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Martin Diehl 2022-05-07 21:39:43 +02:00
parent 2792153ca2
commit 7cf3bcb9c9
1 changed files with 4 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ end subroutine polynomials_init
!> @brief Initialize a Polynomial from Coefficients.
function polynomial_from_coef(coef,x_ref) result(p)
pure function polynomial_from_coef(coef,x_ref) result(p)
real(pReal), dimension(:), intent(in) :: coef
real(pReal), dimension(0:), intent(in) :: coef
real(pReal), intent(in) :: x_ref
type(tPolynomial) :: p
allocate(p%coef(0:size(coef)-1),source=coef) ! should be zero based
p%coef = coef
p%x_ref = x_ref
end function polynomial_from_coef
@ -77,9 +77,7 @@ function polynomial_from_dict(dict,y,x) result(p)
if (dict%contains(y//','//x)) then
x_ref = dict%get_asFloat(x//'_ref')
coef = [coef,dict%get_asFloat(y//','//x)]
if (dict%contains(y//','//x//'^2')) then
coef = [coef,dict%get_asFloat(y//','//x//'^2')]
end if
if (dict%contains(y//','//x//'^2')) coef = [coef,dict%get_asFloat(y//','//x//'^2')]
x_ref = huge(0.0_pReal) ! Simplify debugging
end if
@ -173,7 +171,6 @@ subroutine selfTest
if (dNeq(p1%at(x_ref+x),p1%at(x_ref-x),1e-10_pReal)) error stop 'polynomials: eval(even)'
if (dNeq(p1%der1_at(x_ref+x),-p1%der1_at(x_ref-x),1e-10_pReal)) error stop 'polynomials: eval_der(even)'
end subroutine selfTest
end module polynomials