mark as internal
all functionality (+ sanity checks) can be done with the class functionality
This commit is contained in:
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class Rotation:
return angles in degrees.
eu = Rotation.qu2eu(self.quaternion)
eu = Rotation._qu2eu(self.quaternion)
if degrees: eu = np.degrees(eu)
return eu
@ -267,13 +267,13 @@ class Rotation:
return tuple of axis and angle.
ax = Rotation.qu2ax(self.quaternion)
ax = Rotation._qu2ax(self.quaternion)
if degrees: ax[...,3] = np.degrees(ax[...,3])
return (ax[...,:3],ax[...,3]) if pair else ax
def as_matrix(self):
"""Rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.qu2om(self.quaternion)
return Rotation._qu2om(self.quaternion)
def as_Rodrigues(self,
vector = False):
@ -286,16 +286,16 @@ class Rotation:
return as actual Rodrigues--Frank vector, i.e. rotation axis scaled by tan(ω/2).
ro = Rotation.qu2ro(self.quaternion)
ro = Rotation._qu2ro(self.quaternion)
return ro[...,:3]*ro[...,3] if vector else ro
def as_homochoric(self):
"""Homochoric vector: (h_1, h_2, h_3)."""
return Rotation.qu2ho(self.quaternion)
return Rotation._qu2ho(self.quaternion)
def as_cubochoric(self):
"""Cubochoric vector: (c_1, c_2, c_3)."""
return Rotation.qu2cu(self.quaternion)
return Rotation._qu2cu(self.quaternion)
def M(self): # ToDo not sure about the name: as_M or M? we do not have a from_M
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ class Rotation:
if np.any(eu < 0.0) or np.any(eu > 2.0*np.pi) or np.any(eu[...,1] > np.pi): # ToDo: No separate check for PHI
raise ValueError('Euler angles outside of [0..2π],[0..π],[0..2π].')
return Rotation(Rotation.eu2qu(eu))
return Rotation(Rotation._eu2qu(eu))
def from_axis_angle(axis_angle,
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ class Rotation:
if not np.all(np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(ax[...,0:3],axis=-1), 1.0)):
raise ValueError('Axis angle rotation axis is not of unit length.')
return Rotation(Rotation.ax2qu(ax))
return Rotation(Rotation._ax2qu(ax))
def from_basis(basis,
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class Rotation:
or not np.all(np.isclose(np.einsum('...i,...i',om[...,2],om[...,0]), 0.0)):
raise ValueError('Orientation matrix is not orthogonal.')
return Rotation(Rotation.om2qu(om))
return Rotation(Rotation._om2qu(om))
def from_matrix(om):
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ class Rotation:
if not np.all(np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(ro[...,0:3],axis=-1), 1.0)):
raise ValueError('Rodrigues vector rotation axis is not of unit length.')
return Rotation(Rotation.ro2qu(ro))
return Rotation(Rotation._ro2qu(ro))
def from_homochoric(homochoric,
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ class Rotation:
if np.any(np.linalg.norm(ho,axis=-1) > (3.*np.pi/4.)**(1./3.)+1e-9):
raise ValueError('Homochoric coordinate outside of the sphere.')
return Rotation(Rotation.ho2qu(ho))
return Rotation(Rotation._ho2qu(ho))
def from_cubochoric(cubochoric,
@ -443,10 +443,10 @@ class Rotation:
if np.abs(np.max(cu))>np.pi**(2./3.) * 0.5+1e-9:
raise ValueError('Cubochoric coordinate outside of the cube: {} {} {}.'.format(*cu))
ho = Rotation.cu2ho(cu)
ho = Rotation._cu2ho(cu)
if P > 0: ho *= -1 # convert from P=1 to P=-1
return Rotation(Rotation.ho2qu(ho))
return Rotation(Rotation._ho2qu(ho))
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ class Rotation:
#---------- Quaternion ----------
def qu2om(qu):
def _qu2om(qu):
qq = qu[...,0:1]**2-(qu[...,1:2]**2 + qu[...,2:3]**2 + qu[...,3:4]**2)
om = np.block([qq + 2.0*qu[...,1:2]**2,
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ class Rotation:
return om
def qu2eu(qu):
def _qu2eu(qu):
"""Quaternion to Bunge-Euler angles."""
q02 = qu[...,0:1]*qu[...,2:3]
q13 = qu[...,1:2]*qu[...,3:4]
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ class Rotation:
return eu
def qu2ax(qu):
def _qu2ax(qu):
Quaternion to axis angle pair.
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ class Rotation:
return ax
def qu2ro(qu):
def _qu2ro(qu):
"""Quaternion to Rodrigues-Frank vector."""
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore',divide='ignore'):
s = np.linalg.norm(qu[...,1:4],axis=-1,keepdims=True)
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ class Rotation:
return ro
def qu2ho(qu):
def _qu2ho(qu):
"""Quaternion to homochoric vector."""
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
omega = 2.0 * np.arccos(np.clip(qu[...,0:1],-1.0,1.0))
@ -624,14 +624,14 @@ class Rotation:
return ho
def qu2cu(qu):
def _qu2cu(qu):
"""Quaternion to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.qu2ho(qu))
return Rotation._ho2cu(Rotation._qu2ho(qu))
#---------- Rotation matrix ----------
def om2qu(om):
def _om2qu(om):
Rotation matrix to quaternion.
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ class Rotation:
return qu
def om2eu(om):
def _om2eu(om):
"""Rotation matrix to Bunge-Euler angles."""
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore',divide='ignore'):
zeta = 1.0/np.sqrt(1.0-om[...,2,2:3]**2)
@ -692,9 +692,9 @@ class Rotation:
return eu
def om2ax(om):
def _om2ax(om):
"""Rotation matrix to axis angle pair."""
#return Rotation.qu2ax(Rotation.om2qu(om)) # HOTFIX
#return Rotation._qu2ax(Rotation._om2qu(om)) # HOTFIX
diag_delta = -_P*np.block([om[...,1,2:3]-om[...,2,1:2],
@ -714,24 +714,24 @@ class Rotation:
return ax
def om2ro(om):
def _om2ro(om):
"""Rotation matrix to Rodrigues-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.eu2ro(Rotation.om2eu(om))
return Rotation._eu2ro(Rotation._om2eu(om))
def om2ho(om):
def _om2ho(om):
"""Rotation matrix to homochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ho(Rotation.om2ax(om))
return Rotation._ax2ho(Rotation._om2ax(om))
def om2cu(om):
def _om2cu(om):
"""Rotation matrix to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.om2ho(om))
return Rotation._ho2cu(Rotation._om2ho(om))
#---------- Bunge-Euler angles ----------
def eu2qu(eu):
def _eu2qu(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to quaternion."""
ee = 0.5*eu
cPhi = np.cos(ee[...,1:2])
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ class Rotation:
return qu
def eu2om(eu):
def _eu2om(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to rotation matrix."""
c = np.cos(eu)
s = np.sin(eu)
@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ class Rotation:
return om
def eu2ax(eu):
def _eu2ax(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to axis angle pair."""
t = np.tan(eu[...,1:2]*0.5)
sigma = 0.5*(eu[...,0:1]+eu[...,2:3])
@ -781,28 +781,28 @@ class Rotation:
return ax
def eu2ro(eu):
def _eu2ro(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to Rodrigues-Frank vector."""
ax = Rotation.eu2ax(eu)
ax = Rotation._eu2ax(eu)
ro = np.block([ax[...,:3],np.tan(ax[...,3:4]*.5)])
ro[ax[...,3]>=np.pi,3] = np.inf
ro[np.abs(ax[...,3])<1.e-16] = [ 0.0, 0.0, _P, 0.0 ]
return ro
def eu2ho(eu):
def _eu2ho(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to homochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ho(Rotation.eu2ax(eu))
return Rotation._ax2ho(Rotation._eu2ax(eu))
def eu2cu(eu):
def _eu2cu(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.eu2ho(eu))
return Rotation._ho2cu(Rotation._eu2ho(eu))
#---------- Axis angle pair ----------
def ax2qu(ax):
def _ax2qu(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to quaternion."""
c = np.cos(ax[...,3:4]*.5)
s = np.sin(ax[...,3:4]*.5)
@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ class Rotation:
return qu
def ax2om(ax):
def _ax2om(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to rotation matrix."""
c = np.cos(ax[...,3:4])
s = np.sin(ax[...,3:4])
@ -827,12 +827,12 @@ class Rotation:
return om if _P < 0.0 else np.swapaxes(om,-1,-2)
def ax2eu(ax):
def _ax2eu(ax):
"""Rotation matrix to Bunge Euler angles."""
return Rotation.om2eu(Rotation.ax2om(ax))
return Rotation._om2eu(Rotation._ax2om(ax))
def ax2ro(ax):
def _ax2ro(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to Rodrigues-Frank vector."""
ro = np.block([ax[...,:3],
@ -843,36 +843,36 @@ class Rotation:
return ro
def ax2ho(ax):
def _ax2ho(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to homochoric vector."""
f = (0.75 * ( ax[...,3:4] - np.sin(ax[...,3:4]) ))**(1.0/3.0)
ho = ax[...,:3] * f
return ho
def ax2cu(ax):
def _ax2cu(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.ax2ho(ax))
return Rotation._ho2cu(Rotation._ax2ho(ax))
#---------- Rodrigues-Frank vector ----------
def ro2qu(ro):
def _ro2qu(ro):
"""Rodrigues-Frank vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ax2qu(Rotation.ro2ax(ro))
return Rotation._ax2qu(Rotation._ro2ax(ro))
def ro2om(ro):
def _ro2om(ro):
"""Rodgrigues-Frank vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ax2om(Rotation.ro2ax(ro))
return Rotation._ax2om(Rotation._ro2ax(ro))
def ro2eu(ro):
def _ro2eu(ro):
"""Rodrigues-Frank vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.om2eu(Rotation.ro2om(ro))
return Rotation._om2eu(Rotation._ro2om(ro))
def ro2ax(ro):
def _ro2ax(ro):
"""Rodrigues-Frank vector to axis angle pair."""
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore',divide='ignore'):
ax = np.where(np.isfinite(ro[...,3:4]),
@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ class Rotation:
return ax
def ro2ho(ro):
def _ro2ho(ro):
"""Rodrigues-Frank vector to homochoric vector."""
f = np.where(np.isfinite(ro[...,3:4]),2.0*np.arctan(ro[...,3:4]) -np.sin(2.0*np.arctan(ro[...,3:4])),np.pi)
ho = np.where(np.broadcast_to(np.sum(ro[...,0:3]**2.0,axis=-1,keepdims=True) < 1.e-8,ro[...,0:3].shape),
@ -890,29 +890,29 @@ class Rotation:
return ho
def ro2cu(ro):
def _ro2cu(ro):
"""Rodrigues-Frank vector to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.ro2ho(ro))
return Rotation._ho2cu(Rotation._ro2ho(ro))
#---------- Homochoric vector----------
def ho2qu(ho):
def _ho2qu(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ax2qu(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
return Rotation._ax2qu(Rotation._ho2ax(ho))
def ho2om(ho):
def _ho2om(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ax2om(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
return Rotation._ax2om(Rotation._ho2ax(ho))
def ho2eu(ho):
def _ho2eu(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.ax2eu(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
return Rotation._ax2eu(Rotation._ho2ax(ho))
def ho2ax(ho):
def _ho2ax(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to axis angle pair."""
tfit = np.array([+1.0000000000018852, -0.5000000002194847,
-0.024999992127593126, -0.003928701544781374,
@ -935,12 +935,12 @@ class Rotation:
return ax
def ho2ro(ho):
def _ho2ro(ho):
"""Axis angle pair to Rodrigues-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ro(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
return Rotation._ax2ro(Rotation._ho2ax(ho))
def ho2cu(ho):
def _ho2cu(ho):
Homochoric vector to cubochoric vector.
@ -980,32 +980,32 @@ class Rotation:
#---------- Cubochoric ----------
def cu2qu(cu):
def _cu2qu(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ho2qu(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
return Rotation._ho2qu(Rotation._cu2ho(cu))
def cu2om(cu):
def _cu2om(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ho2om(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
return Rotation._ho2om(Rotation._cu2ho(cu))
def cu2eu(cu):
def _cu2eu(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.ho2eu(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
return Rotation._ho2eu(Rotation._cu2ho(cu))
def cu2ax(cu):
def _cu2ax(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to axis angle pair."""
return Rotation.ho2ax(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
return Rotation._ho2ax(Rotation._cu2ho(cu))
def cu2ro(cu):
def _cu2ro(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to Rodrigues-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.ho2ro(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
return Rotation._ho2ro(Rotation._cu2ho(cu))
def cu2ho(cu):
def _cu2ho(cu):
Cubochoric vector to homochoric vector.
@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ def reference_dir(reference_dir_base):
class TestRotation:
def test_quaternion_internal(self,default,forward,backward):
for rot in default:
m = rot.as_quaternion()
@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ class TestRotation:
assert ok and np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(o),1.0)
def test_matrix_internal(self,default,forward,backward):
for rot in default:
m = rot.as_matrix()
@ -121,12 +121,12 @@ class TestRotation:
assert ok and np.isclose(np.linalg.det(o),1.0)
def test_Eulers_internal(self,default,forward,backward):
for rot in default:
m = rot.as_Eulers()
@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ class TestRotation:
assert ok and (np.zeros(3)-1.e-9 <= o).all() and (o <= np.array([np.pi*2.,np.pi,np.pi*2.])+1.e-9).all()
def test_axis_angle_internal(self,default,forward,backward):
for rot in default:
m = rot.as_axis_angle()
@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ class TestRotation:
assert ok and np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(o[:3]),1.0) and o[3]<=np.pi+1.e-9
def test_Rodrigues_internal(self,default,forward,backward):
cutoff = np.tan(np.pi*.5*(1.-1e-4))
for rot in default:
@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ class TestRotation:
assert ok and np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(o[:3]),1.0)
def test_homochoric_internal(self,default,forward,backward):
for rot in default:
m = rot.as_homochoric()
@ -289,11 +289,11 @@ class TestRotation:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation.qu2om,rotation_conversion.qu2om),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation._qu2om,rotation_conversion.qu2om),
def test_quaternion_vectorization(self,default,vectorized,single):
qu = np.array([rot.as_quaternion() for rot in default])
@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ class TestRotation:
assert np.allclose(single(q),c) and np.allclose(single(q),vectorized(q))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation.om2qu,rotation_conversion.om2qu),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation._om2qu,rotation_conversion.om2qu),
def test_matrix_vectorization(self,default,vectorized,single):
om = np.array([rot.as_matrix() for rot in default])
@ -314,10 +314,10 @@ class TestRotation:
assert np.allclose(single(o),c) and np.allclose(single(o),vectorized(o))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation.eu2qu,rotation_conversion.eu2qu),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation._eu2qu,rotation_conversion.eu2qu),
def test_Euler_vectorization(self,default,vectorized,single):
eu = np.array([rot.as_Eulers() for rot in default])
@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ class TestRotation:
assert np.allclose(single(e),c) and np.allclose(single(e),vectorized(e))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation.ax2qu,rotation_conversion.ax2qu),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation._ax2qu,rotation_conversion.ax2qu),
def test_axisAngle_vectorization(self,default,vectorized,single):
ax = np.array([rot.as_axis_angle() for rot in default])
@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ class TestRotation:
assert np.allclose(single(a),c) and np.allclose(single(a),vectorized(a))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation.ro2ax,rotation_conversion.ro2ax),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation._ro2ax,rotation_conversion.ro2ax),
def test_Rodrigues_vectorization(self,default,vectorized,single):
ro = np.array([rot.as_Rodrigues() for rot in default])
@ -349,8 +349,8 @@ class TestRotation:
assert np.allclose(single(r),c) and np.allclose(single(r),vectorized(r))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation.ho2ax,rotation_conversion.ho2ax),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation._ho2ax,rotation_conversion.ho2ax),
def test_homochoric_vectorization(self,default,vectorized,single):
ho = np.array([rot.as_homochoric() for rot in default])
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ class TestRotation:
assert np.allclose(single(h),c) and np.allclose(single(h),vectorized(h))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation.cu2ho,rotation_conversion.cu2ho)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized, single',[(Rotation._cu2ho,rotation_conversion.cu2ho)])
def test_cubochoric_vectorization(self,default,vectorized,single):
cu = np.array([rot.as_cubochoric() for rot in default])
Reference in New Issue