repetition not needed

- implicit none at the beginning of the module is enough
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2019-04-11 07:35:58 +02:00
parent 67eb39255a
commit 8f7239b75d
1 changed files with 6 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ module crystallite
use future
implicit none
implicit none
character(len=64), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: &
crystallite_output !< name of each post result output
@ -186,8 +185,6 @@ subroutine crystallite_init
constitutive_initialFi, &
constitutive_microstructure ! derived (shortcut) quantities of given state
implicit none
integer, parameter :: FILEUNIT=434
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: devNull
integer :: &
@ -492,7 +489,6 @@ function crystallite_stress(dummyArgumentToPreventInternalCompilerErrorWithGCC)
phase_Nsources, &
phaseAt, phasememberAt
implicit none
logical, dimension(theMesh%elem%nIPs,theMesh%Nelems) :: crystallite_stress
real(pReal), intent(in), optional :: &
@ -757,7 +753,6 @@ subroutine crystallite_stressTangent()
constitutive_LpAndItsTangents, &
implicit none
integer :: &
c, & !< counter in integration point component loop
i, & !< counter in integration point loop
@ -911,7 +906,6 @@ subroutine crystallite_orientations
use plastic_nonlocal, only: &
implicit none
integer &
c, & !< counter in integration point component loop
i, & !< counter in integration point loop
@ -948,7 +942,6 @@ function crystallite_push33ToRef(ipc,ip,el, tensor33)
use material, only: &
material_EulerAngles ! ToDo: Why stored? We also have crystallite_orientation0
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: crystallite_push33ToRef
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: tensor33
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: T
@ -993,7 +986,6 @@ function crystallite_postResults(ipc, ip, el)
use rotations, only: &
implicit none
integer, intent(in):: &
el, & !< element index
ip, & !< integration point index
@ -1120,7 +1112,6 @@ subroutine crystallite_results
use material, only: &
material_phase_plasticity_type => phase_plasticity
implicit none
integer :: p,o
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: selected_tensors
type(rotation), allocatable, dimension(:) :: selected_rotations
@ -1292,7 +1283,6 @@ logical function integrateStress(ipc,ip,el,timeFraction)
math_33to9, &
implicit none
integer, intent(in):: el, & ! element index
ip, & ! integration point index
ipc ! grain index
@ -1690,7 +1680,7 @@ end function integrateStress
!> @brief integrate stress, state with adaptive 1st order explicit Euler method
!> using Fixed Point Iteration to adapt the stepsize
subroutine integrateStateFPI()
subroutine integrateStateFPI
#ifdef DEBUG
use debug, only: debug_level, &
debug_e, &
@ -1715,8 +1705,6 @@ subroutine integrateStateFPI()
constitutive_plasticity_maxSizeDotState, &
implicit none
integer :: &
NiterationState, & !< number of iterations in state loop
e, & !< element index in element loop
@ -1881,7 +1869,6 @@ subroutine integrateStateFPI()
real(pReal) pure function damper(current,previous,previous2)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(:), intent(in) ::&
current, previous, previous2
@ -1907,8 +1894,6 @@ subroutine integrateStateEuler()
use material, only: &
implicit none
call update_dotState(1.0_pReal)
call update_state(1.0_pReal)
call update_deltaState
@ -1938,7 +1923,6 @@ subroutine integrateStateAdaptiveEuler()
constitutive_plasticity_maxSizeDotState, &
implicit none
integer :: &
e, & ! element index in element loop
i, & ! integration point index in ip loop
@ -2040,7 +2024,6 @@ subroutine integrateStateRK4()
phase_Nsources, &
phaseAt, phasememberAt
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), parameter :: &
TIMESTEPFRACTION = [0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 1.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal] ! factor giving the fraction of the original timestep used for Runge Kutta Integration
real(pReal), dimension(4), parameter :: &
@ -2113,7 +2096,6 @@ subroutine integrateStateRKCK45()
constitutive_plasticity_maxSizeDotState, &
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(5,5), parameter :: &
A = reshape([&
.2_pReal, .075_pReal, .3_pReal, -11.0_pReal/54.0_pReal, 1631.0_pReal/55296.0_pReal, &
@ -2281,9 +2263,7 @@ end subroutine integrateStateRKCK45
!> @brief sets convergence flag for nonlocal calculations
!> @detail one non-converged nonlocal sets all other nonlocals to non-converged to trigger cut back
subroutine nonlocalConvergenceCheck()
implicit none
subroutine nonlocalConvergenceCheck
if (any(.not. crystallite_converged .and. .not. crystallite_localPlasticity)) & ! any non-local not yet converged (or broken)...
where( .not. crystallite_localPlasticity) crystallite_converged = .false.
@ -2296,10 +2276,10 @@ end subroutine nonlocalConvergenceCheck
! still .true. is considered as converged
!> @details: For explicitEuler, RK4 and RKCK45, adaptive Euler and FPI have their on criteria
subroutine setConvergenceFlag()
subroutine setConvergenceFlag
use mesh, only: &
implicit none
integer :: &
e, & !< element index in element loop
i, & !< integration point index in ip loop
@ -2321,7 +2301,6 @@ end subroutine setConvergenceFlag
logical pure function converged(residuum,state,aTol)
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:) ::&
residuum, state, aTol
real(pReal) :: &
@ -2340,7 +2319,7 @@ end subroutine setConvergenceFlag
subroutine update_stress(timeFraction)
use mesh, only: &
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
integer :: &
@ -2376,7 +2355,6 @@ subroutine update_dependentState()
use constitutive, only: &
constitutive_dependentState => constitutive_microstructure
implicit none
integer :: e, & ! element index in element loop
i, & ! integration point index in ip loop
g ! grain index in grain loop
@ -2407,7 +2385,6 @@ subroutine update_state(timeFraction)
use mesh, only: &
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
integer :: &
@ -2460,7 +2437,6 @@ subroutine update_dotState(timeFraction)
use constitutive, only: &
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
integer :: &
@ -2519,7 +2495,6 @@ subroutine update_deltaState
phaseAt, phasememberAt
use constitutive, only: &
implicit none
integer :: &
e, & !< element index in element loop
i, & !< integration point index in ip loop
@ -2608,7 +2583,6 @@ logical function stateJump(ipc,ip,el)
use constitutive, only: &
implicit none
integer, intent(in):: &
el, & ! element index
ip, & ! integration point index