dislocation stress based on dislocation density gradients
This commit is contained in:
@ -816,51 +816,33 @@ integer(pInt) myInstance, & ! current instance
neighboring_ip, & ! integration point of my neighbor
c, & ! index of dilsocation character (edge, screw)
n, & ! index of my current neighbor
opposite_n, & ! index of my opposite neighbor
opposite_ip, & ! ip of my opposite neighbor
opposite_el, & ! element index of my opposite neighbor
s, & ! index of my current slip system
t, & ! index of dilsocation type (e+, e-, s+, s-, used e+, used e-, used s+, used s-)
sLattice, & ! index of my current slip system according to lattice order
i, &
real(pReal) gb, & ! short notation for G*b/2/pi
x, & ! coordinate in direction of lvec
y, & ! coordinate in direction of bvec
z, & ! coordinate in direction of nvec
a, & ! coordinate offset from dislocation core
detFe, & ! determinant of elastic deformation gradient
neighboring_detFe, & ! determinant of my neighboring elastic deformation gradient
L, & ! dislocation segment length
r1_2, &
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: transmissivity ! transmissivity factor for each interface
real(pReal), dimension(2) :: lambda ! distance of (x y z) from the segment end projected onto the dislocation segment
real(pReal), dimension(3,6) :: connectingVector ! vector connecting the centers of gravity of me and my neigbor (for each neighbor)
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tdislocation_v ! dislocation stress (resulting from the neighboring excess dislocation densities) as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,2) :: sigma ! dislocation stress for both ends of a single dislocation segment
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: lattice2slip, & ! orthogonal transformation matrix from lattice coordinate system to slip coordinate system with e1=bxn, e2=b, e3=n (passive rotation!!!)
neighboringSlip2myLattice, &! mapping from my neighbors slip coordinate system to my lattice coordinate system
deltaSigma, & ! Tdislocation resulting from the excess dislocation density on one slip system of one neighbor calculated in the coordinate system of the slip system
real(pReal) nu ! poisson's ratio
real(pReal), dimension(3,2) :: rhoExcessDifference, & ! finite differences of excess density (in 3 directions for edge and screw)
disloGradients ! spatial gradient in excess dislocation density (in 3 directions for edge and screw)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: sigma, & ! dislocation stress for one slip system in its slip system frame
lattice2slip, & ! orthogonal transformation matrix from lattice coordinate system to slip coordinate system with e1=bxn, e2=b, e3=n (passive rotation!!!)
F, & ! total deformation gradient
neighboring_F, & ! total deformation gradient of my neighbor
Favg, & ! average total deformation gradient of me and my neighbor
invFe, & ! inverse of elastic deformation gradient
neighboring_invFe ! inverse of my neighboring elastic deformation gradient
neighboring_F, & ! total deformation gradient of neighbor
invFe, & ! inverse elastic deformation gradient
invPositionDifference ! inverse of a 3x3 matrix containing finite differences of pairs of position vectors
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: transmissivity, & ! transmissivity factor for each interface
Tdislocation_v ! dislocation stress (resulting from the neighboring excess dislocation densities) as 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Mandel notation
real(pReal), dimension(6,2,constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el)))) :: &
neighboring_rhoExcess ! excess density for each neighbor, dislo character and slip system
real(pReal), dimension(6,3) :: neighboring_position ! position vector of each neighbor when seen from the centreal material point's lattice frame
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),8) :: &
rhoSgl, & ! single dislocation density (edge+, edge-, screw+, screw-, used edge+, used edge-, used screw+, used screw-)
neighboring_rhoSgl ! single dislocation density of my neighbor (edge+, edge-, screw+, screw-, used edge+, used edge-, used screw+, used screw-)
rhoSgl ! single dislocation density (edge+, edge-, screw+, screw-, used edge+, used edge-, used screw+, used screw-)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))),2) :: &
rhoDip ! dipole dislocation density (edge, screw)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el)))) :: &
rhoForest, & ! forest dislocation density
tauThreshold, & ! threshold shear stress
tau, & ! resolved shear stress
neighboring_rhoEdgeExcess, &! edge excess dislocation density of my neighbor
neighboring_rhoScrewExcess,&! screw excess dislocation density of my neighbor
neighboring_Nedge, & ! total number of edge excess dislocations in my neighbor
neighboring_Nscrew ! total number of screw excess dislocations in my neighbor
tau ! resolved shear stress
myInstance = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,ip,el))
myStructure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(myInstance)
@ -900,165 +882,81 @@ forall (s = 1:ns) &
!*** calculate the dislocation stress of the neighboring excess dislocation densities
Tdislocation_v = 0.0_pReal
connectingVector = 0.0_pReal
F = math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,ip,el), Fp(:,:,g,ip,el))
detFe = math_det3x3(Fe)
invFe = math_inv3x3(Fe)
invFe = math_inv3x3(Fe(:,:,g,ip,el))
nu = constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)
do n = 1,FE_NipNeighbors(mesh_element(2,el))
transmissivity(n) = constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity(disorientation(:,n))
do n = 1,6
neighboring_el = mesh_ipNeighborhood(1,n,ip,el)
neighboring_ip = mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,n,ip,el)
if ( neighboring_ip == 0 .or. transmissivity(n) < 1.0_pReal ) & ! if no neighbor present or at grain boundary, don't calculate anything, since we use mirrored connecting vector of opposite neighbor
neighboring_F = math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el), Fp(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
Favg = 0.5_pReal * (F + neighboring_F)
neighboring_detFe = math_det3x3(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
neighboring_invFe = math_inv3x3(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
connectingVector(:,n) = math_mul33x3(neighboring_invFe, math_mul33x3(Favg, &
(mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el) - mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,ip,el)) ) ) ! calculate connection vector between me and my neighbor in its lattice configuration
opposite_n = n - 1_pInt + 2_pInt*mod(n,2_pInt)
opposite_el = mesh_ipNeighborhood(1,opposite_n,ip,el)
opposite_ip = mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,opposite_n,ip,el)
if ( opposite_ip == 0 .or. transmissivity(opposite_n) < 1.0_pReal ) & ! if no opposite neighbor present or at grain boundary ...
connectingVector(:,opposite_n) = -connectingVector(:,n) ! ... use mirrored connecting vector of opposite neighbor
do n = 1,FE_NipNeighbors(mesh_element(2,el)) ! loop through my neighbors
neighboring_el = mesh_ipNeighborhood(1,n,ip,el)
neighboring_ip = mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,n,ip,el)
if ( neighboring_ip == 0 .or. transmissivity(n) < 1.0_pReal ) then ! if no neighbor present or at grain boundary ...
opposite_n = n - 1_pInt + 2_pInt*mod(n,2_pInt)
opposite_el = mesh_ipNeighborhood(1,opposite_n,ip,el)
opposite_ip = mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,opposite_n,ip,el)
if ( opposite_ip == 0 .or. transmissivity(opposite_n) < 1.0_pReal ) & ! (special case if no valid neighbor on both sides)
neighboring_el = opposite_el
neighboring_ip = opposite_ip
forall (t = 1:8, s = 1:ns) &
neighboring_rhoSgl(s,t) = max(0.0_pReal, &
2.0_pReal * state(g,ip,el)%p((t-1)*ns+s) - state(g,opposite_ip,opposite_el)%p((t-1)*ns+s) ) ! ... extrapolate density from opposite neighbor (but assure positive value for density)
if ( neighboring_ip == 0 .or. constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity(disorientation(:,n)) < 1.0_pReal ) then
neighboring_el = el
neighboring_ip = ip
neighboring_F = F
forall (t = 1:8) neighboring_rhoSgl(:,t) = state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns)
neighboring_F = math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el), Fp(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))
neighboring_rhoEdgeExcess = sum(abs(neighboring_rhoSgl(:,(/1,5/))),2) - sum(abs(neighboring_rhoSgl(:,(/2,6/))),2)
neighboring_rhoScrewExcess = sum(abs(neighboring_rhoSgl(:,(/3,7/))),2) - sum(abs(neighboring_rhoSgl(:,(/4,8/))),2)
L = mesh_ipVolume(neighboring_ip,neighboring_el) ** (1.0_pReal/3.0_pReal)
neighboring_Nedge = neighboring_rhoEdgeExcess * mesh_ipVolume(neighboring_ip,neighboring_el) / L
neighboring_Nscrew = neighboring_rhoScrewExcess * mesh_ipVolume(neighboring_ip,neighboring_el) / L
do s = 1,ns
deltaSigma = 0.0_pReal
lattice2slip = transpose( reshape( (/ lattice_st(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure), &
lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure), &
lattice_sn(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure) /), &
(/ 3,3 /) ) )
x = math_mul3x3(lattice2slip(1,:), -connectingVector(:,n)) ! coordinate transformation of connecting vector from the lattice coordinate system to the slip coordinate system
y = math_mul3x3(lattice2slip(2,:), -connectingVector(:,n))
z = math_mul3x3(lattice2slip(3,:), -connectingVector(:,n))
neighboring_position(n,:) = &
0.5_pReal * math_mul33x3( math_mul33x33(invFe,neighboring_F) + Fp(:,:,g,ip,el), &
mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el) - mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,ip,el) )
a = constitutive_nonlocal_a(myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(s,myInstance)
gb = constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(s,myInstance) &
/ ( 4.0_pReal * pi * (1.0_pReal - constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)) )
forall (s = 1:ns, c = 1:2) &
neighboring_rhoExcess(n,c,s) = state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((2*c-2)*ns+s) &
+ abs(state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((2*c+2)*ns+s)) &
- state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((2*c-1)*ns+s) &
- abs(state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((2*c+3)*ns+s))
lambda = (/ 0.5_pReal * L - x, -0.5_pReal * L - x /)
r1_2 = y**2.0_pReal + z**2.0_pReal + a**2.0_pReal
sigma = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,2
r2_2 = lambda(i)**2.0_pReal + r1_2
invPositionDifference = math_inv3x3(neighboring_position((/1,3,5/),:) - neighboring_position((/2,4,6/),:))
do s = 1,ns
lattice2slip = transpose( reshape( (/ lattice_st(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure), &
lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure), &
lattice_sn(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(s,myInstance), myStructure) /), &
(/ 3,3 /) ) )
rhoExcessDifference = neighboring_rhoExcess((/1,3,5/),:,s) - neighboring_rhoExcess((/2,4,6/),:,s)
forall (c = 1:2) &
disloGradients(:,c) = math_mul33x3( lattice2slip, math_mul33x3(invPositionDifference, rhoExcessDifference(:,c)) )
sigma(1,1,i) = - z * lambda(i) / dsqrt(r2_2) * ( 2.0_pReal * constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance) / r1_2 &
* ( 1.0_pReal + a**2.0_pReal/r1_2 + 0.5_pReal*a**2.0_pReal/r2_2 ) &
- 1.0_pReal / r2_2 )
sigma(2,2,i) = - z * lambda(i) / ( r1_2 * dsqrt(r2_2) ) &
* ( 1.0_pReal + 2.0_pReal*(y**2.0_pReal+a**2.0_pReal)/r1_2 + (y**2.0_pReal+a**2.0_pReal)/r2_2 )
sigma(3,3,i) = + z * lambda(i) / ( r1_2 * dsqrt(r2_2) ) &
* ( 1.0_pReal - 2.0_pReal*(z**2.0_pReal+a**2.0_pReal)/r1_2 - (z**2.0_pReal+a**2.0_pReal)/r2_2 )
sigma(1,2,i) = + y * z / ( r2_2 * dsqrt(r2_2) )
sigma(2,3,i) = + y * lambda(i) / ( r1_2 * dsqrt(r2_2) ) * ( 1.0_pReal - 2.0_pReal*z**2.0_pReal/r1_2 - z**2.0_pReal/r2_2 )
sigma(1,3,i) = + 1.0_pReal / dsqrt(r2_2) * ( constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance) - z**2.0_pReal/r2_2 &
- 0.5_pReal*(1.0_pReal-constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance))*a**2.0_pReal/r2_2 )
forall (i = 1:3, j = 1:3, i<=j) &
deltaSigma(i,j) = ( sigma(i,j,1) - sigma(i,j,2) ) * gb * neighboring_Nedge(s)
lambda = (/ 0.5_pReal * L - y, -0.5_pReal * L - y /)
r1_2 = x**2.0_pReal + z**2.0_pReal + a**2.0_pReal
sigma = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,2
r2_2 = lambda(i)**2.0_pReal + r1_2
sigma = 0.0_pReal
sigma(1,1) = + (-0.06066_pReal + nu*0.41421_pReal) / (1.0_pReal-nu) * disloGradients(3,1)
sigma(2,2) = + 0.32583_pReal / (1.0_pReal-nu) * disloGradients(3,1)
sigma(3,3) = + 0.14905_pReal / (1.0_pReal-nu) * disloGradients(3,1)
sigma(1,2) = + 0.20711_pReal * disloGradients(3,2)
sigma(2,3) = - 0.08839_pReal / (1.0_pReal-nu) * disloGradients(2,1) - 0.20711_pReal * disloGradients(1,2)
sigma(2,1) = sigma(1,2)
sigma(3,2) = sigma(2,3)
sigma(1,2,i) = - z * (1.0_pReal - constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)) * lambda(i) / ( r1_2 * dsqrt(r2_2) ) &
* ( 1.0_pReal + a**2.0_pReal/r1_2 + 0.5_pReal*a**2.0_pReal/r2_2 )
sigma(2,3,i) = + x * (1.0_pReal - constitutive_nonlocal_nu(myInstance)) * lambda(i) / ( r1_2 * dsqrt(r2_2) ) &
* ( 1.0_pReal + a**2.0_pReal/r1_2 + 0.5_pReal*a**2.0_pReal/r2_2 )
forall (i = 1:2, j = 2:3, i<j) &
deltaSigma(i,j) = deltaSigma(i,j) + ( sigma(i,j,1) - sigma(i,j,2) ) * gb * neighboring_Nscrew(s)
deltaSigma(2,1) = deltaSigma(1,2)
deltaSigma(3,2) = deltaSigma(2,3)
deltaSigma(3,1) = deltaSigma(1,3)
deltaSigma = deltaSigma * &
( constitutive_nonlocal_R(myInstance) / mesh_ipVolume(neighboring_ip,neighboring_el) ** (1.0_pReal/3.0_pReal) ) ** 2.0_pReal ! scale stress with (R/meshsize)^2
forall (i=1:3, j=1:3) &
sigma(i,j) = sigma(i,j) * constitutive_nonlocal_Gmod(myInstance) * constitutive_nonlocal_burgersPerSlipSystem(s,myInstance) &
* constitutive_nonlocal_R(myInstance)**2.0_pReal
neighboringSlip2myLattice = math_mul33x33(invFe,math_mul33x33(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el),transpose(lattice2slip))) ! coordinate transformation from the slip coordinate system to the lattice coordinate system
Tdislocation_v = Tdislocation_v + math_Mandel33to6( detFe / math_det3x3(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)) &
* math_mul33x33(neighboringSlip2myLattice, math_mul33x33(deltaSigma, transpose(neighboringSlip2myLattice))) )
if ( selectiveDebugger .and. verboseDebugger) then
write(6,'(a20,i1,x,i2,x,i5)') '::: microstructure ',g,ip,el
write(6,'(i2)') n
write(6,'(2(a20,x,e12.3,5x))') 'delta_rho_edge:', neighboring_rhoEdgeExcess(s), 'delta_rho_screw:', neighboring_rhoScrewExcess(s)
write(6,'(2(a20,x,f12.3,5x))') 'Nedge:', neighboring_Nedge(s), 'Nscrew:', neighboring_Nscrew(s)
if (mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,n,ip,el) > 0) then
write(6,'(a20,x,3(f10.3,x))') 'delta_g0 / mu:', &
( mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,mesh_ipNeighborhood(2,n,ip,el),mesh_ipNeighborhood(1,n,ip,el)) &
- mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,ip,el) ) * 1e6
write(6,'(a20,x,3(f10.3,x))') 'delta_g0 / mu:', 0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal
write(6,'(a20,x,3(f10.3,x))') 'delta_g / mu:', connectingVector(:,n)*1e6
write(6,'(a20,x,3(f10.3,x))') '(x,y,z) / mu:', x*1e6, y*1e6, z*1e6
write(6,'(a20,/,3(21x,3(f10.4,x)/))') 'sigma / MPa:', transpose(deltaSigma) * 1e-6
write(6,'(a20,/,3(21x,3(f10.4,x)/))') '2ndPK / MPa:', transpose( detFe / math_det3x3(Fe(:,:,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)) &
* math_mul33x33(neighboringSlip2myLattice, math_mul33x33(deltaSigma, transpose(neighboringSlip2myLattice))) ) * 1e-6
Tdislocation_v = Tdislocation_v + math_Mandel33to6( math_mul33x33(transpose(lattice2slip), math_mul33x33(sigma, lattice2slip) ) )
! if (selectiveDebugger .and. s==1) then
! write(6,*)
! write(6,'(a20,i1,x,i2,x,i5)') '::: microstructure ',g,ip,el
! write(6,*)
! write(6,'(a,/,3(3(f10.3,x)/))') 'position difference lattice / mu:', &
! transpose(neighboring_position((/1,3,5/),:)-neighboring_position((/2,4,6/),:)) * 1e6
! write(6,'(a,/,3(3(f10.3,x)/))') 'position difference slip system/ mu:', &
! math_mul33x33(lattice2slip,transpose(neighboring_position((/1,3,5/),:)-neighboring_position((/2,4,6/),:))) * 1e6
! write(6,*)
! write(6,'(a,/,2(3(e10.3,x)/))') 'excess dislo difference:', rhoExcessDifference
! write(6,*)
! write(6,'(a,/,2(3(e10.3,x)/))') 'disloGradients:', disloGradients
! write(6,*)
! write(6,'(a,/,3(21x,3(f10.4,x)/))') 'sigma / MPa:', transpose(sigma) * 1e-6
! write(6,'(a,/,3(21x,3(f10.4,x)/))') '2ndPK / MPa:', &
! transpose( math_mul33x33(transpose(lattice2slip), math_mul33x33(sigma, lattice2slip) ) ) * 1e-6
! write(6,*)
! endif
Reference in New Issue