specific error per missing mandatory argument

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Philip Eisenlohr 2023-07-11 13:19:31 -04:00
parent 70817606db
commit 83db176e1b
1 changed files with 21 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -158,36 +158,46 @@ subroutine CLI_init()
print'(1x,a,/)',' Prints this message and exits'
call quit(0) ! normal Termination
case ('-g', '--geom', '--geometry')
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Missing argument for --geom'
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: missing argument for --geom'
geomArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-l', '--load', '--loadcase')
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Missing argument for --load'
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: missing argument for --load'
loadArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-m', '--material', '--materialconfig')
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Missing argument for --material'
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: missing argument for --material'
materialArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-n', '--numerics', '--numericsconfig')
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Missing argument for --numerics'
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: missing argument for --numerics'
numericsArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-j', '--job', '--jobname')
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Missing argument for --jobname'
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: missing argument for --jobname'
solverJobname = getArg(i+1)
case ('-w', '--wd', '--workingdir', '--workingdirectory')
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Missing argument for --workingdirectory'
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: missing argument for --workingdirectory'
workingDirArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-r', '--rs', '--restart')
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Missing argument for --restart'
if (.not. hasArg) print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: missing argument for --restart'
arg = getArg(i+1)
read(arg,*,iostat=stat) CLI_restartInc
if (CLI_restartInc < 0 .or. stat /= 0) then
print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Could not parse restart increment: '//trim(arg)
print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: could not parse restart increment: '//trim(arg)
call quit(1)
end if
end select
end do
if (.not. all([allocated(loadArg),allocated(geomArg),allocated(materialArg)])) then
print'(/,1x,a)', 'ERROR: Please specify geometry AND load case AND material configuration (-h for help)'
if (.not. allocated(loadArg)) then
print'(/,1x,a)', 'Error: no load case specified (-h for help)'
call quit(1)
end if
if (.not. allocated(geomArg)) then
print'(/,1x,a)', 'Error: no geometry specified (-h for help)'
call quit(1)
end if
if (.not. allocated(materialArg)) then
print'(/,1x,a)', 'Error: no material configuration specified (-h for help)'
call quit(1)
end if
@ -276,7 +286,7 @@ subroutine setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectoryArg)
workingDirectory = trim(normpath(workingDirectory))
error = setCWD(trim(workingDirectory))
if (error) then
print'(1x,a)', 'ERROR: Invalid Working directory: '//trim(workingDirectory)
print'(1x,a)', 'ERROR: invalid working directory: '//trim(workingDirectory)
call quit(1)
end if