remove global variables

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2019-03-23 06:52:26 +01:00
parent 798c5bb633
commit 593fa24bad
3 changed files with 16 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
IO_lc, &
IO_intOut, &
use config, only: &
use debug, only: &
debug_level, &
debug_spectral, &
@ -50,7 +52,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
worldsize, &
stagItMax, &
maxCutBack, &
spectral_solver, &
use homogenization, only: &
materialpoint_sizeResults, &
@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
use grid_mech_spectral_basic
use grid_mech_spectral_polarisation
use grid_mech_FEM
use grid_damage_spectral
use grid_thermal_spectral
use results
@ -165,21 +167,28 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
! assign mechanics solver depending on selected type
select case (spectral_solver)
select case (trim(config_numerics%getString('spectral_solver',defaultVal='basic')))
case ('basic')
mech_init => grid_mech_spectral_basic_init
mech_forward => grid_mech_spectral_basic_forward
mech_solution => grid_mech_spectral_basic_solution
case ('polarisation')
if(iand(debug_level(debug_spectral),debug_levelBasic)/= 0) &
call IO_warning(42_pInt, ext_msg='debug Divergence')
mech_init => grid_mech_spectral_polarisation_init
mech_forward => grid_mech_spectral_polarisation_forward
mech_solution => grid_mech_spectral_polarisation_solution
case ('fem')
if(iand(debug_level(debug_spectral),debug_levelBasic)/= 0) &
call IO_warning(42_pInt, ext_msg='debug Divergence')
mech_init => grid_mech_FEM_init
mech_forward => grid_mech_FEM_forward
mech_solution => grid_mech_FEM_solution
case default
call IO_error(error_ID = 891_pInt, ext_msg = trim(spectral_solver))
call IO_error(error_ID = 891_pInt, ext_msg = config_numerics%getString('spectral_solver'))
end select

View File

@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ character(len=65536) function getString(this,key,defaultVal,raw)
implicit none
class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this
character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
character(len=65536), intent(in), optional :: defaultVal
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: defaultVal
logical, intent(in), optional :: raw
type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item
logical :: found, &
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ character(len=65536) function getString(this,key,defaultVal,raw)
found = present(defaultVal)
if (found) then
getString = trim(defaultVal)
if (len_trim(getString) /= len_trim(defaultVal)) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='getString')
!if (len_trim(getString) /= len_trim(defaultVal)) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='getString')
item => this

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@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ module numerics
character(len=64), private :: &
fftw_plan_mode = 'FFTW_PATIENT' !< reads the planing-rigor flag, see manual on, Default FFTW_PATIENT: use patient planner flag
character(len=64), protected, public :: &
spectral_solver = 'basic', & !< spectral solution method
spectral_derivative = 'continuous' !< spectral spatial derivative method
character(len=1024), protected, public :: &
petsc_defaultOptions = '-mech_snes_type ngmres &
@ -344,8 +343,6 @@ subroutine numerics_init
update_gamma = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,2_pInt) > 0_pInt
case ('petsc_options')
petsc_options = trim(line(chunkPos(4):))
case ('spectralsolver','myspectralsolver')
spectral_solver = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,2_pInt))
case ('err_curl_tolabs')
err_curl_tolAbs = IO_floatValue(line,chunkPos,2_pInt)
case ('err_curl_tolrel')
@ -499,7 +496,6 @@ subroutine numerics_init
write(6,'(a24,1x,es8.1)') ' err_curl_tolRel: ',err_curl_tolRel
write(6,'(a24,1x,es8.1)') ' polarAlpha: ',polarAlpha
write(6,'(a24,1x,es8.1)') ' polarBeta: ',polarBeta
write(6,'(a24,1x,a)') ' spectral solver: ',trim(spectral_solver)
write(6,'(a24,1x,a)') ' PETSc_options: ',trim(petsc_defaultOptions)//' '//trim(petsc_options)