ip,el,g is anyways not flexible enough. Remove unused arguments before
developing a more flexible approach
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2022-05-27 00:15:50 +02:00
parent d3171e4724
commit 724c4fcf5d
1 changed files with 5 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -357,10 +357,10 @@ end function IO_stringAsBool
!> @brief Write error statements to standard out and terminate the run with exit #9xxx
subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,instance,ext_msg)
subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,ext_msg)
integer, intent(in) :: error_ID
integer, optional, intent(in) :: el,ip,g,instance
integer, optional, intent(in) :: el,ip
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: ext_msg
external :: quit
@ -564,10 +564,6 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,instance,ext_msg)
write(IO_STDERR,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at element ',el, '│'
if (present(ip)) &
write(IO_STDERR,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at IP ',ip, '│'
if (present(g)) &
write(IO_STDERR,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at constituent',g, '│'
if (present(instance)) &
write(IO_STDERR,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at instance ',instance, '│'
write(IO_STDERR,'(a,69x,a)') ' │', '│'
write(IO_STDERR,'(a)') ' └'//IO_DIVIDER//'┘'
@ -580,10 +576,10 @@ end subroutine IO_error
!> @brief Write warning statement to standard out.
subroutine IO_warning(warning_ID,el,ip,g,ext_msg)
subroutine IO_warning(warning_ID,el,ip,ext_msg)
integer, intent(in) :: warning_ID
integer, optional, intent(in) :: el,ip,g
integer, optional, intent(in) :: el,ip
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: ext_msg
character(len=:), allocatable :: msg
@ -591,7 +587,7 @@ subroutine IO_warning(warning_ID,el,ip,g,ext_msg)
select case (warning_ID)
case (47)
msg = 'no valid parameter for FFTW, using FFTW_PATIENT'
msg = 'invalid parameter for FFTW, using FFTW_PATIENT'
case (207)
msg = 'line truncated'
case (600)
@ -621,8 +617,6 @@ subroutine IO_warning(warning_ID,el,ip,g,ext_msg)
write(IO_STDERR,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at element ',el, '│'
if (present(ip)) &
write(IO_STDERR,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at IP ',ip, '│'
if (present(g)) &
write(IO_STDERR,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at constituent',g, '│'
write(IO_STDERR,'(a,69x,a)') ' │', '│'
write(IO_STDERR,'(a)') ' └'//IO_DIVIDER//'┘'