modern Fortran

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Martin Diehl 2020-12-28 21:34:14 +01:00
parent 1ac5465d65
commit 6207432f7a
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -279,9 +279,12 @@ real(pReal) pure function math_LeviCivita(i,j,k)
integer, intent(in) :: i,j,k
if (all([i,j,k] == [1,2,3]) .or. all([i,j,k] == [2,3,1]) .or. all([i,j,k] == [3,1,2])) then
integer :: o
if (any([(all(cshift([i,j,k],o) == [1,2,3]),o=0,2)])) then
math_LeviCivita = +1.0_pReal
elseif (all([i,j,k] == [3,2,1]) .or. all([i,j,k] == [2,1,3]) .or. all([i,j,k] == [1,3,2])) then
elseif (any([(all(cshift([i,j,k],o) == [3,2,1]),o=0,2)])) then
math_LeviCivita = -1.0_pReal
math_LeviCivita = 0.0_pReal