more user friendly error handling

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2020-10-31 12:59:46 +01:00
parent e11391c750
commit 8224122bb9
1 changed files with 34 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import subprocess
import shlex
import string
import re
import io
from pathlib import Path
from .. import environment
@ -27,7 +28,10 @@ class Marc:
path_MSC = environment.options['MSC_ROOT']
path_lib = Path(f'{path_MSC}/mentat{self.version}/shlib/linux64')
return path_lib if path_lib.is_dir() else None
if not path_lib.is_dir():
raise FileNotFoundError(f'library path "{path_lib}" not found')
return path_lib
@ -36,10 +40,12 @@ class Marc:
path_MSC = environment.options['MSC_ROOT']
path_tools = Path(f'{path_MSC}/marc{self.version}/tools')
return path_tools if path_tools.is_dir() else None
if not path_tools.is_dir():
raise FileNotFoundError(f'tools path "{path_tools}" not found')
return path_tools
def submit_job(self,
job = 'job1',
@ -48,38 +54,37 @@ class Marc:
optimization = '',
usersub = environment.root_dir/'src/DAMASK_marc'
usersub = usersub.parent/( + ('.f90' if compile else '.marc'))
if not usersub.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError("DAMASK4Marc ({}) '{}' not found".format(('source' if compile else 'binary'),usersub))
raise FileNotFoundError(f'subroutine ({"source" if compile else "binary"}) "{usersub}" not found')
# Define options [see Marc Installation and Operation Guide, pp 23]
script = f'run_damask_{optimization}mp'
cmd = str(self.tools_path/Path(script)) + \
' -jid ' + model + '_' + job + \
' -nprocd 1 -autorst 0 -ci n -cr n -dcoup 0 -b no -v no'
if compile: cmd += ' -u ' + str(usersub) + ' -save y'
else: cmd += ' -prog ' + str(usersub.with_suffix(''))
print('job submission {} compilation: {}'.format(('with' if compile else 'without'),usersub))
if logfile: log = open(logfile, 'w')
cmd = str(self.tools_path/script) + \
' -jid ' + model+'_'+job + \
' -nprocd 1 -autorst 0 -ci n -cr n -dcoup 0 -b no -v no'
cmd += ' -u ' + str(usersub) + ' -save y' if compile else \
' -prog ' + str(usersub.with_suffix(''))
process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd),stdout = log,stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
def exit_number_from_outFile(self,outFile=None):
exitnumber = -1
with open(outFile,'r') as fid_out:
for line in fid_out:
if (string.find(line,'tress iteration') != -1):
elif (string.find(line,'Exit number') != -1):
substr = line[string.find(line,'Exit number'):len(line)]
exitnumber = int(substr[12:16])
if logfile is not None:
f = open(logfile,'w+')
except TypeError:
f = logfile
f = io.StringIO()
return exitnumber
proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd),stdout=f,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
v = int('Exit number ([0-9]+)',f.readlines()[-1]).group(1))
except (AttributeError,ValueError):
raise RuntimeError('Marc simulation failed (unknown return value)')
if v != 3004:
raise RuntimeError(f'Marc simulation failed ({v})')