simpler interface for progress bar
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import sys,time,random,threading,os,subprocess,shlex
import sys,time,random,threading,os,subprocess,shlex,time
import numpy as np
from optparse import Option
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class extendableOption(Option):
# Print iterations progress
# from
def progressBar(iteration, total, start=None, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=1, bar_length=50):
def progressBar(iteration, total, prefix='', bar_length=50):
Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
@ -142,23 +142,30 @@ def progressBar(iteration, total, start=None, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=1,
iteration - Required : current iteration (Int)
total - Required : total iterations (Int)
prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str)
suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str)
decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
bar_length - Optional : character length of bar (Int)
import time
if suffix == '' and start is not None and iteration > 0:
remainder = (total - iteration) * (time.time()-start)/iteration
suffix = '{: 3d}:'.format(int( remainder//3600)) + \
'{:02d}:'.format(int((remainder//60)%60)) + \
'{:02d}' .format(int( remainder %60))
str_format = "{{0:{}.{}f}}".format(decimals+4,decimals)
percents = str_format.format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
filled_length = int(round(bar_length * iteration / float(total)))
bar = '█' * filled_length + '-' * (bar_length - filled_length)
fraction = iteration / float(total)
if not hasattr(progressBar, "last_fraction"): # first call to function
progressBar.start_time = time.time()
progressBar.last_fraction = -1.0
remaining_time = ' n/a'
if fraction <= progressBar.last_fraction or iteration == 0: # reset: called within a new loop
progressBar.start_time = time.time()
progressBar.last_fraction = -1.0
remaining_time = ' n/a'
progressBar.last_fraction = fraction
remainder = (total - iteration) * (time.time()-progressBar.start_time)/iteration
remaining_time = '{: 3d}:'.format(int( remainder//3600)) + \
'{:02d}:'.format(int((remainder//60)%60)) + \
'{:02d}' .format(int( remainder %60))
sys.stderr.write('\r%s |%s| %s %s' % (prefix, bar, percents+'%', suffix)),
filled_length = int(round(bar_length * fraction))
bar = '█' * filled_length + '░' * (bar_length - filled_length)
sys.stderr.write('\r{} {} {}'.format(prefix, bar, remaining_time)),
if iteration == total: sys.stderr.write('\n\n')
@ -830,10 +830,9 @@ if
elementsOfNode = {}
Nelems = stat['NumberOfElements']
starttime = time.time()
for e in range(Nelems):
if options.verbose and Nelems > 100 and e%(Nelems//100) == 0: # report in 1% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.progressBar(iteration=e,total=Nelems,start=starttime,prefix='1/3: connecting elements')
if options.verbose and Nelems >= 50 and e%(Nelems//50) == 0: # report in 2% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.progressBar(iteration=e,total=Nelems,prefix='1/3: connecting elements')
for n in map(p.node_sequence,p.element(e).items):
if n not in elementsOfNode:
elementsOfNode[n] = [p.element_id(e)]
@ -856,10 +855,9 @@ damask.util.progressBar(iteration=1,total=1,prefix='1/3: connecting elements')
if options.nodalScalar:
Npoints = stat['NumberOfNodes']
starttime = time.time()
for n in range(Npoints):
if options.verbose and Npoints > 100 and e%(Npoints//100) == 0: # report in 1% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.progressBar(iteration=n,total=Npoints,start=starttime,prefix='2/3: scanning nodes ')
if options.verbose and Npoints >= 50 and e%(Npoints//50) == 0: # report in 2% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.progressBar(iteration=n,total=Npoints,prefix='2/3: scanning nodes ')
myNodeID = p.node_id(n)
myNodeCoordinates = [p.node(n).x, p.node(n).y, p.node(n).z]
myElemID = 0
@ -894,10 +892,9 @@ if options.nodalScalar:
Nelems = stat['NumberOfElements']
starttime = time.time()
for e in range(Nelems):
if options.verbose and Nelems > 100 and e%(Nelems//100) == 0: # report in 1% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.progressBar(iteration=e,total=Nelems,start=starttime,prefix='2/3: scanning elements ')
if options.verbose and Nelems >= 50 and e%(Nelems//50) == 0: # report in 2% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.progressBar(iteration=e,total=Nelems,prefix='2/3: scanning elements ')
myElemID = p.element_id(e)
myIpCoordinates = ipCoords(p.element(e).type, list(map(lambda node: [node.x, node.y, node.z],
list(map(p.node, map(p.node_sequence, p.element(e).items))))))
@ -1035,11 +1032,10 @@ for incCount,position in enumerate(locations): # walk through locations
member = 0
Ngroups = len(groups)
starttime = time.time()
for j,group in enumerate(groups):
f = incCount*Ngroups + j
if options.verbose and (Ngroups*Nincs) > 100 and f%((Ngroups*Nincs)//100) == 0: # report in 1% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.progressBar(iteration=f,total=Ngroups*Nincs,start=starttime,prefix='3/3: processing points ')
if options.verbose and (Ngroups*Nincs) >= 50 and f%((Ngroups*Nincs)//50) == 0: # report in 2% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.progressBar(iteration=f,total=Ngroups*Nincs,prefix='3/3: processing points ')
N = 0 # group member counter
for (e,n,i,g,n_local) in group[1:]: # loop over group members
member += 1
@ -1091,7 +1087,7 @@ for incCount,position in enumerate(locations): # walk through locations
['Crystallite']*len(options.crystalliteResult) +
outputIndex = (list(zip(*outputFormat[resultType]['outputs']))[0]).index(label) # find the position of this output in the outputFormat
outputIndex = (list(zip(*outputFormat[resultType]['outputs']))[0]).index(label) # find the position of this output in the outputFormat
length = int(outputFormat[resultType]['outputs'][outputIndex][1])
thisHead = heading('_',[[component,''.join( label.split() )] for component in range(int(length>1),length+int(length>1))])
if assembleHeader: header += thisHead
Reference in New Issue