- use upwind differences scheme for fluxes instead of central differences
- introduced possibility to "reflect" fluxes at free surfaces in order to have quasi-periodic fluxes
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_
constitutive_nonlocal_D0, & ! prefactor for self-diffusion coefficient
constitutive_nonlocal_D0, & ! prefactor for self-diffusion coefficient
constitutive_nonlocal_Qsd, & ! activation enthalpy for diffusion
constitutive_nonlocal_Qsd, & ! activation enthalpy for diffusion
constitutive_nonlocal_relevantRho, & ! dislocation density considered relevant
constitutive_nonlocal_relevantRho, & ! dislocation density considered relevant
constitutive_nonlocal_a, & ! a0 * burgers vector gives the spreading of the dislocation core for non-singular solution of dislocation stress in the core
constitutive_nonlocal_a, & ! a * burgers vector gives the spreading of the dislocation core for non-singular solution of dislocation stress in the core
constitutive_nonlocal_R ! cutoff radius for dislocation stress
constitutive_nonlocal_R ! cutoff radius for dislocation stress
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66 ! elasticity matrix in Mandel notation for each instance
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66 ! elasticity matrix in Mandel notation for each instance
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_3333 ! elasticity matrix for each instance
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_3333 ! elasticity matrix for each instance
@ -1410,12 +1410,9 @@ real(pReal), dimension(3) :: surfaceNormal, & ! surface
real(pReal) area, & ! area of the current interface
real(pReal) area, & ! area of the current interface
detFe, & ! determinant of elastic defornmation gradient
detFe, & ! determinant of elastic defornmation gradient
transmissivity, & ! transmissivity of interfaces for dislocation flux
transmissivity, & ! transmissivity of interfaces for dislocation flux
average_fluxdensity, & ! average flux density at interface
maximum_fluxdensity, & ! upper bound for flux density at interface
weight, & ! weight for interpolation of flux density
lineLength, & ! dislocation line length leaving the current interface
lineLength, & ! dislocation line length leaving the current interface
D ! self diffusion
D ! self diffusion
logical highOrderScheme ! flag indicating whether we use a high order interpolation scheme or not
logical, dimension(3) :: periodicSurfaceFlux ! flag indicating periodic fluxes at surfaces when surface normal points mainly in x, y and z direction respectively (in reference configuration)
if (verboseDebugger .and. selectiveDebugger) then
if (verboseDebugger .and. selectiveDebugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
@ -1540,6 +1537,7 @@ rhoDotMultiplication(:,5:10) = 0.0_pReal ! used dislocation densities and d
!*** calculate dislocation fluxes
!*** calculate dislocation fluxes
rhoDotFlux = 0.0_pReal
rhoDotFlux = 0.0_pReal
periodicSurfaceFlux = (/.false.,.false.,.false./)
m(:,:,1) = lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
m(:,:,1) = lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
m(:,:,2) = -lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
m(:,:,2) = -lattice_sd(:, constitutive_nonlocal_slipSystemLattice(:,myInstance), myStructure)
@ -1574,63 +1572,40 @@ do n = 1,FE_NipNeighbors(mesh_element(2,el))
transmissivity = constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity(disorientation(:,n))
transmissivity = constitutive_nonlocal_transmissivity(disorientation(:,n))
highOrderScheme = .false.
if ( neighboring_el > 0 .and. neighboring_ip > 0 ) then ! if neighbor exists...
if ( neighboring_el > 0 .and. neighboring_ip > 0 ) then ! if neighbor exists...
if ( .not. phase_localConstitution(material_phase(1,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))) then ! ... and is of nonlocal constitution...
if ( .not. phase_localConstitution(material_phase(1,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el))) then ! ... and is of nonlocal constitution...
forall (t = 1:4) & ! ... then calculate neighboring flux density
forall (t = 1:4) & ! ... then calculate neighboring flux density
neighboring_fluxdensity(:,t) = state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns) &
neighboring_fluxdensity(:,t) = state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((t-1)*ns+1:t*ns) &
* constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,t,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)
* constitutive_nonlocal_v(:,t,g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)
if (transmissivity == 1.0_pReal) then ! ... if additionally interface's transmission is perfect...
highOrderScheme = .true. ! ... then use high order interpolation scheme
weight = 0.5_pReal * mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) / area &
/ math_norm3(math_mul33x3(Favg,( mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el) &
- mesh_ipCenterOfGravity(:,ip,el))))
else ! ... and is of local constitution...
else ! ... and is of local constitution...
neighboring_fluxdensity = fluxdensity ! ... then copy flux density to neighbor
neighboring_fluxdensity = fluxdensity ! ... then copy flux density to neighbor to ensure zero gradient in fluxdensity
else ! if no neighbor existent...
else ! if no neighbor existent...
neighboring_fluxdensity = 0.0_pReal ! ... assume zero density
if ( all(periodicSurfaceFlux(maxloc(abs(mesh_ipAreaNormal(:,n,ip,el))))) ) then ! ... and we want periodic fluxes at surface...
forall (t = 1:4) & ! ... then mirror fluxes
neighboring_fluxdensity(:,t) = fluxdensity(:,t-1_pInt+2_pInt*mod(t,2_pInt))
else ! ... and we have a free surface...
neighboring_fluxdensity = 0.0_pReal ! ... assume zero density
do s = 1,ns
do s = 1,ns
do t = 1,4
do t = 1,4
if ( fluxdensity(s,t) * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) > 0.0_pReal ) then ! outgoing flux
if ( fluxdensity(s,t) * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) > 0.0_pReal ) then ! outgoing flux
if ( highOrderScheme ) then
lineLength = fluxdensity(s,t) * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) * area ! line length that wants to leave this interface
average_fluxdensity = fluxdensity(s,t) + weight * (neighboring_fluxdensity(s,t) - fluxdensity(s,t))
maximum_fluxdensity = rhoSgl(s,t) * mesh_ipVolume(ip,el)**(1.0_pReal/3.0_pReal) / timestep
average_fluxdensity = min(abs(average_fluxdensity),maximum_fluxdensity) * sign(1.0_pReal,average_fluxdensity)
average_fluxdensity = fluxdensity(s,t)
lineLength = average_fluxdensity * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) * area ! line length that wants to leave this interface
rhoDotFlux(s,t) = rhoDotFlux(s,t) - lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) ! subtract positive dislocation flux that leaves the material point
rhoDotFlux(s,t) = rhoDotFlux(s,t) - lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) ! subtract positive dislocation flux that leaves the material point
rhoDotFlux(s,t+4) = rhoDotFlux(s,t+4) + lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * (1.0_pReal - transmissivity) &
rhoDotFlux(s,t+4) = rhoDotFlux(s,t+4) + lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * (1.0_pReal - transmissivity) &
* sign(1.0_pReal, average_fluxdensity) ! dislocation flux that is not able to leave through interface (because of low transmissivity) will remain as immobile single density at the material point
* sign(1.0_pReal, fluxdensity(s,t)) ! dislocation flux that is not able to leave through interface (because of low transmissivity) will remain as immobile single density at the material point
! if (selectiveDebugger .and. s==1) &
! if (selectiveDebugger .and. s==1) &
! write(6,'(a22,i2,a15,i2,a3,4(e20.10,x))') 'outgoing flux of type ',t,' to neighbor ',n,' : ', &
! write(6,'(a22,i2,a15,i2,a3,e20.10)') 'outgoing flux of type ',t,' to neighbor ',n,' : ', &
! -lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el), average_fluxdensity, maximum_fluxdensity, &
! -lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el)
! average_fluxdensity / maximum_fluxdensity
else ! incoming flux
else ! incoming flux
if ( highOrderScheme ) then
lineLength = neighboring_fluxdensity(s,t) * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) * area ! line length that wants to leave this interface
average_fluxdensity = fluxdensity(s,t) + weight * (neighboring_fluxdensity(s,t) - fluxdensity(s,t))
maximum_fluxdensity = state(g,neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)%p((t-1)*ns+s) &
* mesh_ipVolume(neighboring_ip,neighboring_el)**(1.0_pReal/3.0_pReal) / timestep
average_fluxdensity = min(abs(average_fluxdensity),maximum_fluxdensity) * sign(1.0_pReal,average_fluxdensity)
average_fluxdensity = neighboring_fluxdensity(s,t)
lineLength = average_fluxdensity * math_mul3x3(m(:,s,t), surfaceNormal) * area ! line length that wants to leave this interface
rhoDotFlux(s,t) = rhoDotFlux(s,t) - lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * transmissivity ! subtract negative dislocation flux that enters the material point
rhoDotFlux(s,t) = rhoDotFlux(s,t) - lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * transmissivity ! subtract negative dislocation flux that enters the material point
! if (selectiveDebugger .and. s==1) &
! if (selectiveDebugger .and. s==1) &
! write(6,'(a22,i2,a15,i2,a3,4(e20.10,x))') 'incoming flux of type ',t,' from neighbor ',n,' : ', &
! write(6,'(a22,i2,a15,i2,a3,e20.10)') 'incoming flux of type ',t,' from neighbor ',n,' : ', &
! -lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * transmissivity, average_fluxdensity, maximum_fluxdensity, &
! -lineLength / mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) * transmissivity
! average_fluxdensity / maximum_fluxdensity
Reference in New Issue