Modifications of cpfem_marc2005r3 according the ones in cpfem_marc2007r1

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Luc Hantcherli 2008-03-14 21:56:46 +00:00
parent 1267ce78b6
commit 6d721dc16c
1 changed files with 154 additions and 136 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
include "prec.f90"
include "FEsolving.f90"
include "debug.f90"
include "math.f90"
include "IO.f90"
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@
include "crystal.f90"
include "constitutive.f90"
include "CPFEM.f90"
SUBROUTINE hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,n,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,&
@ -120,11 +122,20 @@
!2 continue
!3 continue
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use prec, only: pReal,pInt, ijaco
use FEsolving
use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_general
use math, only: invnrmMandel
implicit real(pReal) (a-h,o-z)
integer(pInt) computationMode
dimension e(*),de(*),t(*),dt(*),g(*),d(ngens,*),s(*), n(2),coord(ncrd,*),disp(ndeg,*),matus(2),dispt(ndeg,*),ffn(itel,*),&
! Marc common blocks are in fixed format so they have to be pasted in here
! Beware of changes in newer Marc versions -- these are from 2005r3
! concom is needed for inc, subinc, ncycle, lovl
@ -145,35 +156,42 @@
kgmsto ,jpzo, ifricsh, iremkin,iremfor, ishearp,jspf, machining, jlshell,icompsol,&
iupblgfo,jcondir,nstcrp, nactive,ipassref, nstspnt,ibeart,icheckmpc, noline, icuring,&
ishrink,ioffsflg,isetoff, iharmt, inc_incdat, iautspc,ibrake
! creeps is needed for timinc (time increment)
! include 'creeps'
common/creeps/ &
common/marc_creeps/ &
dimension e(*),de(*),t(*),dt(*),g(*),d(ngens,*),s(*), n(2),coord(ncrd,*),disp(ndeg,*),matus(2),dispt(ndeg,*),ffn(itel,*),&
! subroutine cpfem_general(mpie_ffn, mpie_ffn1, temperature, mpie_inc, mpie_subinc, mpie_cn,
! mpie_stress_recovery, mpie_tinc, mpie_en, mpie_in, mpie_s, mpie_d, mpie_ngens)
! This routine calculates the material behaviour
! mpie_ffn deformation gradient for t=t0
! mpie_ffn1 deformation gradient for t=t1
! temperature temperature
! mpie_inc increment number
! mpie_subinc subincrement number
! mpie_cn number of cycle
! mpie_stress_recovery indicates wether we are in stiffness assemly(lovl==4) or stress recovery(lovl==6)
! mpie_tinc time increment
! mpie_en element number
! mpie_in intergration point number
! mpie_s stress vector in Marc notation, i.e. 11 22 33 12, 23, 13
! mpie_d jacoby in Marc notation
! mpie_ngens size of stress strain law
call CPFEM_general(ffn, ffn1, t(1), inc, incsub, ncycle, stress_recovery, timinc, n(1), nn, s, d, ngens)
if (inc == 0) then
cycleCounter = 0
if (theInc /= inc .or. theCycle /= ncycle .or. theLovl /= lovl) cycleCounter = cycleCounter+1
if (theInc /= inc) outdatedByNewInc = .true.
if (mod(cycleCounter,2) /= 0) computationMode = 4 ! recycle
if (mod(cycleCounter,4) == 2) computationMode = 3 ! collect
if (mod(cycleCounter,4) == 0) computationMode = 2 ! compute
if (computationMode == 2 .and. outdatedByNewInc) then
outdatedByNewInc = .false.
computationMode = 1 ! compute and age former results
theInc = inc
theCycle = ncycle
theLovl = lovl
call CPFEM_general(computationMode,ffn,ffn1,t(1),timinc,n(1),nn,s,mod(theCycle,2_pInt*ijaco)==0,d,ngens)
! Mandel: 11, 22, 33, SQRT(2)*12, SQRT(2)*23, SQRT(2)*13
! Marc: 11, 22, 33, 12, 23, 13
forall(i=1:ngens) d(1:ngens,i) = invnrmMandel(i)*d(1:ngens,i)*invnrmMandel(1:ngens)
s(1:ngens) = s(1:ngens)*invnrmMandel(1:ngens)