5py.File(fname, 'r')
g = path.join(root_dir,base_group,'_SIMPL_GEOMETRY')
size = f[path.join(g,'DIMENSIONS')][()] * f[path.join(g,'SPACING')][()]
grid = f[path.join(g,'DIMENSIONS')][()]
origin = f[path.join(g,'ORIGIN')][()]
group_pointwise = path.join(root_dir,base_group,point_data)
ma = np.arange(1,np.product(grid)+1,dtype=int) if point_data is None else \
return Geom(ma.reshape(grid,order='F'),size,origin,util.execution_stamp('Geom','from_DREAM3D'))
def load_table(fname,coordinates,labels):
table = Table.load(fname).sort_by([f'{i}_{coordinates}' for i in range(3,0,-1)])
grid,size,origin = grid_filters.cell_coord0_gridSizeOrigin(table.get(coordinates))
labels_ = [labels] if isinstance(labels,str) else labels
_,unique_inverse = np.unique(np.hstack([table.get(l) for l in labels_]),return_inverse=True,axis=0)
ma = unique_inverse.reshape(grid,order='F') + 1
return Geom(ma,size,origin,util.execution_stamp('Geom','from_table'))
def save(self,fname,compress=True):
Generates vtk rectilinear grid.
@ -536,7 +568,7 @@ class Geom:
coords_rot = R.broadcast_to(tuple(self.grid))@coords
with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
mask = np.where(np.sum(np.power(coords_rot/r,2.0**exponent),axis=-1) > 1.0,True,False)
mask = np.sum(np.power(coords_rot/r,2.0**np.array(exponent)),axis=-1) > 1.0
if periodic: # translate back to center
mask = np.roll(mask,((c-np.ones(3)*.5)*self.grid).astype(int),(0,1,2))