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Martin Diehl 2019-03-28 06:39:07 +01:00
parent daab9263d3
commit 6996eb36c0
1 changed files with 37 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ module plastic_isotropic
enumerator :: &
undefined_ID, &
xi_ID, &
end enum
type, private :: tParameters
real(pReal) :: &
M, & !< Taylor factor
xi_0, & !< initial critical stress
gdot0, & !< reference strain rate
dot_gamma_0, & !< reference strain rate
n, & !< stress exponent
h0, &
h0_slopeLnRate, &
h_ln, &
xi_inf, & !< maximum critical stress
a, &
c_1, &
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module plastic_isotropic
c_3, &
c_2, &
aTol_xi, &
integer :: &
of_debug = 0
integer(kind(undefined_ID)), allocatable, dimension(:) :: &
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module plastic_isotropic
type, private :: tIsotropicState
real(pReal), pointer, dimension(:) :: &
xi, &
end type tIsotropicState
@ -156,32 +156,32 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_init
prm%xi_0 = config%getFloat('tau0')
prm%xi_inf = config%getFloat('tausat')
prm%gdot0 = config%getFloat('gdot0')
prm%dot_gamma_0 = config%getFloat('gdot0')
prm%n = config%getFloat('n')
prm%h0 = config%getFloat('h0')
prm%M = config%getFloat('m')
prm%h0_slopeLnRate = config%getFloat('h0_slopelnrate', defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
prm%h_ln = config%getFloat('h0_slopelnrate', defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
prm%c_1 = config%getFloat('tausat_sinhfita',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
prm%c_4 = config%getFloat('tausat_sinhfitb',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
prm%c_3 = config%getFloat('tausat_sinhfitc',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
prm%c_2 = config%getFloat('tausat_sinhfitd',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
prm%a = config%getFloat('a')
prm%aTol_xi = config%getFloat('atol_flowstress',defaultVal=1.0_pReal)
prm%aTolShear = config%getFloat('atol_shear', defaultVal=1.0e-6_pReal)
prm%aTol_gamma = config%getFloat('atol_shear', defaultVal=1.0e-6_pReal)
prm%dilatation = config%keyExists('/dilatation/')
! sanity checks
extmsg = ''
if (prm%aTolShear <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' aTolShear'
if (prm%xi_0 < 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' xi_0'
if (prm%gdot0 <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' gdot0'
if (prm%aTol_gamma <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' aTol_gamma'
if (prm%xi_0 < 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' xi_0'
if (prm%dot_gamma_0 <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' dot_gamma_0'
if (prm%n <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' n'
if (prm%a <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' a'
if (prm%M <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' m'
if (prm%aTol_xi <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' atol_xi'
if (prm%aTolShear <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' atol_shear'
if (prm%aTol_gamma <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' atol_shear'
! exit if any parameter is out of range
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_init
case ('xi')
outputID = xi_ID
case ('strainrate')
outputID = strainrate_ID
outputID = dot_gamma_ID
end select
@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_init
dot%xi => plasticState(p)%dotState(1,:)
plasticState(p)%aTolState(1) = prm%aTol_xi
stt%accumulatedShear => plasticState(p)%state (2,:)
dot%accumulatedShear => plasticState(p)%dotState(2,:)
plasticState(p)%aTolState(2) = prm%aTolShear
stt%gamma => plasticState(p)%state (2,:)
dot%gamma => plasticState(p)%dotState(2,:)
plasticState(p)%aTolState(2) = prm%aTol_gamma
! global alias
plasticState(p)%slipRate => plasticState(p)%dotState(2:2,:)
plasticState(p)%accumulatedSlip => plasticState(p)%state (2:2,:)
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
Mp_dev !< deviatoric part of the Mandel stress
real(pReal) :: &
gamma_dot, & !< strainrate
dot_gamma, & !< strainrate
norm_Mp_dev, & !< norm of the deviatoric part of the Mandel stress
squarenorm_Mp_dev !< square of the norm of the deviatoric part of the Mandel stress
integer :: &
@ -287,16 +287,16 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
norm_Mp_dev = sqrt(squarenorm_Mp_dev)
if (norm_Mp_dev > 0.0_pReal) then
gamma_dot = prm%gdot0 * (sqrt(1.5_pReal) * norm_Mp_dev/(prm%M*stt%xi(of))) **prm%n
dot_gamma = prm%dot_gamma_0 * (sqrt(1.5_pReal) * norm_Mp_dev/(prm%M*stt%xi(of))) **prm%n
Lp = Mp_dev/norm_Mp_dev * gamma_dot/prm%M
Lp = Mp_dev/norm_Mp_dev * dot_gamma/prm%M
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iand(debug_level(debug_constitutive), debug_levelExtensive) /= 0 &
.and. (of == prm%of_debug .or. .not. iand(debug_level(debug_constitutive),debug_levelSelective) /= 0)) then
write(6,'(/,a,/,3(12x,3(f12.4,1x)/))') '<< CONST isotropic >> Tstar (dev) / MPa', &
write(6,'(/,a,/,f12.5)') '<< CONST isotropic >> norm Tstar / MPa', norm_Mp_dev*1.0e-6_pReal
write(6,'(/,a,/,f12.5)') '<< CONST isotropic >> gdot', gamma_dot
write(6,'(/,a,/,f12.5)') '<< CONST isotropic >> gdot', dot_gamma
end if
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
dLp_dMp(k,l,k,l) = dLp_dMp(k,l,k,l) + 1.0_pReal
forall (k=1:3,m=1:3) &
dLp_dMp(k,k,m,m) = dLp_dMp(k,k,m,m) - 1.0_pReal/3.0_pReal
dLp_dMp = gamma_dot / prm%M * dLp_dMp / norm_Mp_dev
dLp_dMp = dot_gamma / prm%M * dLp_dMp / norm_Mp_dev
Lp = 0.0_pReal
dLp_dMp = 0.0_pReal
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_LiAndItsTangent(Li,dLi_dTstar,Tstar,instance,of)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
Tstar_sph !< sphiatoric part of the Mandel stress
real(pReal) :: &
gamma_dot, & !< strainrate
dot_gamma, & !< strainrate
norm_Tstar_sph, & !< euclidean norm of Tstar_sph
squarenorm_Tstar_sph !< square of the euclidean norm of Tstar_sph
integer :: &
@ -353,15 +353,15 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_LiAndItsTangent(Li,dLi_dTstar,Tstar,instance,of)
norm_Tstar_sph = sqrt(squarenorm_Tstar_sph)
if (prm%dilatation .and. norm_Tstar_sph > 0.0_pReal) then ! no stress or J2 plastitiy --> Li and its derivative are zero
gamma_dot = prm%gdot0 * (sqrt(1.5_pReal) * norm_Tstar_sph /(prm%M*stt%xi(of))) **prm%n
dot_gamma = prm%dot_gamma_0 * (sqrt(1.5_pReal) * norm_Tstar_sph /(prm%M*stt%xi(of))) **prm%n
Li = Tstar_sph/norm_Tstar_sph * gamma_dot/prm%M
Li = Tstar_sph/norm_Tstar_sph * dot_gamma/prm%M
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLi_dTstar(k,l,m,n) = (prm%n-1.0_pReal) * Tstar_sph(k,l)*Tstar_sph(m,n) / squarenorm_Tstar_sph
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3) &
dLi_dTstar(k,l,k,l) = dLi_dTstar(k,l,k,l) + 1.0_pReal
dLi_dTstar = gamma_dot / prm%M * dLi_dTstar / norm_Tstar_sph
dLi_dTstar = dot_gamma / prm%M * dLi_dTstar / norm_Tstar_sph
Li = 0.0_pReal
dLi_dTstar = 0.0_pReal
@ -390,8 +390,7 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_dotState(Mp,instance,of)
real(pReal) :: &
gamma_dot, & !< strainrate
hardening, & !< hardening coefficient
dot_gamma, & !< strainrate
xi_inf_star, & !< saturation xi
norm_Mp !< norm of the (deviatoric) Mandel stress
@ -403,26 +402,25 @@ subroutine plastic_isotropic_dotState(Mp,instance,of)
norm_Mp = sqrt(math_mul33xx33(math_deviatoric33(Mp),math_deviatoric33(Mp)))
gamma_dot = prm%gdot0 * (sqrt(1.5_pReal) * norm_Mp /(prm%M*stt%xi(of))) **prm%n
dot_gamma = prm%dot_gamma_0 * (sqrt(1.5_pReal) * norm_Mp /(prm%M*stt%xi(of))) **prm%n
if (abs(gamma_dot) > 1e-12_pReal) then
if (abs(dot_gamma) > 1e-12_pReal) then
if (dEq0(prm%c_1)) then
xi_inf_star = prm%xi_inf
xi_inf_star = prm%xi_inf &
+ asinh( (gamma_dot / prm%c_1)**(1.0_pReal / prm%c_2) &
+ asinh( (dot_gamma / prm%c_1)**(1.0_pReal / prm%c_2) &
)**(1.0_pReal / prm%c_3) &
/ prm%c_4 * (gamma_dot / prm%gdot0)**(1.0_pReal / prm%n)
/ prm%c_4 * (dot_gamma / prm%dot_gamma_0)**(1.0_pReal / prm%n)
hardening = ( prm%h0 + prm%h0_slopeLnRate * log(gamma_dot) ) &
* abs( 1.0_pReal - stt%xi(of)/xi_inf_star )**prm%a &
* sign(1.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal - stt%xi(of)/xi_inf_star)
dot%xi(of) = ( prm%h0 + prm%h_ln * log(dot_gamma) ) &
* abs( 1.0_pReal - stt%xi(of)/xi_inf_star )**prm%a &
* sign(1.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal - stt%xi(of)/xi_inf_star)
hardening = 0.0_pReal
dot%xi(of) = 0.0_pReal
dot%xi (of) = hardening * gamma_dot
dot%accumulatedShear(of) = gamma_dot
dot%gamma(of) = dot_gamma ! ToDo: not really used
end associate
@ -468,8 +466,8 @@ function plastic_isotropic_postResults(Mp,instance,of) result(postResults)
case (xi_ID)
postResults(c+1) = stt%xi(of)
c = c + 1
case (strainrate_ID)
postResults(c+1) = prm%gdot0 &
case (dot_gamma_ID)
postResults(c+1) = prm%dot_gamma_0 &
* (sqrt(1.5_pReal) * norm_Mp /(prm%M * stt%xi(of)))**prm%n
c = c + 1