cleaned up mesh_build_CPeleMapping code

This commit is contained in:
William Counts 2007-03-29 13:08:08 +00:00
parent bab4381447
commit 656a6808bc
1 changed files with 103 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
allocate ( mesh_mapFEtoCPnode(2,mesh_Nnodes) )
mesh_mapFEtoCPnode(:,:) = 0_pInt
node_count(:) = 0_pInt
@ -380,7 +381,8 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
allocate ( mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,mesh_NcpElems) )
cur_CPele = 0
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(:,:) = 0_pInt
cur_CPele = 0_pInt
read (unit,610,END=620) line
@ -399,30 +401,20 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end do
do while( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,pos(1))).eq.'c' )
do i=1,pos(1)-1
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = IO_IntValue(line,pos,i)
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end do
if( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,pos(1))).ne.'c' )then
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = IO_IntValue(line,pos,pos(1))
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end if
do while( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,pos(1))).eq.'c' )
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,20)
do i=1,pos(1)-1
end do
do i=1,pos(1)
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = IO_IntValue(line,pos,i)
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end do
if( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,pos(1))).ne.'c' )then
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = IO_IntValue(line,pos,pos(1))
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end if
end do
end if
end if
end do
@ -504,6 +496,7 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
allocate ( mesh_node (3,mesh_Nnodes) )
mesh_node(:,:) = 0_pInt
610 FORMAT(A264)
@ -532,16 +525,100 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
SUBROUTINE mesh_build_element (unit)
use prec, only: pInt
use IO
implicit none
integer unit
integer FE_node,Nnodes,i,j,sv,ele,val
integer(pInt), dimension (41) :: pos
logical not_found
character*264 line
allocate ( mesh_element (mesh_Nelems,4+mesh_maxNnodes) )
mesh_element(:,:) = 0_pInt
610 FORMAT(A264)
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,2)
if( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,1)) == 'connectivity' ) then
read (unit,610,END=620) line ! Garbage line
do i=1,mesh_Nelems
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,66) ! limit to 64 nodes max (plus ID, type)
Nnodes = FE_Nnodes(FE_mapElemtype(IO_intValue(line,pos,2)))
mesh_element (i,1) = IO_IntValue (line,pos,1)
mesh_element (i,2) = IO_IntValue (line,pos,2)
do j=1,Nnodes
FE_node = IO_IntValue (line,pos,j+2)
! CP_node = mesh_FEasCP('node',FE_node)
mesh_element(i,j+4) = FE_node
end do
end do
end if
if( (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,1)) == 'initial').and. &
(IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,2)) == 'state') ) then
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,66)
sv = IO_IntValue (line,pos,1)
if( ( )then
write(*,*) 'Major PROBLEM!! -> Invalid state variable found'
write(*,*) sv
end if
read (unit,610,END=620) line
read(UNIT=line(2:2),FMT='(I)') val
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,20)
do while( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,pos(1))).eq.'c' )
do i=1,pos(1)-1
ele = IO_IntValue(line,pos,i)
not_found = .true.
do while( not_found )
if( mesh_element(j,1).eq.ele )then
not_found = .false.
ele = j
end if
end do
mesh_element(ele,sv+1) = 40
end do
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,20)
end do
do i=1,pos(1)
ele = IO_IntValue(line,pos,i)
not_found = .true.
do while( not_found )
if( mesh_element(j,1).eq.ele )then
not_found = .false.
ele = j
end if
end do
mesh_element(ele,sv+1) = 40
end do
end if
end do
620 continue
! Get global variables (like # ele, # nodes, # ele types, # CP ele)
! Get global variables (#ele, #nodes, #ele types, #CP ele, max # nodes per element)
SUBROUTINE mesh_get_globals (unit)
@ -549,7 +626,7 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
use IO
implicit none
integer(pInt) unit,i,pos(41)
integer(pInt) unit,i,pos(41),Nnodes
character*264 line
610 FORMAT(A264)
@ -567,6 +644,10 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
mesh_Nnodes = IO_IntValue (line,pos,4)
mesh_NelemTypes = mesh_NelemTypes+1
Nnodes = FE_Nnodes(FE_mapElemtype(IO_intValue(line,pos,2)))
if( )then
mesh_maxNnodes = Nnodes
end if
do i=1,4
read (unit,610,END=620) line