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Martin Diehl 2018-08-30 10:46:30 +02:00
parent bcff95ddf8
commit 88d776cad6
1 changed files with 56 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -355,19 +355,19 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_partitionDeformation(F,avgF,ip,el)
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: aVect,nVect
integer(pInt), dimension (4) :: intFace
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: iGrain3
integer(pInt) :: homID, iGrain,iFace,i,j
integer(pInt) :: instance, iGrain,iFace,i,j
integer(pInt), parameter :: nFace = 6_pInt
! compute the deformation gradient of individual grains due to relaxations
homID = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
instance = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
F = 0.0_pReal
do iGrain = 1_pInt,homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,el))
iGrain3 = homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(iGrain,homID)
iGrain3 = homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(iGrain,instance)
do iFace = 1_pInt,nFace
intFace = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(iFace,iGrain3) ! identifying 6 interfaces of each grain
aVect = homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector(intFace,homID, ip, el) ! get the relaxation vectors for each interface from global relaxation vector array
aVect = homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector(intFace,instance, ip, el) ! get the relaxation vectors for each interface from global relaxation vector array
nVect = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFace,ip,el) ! get the normal of each interface
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt,j=1_pInt:3_pInt) &
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
integer(pInt), dimension (4) :: intFaceN,intFaceP,faceID
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: nGDim,iGr3N,iGr3P,stresLoc
integer(pInt), dimension (2) :: residLoc
integer(pInt) homID,iNum,i,j,nIntFaceTot,iGrN,iGrP,iMun,iFace,k,l,ipert,iGrain,nGrain
integer(pInt) instance,iNum,i,j,nIntFaceTot,iGrN,iGrP,iMun,iFace,k,l,ipert,iGrain,nGrain
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains) :: R,pF,pR,D,pD
real(pReal), dimension (3,homogenization_maxNgrains) :: NN,pNN
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: normP,normN,mornP,mornN
@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! get the dimension of the cluster (grains and interfaces)
homID = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
nGDim = homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1:3,homID)
instance = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
nGDim = param(instance)%Nconstituents
nGrain = homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,el))
nIntFaceTot = (nGDim(1)-1_pInt)*nGDim(2)*nGDim(3) + nGDim(1)*(nGDim(2)-1_pInt)*nGDim(3) &
+ nGDim(1)*nGDim(2)*(nGDim(3)-1_pInt)
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! computing interface mismatch and stress penalty tensor for all interfaces of all grains
call homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(R,NN,avgF,F,ip,el,homID)
call homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(R,NN,avgF,F,ip,el,instance)
! calculating volume discrepancy and stress penalty related to overall volume discrepancy
@ -519,12 +519,12 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! computing the residual stress from the balance of traction at all (interior) interfaces
do iNum = 1_pInt,nIntFaceTot
faceID = homogenization_RGC_interface1to4(iNum,homID) ! identifying the interface ID in local coordinate system (4-dimensional index)
faceID = homogenization_RGC_interface1to4(iNum,instance) ! identifying the interface ID in local coordinate system (4-dimensional index)
! identify the left/bottom/back grain (-|N)
iGr3N = faceID(2:4) ! identifying the grain ID in local coordinate system (3-dimensional index)
iGrN = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3N,homID) ! translate the local grain ID into global coordinate system (1-dimensional index)
iGrN = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3N,instance) ! translate the local grain ID into global coordinate system (1-dimensional index)
intFaceN = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(2_pInt*faceID(1),iGr3N)
normN = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFaceN,ip,el) ! get the interface normal
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! identify the right/up/front grain (+|P)
iGr3P = iGr3N
iGr3P(faceID(1)) = iGr3N(faceID(1))+1_pInt ! identifying the grain ID in local coordinate system (3-dimensional index)
iGrP = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3P,homID) ! translate the local grain ID into global coordinate system (1-dimensional index)
iGrP = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3P,instance) ! translate the local grain ID into global coordinate system (1-dimensional index)
intFaceP = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(2_pInt*faceID(1)-1_pInt,iGr3P)
normP = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFaceP,ip,el) ! get the interface normal
@ -678,18 +678,18 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! ... of the constitutive stress tangent, assembled from dPdF or material constitutive model "smatrix"
allocate(smatrix(3*nIntFaceTot,3*nIntFaceTot), source=0.0_pReal)
do iNum = 1_pInt,nIntFaceTot
faceID = homogenization_RGC_interface1to4(iNum,homID) ! assembling of local dPdF into global Jacobian matrix
faceID = homogenization_RGC_interface1to4(iNum,instance) ! assembling of local dPdF into global Jacobian matrix
! identify the left/bottom/back grain (-|N)
iGr3N = faceID(2:4) ! identifying the grain ID in local coordinate sytem
iGrN = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3N,homID) ! translate into global grain ID
iGrN = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3N,instance) ! translate into global grain ID
intFaceN = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(2_pInt*faceID(1),iGr3N) ! identifying the connecting interface in local coordinate system
normN = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFaceN,ip,el) ! get the interface normal
do iFace = 1_pInt,nFace
intFaceN = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(iFace,iGr3N) ! identifying all interfaces that influence relaxation of the above interface
mornN = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFaceN,ip,el) ! get normal of the interfaces
iMun = homogenization_RGC_interface4to1(intFaceN,homID) ! translate the interfaces ID into local 4-dimensional index
iMun = homogenization_RGC_interface4to1(intFaceN,instance) ! translate the interfaces ID into local 4-dimensional index
if (iMun > 0) then ! get the corresponding tangent
do i=1_pInt,3_pInt; do j=1_pInt,3_pInt; do k=1_pInt,3_pInt; do l=1_pInt,3_pInt
smatrix(3*(iNum-1)+i,3*(iMun-1)+j) = smatrix(3*(iNum-1)+i,3*(iMun-1)+j) + dPdF(i,k,j,l,iGrN)*normN(k)*mornN(l)
@ -703,13 +703,13 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! identify the right/up/front grain (+|P)
iGr3P = iGr3N
iGr3P(faceID(1)) = iGr3N(faceID(1))+1_pInt ! identifying the grain ID in local coordinate sytem
iGrP = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3P,homID) ! translate into global grain ID
iGrP = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3P,instance) ! translate into global grain ID
intFaceP = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(2_pInt*faceID(1)-1_pInt,iGr3P) ! identifying the connecting interface in local coordinate system
normP = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFaceP,ip,el) ! get the interface normal
do iFace = 1_pInt,nFace
intFaceP = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(iFace,iGr3P) ! identifying all interfaces that influence relaxation of the above interface
mornP = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFaceP,ip,el) ! get normal of the interfaces
iMun = homogenization_RGC_interface4to1(intFaceP,homID) ! translate the interfaces ID into local 4-dimensional index
iMun = homogenization_RGC_interface4to1(intFaceP,instance) ! translate the interfaces ID into local 4-dimensional index
if (iMun > 0_pInt) then ! get the corresponding tangent
do i=1_pInt,3_pInt; do j=1_pInt,3_pInt; do k=1_pInt,3_pInt; do l=1_pInt,3_pInt
smatrix(3*(iNum-1)+i,3*(iMun-1)+j) = smatrix(3*(iNum-1)+i,3*(iMun-1)+j) + dPdF(i,k,j,l,iGrP)*normP(k)*mornP(l)
@ -741,20 +741,20 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
p_relax = relax
p_relax(ipert) = relax(ipert) + pPert_RGC ! perturb the relaxation vector
homogState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%state(1:3*nIntFaceTot,mappingHomogenization(1,ip,el)) = p_relax
call homogenization_RGC_grainDeformation(pF,avgF,ip,el) ! compute the grains deformation from perturbed state
call homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(pR,pNN,avgF,pF,ip,el,homID) ! compute stress penalty due to interface mismatch from perturbed state
call homogenization_RGC_grainDeformation(pF,avgF,ip,el) ! compute the grains deformation from perturbed state
call homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(pR,pNN,avgF,pF,ip,el,instance) ! compute stress penalty due to interface mismatch from perturbed state
call homogenization_RGC_volumePenalty(pD,volDiscrep,pF,avgF,ip,el) ! compute stress penalty due to volume discrepancy from perturbed state
! computing the global stress residual array from the perturbed state
p_resid = 0.0_pReal
do iNum = 1_pInt,nIntFaceTot
faceID = homogenization_RGC_interface1to4(iNum,homID) ! identifying the interface ID in local coordinate system (4-dimensional index)
faceID = homogenization_RGC_interface1to4(iNum,instance) ! identifying the interface ID in local coordinate system (4-dimensional index)
! identify the left/bottom/back grain (-|N)
iGr3N = faceID(2:4) ! identifying the grain ID in local coordinate system (3-dimensional index)
iGrN = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3N,homID) ! translate the local grain ID into global coordinate system (1-dimensional index)
iGrN = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3N,instance) ! translate the local grain ID into global coordinate system (1-dimensional index)
intFaceN = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(2_pInt*faceID(1),iGr3N) ! identifying the interface ID of the grain
normN = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFaceN,ip,el) ! get the corresponding interface normal
@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! identify the right/up/front grain (+|P)
iGr3P = iGr3N
iGr3P(faceID(1)) = iGr3N(faceID(1))+1_pInt ! identifying the grain ID in local coordinate system (3-dimensional index)
iGrP = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3P,homID) ! translate the local grain ID into global coordinate system (1-dimensional index)
iGrP = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGr3P,instance) ! translate the local grain ID into global coordinate system (1-dimensional index)
intFaceP = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(2_pInt*faceID(1)-1_pInt,iGr3P) ! identifying the interface ID of the grain
normP = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFaceP,ip,el) ! get the corresponding normal
@ -907,16 +907,16 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_averageStressAndItsTangent(avgP,dAvgPdAvgF,P,dPdF,
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: el !< element number
real(pReal), dimension (9,9) :: dPdF99
integer(pInt) :: homID, i, j, Ngrains, iGrain
integer(pInt) :: instance, i, j, Nconstituents, iGrain
homID = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
Ngrains = homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,el))
instance = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
Nconstituents = sum(param(instance)%Nconstituents)
! debugging the grain tangent
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization), debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
do iGrain = 1_pInt,Ngrains
do iGrain = 1_pInt,Nconstituents
dPdF99 = math_Plain3333to99(dPdF(1:3,1:3,1:3,1:3,iGrain))
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,i3)')'Stress tangent of grain: ',iGrain
do i = 1_pInt,9_pInt
@ -930,8 +930,8 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_averageStressAndItsTangent(avgP,dAvgPdAvgF,P,dPdF,
! computing the average first Piola-Kirchhoff stress P and the average tangent dPdF
avgP = sum(P,3)/real(Ngrains,pReal)
dAvgPdAvgF = sum(dPdF,5)/real(Ngrains,pReal)
avgP = sum(P,3)/real(Nconstituents,pReal)
dAvgPdAvgF = sum(dPdF,5)/real(Nconstituents,pReal)
end subroutine homogenization_RGC_averageStressAndItsTangent
@ -957,19 +957,21 @@ pure function homogenization_RGC_postResults(ip,el,avgP,avgF)
avgP, & !< average stress at material point
avgF !< average deformation gradient at material point
integer(pInt) homID,o,c,nIntFaceTot
integer(pInt) instance,o,c,nIntFaceTot
type(tParameters) :: prm
real(pReal), dimension(homogenization_RGC_sizePostResults(homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el)))) :: &
homID = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
+ homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1,homID)*(homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(2,homID)-1_pInt)*homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(3,homID)&
+ homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1,homID)*homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(2,homID)*(homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(3,homID)-1_pInt)
instance = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
associate(prm => param(instance))
nIntFaceTot=(prm%Nconstituents(1)-1_pInt)*prm%Nconstituents(2)* prm%Nconstituents(3)&
+ prm%Nconstituents(1)* (prm%Nconstituents(2)-1_pInt)*prm%Nconstituents(3)&
+ prm%Nconstituents(1)* prm%Nconstituents(2)* (prm%Nconstituents(3)-1_pInt)
c = 0_pInt
homogenization_RGC_postResults = 0.0_pReal
do o = 1_pInt,homogenization_Noutput(mesh_element(3,el))
select case(homogenization_RGC_outputID(o,homID))
select case(homogenization_RGC_outputID(o,instance))
case (avgdefgrad_ID)
homogenization_RGC_postResults(c+1_pInt:c+9_pInt) = reshape(avgF,[9])
c = c + 9_pInt
@ -1009,14 +1011,14 @@ pure function homogenization_RGC_postResults(ip,el,avgP,avgF)
c = c + 1_pInt
end select
end associate
end function homogenization_RGC_postResults
!> @brief calculate stress-like penalty due to deformation mismatch
subroutine homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(rPen,nMis,avgF,fDef,ip,el,homID)
subroutine homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(rPen,nMis,avgF,fDef,ip,el,instance)
use debug, only: &
debug_level, &
@ -1040,19 +1042,19 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(rPen,nMis,avgF,fDef,ip,el,homID)
real(pReal), dimension (3,homogenization_maxNgrains), intent(out) :: nMis !< total amount of mismatch
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains), intent(in) :: fDef !< deformation gradients
real(pReal), dimension (3,3), intent(in) :: avgF !< initial effective stretch tensor
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip,el
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip,el,instance
integer(pInt), dimension (4) :: intFace
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: iGrain3,iGNghb3,nGDim
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: gDef,nDef
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: nVect,surfCorr
real(pReal), dimension (2) :: Gmoduli
integer(pInt) :: homID,iGrain,iGNghb,iFace,i,j,k,l
integer(pInt) :: iGrain,iGNghb,iFace,i,j,k,l
real(pReal) :: muGrain,muGNghb,nDefNorm,bgGrain,bgGNghb
integer(pInt), parameter :: nFace = 6_pInt
real(pReal), parameter :: nDefToler = 1.0e-10_pReal
nGDim = homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1:3,homID)
nGDim = param(instance)%Nconstituents
rPen = 0.0_pReal
nMis = 0.0_pReal
@ -1077,7 +1079,7 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(rPen,nMis,avgF,fDef,ip,el,homID)
Gmoduli = homogenization_RGC_equivalentModuli(iGrain,ip,el)
muGrain = Gmoduli(1) ! collecting the equivalent shear modulus of grain
bgGrain = Gmoduli(2) ! and the lengthh of Burgers vector
iGrain3 = homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(iGrain,homID) ! get the grain ID in local 3-dimensional index (x,y,z)-position
iGrain3 = homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(iGrain,instance) ! get the grain ID in local 3-dimensional index (x,y,z)-position
!* Looping over all six interfaces of each grain
do iFace = 1_pInt,nFace
@ -1091,7 +1093,7 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(rPen,nMis,avgF,fDef,ip,el,homID)
if (iGNghb3(2) > nGDim(2)) iGNghb3(2) = 1_pInt
if (iGNghb3(3) < 1) iGNghb3(3) = nGDim(3) ! with periodicity along e3 direction
if (iGNghb3(3) > nGDim(3)) iGNghb3(3) = 1_pInt
iGNghb = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGNghb3,homID) ! get the ID of the neighboring grain
iGNghb = homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(iGNghb3,instance) ! get the ID of the neighboring grain
Gmoduli = homogenization_RGC_equivalentModuli(iGNghb,ip,el) ! collecting the shear modulus and Burgers vector of the neighbor
muGNghb = Gmoduli(1)
bgGNghb = Gmoduli(2)
@ -1127,9 +1129,9 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_stressPenalty(rPen,nMis,avgF,fDef,ip,el,homID)
! compute the stress penalty of all interfaces
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do j = 1_pInt,3_pInt
do k = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do l = 1_pInt,3_pInt
rPen(i,j,iGrain) = rPen(i,j,iGrain) + 0.5_pReal*(muGrain*bgGrain + muGNghb*bgGNghb)*homogenization_RGC_xiAlpha(homID) &
*surfCorr(abs(intFace(1)))/homogenization_RGC_dAlpha(abs(intFace(1)),homID) &
*cosh(homogenization_RGC_ciAlpha(homID)*nDefNorm) &
rPen(i,j,iGrain) = rPen(i,j,iGrain) + 0.5_pReal*(muGrain*bgGrain + muGNghb*bgGNghb)*homogenization_RGC_xiAlpha(instance) &
*surfCorr(abs(intFace(1)))/homogenization_RGC_dAlpha(abs(intFace(1)),instance) &
*cosh(homogenization_RGC_ciAlpha(instance)*nDefNorm) &
*0.5_pReal*nVect(l)*nDef(i,k)/nDefNorm*math_civita(k,l,j) &
enddo; enddo
@ -1298,7 +1300,7 @@ end function homogenization_RGC_equivalentModuli
!> @brief collect relaxation vectors of an interface
function homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector(intFace,homID, ip, el)
function homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector(intFace,instance, ip, el)
use material, only: &
homogState, &
@ -1310,13 +1312,13 @@ function homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector(intFace,homID, ip, el)
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: nGDim
integer(pInt) :: &
iNum, &
homID !< homogenization ID
instance !< homogenization ID
! collect the interface relaxation vector from the global state array
homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector = 0.0_pReal
nGDim = homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1:3,homID)
iNum = homogenization_RGC_interface4to1(intFace,homID) ! identify the position of the interface in global state array
nGDim = homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1:3,instance)
iNum = homogenization_RGC_interface4to1(intFace,instance) ! identify the position of the interface in global state array
if (iNum > 0_pInt) homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector = homogState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))% &
state((3*iNum-2):(3*iNum),mappingHomogenization(1,ip,el)) ! get the corresponding entries
@ -1380,18 +1382,16 @@ end function homogenization_RGC_getInterface
!> @brief map grain ID from in 1D (global array) to in 3D (local position)
function homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(grain1,homID)
function homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(grain1,instance)
implicit none
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: homogenization_RGC_grain1to3
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: &
grain1,& !< grain ID in 1D array
homID !< homogenization ID
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: nGDim
! get the grain position
nGDim = homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1:3,homID)
nGDim = param(instance)%Nconstituents
homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(3) = 1_pInt+(grain1-1_pInt)/(nGDim(1)*nGDim(2))
homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(2) = 1_pInt+mod((grain1-1_pInt)/nGDim(1),nGDim(2))
homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(1) = 1_pInt+mod((grain1-1_pInt),nGDim(1))
@ -1544,18 +1544,18 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_grainDeformation(F, avgF, ip, el)
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: aVect,nVect
integer(pInt), dimension (4) :: intFace
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: iGrain3
integer(pInt) :: homID, iGrain,iFace,i,j
integer(pInt) :: instance, iGrain,iFace,i,j
integer(pInt), parameter :: nFace = 6_pInt
! compute the deformation gradient of individual grains due to relaxations
homID = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
instance = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,el))
F = 0.0_pReal
do iGrain = 1_pInt,homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,el))
iGrain3 = homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(iGrain,homID)
iGrain3 = homogenization_RGC_grain1to3(iGrain,instance)
do iFace = 1_pInt,nFace
intFace = homogenization_RGC_getInterface(iFace,iGrain3)
aVect = homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector(intFace,homID, ip, el)
aVect = homogenization_RGC_relaxationVector(intFace,instance, ip, el)
nVect = homogenization_RGC_interfaceNormal(intFace,ip,el)
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt,j=1_pInt:3_pInt) &
F(i,j,iGrain) = F(i,j,iGrain) + aVect(i)*nVect(j) ! effective relaxations