consistently use status code as return value
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ module constants
end enum
end module constants
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ subroutine homogenization_mechanical_response(status,Delta_t,cell_start,cell_end
convergenceLooping: do while (status == STATUS_OK .and. .not. doneAndHappy(1))
call mechanical_partition(homogenization_F(1:3,1:3,ce),ce)
converged = all([(phase_mechanical_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce),co=1,homogenization_Nconstituents(ho))])
converged = all([(phase_mechanical_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) == STATUS_OK,co=1,homogenization_Nconstituents(ho))])
if (converged) then
doneAndHappy = mechanical_updateState(Delta_t,homogenization_F(1:3,1:3,ce),ce)
converged = all(doneAndHappy)
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ subroutine homogenization_mechanical_response(status,Delta_t,cell_start,cell_end
if (status == STATUS_OK) print*, ' Cell ', ce, ' failed (mechanics)'
end if
converged = converged .and. all([(phase_damage_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce),co=1,homogenization_Nconstituents(ho))])
converged = converged .and. all([(phase_damage_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce)==STATUS_OK,co=1,homogenization_Nconstituents(ho))])
if (.not. converged) then
if (status == STATUS_OK) print*, ' Cell ', ce, ' failed (damage)'
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ subroutine homogenization_thermal_response(status, &
if (status /= STATUS_OK) continue
ho = material_ID_homogenization(ce)
do co = 1, homogenization_Nconstituents(ho)
if (.not. phase_thermal_constitutive(Delta_t,material_ID_phase(co,ce),material_entry_phase(co,ce))) then
if (phase_thermal_constitutive(Delta_t,material_ID_phase(co,ce),material_entry_phase(co,ce)) /= STATUS_OK) then
if (status == STATUS_OK) print*, ' Cell ', ce, ' failed (thermal)'
end if
@ -282,24 +282,22 @@ module phase
! == cleaned:end ===================================================================================
module function phase_thermal_constitutive(Delta_t,ph,en) result(converged_)
module function phase_thermal_constitutive(Delta_t,ph,en) result(status)
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: Delta_t
integer, intent(in) :: ph, en
logical :: converged_
integer(kind(STATUS_OK)) :: status
end function phase_thermal_constitutive
module function phase_damage_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(converged_)
module function phase_damage_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(status)
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: Delta_t
integer, intent(in) :: co, ce
logical :: converged_
integer(kind(STATUS_OK)) :: status
end function phase_damage_constitutive
module function phase_mechanical_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(converged_)
module function phase_mechanical_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(status)
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: Delta_t
integer, intent(in) :: co, ce
logical :: converged_
integer(kind(STATUS_OK)) :: status
end function phase_mechanical_constitutive
!ToDo: Merge all the stiffness functions
@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ end subroutine damage_init
!> @brief calculate stress (P)
module function phase_damage_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(converged_)
module function phase_damage_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(status)
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: Delta_t
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, &
logical :: converged_
integer(kind(STATUS_OK)) :: status
integer :: &
ph, en
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ module function phase_damage_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(converged_)
ph = material_ID_phase(co,ce)
en = material_entry_phase(co,ce)
converged_ = integrateDamageState(Delta_t,ph,en) == STATUS_OK
status = integrateDamageState(Delta_t,ph,en)
end function phase_damage_constitutive
@ -990,13 +990,13 @@ end subroutine mechanical_forward
!> @brief calculate stress (P)
module function phase_mechanical_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(converged_)
module function phase_mechanical_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(status)
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: Delta_t
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, &
logical :: converged_
integer(kind(STATUS_OK)) :: status
real(pREAL) :: &
@ -1025,13 +1025,13 @@ module function phase_mechanical_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(converged_)
F0 = phase_mechanical_F0(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,en)
stepFrac = 0.0_pREAL
todo = .true.
step = 1.0_pREAL/num%stepSizeCryst
converged_ = .false. ! pretend failed step of 1/stepSizeCryst
step = 1.0_pREAL/num%stepSizeCryst ! pretend failed step of 1/stepSizeCryst
todo = .true.
cutbackLooping: do while (todo)
if (converged_) then
if (status == STATUS_OK) then
formerStep = step
stepFrac = stepFrac + step
step = min(1.0_pREAL - stepFrac, num%stepIncreaseCryst * step)
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ module function phase_mechanical_constitutive(Delta_t,co,ce) result(converged_)
sizeDotState = plasticState(ph)%sizeDotState
F = F0 &
+ step * (phase_mechanical_F(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,en) - phase_mechanical_F0(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,en))
converged_ = STATUS_OK == integrateState(F0,F,Fp0,Fi0,state0(1:sizeDotState),step * Delta_t,ph,en)
status = integrateState(F0,F,Fp0,Fi0,state0(1:sizeDotState),step * Delta_t,ph,en)
end if
end do cutbackLooping
@ -187,22 +187,22 @@ end function phase_f_T
!> @brief tbd.
function phase_thermal_collectDotState(ph,en) result(ok)
function phase_thermal_collectDotState(ph,en) result(status)
integer, intent(in) :: ph, en
logical :: ok
integer(kind(STATUS_OK)) :: status
integer :: i
ok = .true.
status = STATUS_OK
SourceLoop: do i = 1, thermal_Nsources(ph)
if (thermal_source_type(i,ph) == THERMAL_SOURCE_EXTERNALHEAT) &
call source_externalheat_dotState(ph,en)
ok = ok .and. .not. any(IEEE_is_NaN(thermalState(ph)%p(i)%dotState(:,en)))
if (any(IEEE_is_NaN(thermalState(ph)%p(i)%dotState(:,en)))) status = STATUS_PHASE_THERMAL_DOTSTATE
end do SourceLoop
@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ module function phase_K_T(co,ce) result(K)
end function phase_K_T
module function phase_thermal_constitutive(Delta_t,ph,en) result(converged_)
module function phase_thermal_constitutive(Delta_t,ph,en) result(status)
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: Delta_t
integer, intent(in) :: ph, en
logical :: converged_
integer(kind(STATUS_OK)) :: status
converged_ = integrateThermalState(Delta_t,ph,en)
status = integrateThermalState(Delta_t,ph,en)
end function phase_thermal_constitutive
@ -253,19 +253,19 @@ end function phase_thermal_constitutive
!> @brief Integrate state with 1st order explicit Euler method.
function integrateThermalState(Delta_t, ph,en) result(converged)
function integrateThermalState(Delta_t, ph,en) result(status)
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: Delta_t
integer, intent(in) :: ph, en
logical :: converged
integer(kind(STATUS_OK)) :: status
integer :: &
so, &
converged = phase_thermal_collectDotState(ph,en)
if (converged) then
status = phase_thermal_collectDotState(ph,en)
if (status == STATUS_OK) then
do so = 1, thermal_Nsources(ph)
sizeDotState = thermalState(ph)%p(so)%sizeDotState
Reference in New Issue