
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2019-01-12 23:07:35 +01:00
parent e43057adb3
commit 837699e6c1
2 changed files with 164 additions and 154 deletions

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@ -922,6 +922,8 @@ function homogenization_postResults(ip,el)
use mesh, only: &
use material, only: &
material_homogenizationAt, &
mappingHomogenization, &
homogState, &
thermalState, &
@ -958,45 +960,42 @@ function homogenization_postResults(ip,el)
+ damageState (mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%sizePostResults) :: &
integer(pInt) :: &
startPos, endPos
startPos, endPos ,&
of, instance
homogenization_postResults = 0.0_pReal
startPos = 1_pInt
endPos = homogState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%sizePostResults
chosenHomogenization: select case (homogenization_type(mesh_element(3,el)))
case (HOMOGENIZATION_RGC_ID) chosenHomogenization
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = &
instance = homogenization_typeInstance(material_homogenizationAt(el))
of = mappingHomogenization(1,ip,el)
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = homogenization_RGC_postResults(instance,of)
end select chosenHomogenization
startPos = endPos + 1_pInt
endPos = endPos + thermalState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%sizePostResults
chosenThermal: select case (thermal_type(mesh_element(3,el)))
case (THERMAL_isothermal_ID) chosenThermal
case (THERMAL_adiabatic_ID) chosenThermal
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = &
thermal_adiabatic_postResults(ip, el)
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = thermal_adiabatic_postResults(ip, el)
case (THERMAL_conduction_ID) chosenThermal
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = &
thermal_conduction_postResults(ip, el)
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = thermal_conduction_postResults(ip, el)
end select chosenThermal
startPos = endPos + 1_pInt
endPos = endPos + damageState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%sizePostResults
chosenDamage: select case (damage_type(mesh_element(3,el)))
case (DAMAGE_none_ID) chosenDamage
case (DAMAGE_local_ID) chosenDamage
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = &
damage_local_postResults(ip, el)
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = damage_local_postResults(ip, el)
case (DAMAGE_nonlocal_ID) chosenDamage
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = &
damage_nonlocal_postResults(ip, el)
homogenization_postResults(startPos:endPos) = damage_nonlocal_postResults(ip, el)
end select chosenDamage
end function homogenization_postResults

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module homogenization_RGC
dAlpha, &
integer(pInt) :: &
of_debug = 0_pInt
integer(kind(undefined_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
end type
@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_init()
#include "compilation_info.f90"
Ninstance = int(count(homogenization_type == HOMOGENIZATION_RGC_ID),pInt)
if (Ninstance == 0_pInt) return
if (iand(debug_level(debug_HOMOGENIZATION),debug_levelBasic) /= 0_pInt) &
write(6,'(a16,1x,i5,/)') '# instances:',Ninstance
@ -318,12 +317,14 @@ end subroutine homogenization_RGC_partitionDeformation
function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
use prec, only: &
#ifdef DEBUG
use debug, only: &
debug_level, &
debug_levelExtensive, &
debug_e, &
use math, only: &
use material, only: &
@ -363,9 +364,9 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
integer(pInt), dimension (2) :: residLoc
integer(pInt) instance,iNum,i,j,nIntFaceTot,iGrN,iGrP,iMun,iFace,k,l,ipert,iGrain,nGrain, of
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains) :: R,pF,pR,D,pD
real(pReal), dimension (3,homogenization_maxNgrains) :: NN,pNN
real(pReal), dimension (3,homogenization_maxNgrains) :: NN,devNull33
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: normP,normN,mornP,mornN
real(pReal) :: residMax,stresMax,volDiscrep
real(pReal) :: residMax,stresMax,devNull
logical error
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tract,jmatrix,jnverse,smatrix,pmatrix,rmatrix
@ -376,12 +377,16 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
endif zeroTimeStep
! get the dimension of the cluster (grains and interfaces)
instance = homogenization_typeInstance(material_homogenizationAt(el))
of = mappingHomogenization(1,ip,el)
nGDim = param(instance)%Nconstituents
nGrain = homogenization_Ngrains(material_homogenizationAt(el))
associate(stt => state(instance), prm => param(instance))
! get the dimension of the cluster (grains and interfaces)
nGDim = prm%Nconstituents
nGrain = product(nGDim)
nIntFaceTot = (nGDim(1)-1_pInt)*nGDim(2)*nGDim(3) &
+ nGDim(1)*(nGDim(2)-1_pInt)*nGDim(3) &
+ nGDim(1)*nGDim(2)*(nGDim(3)-1_pInt)
@ -390,15 +395,15 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! allocate the size of the global relaxation arrays/jacobian matrices depending on the size of the cluster
allocate(resid(3_pInt*nIntFaceTot), source=0.0_pReal)
allocate(tract(nIntFaceTot,3), source=0.0_pReal)
relax = homogState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%state (1:3_pInt*nIntFaceTot,of)
relax = stt%relaxationVector(:,of)
drelax = relax &
- homogState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%state0(1:3_pInt*nIntFaceTot,of)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
write(6,'(1x,a30)')'Obtained state: '
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot
do i = 1_pInt,size(stt%relaxationVector(:,of))
write(6,'(1x,2(e15.8,1x))') stt%relaxationVector(i,of)
write(6,*)' '
@ -406,11 +411,11 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! computing interface mismatch and stress penalty tensor for all interfaces of all grains
call stressPenalty(R,NN,avgF,F,ip,el,instance)
call stressPenalty(R,NN,avgF,F,ip,el,instance,of)
! calculating volume discrepancy and stress penalty related to overall volume discrepancy
call volumePenalty(D,volDiscrep,F,avgF,ip,el)
call volumePenalty(D,stt%volumeDiscrepancy(of),avgF,F,nGrain,instance,of)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
@ -479,7 +484,6 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. debug_e == el .and. debug_i == ip) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a)')' '
write(6,'(1x,a,1x,i2,1x,i4)')'RGC residual check ...',ip,el
write(6,'(1x,a15,1x,e15.8,1x,a7,i3,1x,a12,i2,i2)')'Max stress: ',stresMax, &
@ -496,45 +500,43 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! If convergence reached => done and happy
if (residMax < relTol_RGC*stresMax .or. residMax < absTol_RGC) then
homogenization_RGC_updateState = .true.
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. debug_e == el .and. debug_i == ip) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a55,/)')'... done and happy'
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! compute/update the state for postResult, i.e., all energy densities computed by time-integration
do iGrain = 1_pInt,homogenization_Ngrains(material_homogenizationAt(el)) ! time-integration loop for work and energy
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt;do j = 1_pInt,3_pInt
state(instance)%work(of) = state(instance)%work(of) &
stt%work(of) = stt%work(of) &
+ P(i,j,iGrain)*(F(i,j,iGrain) - F0(i,j,iGrain))/real(nGrain,pReal)
state(instance)%penaltyEnergy(of) = state(instance)%penaltyEnergy(of) &
stt%penaltyEnergy(of) = stt%penaltyEnergy(of) &
+ R(i,j,iGrain)*(F(i,j,iGrain) - F0(i,j,iGrain))/real(nGrain,pReal)
enddo; enddo
state(instance)%mismatch(1:3,of) = sum(NN,2)/real(nGrain,pReal) ! the overall mismatch of all interface normals
state(instance)%volumeDiscrepancy(of) = volDiscrep
state(instance)%relaxationRate_avg(of) = sum(abs(drelax))/dt/real(3_pInt*nIntFaceTot,pReal)
state(instance)%relaxationRate_max(of) = maxval(abs(drelax))/dt
stt%mismatch(1:3,of) = sum(NN,2)/real(nGrain,pReal)
stt%relaxationRate_avg(of) = sum(abs(drelax))/dt/real(3_pInt*nIntFaceTot,pReal)
stt%relaxationRate_max(of) = maxval(abs(drelax))/dt
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. debug_e == el .and. debug_i == ip) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8)') 'Constitutive work: ',state(instance)%work(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,3(1x,e15.8))')'Magnitude mismatch: ',state(instance)%mismatch(1,of), &
state(instance)%mismatch(2,of), &
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8)') 'Penalty energy: ', state(instance)%penaltyEnergy(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8,/)') 'Volume discrepancy: ', state(instance)%volumeDiscrepancy(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8)') 'Maximum relaxation rate: ', state(instance)%relaxationRate_max(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8,/)') 'Average relaxation rate: ', state(instance)%relaxationRate_avg(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8)') 'Constitutive work: ',stt%work(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,3(1x,e15.8))')'Magnitude mismatch: ',stt%mismatch(1,of), &
stt%mismatch(2,of), &
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8)') 'Penalty energy: ', stt%penaltyEnergy(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8,/)') 'Volume discrepancy: ', stt%volumeDiscrepancy(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8)') 'Maximum relaxation rate: ', stt%relaxationRate_max(of)
write(6,'(1x,a30,1x,e15.8,/)') 'Average relaxation rate: ', stt%relaxationRate_avg(of)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
@ -543,23 +545,24 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
elseif (residMax > relMax_RGC*stresMax .or. residMax > absMax_RGC) then ! try to restart when residual blows up exceeding maximum bound
homogenization_RGC_updateState = [.true.,.false.] ! with direct cut-back
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. debug_e == el .and. debug_i == ip) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a55,/)')'... broken'
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
else ! proceed with computing the Jacobian and state update
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. debug_e == el .and. debug_i == ip) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a55,/)')'... not yet done'
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
@ -613,18 +616,16 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! debugging the global Jacobian matrix of stress tangent
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a30)')'Jacobian matrix of stress'
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot
write(6,'(1x,100(e11.4,1x))')(smatrix(i,j), j = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot)
write(6,*)' '
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! ... of the stress penalty tangent (mismatch penalty and volume penalty, computed using numerical
@ -636,10 +637,10 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
do ipert = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot
p_relax = relax
p_relax(ipert) = relax(ipert) + pPert_RGC ! perturb the relaxation vector
homogState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%state(1:3*nIntFaceTot,of) = p_relax
stt%relaxationVector(:,of) = p_relax
call grainDeformation(pF,avgF,instance,of) ! rain deformation from perturbed state
call stressPenalty(pR,pNN,avgF,pF,ip,el,instance) ! stress penalty due to interface mismatch from perturbed state
call volumePenalty(pD,volDiscrep,pF,avgF,ip,el) ! stress penalty due to volume discrepancy from perturbed state
call stressPenalty(pR,DevNull33, avgF,pF,ip,el,instance,of) ! stress penalty due to interface mismatch from perturbed state
call volumePenalty(pD,devNull, avgF,pF,nGrain,instance,of) ! stress penalty due to volume discrepancy from perturbed state
! computing the global stress residual array from the perturbed state
@ -675,18 +676,16 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
pmatrix(:,ipert) = p_resid/pPert_RGC
! debugging the global Jacobian matrix of penalty tangent
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization), debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a30)')'Jacobian matrix of penalty'
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot
write(6,'(1x,100(e11.4,1x))')(pmatrix(i,j), j = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot)
write(6,*)' '
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! ... of the numerical viscosity traction "rmatrix"
@ -695,53 +694,47 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
rmatrix(i,i) = viscModus_RGC*viscPower_RGC/(refRelaxRate_RGC*dt)* & ! tangent due to numerical viscosity traction appears
(abs(drelax(i))/(refRelaxRate_RGC*dt))**(viscPower_RGC - 1.0_pReal) ! only in the main diagonal term
! debugging the global Jacobian matrix of numerical viscosity tangent
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization), debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a30)')'Jacobian matrix of penalty'
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot
write(6,'(1x,100(e11.4,1x))')(rmatrix(i,j), j = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot)
write(6,*)' '
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! The overall Jacobian matrix summarizing contributions of smatrix, pmatrix, rmatrix
allocate(jmatrix(3*nIntFaceTot,3*nIntFaceTot)); jmatrix = smatrix + pmatrix + rmatrix
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization), debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a30)')'Jacobian matrix (total)'
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot
write(6,'(1x,100(e11.4,1x))')(jmatrix(i,j), j = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot)
write(6,*)' '
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! computing the update of the state variable (relaxation vectors) using the Jacobian matrix
call math_invert(size(jmatrix,1),jmatrix,jnverse,error) ! Compute the inverse of the overall Jacobian matrix
! debugging the inverse Jacobian matrix
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization), debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a30)')'Jacobian inverse'
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot
write(6,'(1x,100(e11.4,1x))')(jnverse(i,j), j = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot)
write(6,*)' '
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! calculate the state update (global relaxation vectors) for the next Newton-Raphson iteration
@ -750,7 +743,7 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
drelax(i) = drelax(i) - jnverse(i,j)*resid(j) ! Calculate the correction for the state variable
enddo; enddo
relax = relax + drelax ! Updateing the state variable for the next iteration
homogState(mappingHomogenization(2,ip,el))%state(1:3*nIntFaceTot,of) = relax
stt%relaxationVector(:,of) = relax
if (any(abs(drelax) > maxdRelax_RGC)) then ! Forcing cutback when the incremental change of relaxation vector becomes too large
homogenization_RGC_updateState = [.true.,.false.]
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
@ -760,24 +753,24 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! debugging the return state
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_homogenization, debug_levelExtensive) > 0_pInt) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(1x,a30)')'Returned state: '
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt*nIntFaceTot
do i = 1_pInt,size(stt%relaxationVector(:,of))
write(6,'(1x,2(e15.8,1x))') stt%relaxationVector(:,of)
write(6,*)' '
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
end associate
!> @brief calculate stress-like penalty due to deformation mismatch
subroutine stressPenalty(rPen,nMis,avgF,fDef,ip,el,instance)
subroutine stressPenalty(rPen,nMis,avgF,fDef,ip,el,instance,of)
use math, only: &
use numerics, only: &
@ -786,21 +779,22 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains), intent(out) :: rPen !< stress-like penalty
real(pReal), dimension (3,homogenization_maxNgrains), intent(out) :: nMis !< total amount of mismatch
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains), intent(in) :: fDef !< deformation gradients
real(pReal), dimension (3,3), intent(in) :: avgF !< initial effective stretch tensor
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip,el,instance
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip,el,instance,of
integer(pInt), dimension (4) :: intFace
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: iGrain3,iGNghb3,nGDim
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: gDef,nDef
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: nVect,surfCorr
real(pReal), dimension (2) :: Gmoduli
integer(pInt) :: iGrain,iGNghb,iFace,i,j,k,l,of
integer(pInt) :: iGrain,iGNghb,iFace,i,j,k,l
real(pReal) :: muGrain,muGNghb,nDefNorm,bgGrain,bgGNghb
real(pReal), parameter :: nDefToler = 1.0e-10_pReal
#ifdef DEBUG
logical :: debugActive
debugActive = iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. debug_e == el .and. debug_i == ip
nGDim = param(instance)%Nconstituents
rPen = 0.0_pReal
@ -810,25 +804,29 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! get the correction factor the modulus of penalty stress representing the evolution of area of
! the interfaces due to deformations
of = mappingHomogenization(1,ip,el)
surfCorr = surfaceCorrection(avgF,instance,of)
associate(prm => param(instance))
#ifdef DEBUG
debugActive = iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. prm%of_debug = of
if (debugActive) then
write(6,'(1x,a20,2(1x,i3))')'Correction factor: ',ip,el
write(6,*) surfCorr
! computing the mismatch and penalty stress tensor of all grains
do iGrain = 1_pInt,product(prm%Nconstituents)
grainLoop: do iGrain = 1_pInt,product(prm%Nconstituents)
Gmoduli = equivalentModuli(iGrain,ip,el)
muGrain = Gmoduli(1) ! collecting the equivalent shear modulus of grain
bgGrain = Gmoduli(2) ! and the lengthh of Burgers vector
iGrain3 = grain1to3(iGrain,prm%Nconstituents) ! get the grain ID in local 3-dimensional index (x,y,z)-position
!* Looping over all six interfaces of each grain
do iFace = 1_pInt,6_pInt
interfaceLoop: do iFace = 1_pInt,6_pInt
intFace = getInterface(iFace,iGrain3) ! get the 4-dimensional index of the interface in local numbering system of the grain
nVect = interfaceNormal(intFace,instance,of)
iGNghb3 = iGrain3 ! identify the neighboring grain across the interface
@ -854,12 +852,13 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
enddo; enddo
nDefNorm = max(nDefToler,sqrt(nDefNorm)) ! approximation to zero mismatch if mismatch is zero (singularity)
nMis(abs(intFace(1)),iGrain) = nMis(abs(intFace(1)),iGrain) + nDefNorm ! total amount of mismatch experienced by the grain (at all six interfaces)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (debugActive) then
write(6,'(1x,a20,i2,1x,a20,1x,i3)')'Mismatch to face: ',intFace(1),'neighbor grain: ',iGNghb
write(6,*) transpose(nDef)
write(6,'(1x,a20,e11.4)')'with magnitude: ',nDefNorm
! compute the stress penalty of all interfaces
@ -870,14 +869,16 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
*0.5_pReal*nVect(l)*nDef(i,k)/nDefNorm*math_civita(k,l,j) &
enddo; enddo;enddo; enddo
enddo interfaceLoop
#ifdef DEBUG
if (debugActive) then
write(6,'(1x,a20,i2)')'Penalty of grain: ',iGrain
write(6,*) transpose(rPen(1:3,1:3,iGrain))
enddo grainLoop
end associate
end subroutine stressPenalty
@ -886,7 +887,7 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
!> @brief calculate stress-like penalty due to volume discrepancy
subroutine volumePenalty(vPen,vDiscrep,fDef,fAvg,ip,el)
subroutine volumePenalty(vPen,vDiscrep,fAvg,fDef,nGrain,instance,of)
use math, only: &
math_det33, &
@ -898,40 +899,41 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains), intent(out) :: vPen ! stress-like penalty due to volume
real(pReal), intent(out) :: vDiscrep ! total volume discrepancy
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains), intent(in) :: fDef ! deformation gradients
real(pReal), dimension (3,3), intent(in) :: fAvg ! overall deformation gradient
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip,& ! integration point
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: &
Ngrain, &
instance, &
real(pReal), dimension (homogenization_maxNgrains) :: gVol
integer(pInt) :: iGrain,nGrain
logical :: debugActive
debugActive = iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. debug_e == el .and. debug_i == ip
nGrain = homogenization_Ngrains(material_homogenizationAt(el))
integer(pInt) :: i
! compute the volumes of grains and of cluster
vDiscrep = math_det33(fAvg) ! compute the volume of the cluster
do iGrain = 1_pInt,nGrain
gVol(iGrain) = math_det33(fDef(1:3,1:3,iGrain)) ! compute the volume of individual grains
vDiscrep = vDiscrep - gVol(iGrain)/real(nGrain,pReal) ! calculate the difference/dicrepancy between
do i = 1_pInt,nGrain
gVol(i) = math_det33(fDef(1:3,1:3,i)) ! compute the volume of individual grains
vDiscrep = vDiscrep - gVol(i)/real(nGrain,pReal) ! calculate the difference/dicrepancy between
! the volume of the cluster and the the total volume of grains
! calculate the stress and penalty due to volume discrepancy
vPen = 0.0_pReal
do iGrain = 1_pInt,nGrain
vPen(:,:,iGrain) = -1.0_pReal/real(nGrain,pReal)*volDiscrMod_RGC*volDiscrPow_RGC/maxVolDiscr_RGC* &
do i = 1_pInt,nGrain
vPen(:,:,i) = -1.0_pReal/real(nGrain,pReal)*volDiscrMod_RGC*volDiscrPow_RGC/maxVolDiscr_RGC* &
sign((abs(vDiscrep)/maxVolDiscr_RGC)**(volDiscrPow_RGC - 1.0),vDiscrep)* &
if (debugActive) then
write(6,'(1x,a30,i2)')'Volume penalty of grain: ',iGrain
write(6,*) transpose(vPen(:,:,iGrain))
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt &
.and. param(instance)%of_debug == of) then
write(6,'(1x,a30,i2)')'Volume penalty of grain: ',i
write(6,*) transpose(vPen(:,:,i))
end subroutine volumePenalty
@ -1020,6 +1022,7 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: &
instance, &
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: aVect,nVect
integer(pInt), dimension (4) :: intFace
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: iGrain3
@ -1027,9 +1030,12 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
! compute the deformation gradient of individual grains due to relaxations
associate(prm => param(instance))
F = 0.0_pReal
do iGrain = 1_pInt,product(param(instance)%Nconstituents)
iGrain3 = grain1to3(iGrain,param(instance)%Nconstituents)
do iGrain = 1_pInt,product(prm%Nconstituents)
iGrain3 = grain1to3(iGrain,prm%Nconstituents)
do iFace = 1_pInt,6_pInt
intFace = getInterface(iFace,iGrain3)
aVect = relaxationVector(intFace,instance,of)
@ -1040,6 +1046,8 @@ function homogenization_RGC_updateState(P,F,F0,avgF,dt,dPdF,ip,el)
F(1:3,1:3,iGrain) = F(1:3,1:3,iGrain) + avgF ! relaxed deformation gradient
end associate
end subroutine grainDeformation
end function homogenization_RGC_updateState
@ -1068,50 +1076,48 @@ end subroutine homogenization_RGC_averageStressAndItsTangent
!> @brief return array of homogenization results for post file inclusion
pure function homogenization_RGC_postResults(ip,el) result(postResults)
use material, only: &
material_homogenizationAt, &
pure function homogenization_RGC_postResults(instance,of) result(postResults)
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: &
ip, & !< integration point number
el !< element number
instance, &
integer(pInt) instance,o,c,of
real(pReal), dimension(sum(homogenization_RGC_sizePostResult(:,homogenization_typeInstance(material_homogenizationAt(el))))) :: &
integer(pInt) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(sum(homogenization_RGC_sizePostResult(:,instance))) :: &
instance = homogenization_typeInstance(material_homogenizationAt(el))
associate(prm => param(instance))
of = mappingHomogenization(1,ip,el)
associate(prm => param(instance), stt => state(instance))
c = 0_pInt
postResults = 0.0_pReal
outputsLoop: do o = 1_pInt,size(prm%outputID)
select case(prm%outputID(o))
case (constitutivework_ID)
postResults(c+1) = state(instance)%work(of)
postResults(c+1) = stt%work(of)
c = c + 1_pInt
case (magnitudemismatch_ID)
postResults(c+1:c+3) = state(instance)%mismatch(1:3,of)
postResults(c+1:c+3) = stt%mismatch(1:3,of)
c = c + 3_pInt
case (penaltyenergy_ID)
postResults(c+1) = state(instance)%penaltyEnergy(of)
postResults(c+1) = stt%penaltyEnergy(of)
c = c + 1_pInt
case (volumediscrepancy_ID)
postResults(c+1) = state(instance)%volumeDiscrepancy(of)
postResults(c+1) = stt%volumeDiscrepancy(of)
c = c + 1_pInt
case (averagerelaxrate_ID)
postResults(c+1) = state(instance)%relaxationrate_avg(of)
postResults(c+1) = stt%relaxationrate_avg(of)
c = c + 1_pInt
case (maximumrelaxrate_ID)
postResults(c+1) = state(instance)%relaxationrate_max(of)
postResults(c+1) = stt%relaxationrate_max(of)
c = c + 1_pInt
end select
enddo outputsLoop
end associate
end function homogenization_RGC_postResults
@ -1122,6 +1128,7 @@ pure function relaxationVector(intFace,instance,of)
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: instance,of
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: relaxationVector
integer(pInt), dimension (4), intent(in) :: intFace !< set of interface ID in 4D array (normal and position)
integer(pInt) :: &
@ -1129,9 +1136,13 @@ pure function relaxationVector(intFace,instance,of)
! collect the interface relaxation vector from the global state array
relaxationVector = 0.0_pReal
iNum = interface4to1(intFace,param(instance)%Nconstituents) ! identify the position of the interface in global state array
if (iNum > 0_pInt) relaxationVector = state(instance)%relaxationVector((3*iNum-2):(3*iNum),of)
if (iNum > 0_pInt) then
relaxationVector = state(instance)%relaxationVector((3*iNum-2):(3*iNum),of)
relaxationVector = 0.0_pReal
end function relaxationVector
@ -1274,7 +1285,7 @@ pure function interface1to4(iFace1D, nGDim)
integer(pInt), dimension(4) :: interface1to4
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: iFace1D !< interface ID in 1D array
integer(pInt), dimension(3), intent(in) :: nGDim
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: nIntFace
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: nIntFace
! compute the total number of interfaces, which ...