separating functionality for more flexibility
This commit is contained in:
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,instance,ext_msg)
case (155)
msg = 'material index out of bounds'
case (180)
msg = 'missing/invalid material definition via State Variable 2'
msg = 'missing/invalid material definition'
case (190)
msg = 'unknown element type:'
case (191)
@ -11,24 +11,117 @@ module VTK
implicit none
public :: VTK_readVTI
public :: &
VTK_readVTIdataset_int, &
!> @brief Parse vtk image data (.vti)
!> @brief Read integer dataset from a VTK image data (*.vti) file.
!> @details
subroutine VTK_readVTI(cells,geomSize,origin,material, &
function VTK_readVTIdataset_int(fileContent,label) result(dataset)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: &
label, &
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
character(len=:), allocatable :: dataType, headerType, base64_str
logical :: compressed
call VTK_readVTIdataset_raw(base64_str,dataType,headerType,compressed, &
dataset = as_Int(base64_str,headerType,compressed,dataType)
if (.not. allocated(dataset)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='dataset "'//label//'" not found')
end function VTK_readVTIdataset_int
!> @brief Read dataset as raw data (base64 string) from a VTK image data (*.vti) file.
!> @details
subroutine VTK_readVTIdataset_raw(base64_str,dataType,headerType,compressed, &
character(len=*), intent(in) :: &
label, &
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: dataType, headerType, base64_str
logical, intent(out) :: compressed
logical :: inFile,inImage,gotCellData
integer(pI64) :: &
startPos, endPos, &
inFile = .false.
inImage = .false.
startPos = 1_pI64
outer: do while (startPos < len(fileContent,kind=pI64))
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
if (endPos < startPos) endPos = len(fileContent,kind=pI64) ! end of file without new line
if (.not. inFile) then
if (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<VTKFile',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
inFile = .true.
if (.not. fileFormatOk(fileContent(startPos:endPos))) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='file format')
headerType = merge('UInt64','UInt32',getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'header_type')=='UInt64')
compressed = getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'compressor') == 'vtkZLibDataCompressor'
end if
if (.not. inImage) then
if (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<ImageData',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
inImage = .true.
end if
if (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<CellData',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
do while (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'</CellData>',kind=pI64) == 0_pI64)
if (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<DataArray',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64 .and. &
getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'Name') == label ) then
if (getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'format') /= 'binary') &
call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='format ('//label//')')
dataType = getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'type')
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
s = startPos + verify(fileContent(startPos:endPos),IO_WHITESPACE,kind=pI64) -1_pI64 ! start (no leading whitespace)
base64_str = fileContent(s:endPos)
exit outer
end if
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
end do
end if
end if
end if
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
end do outer
end subroutine VTK_readVTIdataset_raw
!> @brief Read cells, size, and origin of an VTK image data (*.vti) file.
!> @details
subroutine VTK_readVTI_cellsSizeOrigin(cells,geomSize,origin, &
integer, dimension(3), intent(out) :: &
cells ! # of cells (across all processes!)
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(out) :: &
geomSize, & ! physical size (across all processes!)
geomSize, & ! size (across all processes!)
origin ! origin (across all processes!)
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable :: &
character(len=*), intent(in) :: &
@ -44,12 +137,8 @@ subroutine VTK_readVTI(cells,geomSize,origin,material, &
inFile = .false.
inImage = .false.
gotCelldata = .false.
! parse XML file
startPos = 1_pI64
do while (startPos < len(fileContent,kind=pI64))
outer: do while (startPos < len(fileContent,kind=pI64))
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
if (endPos < startPos) endPos = len(fileContent,kind=pI64) ! end of file without new line
@ -65,49 +154,24 @@ subroutine VTK_readVTI(cells,geomSize,origin,material, &
if (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<ImageData',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
inImage = .true.
call cellsSizeOrigin(cells,geomSize,origin,fileContent(startPos:endPos))
exit outer
end if
end if
end if
if (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<CellData',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
gotCellData = .true.
do while (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'</CellData>',kind=pI64) == 0_pI64)
if (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<DataArray',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64 .and. &
getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'Name') == 'material' ) then
if (getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'format') /= 'binary') &
call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='format (material)')
dataType = getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'type')
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
s = startPos + verify(fileContent(startPos:endPos),IO_WHITESPACE,kind=pI64) -1_pI64 ! start (no leading whitespace)
material = as_Int(fileContent(s:endPos),headerType,compressed,dataType)
end if
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
end do
end if
end if
end if
if (gotCellData) exit
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
end do outer
end do
if (.not. allocated(material)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='material data not found')
if (size(material) /= product(cells)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='size(material)')
if (any(geomSize<=0)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='size')
if (any(cells<1)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='cells')
material = material + 1
if (any(material<1)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='material ID < 0')
end subroutine VTK_readVTI
end subroutine VTK_readVTI_cellsSizeOrigin
!> @brief determine size and origin from coordinates
!> @brief Determine size and origin from coordinates.
subroutine cellsSizeOrigin(c,s,o,header)
integer, dimension(3), intent(out) :: c
@ -138,9 +202,9 @@ subroutine cellsSizeOrigin(c,s,o,header)
end subroutine
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as integer of default kind
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as integer of default kind.
function as_Int(base64_str,headerType,compressed,dataType)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
@ -167,9 +231,9 @@ function as_Int(base64_str,headerType,compressed,dataType)
end function as_Int
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as integer of pReal kind
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as real of kind pReal.
function as_pReal(base64_str,headerType,compressed,dataType)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
@ -196,9 +260,9 @@ function as_pReal(base64_str,headerType,compressed,dataType)
end function as_pReal
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes.
function asBytes(base64_str,headerType,compressed) result(bytes)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
@ -217,15 +281,15 @@ function asBytes(base64_str,headerType,compressed) result(bytes)
end function asBytes
!> @brief Interpret compressed Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes
!> @brief Interpret compressed Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes.
!> @details A compressed Base64 string consists of a header block and a data block
! [#blocks/#u-size/#p-size/#c-size-1/#c-size-2/.../#c-size-#blocks][DATA-1/DATA-2...]
! #blocks = Number of blocks
! #u-size = Block size before compression
! #p-size = Size of last partial block (zero if it not needed)
! #c-size-i = Size in bytes of block i after compression
function asBytes_compressed(base64_str,headerType) result(bytes)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
@ -265,11 +329,11 @@ function asBytes_compressed(base64_str,headerType) result(bytes)
end function asBytes_compressed
!> @brief Interprete uncompressed Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes
!> @brief Interprete uncompressed Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes.
!> @details An uncompressed Base64 string consists of N headers blocks and a N data blocks
function asBytes_uncompressed(base64_str,headerType) result(bytes)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
@ -300,9 +364,9 @@ function asBytes_uncompressed(base64_str,headerType) result(bytes)
end function asBytes_uncompressed
!> @brief Get XML string value for given key.
pure function getXMLValue(line,key)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line, key
@ -337,9 +401,9 @@ pure function getXMLValue(line,key)
end function
!> @brief Check for supported file format variants.
pure function fileFormatOk(line)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: line
@ -76,7 +76,12 @@ subroutine discretization_grid_init(restart)
if (worldrank == 0) then
fileContent = IO_read(interface_geomFile)
call VTK_readVTI(cells,geomSize,origin,materialAt_global,fileContent)
call VTK_readVTI_cellsSizeOrigin(cells,geomSize,origin,fileContent)
materialAt_global = VTK_readVTIdataset_int(fileContent,'material') + 1
if (any(materialAt_global < 1)) &
call IO_error(180,ext_msg='material ID < 1')
if (size(materialAt_global) /= product(cells)) &
call IO_error(180,ext_msg='mismatch of material IDs and # cells')
fname = interface_geomFile
if (scan(fname,'/') /= 0) fname = fname(scan(fname,'/',.true.)+1:)
call results_openJobFile(parallel=.false.)
Reference in New Issue