read file only once (per process)

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2021-07-27 08:35:52 +02:00
parent 367c088b16
commit 812b0f07f5
3 changed files with 24 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module YAML_parse
public :: &
YAML_parse_init, &
@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ end subroutine YAML_parse_init
!> @brief Parse a YAML file into a a structure of nodes.
!> @brief Parse a YAML string into a a structure of nodes.
function YAML_parse_file(fname) result(node)
function YAML_parse_str(str) result(node)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
class (tNode), pointer :: node
node => parse_flow(to_flow(IO_read(fname)))
node => parse_flow(to_flow(str))
end function YAML_parse_file
end function YAML_parse_str

View File

@ -51,14 +51,17 @@ subroutine parse_material()
if(.not. fileExists) call IO_error(100,ext_msg='material.yaml')
print*, 'reading material.yaml'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
fileContent = IO_read('material.yaml')
if (worldrank == 0) then
call results_openJobFile(parallel=.false.)
call results_writeDataset_str(fileContent,'setup','material.yaml','DAMASK main configuration')
call results_closeJobFile
config_material => YAML_parse_file('material.yaml')
config_material => YAML_parse_str(fileContent)
end subroutine parse_material
@ -73,16 +76,21 @@ subroutine parse_numerics()
config_numerics => emptyDict
inquire(file='numerics.yaml', exist=fileExists)
if (fileExists) then
print*, 'reading numerics.yaml'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
fileContent = IO_read('numerics.yaml')
if (worldrank == 0) then
call results_openJobFile(parallel=.false.)
call results_writeDataset_str(fileContent,'setup','numerics.yaml','numerics configuration (optional)')
call results_closeJobFile
config_numerics => YAML_parse_file('numerics.yaml')
config_numerics => YAML_parse_str(fileContent)
end subroutine parse_numerics
@ -98,16 +106,21 @@ subroutine parse_debug()
config_debug => emptyDict
inquire(file='debug.yaml', exist=fileExists)
if (fileExists) then
print*, 'reading debug.yaml'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
fileContent = IO_read('debug.yaml')
if (worldrank == 0) then
call results_openJobFile(parallel=.false.)
call results_writeDataset_str(fileContent,'setup','debug.yaml','debug configuration (optional)')
call results_closeJobFile
config_debug => YAML_parse_file('debug.yaml')
config_debug => YAML_parse_str(fileContent)
end subroutine parse_debug

View File

@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ program DAMASK_grid
if (stagItMax < 0) call IO_error(301,ext_msg='maxStaggeredIter')
if (maxCutBack < 0) call IO_error(301,ext_msg='maxCutBack')
if (worldrank == 0) then
fileContent = IO_read(interface_loadFile)
if (worldrank == 0) then
call results_openJobFile(parallel=.false.)
call results_writeDataset_str(fileContent,'setup',interface_loadFile,'load case definition (grid solver)')
call results_closeJobFile
config_load => YAML_parse_file(trim(interface_loadFile))
config_load => YAML_parse_str(fileContent)
solver => config_load%get('solver')