mixed up real and aimag part in quaternion

+ some tests
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2019-09-22 12:10:39 -07:00
parent 25c9bb1cd7
commit 6b5b0fae22
2 changed files with 82 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -88,38 +88,52 @@ module quaternions
end type
interface assignment (=)
module procedure assign_quat__
module procedure assign_vec__
end interface assignment (=)
interface quaternion
module procedure init__
end interface quaternion
interface abs
procedure abs__
end interface abs
interface dot_product
procedure dot_product__
end interface dot_product
interface conjg
module procedure conjg__
end interface conjg
interface exp
module procedure exp__
end interface exp
interface log
module procedure log__
end interface log
interface assignment (=)
module procedure assign_quat__
module procedure assign_vec__
end interface assignment (=)
interface quaternion
module procedure init__
end interface quaternion
interface abs
procedure abs__
end interface abs
interface dot_product
procedure dot_product__
end interface dot_product
interface conjg
module procedure conjg__
end interface conjg
interface exp
module procedure exp__
end interface exp
interface log
module procedure log__
end interface log
private :: &
!> @brief doing self test
subroutine quaternions_init()
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- quaternions init -+>>>'
call unitTest
end subroutine quaternions_init
!> constructor for a quaternion from a 4-vector
@ -434,29 +448,58 @@ end function asArray
!> quaternion as plain array
!> real part of a quaternion
pure function real__(self)
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: real__
real(pReal) :: real__
class(quaternion), intent(in) :: self
real__ = [self%x,self%y,self%z]
real__ = self%w
end function real__
!> quaternion as plain array
!> imagninary part of a quaternion
pure function aimag__(self)
real(pReal) :: aimag__
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: aimag__
class(quaternion), intent(in) :: self
aimag__ = self%w
aimag__ = [self%x,self%y,self%z]
end function aimag__
!> @brief check correctness of (some) quaternions functions
subroutine unitTest
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: qu
type(quaternion) :: q, q_2
call random_number(qu)
q = qu
write(6,*) q%asArray() == qu
write(6,*) q%real() == qu(1)
write(6,*) q%aimag() == qu(2:4)
q_2 = q%homomorphed()
write(6,*) q == q_2*(-1.0_pReal)
write(6,*) q_2%real() == qu(1)*(-1.0_pReal)
write(6,*) q_2%aimag() == qu(2:4)*(-1.0_pReal)
q_2 = conjg(q)
write(6,*) q_2%real() == q%real()
write(6,*) q_2%aimag() == q%aimag()*(-1.0_pReal)
end subroutine unitTest
end module quaternions

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@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ contains
!> @brief doing self test
subroutine rotations_init()
subroutine rotations_init
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- rotations init -+>>>'
call unitTest()
call unitTest
end subroutine rotations_init
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ pure function rotVector(self,v,active) result(vRot)
q = conjg(self%q) * (quaternion([0.0_pReal, v_normed(1), v_normed(2), v_normed(3)]) * self%q )
vRot = q%real()*norm2(v)
vRot = q%aimag()*norm2(v)
end function rotVector
@ -1233,8 +1233,6 @@ subroutine unitTest
if(qu(1)<0.0_pReal) qu = qu * (-1.0_pReal)
if(dNeq0(norm2(om2qu(qu2om(qu))-qu),1.0e-12_pReal)) msg = trim(msg)//'om2qu/qu2om,'
if(dNeq0(norm2(eu2qu(qu2eu(qu))-qu),1.0e-12_pReal)) msg = trim(msg)//'eu2qu/qu2eu,'
if(dNeq0(norm2(ax2qu(qu2ax(qu))-qu),1.0e-12_pReal)) msg = trim(msg)//'ax2qu/qu2ax,'
@ -1267,11 +1265,10 @@ subroutine unitTest
ho = qu2ho(qu)
if(dNeq0(norm2(ho2qu(cu2ho(ho2cu(ho)))-qu),1.0e-7_pReal)) msg = trim(msg)//'cu2ho/ho2cu,'
if(len_trim(msg) /= 0) &
call IO_error(401,ext_msg=msg)
if(len_trim(msg) /= 0) call IO_error(401,ext_msg=msg)
end subroutine unitTest