first commit.
This commit is contained in:
@ -195,9 +195,17 @@ subroutine DAMASK_interface_init()
call quit(1_pInt)
call quit(1_pInt)
workingDirectory = trim(storeWorkingDirectory(trim(workingDirArg),trim(geometryArg)))
! workingDirectory = trim(storeWorkingDirectory(trim(workingDirArg),trim(geometryArg)))
geometryFile = getGeometryFile(geometryArg)
! geometryFile = getGeometryFile(geometryArg)
loadCaseFile = getLoadCaseFile(loadCaseArg)
! loadCaseFile = getLoadCaseFile(loadCaseArg)
workingDirectory = trim(storeWorkingDirectory2(trim(workingDirArg),trim(geometryArg)))
geometryFile = getGeometryFile2(geometryArg,workingDirectory)
loadCaseFile = getLoadCaseFile2(loadCaseArg,workingDirectory)
! write(*,*) trim(workingDirectory)
! write(*,*) trim(workingDirectory)//'/' ! put '/' next to workingDirectory
call get_environment_variable('USER',userName)
call get_environment_variable('USER',userName)
error = getHostName(hostName)
error = getHostName(hostName)
@ -216,9 +224,135 @@ subroutine DAMASK_interface_init()
write(6,'(a,i6.6)') ' Restart from increment: ', spectralRestartInc
write(6,'(a,i6.6)') ' Restart from increment: ', spectralRestartInc
write(6,'(a,l1,/)') ' Append to result file: ', appendToOutFile
write(6,'(a,l1,/)') ' Append to result file: ', appendToOutFile
end subroutine DAMASK_interface_init
end subroutine DAMASK_interface_init
!> @brief extract working directory from given argument or from location of geometry file,
!! possibly converting relative arguments to absolut path
!> @todo change working directory with call chdir(storeWorkingDirectory)?
character(len=1024) function storeWorkingDirectory2(workingDirectoryArg,geometryArg)
use system_routines, only: &
isDirectory, &
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: workingDirectoryArg !< working directory argument
character(len=*), intent(in) :: geometryArg !< geometry argument
character(len=1024) :: cwd
logical :: error
external :: quit
wdGiven: if (len(workingDirectoryArg)>0) then !< -d is given
absolutePath: if (workingDirectoryArg(1:1) == '/') then !< absolute path is given to workingDirectoryArg
storeWorkingDirectory2 = workingDirectoryArg
else absolutePath !< relative path is given
error = getCWD(cwd)
if (error) call quit(1_pInt)
storeWorkingDirectory2 = trim(cwd)//'/'//workingDirectoryArg !< add relative path to cwd
endif absolutePath
if (storeWorkingDirectory2(len(trim(storeWorkingDirectory2)):len(trim(storeWorkingDirectory2))) /= '/') &
storeWorkingDirectory2 = trim(storeWorkingDirectory2)//'/' ! if path seperator is not given, append it
else wdGiven !< -d is not given
error = getCWD(cwd)
if (error) call quit(1_pInt)
storeWorkingDirectory2 = trim(cwd)//'/'
! if (geometryArg(1:1) == '/') then ! absolute path given as command line argument
! storeWorkingDirectory2 = geometryArg(1:scan(geometryArg,'/',back=.true.))
! else
! error = getCWD(cwd) ! relative path given as command line argument
! if (error) call quit(1_pInt)
! storeWorkingDirectory2 = trim(cwd)//'/'//geometryArg(1:scan(geometryArg,'/',back=.true.)) !< workingDirectory should not depend on geometryArg
! endif
endif wdGiven
storeWorkingDirectory2 = trim(rectifyPath(storeWorkingDirectory2))
if(.not. isDirectory(trim(storeWorkingDirectory2))) then ! check if the directory exists
write(6,'(a20,a,a16)') ' working directory "',trim(storeWorkingDirectory2),'" does not exist'
call quit(1_pInt)
end function storeWorkingDirectory2
!> @brief basename of geometry file with extension from command line arguments
character(len=1024) function getGeometryFile2(geometryParameter,workingDirectory)
use system_routines, only: &
implicit none
character(len=1024), intent(in) :: &
character(len=*), intent(in) :: workingDirectory !< working directory
! character(len=1024) :: &
! cwd
integer :: posExt, posSep
logical :: error
external :: quit
getGeometryFile2 = geometryParameter
posExt = scan(getGeometryFile2,'.',back=.true.)
posSep = scan(getGeometryFile2,'/',back=.true.)
if (posExt <= posSep) getGeometryFile2 = trim(getGeometryFile2)//('.geom') ! no extension present
if (scan(getGeometryFile2,'/') /= 1) then ! relative path given as command line argument
! error = getcwd(cwd) ! no more cwd
! cwd = workingDirectory
if (error) call quit(1_pInt)
getGeometryFile2 = rectifyPath(trim(workingDirectory)//'/'//getGeometryFile2)
getGeometryFile2 = rectifyPath(getGeometryFile2)
getGeometryFile2 = makeRelativePath(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName(), getGeometryFile2)
end function getGeometryFile2
!> @brief relative path of loadcase from command line arguments
character(len=1024) function getLoadCaseFile2(loadCaseParameter,workingDirectory)
use system_routines, only: &
implicit none
character(len=1024), intent(in) :: &
character(len=*), intent(in) :: workingDirectory !< working directory
! character(len=1024) :: &
! cwd
integer :: posExt, posSep
logical :: error
external :: quit
getLoadCaseFile2 = loadcaseParameter
posExt = scan(getLoadCaseFile2,'.',back=.true.)
posSep = scan(getLoadCaseFile2,'/',back=.true.)
if (posExt <= posSep) getLoadCaseFile2 = trim(getLoadCaseFile2)//('.load') ! no extension present
if (scan(getLoadCaseFile2,'/') /= 1) then ! relative path given as command line argument
! error = getcwd(cwd)
! cwd = workingDirectory
if (error) call quit(1_pInt)
getLoadCaseFile2 = rectifyPath(trim(workingDirectory)//'/'//getLoadCaseFile2)
getLoadCaseFile2 = rectifyPath(getLoadCaseFile2)
getLoadCaseFile2 = makeRelativePath(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName(), getLoadCaseFile2)
end function getLoadCaseFile2
!> @brief extract working directory from given argument or from location of geometry file,
!> @brief extract working directory from given argument or from location of geometry file,
!! possibly converting relative arguments to absolut path
!! possibly converting relative arguments to absolut path
Reference in New Issue