with mesh_build_Sharedelems

This commit is contained in:
William Counts 2007-03-29 08:42:08 +00:00
parent 4e68da3cf1
commit 5f9b57b952
1 changed files with 112 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
! binary search in between bounds
do while (upper-lower > 0)
do while (upper-lower > 1)
center = (lower+upper)/2
if (lookupMap(1,center) < id) then
if (lookupMap(1,center) < id) then
lower = center
elseif (lookupMap(1,center) > id) then
upper = center
@ -332,6 +332,12 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
end do
620 continue
do i=2,mesh_Nnodes
if( mesh_mapFEtoCPnode(1,i).lt.mesh_mapFEtoCPnode(1,i-1) )then
write(*,*) 'Need to sort node'
end if
end do
read (unit,610,END=630) line
@ -362,9 +368,71 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
SUBROUTINE mesh_build_CPeleMapping (unit)
use prec, only: pInt
use IO
implicit none
integer unit
integer unit, i,cur_CPele,start_ele,end_ele
character*264 line
integer(pInt), dimension (41) :: pos
610 FORMAT(A264)
allocate ( mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,mesh_NcpElems) )
cur_CPele = 0
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,1)
if( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,1)) == 'hypoelastic' ) then
do i=1,4
read (unit,610,END=620) line
end do
pos = IO_stringPos(line,20)
if( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,2)).eq.'to' )then
start_ele = IO_IntValue(line,pos,1)
end_ele = IO_IntValue(line,pos,3)
do i=start_ele,end_ele
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = i
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end do
do i=1,pos(1)-1
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = IO_IntValue(line,pos,i)
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end do
if( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,pos(1))).ne.'c' )then
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = IO_IntValue(line,pos,pos(1))
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end if
do while( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,pos(1))).eq.'c' )
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,20)
do i=1,pos(1)-1
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = IO_IntValue(line,pos,i)
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end do
if( IO_lc(IO_Stringvalue(line,pos,pos(1))).ne.'c' )then
cur_CPele = cur_CPele+1
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,cur_CPele) = IO_IntValue(line,pos,pos(1))
mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(2,cur_CPele) = cur_CPele
end if
end do
end if
end if
end do
620 continue
do i=2,mesh_NcpElems
if( mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,i).lt.mesh_mapFEtoCPelem(1,i-1) )then
write(*,*) 'Need to sort ele'
end if
end do
@ -375,9 +443,48 @@ matchFace: do j = 1,FE_NfaceNodes(-neighbor,t) ! count over nodes on matching f
SUBROUTINE mesh_build_Sharedelems (unit)
use prec, only: pInt
use IO
implicit none
integer unit
integer(pInt), dimension (mesh_Nnodes) :: node_count
integer(pInt), dimension (41) :: pos
integer i,j,FE_node,CP_node,Nnodes,CP_elem
character*264 line
610 FORMAT(A264)
allocate ( mesh_sharedElem( 1+mesh_maxNsharedElems,mesh_Nnodes) )
mesh_sharedElem(:,:) = 0_pInt
node_count(:) = 0_pInt
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,1)
if( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,1)) == 'connectivity' ) then
read (unit,610,END=620) line ! Garbage line
do i=1,mesh_Nelems
read (unit,610,END=620) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,66) ! limit to 64 nodes max (plus ID, type)
Nnodes = FE_Nnodes(FE_mapElemtype(IO_intValue(line,pos,2)))
CP_elem = mesh_FEasCP('elem',IO_IntValue(line,pos,1))
if( CP_elem.ne.0 )then
do j=1,Nnodes
FE_node = IO_IntValue (line,pos,j+2)
CP_node = mesh_FEasCP('node',FE_node)
node_count( CP_node )= node_count( CP_node )+1
mesh_sharedElem(node_count(CP_node)+1,CP_node) = CP_elem
end do
end if
end do
end if
end do
620 continue
do i=1,mesh_Nnodes
mesh_sharedElem(1,i) = node_count(i)
end do