trying to get the last things work without the core module

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2016-06-27 19:38:12 +02:00
parent 21cfe09412
commit 8307a4a9ab
1 changed files with 122 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -3,12 +3,85 @@
import os,sys import os,sys
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.ndimage
from optparse import OptionParser from optparse import OptionParser
import damask import damask
scriptName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] scriptName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
scriptID = ' '.join([scriptName,damask.version]) scriptID = ' '.join([scriptName,damask.version])
def cell2node(cellData,grid):
nodeData = 0.0
datalen = np.array(cellData.shape[3:]).prod()
for i in xrange(datalen):
node = scipy.ndimage.convolve(cellData.reshape(tuple(grid)+(datalen,))[...,i],
np.ones((2,2,2))/8., # 2x2x2 neighborhood of cells
mode = 'wrap',
origin = -1, # offset to have cell origin as center
) # now averaged at cell origins
node = np.append(node,node[np.newaxis,0,:,:,...],axis=0) # wrap along z
node = np.append(node,node[:,0,np.newaxis,:,...],axis=1) # wrap along y
node = np.append(node,node[:,:,0,np.newaxis,...],axis=2) # wrap along x
nodeData = node[...,np.newaxis] if i==0 else np.concatenate((nodeData,node[...,np.newaxis]),axis=-1)
return nodeData
def displacementAvgFFT(F,grid,size,nodal=False,transformed=False):
"""calculate average cell center (or nodal) displacement for deformation gradient field specified in each grid cell"""
if nodal:
x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,size[0],1+grid[0]),
indexing = 'ij')
x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,size[0],grid[0],endpoint=False),
indexing = 'ij')
origCoords = np.concatenate((z[:,:,:,None],y[:,:,:,None],x[:,:,:,None]),axis = 3)
F_fourier = F if transformed else np.fft.rfftn(F,axes=(0,1,2)) # transform or use provided data
Favg = np.real(F_fourier[0,0,0,:,:])/ # take zero freq for average
avgDisplacement = np.einsum('ml,ijkl->ijkm',Favg-np.eye(3),origCoords) # dX = Favg.X
return avgDisplacement
def displacementFluctFFT(F,grid,size,nodal=False,transformed=False):
"""calculate cell center (or nodal) displacement for deformation gradient field specified in each grid cell"""
integrator = 0.5j * size / math.pi
kk, kj, ki = np.meshgrid(np.where(np.arange(grid[2])>grid[2]//2,np.arange(grid[2])-grid[2],np.arange(grid[2])),
indexing = 'ij')
k_s = np.concatenate((ki[:,:,:,None],kj[:,:,:,None],kk[:,:,:,None]),axis = 3)
k_sSquared = np.einsum('...l,...l',k_s,k_s)
k_sSquared[0,0,0] = 1.0 # ignore global average frequency
# integration in Fourier space
displacement_fourier = +np.einsum('ijkml,ijkl,l->ijkm',
F if transformed else np.fft.rfftn(F,axes=(0,1,2)),
) / k_sSquared[...,np.newaxis]
# backtransformation to real space
displacement = np.fft.irfftn(displacement_fourier,grid,axes=(0,1,2))
return cell2node(displacement,grid) if nodal else displacement
def volTetrahedron(coords): def volTetrahedron(coords):
""" """
@ -188,13 +261,16 @@ for name in filenames:
errors = [] errors = []
remarks = [] remarks = []
if table.label_dimension(options.pos) != 3:
errors.append('coordinates "{}" are not a vector.'.format(options.pos))
else: colCoord = table.label_index(options.pos)
if table.label_dimension(options.defgrad) != 9: if table.label_dimension(options.defgrad) != 9:
errors.append('deformation gradient "{}" is not a tensor.'.format(options.defgrad)) errors.append('deformation gradient "{}" is not a 3x3 tensor.'.format(options.defgrad))
else: colF = table.label_index(options.defgrad)
coordDim = table.label_dimension(options.pos)
if not 3 >= coordDim >= 1:
errors.append('coordinates "{}" need to have one, two, or three dimensions.'.format(options.pos))
elif coordDim < 3:
remarks.append('appending {} dimension{} to coordinates "{}"...'.format(3-coordDim,
's' if coordDim < 2 else '',
if remarks != []: damask.util.croak(remarks) if remarks != []: damask.util.croak(remarks)
if errors != []: if errors != []:
@ -202,52 +278,54 @@ for name in filenames:
table.close(dismiss=True) table.close(dismiss=True)
continue continue
# ------------------------------------------ assemble header --------------------------------------
table.info_append(scriptID + '\t' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))
if options.shape: table.labels_append('shapeMismatch({})'.format(options.defgrad))
if options.volume: table.labels_append('volMismatch({})'.format(options.defgrad))
# --------------- figure out size and grid --------------------------------------------------------- # --------------- figure out size and grid ---------------------------------------------------------
table.data_readArray() table.data_readArray([options.defgrad,options.pos])
coords = [np.unique([:,colCoord+i]) for i in xrange(3)] if len( < 2: += (1,) # expand to 2D shape
if[:,9:].shape[1] < 3: = np.hstack((,
np.zeros(([0],[:,9:].shape[1]),dtype='f'))) # fill coords up to 3D with zeros
coords = [np.unique([:,9+i]) for i in xrange(3)]
mincorner = np.array(map(min,coords)) mincorner = np.array(map(min,coords))
maxcorner = np.array(map(max,coords)) maxcorner = np.array(map(max,coords))
grid = np.array(map(len,coords),'i') grid = np.array(map(len,coords),'i')
size = grid/np.maximum(np.ones(3,'d'), grid-1.0) * (maxcorner-mincorner) # size from edge to edge = dim * n/(n-1) size = grid/np.maximum(np.ones(3,'d'), grid-1.0) * (maxcorner-mincorner) # size from edge to edge = dim * n/(n-1)
size = np.where(grid > 1, size, min(size[grid > 1]/grid[grid > 1])) # grid==1 spacing set to smallest among other ones size = np.where(grid > 1, size, min(size[grid > 1]/grid[grid > 1])) # spacing for grid==1 set to smallest among other spacings
N = N =
# --------------- figure out columns to process --------------------------------------------------- if N != len( errors.append('data count {} does not match grid {}x{}x{}.'.format(N,*grid))
key = '1_'+options.defgrad if errors != []:
if table.label_index(key) == -1: damask.util.croak(errors)
damask.util.croak('column "{}" not found...'.format(key)) table.close(dismiss = True)
continue continue
column = table.label_index(key) # remember columns of requested data
# ------------------------------------------ assemble header --------------------------------------- # -----------------------------process data and assemble header -------------------------------------
if options.shape: table.labels_append(['shapeMismatch({})'.format(options.defgrad)])
if options.volume: table.labels_append(['volMismatch({})'.format(options.defgrad)]) F_fourier = np.fft.rfftn([:,:9].reshape(grid[2],grid[1],grid[0],3,3),axes=(0,1,2)) # perform transform only once...
nodes = np.vstack(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0.0,size[0],grid[0]+1),
+ displacementFluctFFT(F_fourier,grid,size,True,transformed=True)\
+ displacementAvgFFT (F_fourier,grid,size,True,transformed=True)
if options.shape:
centres = np.vstack(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(size[0]/grid[0]*.5,size[0]-size[0]/grid[0]*.5,grid[0]),
+ displacementFluctFFT(F_fourier,grid,size,False,transformed=True)\
+ displacementAvgFFT (F_fourier,grid,size,False,transformed=True)
if options.volume:
table.head_write() table.head_write()
if options.shape: shapeMismatch = shapeMismatch( size,[:,:9].reshape(grid[2],grid[1],grid[0],3,3),nodes,centres)
# ------------------------------------------ read deformation gradient field ----------------------- if options.volume: volumeMismatch = volumeMismatch(size,[:,:9].reshape(grid[2],grid[1],grid[0],3,3),nodes)
F = np.zeros(N*9,'d').reshape([3,3]+list(grid))
idx = 0
while table.data_read():
(x,y,z) = damask.util.gridLocation(idx,grid) # figure out (x,y,z) position from line count
idx += 1
F[0:3,0:3,x,y,z] = np.array(map(float,[column:column+9]),'d').reshape(3,3)
Favg = damask.core.math.tensorAvg(F)
centres = damask.core.mesh.deformedCoordsFFT(size,F,Favg,[1.0,1.0,1.0])
nodes = damask.core.mesh.nodesAroundCentres(size,Favg,centres)
if options.shape: shapeMismatch = shapeMismatch( size,F,nodes,centres)
if options.volume: volumeMismatch = volumeMismatch(size,F,nodes)
# ------------------------------------------ process data ------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------ process data ------------------------------------------
table.data_rewind() table.data_rewind()
@ -262,4 +340,5 @@ for name in filenames:
# ------------------------------------------ output finalization ----------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------ output finalization -----------------------------------
table.close() # close ASCII tables table.close()