some cleaning up

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Pratheek Shanthraj 2012-08-07 12:02:57 +00:00
parent 00c823ed63
commit 925915e30d
1 changed files with 25 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
! PETSc data
SNES, private :: snes
DM, private :: da
Vec, private :: x,residual
Vec, private :: solution_vec,residual_vec
PetscMPIInt, private :: rank
integer(pInt), private :: iter
PetscInt, private :: xs,xm,gxs,gxm
@ -204,17 +204,16 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
call DMCreateGlobalVector(da,x,ierr_psc)
call VecDuplicate(x,residual,ierr_psc)
!call DMDASetLocalFunction(da,AL_FormRHS,ierr_psc)
call DMCreateGlobalVector(da,solution_vec,ierr_psc)
call VecDuplicate(solution_vec,residual_vec,ierr_psc)
call DMDASetLocalFunction(da,AL_FormResidual,ierr_psc)
call SNESSetDM(snes,da,ierr_psc)
call SNESSetFunction(snes,residual,AL_FormRHS,dummy,ierr_psc)
call SNESSetConvergenceTest(snes,AL_converged,dummy,PETSC_NULL_FUNCTION,ierr_psc)
call PetscOptionsInsertString(petsc_options,ierr_psc)
call SNESSetFromOptions(snes,ierr_psc)
call DMDAGetCorners(da,xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,ierr_psc)
call DMDAGetCorners(da,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,ierr_psc)
call DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,ierr_psc)
xs = xs+1; gxs = gxs+1
xm = xm-1; gxm = gxm-1
@ -314,12 +313,11 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
params%rotation_BC = rotation_BC
params%timeinc = timeinc
call VecGetArrayF90(x,xx_psc,ierr_psc)
call VecGetArrayF90(solution_vec,xx_psc,ierr_psc)
call AL_InitialGuess(xx_psc)
call VecRestoreArrayF90(x,xx_psc,ierr_psc)
call SNESSolve(snes,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,x,ierr_psc)
call VecRestoreArrayF90(solution_vec,xx_psc,ierr_psc)
call SNESSolve(snes,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,solution_vec,ierr_psc)
call SNESGetConvergedReason(snes,reason,ierr_psc)
print*, 'reason', reason
if (reason > 0 ) AL_solution%converged = .true.
end function AL_solution
@ -363,63 +361,11 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
end subroutine AL_InitialGuess
!> @brief forms the AL residual vector
subroutine AL_FormRHS(snes_local,X_local,F_local,dummy,ierr_psc)
! Input/output variables:
SNES snes_local
Vec X_local,F_local
PetscErrorCode ierr_psc
PetscObject dummy
DM da_local
! Declarations for use with local arrays:
PetscScalar,pointer :: lx_v(:),lf_v(:)
Vec localX
! Scatter ghost points to local vector, using the 2-step process
! DMGlobalToLocalBegin(), DMGlobalToLocalEnd().
! By placing code between these two statements, computations can
! be done while messages are in transition.
call SNESGetDM(snes_local,da_local,ierr_psc)
call DMGetLocalVector(da_local,localX,ierr_psc)
call DMGlobalToLocalBegin(da_local,X_local,INSERT_VALUES, &
& localX,ierr_psc)
call DMGlobalToLocalEnd(da_local,X_local,INSERT_VALUES,localX,ierr_psc)
! Get a pointer to vector data.
! - For default PETSc vectors, VecGetArray90() returns a pointer to
! the data array. Otherwise, the routine is implementation dependent.
! - You MUST call VecRestoreArrayF90() when you no longer need access to
! the array.
! - Note that the interface to VecGetArrayF90() differs from VecGetArray(),
! and is useable from Fortran-90 Only.
call VecGetArrayF90(localX,lx_v,ierr_psc)
call VecGetArrayF90(F_local,lf_v,ierr_psc)
! Compute function over the locally owned part of the grid
call AL_FormRHS_local(lx_v,lf_v,dummy,ierr_psc)
! Restore vectors
call VecRestoreArrayF90(localX,lx_v,ierr_psc)
call VecRestoreArrayF90(F_local,lf_v,ierr_psc)
! Insert values into global vector
call DMRestoreLocalVector(da_local,localX,ierr_psc)
end subroutine AL_FormRHS
!> @brief forms the AL residual vector
subroutine AL_FormRHS_local(x_scal,f_scal,dummy,ierr_psc)
subroutine AL_FormResidual(info,x_scal,f_scal,dummy,ierr_psc)
use numerics, only: &
itmax, &
@ -441,9 +387,11 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
implicit none
integer(pInt) :: i,j,k
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: temp33_real
PetscScalar x_scal(0:17,gxs:gxs+gxm,gys:gys+gym,gzs:gzs+gzm)
PetscScalar f_scal(0:17,xs:xs+xm,ys:ys+ym,zs:zs+zm)
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: temp33_real
PetscObject dummy
PetscErrorCode ierr_psc
@ -496,8 +444,6 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
field_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = math_mul3333xx33(C_scale,F_lambda(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)-F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3))
enddo; enddo; enddo
call Utilities_forwardFFT()
call Utilities_fourierConvolution(math_rotate_backward33(F_aim,params%rotation_BC))
@ -516,7 +462,6 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
err_f = wgt*sqrt(err_f)
err_p = wgt*sqrt(err_p)
do k=gzs,gzs+gzm; do j=gys,gys+gym; do i=gxs,gxs+gxm
temp33_real = math_mul3333xx33(S_scale,P(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)) + math_I3 - F_lambda(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) &
+ F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) - field_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)
@ -541,7 +486,7 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
enddo; enddo; enddo
end subroutine AL_FormRHS_local
end subroutine AL_FormResidual
!> @brief convergence check
@ -558,7 +503,6 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
implicit none
! Input/output variables:
SNES snes_local
PetscInt it
PetscReal xnorm, snorm, fnorm
@ -591,17 +535,18 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL
!> @brief destroy routine
subroutine AL_destroy()
use DAMASK_spectral_Utilities, only: &
implicit none
PetscErrorCode ierr_psc
call VecDestroy(x,ierr_psc)
call VecDestroy(residual,ierr_psc)
call SNESDestroy(snes,ierr_psc)
call DMDestroy(da,ierr_psc)
call PetscFinalize(ierr_psc)
call Utilities_destroy()
use DAMASK_spectral_Utilities, only: &
implicit none
PetscErrorCode ierr_psc
call VecDestroy(solution_vec,ierr_psc)
call VecDestroy(residual_vec,ierr_psc)
call SNESDestroy(snes,ierr_psc)
call DMDestroy(da,ierr_psc)
call PetscFinalize(ierr_psc)
call Utilities_destroy()
end subroutine AL_destroy