whitespace adjustments
This commit is contained in:
@ -772,66 +772,67 @@ module subroutine nonlocal_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp, &
tau, & !< resolved shear stress including backstress terms
dot_gamma !< shear rate
associate(prm => param(ph),dst=>dependentState(ph),stt=>state(ph))
!*** shortcut to state variables
rho = getRho(ph,en)
rhoSgl = rho(:,sgl)
!*** shortcut to state variables
rho = getRho(ph,en)
rhoSgl = rho(:,sgl)
do s = 1,prm%sum_N_sl
tau(s) = math_tensordot(Mp, prm%P_sl(1:3,1:3,s))
tauNS(s,1) = tau(s)
tauNS(s,2) = tau(s)
if (tau(s) > 0.0_pReal) then
tauNS(s,3) = math_tensordot(Mp, +prm%P_nS_pos(1:3,1:3,s))
tauNS(s,4) = math_tensordot(Mp, -prm%P_nS_neg(1:3,1:3,s))
tauNS(s,3) = math_tensordot(Mp, +prm%P_nS_neg(1:3,1:3,s))
tauNS(s,4) = math_tensordot(Mp, -prm%P_nS_pos(1:3,1:3,s))
end if
end do
tauNS = tauNS + spread(dst%tau_back(:,en),2,4)
tau = tau + dst%tau_back(:,en)
! edges
call kinetics(v(:,1), dv_dtau(:,1), dv_dtauNS(:,1), &
tau, tauNS(:,1), dst%tau_pass(:,en),1,Temperature, ph)
v(:,2) = v(:,1)
dv_dtau(:,2) = dv_dtau(:,1)
dv_dtauNS(:,2) = dv_dtauNS(:,1)
if (prm%nonSchmidActive) then
do t = 3,4
call kinetics(v(:,t), dv_dtau(:,t), dv_dtauNS(:,t), &
tau, tauNS(:,t), dst%tau_pass(:,en),2,Temperature, ph)
do s = 1,prm%sum_N_sl
tau(s) = math_tensordot(Mp, prm%P_sl(1:3,1:3,s))
tauNS(s,1) = tau(s)
tauNS(s,2) = tau(s)
if (tau(s) > 0.0_pReal) then
tauNS(s,3) = math_tensordot(Mp, +prm%P_nS_pos(1:3,1:3,s))
tauNS(s,4) = math_tensordot(Mp, -prm%P_nS_neg(1:3,1:3,s))
tauNS(s,3) = math_tensordot(Mp, +prm%P_nS_neg(1:3,1:3,s))
tauNS(s,4) = math_tensordot(Mp, -prm%P_nS_pos(1:3,1:3,s))
end if
end do
v(:,3:4) = spread(v(:,1),2,2)
dv_dtau(:,3:4) = spread(dv_dtau(:,1),2,2)
dv_dtauNS(:,3:4) = spread(dv_dtauNS(:,1),2,2)
end if
tauNS = tauNS + spread(dst%tau_back(:,en),2,4)
tau = tau + dst%tau_back(:,en)
stt%v(:,en) = pack(v,.true.)
! edges
call kinetics(v(:,1), dv_dtau(:,1), dv_dtauNS(:,1), &
tau, tauNS(:,1), dst%tau_pass(:,en),1,Temperature, ph)
v(:,2) = v(:,1)
dv_dtau(:,2) = dv_dtau(:,1)
dv_dtauNS(:,2) = dv_dtauNS(:,1)
!*** Bauschinger effect
forall (s = 1:prm%sum_N_sl, t = 5:8, rhoSgl(s,t) * v(s,t-4) < 0.0_pReal) &
rhoSgl(s,t-4) = rhoSgl(s,t-4) + abs(rhoSgl(s,t))
if (prm%nonSchmidActive) then
do t = 3,4
call kinetics(v(:,t), dv_dtau(:,t), dv_dtauNS(:,t), &
tau, tauNS(:,t), dst%tau_pass(:,en),2,Temperature, ph)
end do
v(:,3:4) = spread(v(:,1),2,2)
dv_dtau(:,3:4) = spread(dv_dtau(:,1),2,2)
dv_dtauNS(:,3:4) = spread(dv_dtauNS(:,1),2,2)
end if
dot_gamma = sum(rhoSgl(:,1:4) * v, 2) * prm%b_sl
stt%v(:,en) = pack(v,.true.)
Lp = 0.0_pReal
dLp_dMp = 0.0_pReal
do s = 1,prm%sum_N_sl
Lp = Lp + dot_gamma(s) * prm%P_sl(1:3,1:3,s)
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3) &
dLp_dMp(i,j,k,l) = dLp_dMp(i,j,k,l) &
+ prm%P_sl(i,j,s) * prm%P_sl(k,l,s) &
* sum(rhoSgl(s,1:4) * dv_dtau(s,1:4)) * prm%b_sl(s) &
+ prm%P_sl(i,j,s) &
* (+ prm%P_nS_pos(k,l,s) * rhoSgl(s,3) * dv_dtauNS(s,3) &
- prm%P_nS_neg(k,l,s) * rhoSgl(s,4) * dv_dtauNS(s,4)) * prm%b_sl(s)
end do
!*** Bauschinger effect
forall (s = 1:prm%sum_N_sl, t = 5:8, rhoSgl(s,t) * v(s,t-4) < 0.0_pReal) &
rhoSgl(s,t-4) = rhoSgl(s,t-4) + abs(rhoSgl(s,t))
dot_gamma = sum(rhoSgl(:,1:4) * v, 2) * prm%b_sl
Lp = 0.0_pReal
dLp_dMp = 0.0_pReal
do s = 1,prm%sum_N_sl
Lp = Lp + dot_gamma(s) * prm%P_sl(1:3,1:3,s)
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3) &
dLp_dMp(i,j,k,l) = dLp_dMp(i,j,k,l) &
+ prm%P_sl(i,j,s) * prm%P_sl(k,l,s) &
* sum(rhoSgl(s,1:4) * dv_dtau(s,1:4)) * prm%b_sl(s) &
+ prm%P_sl(i,j,s) &
* (+ prm%P_nS_pos(k,l,s) * rhoSgl(s,3) * dv_dtauNS(s,3) &
- prm%P_nS_neg(k,l,s) * rhoSgl(s,4) * dv_dtauNS(s,4)) * prm%b_sl(s)
end do
end associate
@ -870,7 +871,8 @@ module subroutine plastic_nonlocal_deltaState(Mp,ph,en)
dUpper, & ! current maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
dUpperOld, & ! old maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
deltaDUpper ! change in maximum stable dipole distance for edges and screws
associate(prm => param(ph),dst => dependentState(ph),del => deltaState(ph))
mu = elastic_mu(ph,en)
@ -1394,78 +1396,79 @@ module subroutine plastic_nonlocal_updateCompatibility(orientation,ph,i,e)
type(rotation) :: mis
associate(prm => param(ph))
ns = prm%sum_N_sl
ns = prm%sum_N_sl
en = material_phaseMemberAt(1,i,e)
!*** start out fully compatible
my_compatibility = 0.0_pReal
forall(s1 = 1:ns) my_compatibility(:,s1,s1,:) = 1.0_pReal
en = material_phaseMemberAt(1,i,e)
!*** start out fully compatible
my_compatibility = 0.0_pReal
forall(s1 = 1:ns) my_compatibility(:,s1,s1,:) = 1.0_pReal
neighbors: do n = 1,nIPneighbors
neighbor_e = IPneighborhood(1,n,i,e)
neighbor_i = IPneighborhood(2,n,i,e)
neighbor_me = material_phaseMemberAt(1,neighbor_i,neighbor_e)
neighbor_phase = material_phaseAt(1,neighbor_e)
neighbors: do n = 1,nIPneighbors
neighbor_e = IPneighborhood(1,n,i,e)
neighbor_i = IPneighborhood(2,n,i,e)
neighbor_me = material_phaseMemberAt(1,neighbor_i,neighbor_e)
neighbor_phase = material_phaseAt(1,neighbor_e)
if (neighbor_e <= 0 .or. neighbor_i <= 0) then
forall(s1 = 1:ns) my_compatibility(:,s1,s1,n) = sqrt(prm%chi_surface)
elseif (neighbor_phase /= ph) then
if (plasticState(neighbor_phase)%nonlocal .and. plasticState(ph)%nonlocal) &
forall(s1 = 1:ns) my_compatibility(:,s1,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
elseif (prm%chi_GB >= 0.0_pReal) then
if (any(dNeq(phase_O_0(ph)%data(en)%asQuaternion(), &
phase_O_0(neighbor_phase)%data(neighbor_me)%asQuaternion())) .and. &
plasticState(neighbor_phase)%nonlocal) &
forall(s1 = 1:ns) my_compatibility(:,s1,s1,n) = sqrt(prm%chi_GB)
!* Compatibility defined by relative orientation of slip systems:
!* The my_compatibility value is defined as the product of the slip normal projection and the slip direction projection.
!* Its sign is always positive for screws, for edges it has the same sign as the slip normal projection.
!* Since the sum for each slip system can easily exceed one (which would result in a transmissivity larger than one),
!* only values above or equal to a certain threshold value are considered. This threshold value is chosen, such that
!* the number of compatible slip systems is minimized with the sum of the original compatibility values exceeding one.
!* Finally the smallest compatibility value is decreased until the sum is exactly equal to one.
!* All values below the threshold are set to zero.
mis = orientation(ph)%data(en)%misorientation(orientation(neighbor_phase)%data(neighbor_me))
mySlipSystems: do s1 = 1,ns
neighborSlipSystems: do s2 = 1,ns
my_compatibility(1,s2,s1,n) = math_inner(prm%slip_normal(1:3,s1), &
mis%rotate(prm%slip_normal(1:3,s2))) &
* abs(math_inner(prm%slip_direction(1:3,s1), &
my_compatibility(2,s2,s1,n) = abs(math_inner(prm%slip_normal(1:3,s1), &
mis%rotate(prm%slip_normal(1:3,s2)))) &
* abs(math_inner(prm%slip_direction(1:3,s1), &
end do neighborSlipSystems
if (neighbor_e <= 0 .or. neighbor_i <= 0) then
forall(s1 = 1:ns) my_compatibility(:,s1,s1,n) = sqrt(prm%chi_surface)
elseif (neighbor_phase /= ph) then
if (plasticState(neighbor_phase)%nonlocal .and. plasticState(ph)%nonlocal) &
forall(s1 = 1:ns) my_compatibility(:,s1,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
elseif (prm%chi_GB >= 0.0_pReal) then
if (any(dNeq(phase_O_0(ph)%data(en)%asQuaternion(), &
phase_O_0(neighbor_phase)%data(neighbor_me)%asQuaternion())) .and. &
plasticState(neighbor_phase)%nonlocal) &
forall(s1 = 1:ns) my_compatibility(:,s1,s1,n) = sqrt(prm%chi_GB)
!* Compatibility defined by relative orientation of slip systems:
!* The my_compatibility value is defined as the product of the slip normal projection and the slip direction projection.
!* Its sign is always positive for screws, for edges it has the same sign as the slip normal projection.
!* Since the sum for each slip system can easily exceed one (which would result in a transmissivity larger than one),
!* only values above or equal to a certain threshold value are considered. This threshold value is chosen, such that
!* the number of compatible slip systems is minimized with the sum of the original compatibility values exceeding one.
!* Finally the smallest compatibility value is decreased until the sum is exactly equal to one.
!* All values below the threshold are set to zero.
mis = orientation(ph)%data(en)%misorientation(orientation(neighbor_phase)%data(neighbor_me))
mySlipSystems: do s1 = 1,ns
neighborSlipSystems: do s2 = 1,ns
my_compatibility(1,s2,s1,n) = math_inner(prm%slip_normal(1:3,s1), &
mis%rotate(prm%slip_normal(1:3,s2))) &
* abs(math_inner(prm%slip_direction(1:3,s1), &
my_compatibility(2,s2,s1,n) = abs(math_inner(prm%slip_normal(1:3,s1), &
mis%rotate(prm%slip_normal(1:3,s2)))) &
* abs(math_inner(prm%slip_direction(1:3,s1), &
end do neighborSlipSystems
my_compatibilitySum = 0.0_pReal
belowThreshold = .true.
do while (my_compatibilitySum < 1.0_pReal .and. any(belowThreshold))
thresholdValue = maxval(my_compatibility(2,:,s1,n), belowThreshold) ! screws always positive
nThresholdValues = real(count(my_compatibility(2,:,s1,n) >= thresholdValue),pReal)
where (my_compatibility(2,:,s1,n) >= thresholdValue) belowThreshold = .false.
if (my_compatibilitySum + thresholdValue * nThresholdValues > 1.0_pReal) &
where (abs(my_compatibility(:,:,s1,n)) >= thresholdValue) &
my_compatibility(:,:,s1,n) = sign((1.0_pReal - my_compatibilitySum)/nThresholdValues,&
my_compatibilitySum = my_compatibilitySum + nThresholdValues * thresholdValue
end do
my_compatibilitySum = 0.0_pReal
belowThreshold = .true.
do while (my_compatibilitySum < 1.0_pReal .and. any(belowThreshold))
thresholdValue = maxval(my_compatibility(2,:,s1,n), belowThreshold) ! screws always positive
nThresholdValues = real(count(my_compatibility(2,:,s1,n) >= thresholdValue),pReal)
where (my_compatibility(2,:,s1,n) >= thresholdValue) belowThreshold = .false.
if (my_compatibilitySum + thresholdValue * nThresholdValues > 1.0_pReal) &
where (abs(my_compatibility(:,:,s1,n)) >= thresholdValue) &
my_compatibility(:,:,s1,n) = sign((1.0_pReal - my_compatibilitySum)/nThresholdValues,&
my_compatibilitySum = my_compatibilitySum + nThresholdValues * thresholdValue
end do
where(belowThreshold) my_compatibility(1,:,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
where(belowThreshold) my_compatibility(2,:,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
where(belowThreshold) my_compatibility(1,:,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
where(belowThreshold) my_compatibility(2,:,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
end do mySlipSystems
end if
end do mySlipSystems
end if
end do neighbors
end do neighbors
compatibility(:,:,:,:,i,e) = my_compatibility
compatibility(:,:,:,:,i,e) = my_compatibility
end associate
@ -1647,52 +1650,52 @@ pure subroutine kinetics(v, dv_dtau, dv_dtauNS, tau, tauNS, tauThreshold, c, T,
criticalStress_S !< maximum obstacle strength
associate(prm => param(ph))
v = 0.0_pReal
dv_dtau = 0.0_pReal
dv_dtauNS = 0.0_pReal
v = 0.0_pReal
dv_dtau = 0.0_pReal
dv_dtauNS = 0.0_pReal
do s = 1,prm%sum_N_sl
if (abs(tau(s)) > tauThreshold(s)) then
do s = 1,prm%sum_N_sl
if (abs(tau(s)) > tauThreshold(s)) then
!* Peierls contribution
tauEff = max(0.0_pReal, abs(tauNS(s)) - tauThreshold(s))
lambda_P = prm%b_sl(s)
activationVolume_P = prm%w *prm%b_sl(s)**3
criticalStress_P = prm%peierlsStress(s,c)
activationEnergy_P = criticalStress_P * activationVolume_P
tauRel_P = min(1.0_pReal, tauEff / criticalStress_P)
tPeierls = 1.0_pReal / prm%nu_a &
* exp(activationEnergy_P / (K_B * T) &
* (1.0_pReal - tauRel_P**prm%p)**prm%q)
dtPeierls_dtau = merge(tPeierls * prm%p * prm%q * activationVolume_P / (K_B * T) &
* (1.0_pReal - tauRel_P**prm%p)**(prm%q-1.0_pReal) * tauRel_P**(prm%p-1.0_pReal), &
0.0_pReal, &
tauEff < criticalStress_P)
!* Peierls contribution
tauEff = max(0.0_pReal, abs(tauNS(s)) - tauThreshold(s))
lambda_P = prm%b_sl(s)
activationVolume_P = prm%w *prm%b_sl(s)**3
criticalStress_P = prm%peierlsStress(s,c)
activationEnergy_P = criticalStress_P * activationVolume_P
tauRel_P = min(1.0_pReal, tauEff / criticalStress_P)
tPeierls = 1.0_pReal / prm%nu_a &
* exp(activationEnergy_P / (K_B * T) &
* (1.0_pReal - tauRel_P**prm%p)**prm%q)
dtPeierls_dtau = merge(tPeierls * prm%p * prm%q * activationVolume_P / (K_B * T) &
* (1.0_pReal - tauRel_P**prm%p)**(prm%q-1.0_pReal) * tauRel_P**(prm%p-1.0_pReal), &
0.0_pReal, &
tauEff < criticalStress_P)
! Contribution from solid solution strengthening
tauEff = abs(tau(s)) - tauThreshold(s)
lambda_S = prm%b_sl(s) / sqrt(prm%c_sol)
activationVolume_S = prm%f_sol * prm%b_sl(s)**3 / sqrt(prm%c_sol)
criticalStress_S = prm%Q_sol / activationVolume_S
tauRel_S = min(1.0_pReal, tauEff / criticalStress_S)
tSolidSolution = 1.0_pReal / prm%nu_a &
* exp(prm%Q_sol / (K_B * T)* (1.0_pReal - tauRel_S**prm%p)**prm%q)
dtSolidSolution_dtau = merge(tSolidSolution * prm%p * prm%q * activationVolume_S / (K_B * T) &
* (1.0_pReal - tauRel_S**prm%p)**(prm%q-1.0_pReal)* tauRel_S**(prm%p-1.0_pReal), &
0.0_pReal, &
tauEff < criticalStress_S)
! Contribution from solid solution strengthening
tauEff = abs(tau(s)) - tauThreshold(s)
lambda_S = prm%b_sl(s) / sqrt(prm%c_sol)
activationVolume_S = prm%f_sol * prm%b_sl(s)**3 / sqrt(prm%c_sol)
criticalStress_S = prm%Q_sol / activationVolume_S
tauRel_S = min(1.0_pReal, tauEff / criticalStress_S)
tSolidSolution = 1.0_pReal / prm%nu_a &
* exp(prm%Q_sol / (K_B * T)* (1.0_pReal - tauRel_S**prm%p)**prm%q)
dtSolidSolution_dtau = merge(tSolidSolution * prm%p * prm%q * activationVolume_S / (K_B * T) &
* (1.0_pReal - tauRel_S**prm%p)**(prm%q-1.0_pReal)* tauRel_S**(prm%p-1.0_pReal), &
0.0_pReal, &
tauEff < criticalStress_S)
!* viscous glide velocity
tauEff = abs(tau(s)) - tauThreshold(s)
!* viscous glide velocity
tauEff = abs(tau(s)) - tauThreshold(s)
v(s) = sign(1.0_pReal,tau(s)) &
/ (tPeierls / lambda_P + tSolidSolution / lambda_S + prm%B /(prm%b_sl(s) * tauEff))
dv_dtau(s) = v(s)**2 * (dtSolidSolution_dtau / lambda_S + prm%B / (prm%b_sl(s) * tauEff**2))
dv_dtauNS(s) = v(s)**2 * dtPeierls_dtau / lambda_P
v(s) = sign(1.0_pReal,tau(s)) &
/ (tPeierls / lambda_P + tSolidSolution / lambda_S + prm%B /(prm%b_sl(s) * tauEff))
dv_dtau(s) = v(s)**2 * (dtSolidSolution_dtau / lambda_S + prm%B / (prm%b_sl(s) * tauEff**2))
dv_dtauNS(s) = v(s)**2 * dtPeierls_dtau / lambda_P
end if
end do
end if
end do
end associate
Reference in New Issue