remove deprecated spectral load case definition of temperature

This commit is contained in:
Pratheek Shanthraj 2015-07-24 14:57:29 +00:00
parent 7554647c8e
commit 5e09954575
11 changed files with 51 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ contains
!> @brief call (thread safe) all module initializations
subroutine CPFEM_initAll(temperature_inp,el,ip)
subroutine CPFEM_initAll(el,ip)
use prec, only: &
use numerics, only: &
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ subroutine CPFEM_initAll(temperature_inp,el,ip)
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: el, & !< FE el number
ip !< FE integration point number
real(pReal), intent(in) :: temperature_inp !< temperature
if (.not. CPFEM_init_done) then
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ subroutine CPFEM_initAll(temperature_inp,el,ip)
call material_init
call constitutive_init
call crystallite_init
call homogenization_init(temperature_inp)
call homogenization_init
call CPFEM_init
#if defined(Marc4DAMASK) || defined(Abaqus)
call DAMASK_interface_init ! Spectral solver and FEM init is already done
@ -264,7 +263,7 @@ end subroutine CPFEM_init
#if defined(Marc4DAMASK) || defined(Abaqus)
subroutine CPFEM_general(mode, parallelExecution, ffn, ffn1, temperature_inp, dt, elFE, ip, cauchyStress, jacobian)
subroutine CPFEM_general(mode, ffn, ffn1, temperature_inp, dt, elFE, ip)
subroutine CPFEM_general(mode, ffn, ffn1, dt, elFE, ip)
use numerics, only: &
defgradTolerance, &
@ -364,12 +363,12 @@ subroutine CPFEM_general(mode, ffn, ffn1, temperature_inp, dt, elFE, ip)
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: elFE, & !< FE element number
ip !< integration point number
real(pReal), intent(in) :: temperature_inp !< temperature
real(pReal), intent(in) :: dt !< time increment
real(pReal), dimension (3,3), intent(in) :: ffn, & !< deformation gradient for t=t0
ffn1 !< deformation gradient for t=t1
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: mode !< computation mode 1: regular computation plus aging of results
#if defined(Marc4DAMASK) || defined(Abaqus)
real(pReal), intent(in) :: temperature_inp !< temperature
logical, intent(in) :: parallelExecution !< flag indicating parallel computation of requested IPs
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(out) :: cauchyStress !< stress vector in Mandel notation
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(out) :: jacobian !< jacobian in Mandel notation (Consistent tangent dcs/dE)

View File

@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ subroutine vumat(nBlock, nDir, nshr, nStateV, nFieldV, nProps, lAnneal, &
do n = 1,nblock(1) ! loop over vector of IPs
temp = tempOld(n) ! temp is intent(in)
if ( .not. CPFEM_init_done ) then
call CPFEM_initAll(temp,nBlock(4_pInt+n),nBlock(2))
call CPFEM_initAll(nBlock(4_pInt+n),nBlock(2))
outdatedByNewInc = .false.
if (iand(debug_level(debug_abaqus),debug_levelBasic) /= 0) then

View File

@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ subroutine UMAT(STRESS,STATEV,DDSDDE,SSE,SPD,SCD,&
if (.not. CPFEM_init_done) call CPFEM_initAll(temperature,noel,npt)
if (.not. CPFEM_init_done) call CPFEM_initAll(noel,npt)
computationMode = 0
cp_en = mesh_FEasCP('elem',noel)

View File

@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ subroutine hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,m,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,nshear,disp, &
!$ defaultNumThreadsInt = omp_get_num_threads() ! remember number of threads set by Marc
if (.not. CPFEM_init_done) call CPFEM_initAll(t(1),m(1),nn)
if (.not. CPFEM_init_done) call CPFEM_initAll(m(1),nn)
!$ call omp_set_num_threads(DAMASK_NumThreadsInt) ! set number of threads for parallel execution set by DAMASK_NUM_THREADS

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
external :: quit
! init DAMASK (all modules)
call CPFEM_initAll(temperature_inp = 300.0_pReal, el = 1_pInt, ip = 1_pInt)
call CPFEM_initAll(el = 1_pInt, ip = 1_pInt)
mainProcess: if (worldrank == 0) then
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- DAMASK_spectral_driver init -+>>>'
write(6,'(a)') ' $Id$'
@ -245,8 +245,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%P%values = math_plain9to33(temp_valueVector)
case('t','time','delta') ! increment time
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%time = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1_pInt)
case('temp','temperature') ! starting temperature
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%temperature = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1_pInt)
case('n','incs','increments','steps') ! number of increments
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%incs = IO_intValue(line,positions,i+1_pInt)
case('logincs','logincrements','logsteps') ! number of increments (switch to log time scaling)
@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
if (any(loadCases(currentLoadCase)%rotation /= math_I3)) &
write(6,'(2x,a,/,3(3(3x,f12.7,1x)/))',advance='no') 'rotation of loadframe:',&
write(6,'(2x,a,f12.6)') 'temperature:', loadCases(currentLoadCase)%temperature
if (loadCases(currentLoadCase)%time < 0.0_pReal) errorID = 834_pInt ! negative time increment
write(6,'(2x,a,f12.6)') 'time: ', loadCases(currentLoadCase)%time
if (loadCases(currentLoadCase)%incs < 1_pInt) errorID = 835_pInt ! non-positive incs count
@ -351,16 +348,16 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
select case (spectral_solver)
case (DAMASK_spectral_SolverBasicPETSc_label)
call basicPETSc_init(loadCases(1)%temperature)
call basicPETSc_init
case (DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL_label)
if(iand(debug_level(debug_spectral),debug_levelBasic)/= 0 .and. worldrank == 0_pInt) &
call IO_warning(42_pInt, ext_msg='debug Divergence')
call AL_init(loadCases(1)%temperature)
call AL_init
case (DAMASK_spectral_SolverPolarisation_label)
if(iand(debug_level(debug_spectral),debug_levelBasic)/= 0 .and. worldrank == 0_pInt) &
call IO_warning(42_pInt, ext_msg='debug Divergence')
call Polarisation_init(loadCases(1)%temperature)
call Polarisation_init
case default
call IO_error(error_ID = 891, ext_msg = trim(spectral_solver))
@ -368,7 +365,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
end select
call spectral_thermal_init(loadCases(1)%temperature)
call spectral_thermal_init
call spectral_damage_init()
@ -550,7 +547,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
incInfo,guess,timeinc,timeIncOld,remainingLoadCaseTime, &
P_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%P, &
F_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation, &
temperature_bc = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%temperature, &
rotation_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%rotation)
case (DAMASK_spectral_SolverAL_label)
@ -558,7 +554,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
incInfo,guess,timeinc,timeIncOld,remainingLoadCaseTime, &
P_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%P, &
F_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation, &
temperature_bc = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%temperature, &
rotation_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%rotation)
case (DAMASK_spectral_SolverPolarisation_label)
@ -566,7 +561,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
incInfo,guess,timeinc,timeIncOld,remainingLoadCaseTime, &
P_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%P, &
F_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation, &
temperature_bc = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%temperature, &
rotation_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%rotation)
end select

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ contains
!> @brief allocates all neccessary fields and fills them with data, potentially from restart info
!> @todo use sourced allocation, e.g. allocate(Fdot,source = F_lastInc)
subroutine AL_init(temperature)
subroutine AL_init
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran >4.6 at the moment)
use IO, only: &
IO_intOut, &
@ -127,8 +127,6 @@ subroutine AL_init(temperature)
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(inout) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: P
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
temp33_Real = 0.0_pReal
@ -224,7 +222,7 @@ subroutine AL_init(temperature)
call utilities_updateIPcoords(F)
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F,&
call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(da,solution_vec,xx_psc,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr) ! write data back to PETSc
@ -256,8 +254,7 @@ end subroutine AL_init
!> @brief solution for the AL scheme with internal iterations
type(tSolutionState) function &
AL_solution(incInfoIn,guess,timeinc,timeinc_old,loadCaseTime,P_BC,F_BC,temperature_bc, &
use numerics, only: &
use math, only: &
@ -277,8 +274,7 @@ type(tSolutionState) function &
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
timeinc, & !< increment in time for current solution
timeinc_old, & !< increment in time of last increment
loadCaseTime, & !< remaining time of current load case
loadCaseTime !< remaining time of current load case
logical, intent(in) :: &
type(tBoundaryCondition), intent(in) :: &
@ -313,7 +309,6 @@ type(tSolutionState) function &
params%rotation_BC = rotation_BC
params%timeinc = timeinc
params%timeincOld = timeinc_old
params%temperature = temperature_bc
! solve BVP
@ -453,7 +448,7 @@ subroutine AL_formResidual(in,x_scal,f_scal,dummy,ierr)
! evaluate constitutive response
P_avLastEval = P_av
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F - residual_F_lambda/polarBeta,params%temperature,params%timeinc, &
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F - residual_F_lambda/polarBeta,params%timeinc, &
call MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,terminallyIll,1,MPI_LOGICAL,MPI_LOR,PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
ForwardData = .False.

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ contains
!> @brief allocates all neccessary fields and fills them with data, potentially from restart info
subroutine basicPETSc_init(temperature)
subroutine basicPETSc_init
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran >4.6 at the moment)
use IO, only: &
IO_intOut, &
@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ subroutine basicPETSc_init(temperature)
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(inout) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: P
PetscScalar, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: F
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
@ -195,7 +193,6 @@ subroutine basicPETSc_init(temperature)
call Utilities_updateIPcoords(F)
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc, F, &
temperature, &
0.0_pReal, &
P, &
C_volAvg,C_minMaxAvg, & ! global average of stiffness and (min+max)/2
@ -229,7 +226,7 @@ end subroutine basicPETSc_init
!> @brief solution for the Basic PETSC scheme with internal iterations
type(tSolutionState) function basicPETSc_solution( &
use numerics, only: &
update_gamma, &
@ -248,8 +245,7 @@ type(tSolutionState) function basicPETSc_solution( &
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
timeinc, & !< increment in time for current solution
timeinc_old, & !< increment in time of last increment
loadCaseTime, & !< remaining time of current load case
loadCaseTime !< remaining time of current load case
type(tBoundaryCondition), intent(in) :: &
P_BC, &
@ -279,7 +275,6 @@ type(tSolutionState) function basicPETSc_solution( &
params%rotation_BC = rotation_BC
params%timeinc = timeinc
params%timeincOld = timeinc_old
params%temperature = temperature_BC
call SNESSolve(snes,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,solution_vec,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
call SNESGetConvergedReason(snes,reason,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
@ -368,7 +363,7 @@ subroutine BasicPETSC_formResidual(in,x_scal,f_scal,dummy,ierr)
! evaluate constitutive response
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,x_scal,params%temperature,params%timeinc, &
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,x_scal,params%timeinc, &
call MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,terminallyIll,1,MPI_LOGICAL,MPI_LOR,PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
ForwardData = .false.

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ contains
!> @brief allocates all neccessary fields and fills them with data, potentially from restart info
!> @todo use sourced allocation, e.g. allocate(Fdot,source = F_lastInc)
subroutine Polarisation_init(temperature)
subroutine Polarisation_init
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran >4.6 at the moment)
use IO, only: &
IO_intOut, &
@ -127,8 +127,6 @@ subroutine Polarisation_init(temperature)
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(inout) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: P
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
temp33_Real = 0.0_pReal
@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ subroutine Polarisation_init(temperature)
call Utilities_updateIPcoords(F)
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F,&
call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(da,solution_vec,xx_psc,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr) ! write data back to PETSc
@ -254,8 +252,7 @@ end subroutine Polarisation_init
!> @brief solution for the Polarisation scheme with internal iterations
type(tSolutionState) function &
Polarisation_solution(incInfoIn,guess,timeinc,timeinc_old,loadCaseTime,P_BC,F_BC,temperature_bc, &
use numerics, only: &
use math, only: &
@ -275,8 +272,7 @@ type(tSolutionState) function &
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
timeinc, & !< increment in time for current solution
timeinc_old, & !< increment in time of last increment
loadCaseTime, & !< remaining time of current load case
loadCaseTime !< remaining time of current load case
logical, intent(in) :: &
type(tBoundaryCondition), intent(in) :: &
@ -310,7 +306,6 @@ type(tSolutionState) function &
params%rotation_BC = rotation_BC
params%timeinc = timeinc
params%timeincOld = timeinc_old
params%temperature = temperature_bc
! solve BVP
@ -449,7 +444,7 @@ subroutine Polarisation_formResidual(in,x_scal,f_scal,dummy,ierr)
! evaluate constitutive response
P_avLastEval = P_av
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F - residual_F_tau/polarBeta,params%temperature,params%timeinc, &
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F - residual_F_tau/polarBeta,params%timeinc, &
call MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,terminallyIll,1,MPI_LOGICAL,MPI_LOR,PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
ForwardData = .False.

View File

@ -96,8 +96,7 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_utilities
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: rotation = math_I3 !< rotation of BC
type(tBoundaryCondition) :: P, & !< stress BC
deformation !< deformation BC (Fdot or L)
real(pReal) :: time = 0.0_pReal, & !< length of increment
temperature = 300.0_pReal !< isothermal starting conditions
real(pReal) :: time = 0.0_pReal !< length of increment
integer(pInt) :: incs = 0_pInt, & !< number of increments
outputfrequency = 1_pInt, & !< frequency of result writes
restartfrequency = 0_pInt, & !< frequency of restart writes
@ -110,7 +109,6 @@ module DAMASK_spectral_utilities
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: P_BC, rotation_BC
real(pReal) :: timeinc
real(pReal) :: timeincOld
real(pReal) :: temperature
real(pReal) :: density
end type tSolutionParams
@ -1088,7 +1086,7 @@ end subroutine utilities_fourierVectorDivergence
!> @brief calculates constitutive response
subroutine utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F,temperature,timeinc,&
subroutine utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F,timeinc,&
use debug, only: &
debug_reset, &
@ -1115,7 +1113,6 @@ subroutine utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F,temperature,timeinc,&
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in) :: temperature !< temperature (no field)
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3,gridLocal(1),gridLocal(2),gridLocal(3)) :: &
F_lastInc, & !< target deformation gradient
F !< previous deformation gradient
@ -1149,7 +1146,7 @@ subroutine utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F,temperature,timeinc,&
call CPFEM_general(CPFEM_COLLECT,F_lastInc(1:3,1:3,1,1,1),F(1:3,1:3,1,1,1), &
materialpoint_F = reshape(F,[3,3,1,product(gridLocal)])
call debug_reset()
@ -1174,7 +1171,7 @@ subroutine utilities_constitutiveResponse(F_lastInc,F,temperature,timeinc,&
call CPFEM_general(calcMode,F_lastInc(1:3,1:3,1,1,1), F(1:3,1:3,1,1,1), & ! first call calculates everything
max_dPdF = 0.0_pReal
max_dPdF_norm = 0.0_pReal

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ contains
!> @brief module initialization
subroutine homogenization_init(temperature_init)
subroutine homogenization_init
#ifdef HDF
use hdf5, only: &
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ subroutine homogenization_init(temperature_init)
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in) :: temperature_init !< initial temperature
integer(pInt), parameter :: FILEUNIT = 200_pInt
integer(pInt) :: e,i,p
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), pointer :: thisSize

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ contains
!> @brief allocates all neccessary fields and fills them with data, potentially from restart info
subroutine spectral_thermal_init(temperature0)
subroutine spectral_thermal_init
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran >4.6 at the moment)
use IO, only: &
IO_intOut, &
@ -91,13 +91,17 @@ subroutine spectral_thermal_init(temperature0)
thermal_conduction_getConductivity33, &
thermal_conduction_getMassDensity, &
use material, only: &
mappingHomogenization, &
temperature, &
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(inOut) :: temperature0
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: localK
integer(pInt) :: proc
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k, cell
DM :: thermal_grid
PetscScalar, pointer :: x_scal(:,:,:)
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
PetscObject :: dummy
@ -138,10 +142,20 @@ subroutine spectral_thermal_init(temperature0)
xend = xstart + xend - 1
yend = ystart + yend - 1
zend = zstart + zend - 1
call VecSet(solution,temperature0,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
allocate(temperature_current(gridLocal(1),gridLocal(2),gridLocal(3)), source=temperature0)
allocate(temperature_lastInc(gridLocal(1),gridLocal(2),gridLocal(3)), source=temperature0)
allocate(temperature_stagInc(gridLocal(1),gridLocal(2),gridLocal(3)), source=temperature0)
allocate(temperature_current(gridLocal(1),gridLocal(2),gridLocal(3)), source=0.0_pReal)
allocate(temperature_lastInc(gridLocal(1),gridLocal(2),gridLocal(3)), source=0.0_pReal)
allocate(temperature_stagInc(gridLocal(1),gridLocal(2),gridLocal(3)), source=0.0_pReal)
cell = 0_pInt
do k = 1_pInt, gridLocal(3); do j = 1_pInt, gridLocal(2); do i = 1_pInt,gridLocal(1)
cell = cell + 1_pInt
temperature_current(i,j,k) = temperature(mappingHomogenization(2,1,cell))% &
temperature_lastInc(i,j,k) = temperature_current(i,j,k)
temperature_stagInc(i,j,k) = temperature_current(i,j,k)
enddo; enddo; enddo
call DMDAVecGetArrayF90(thermal_grid,solution,x_scal,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr) !< get the data out of PETSc to work with
x_scal(xstart:xend,ystart:yend,zstart:zend) = temperature_current
call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(thermal_grid,solution,x_scal,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
cell = 0_pInt
D_ref = 0.0_pReal