use 4 space for indentation

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2020-02-21 10:53:44 +01:00
parent c84a6e90c9
commit 58610e23a7
1 changed files with 243 additions and 254 deletions

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@ -447,407 +447,396 @@ class Rotation:
#---------- Quaternion ----------
def qu2om(qu):
"""Quaternion to rotation matrix."""
qq = qu[0]**2-(qu[1]**2 + qu[2]**2 + qu[3]**2)
om = np.diag(qq + 2.0*np.array([qu[1],qu[2],qu[3]])**2)
"""Quaternion to rotation matrix."""
qq = qu[0]**2-(qu[1]**2 + qu[2]**2 + qu[3]**2)
om = np.diag(qq + 2.0*np.array([qu[1],qu[2],qu[3]])**2)
om[1,0] = 2.0*(qu[2]*qu[1]+qu[0]*qu[3])
om[0,1] = 2.0*(qu[1]*qu[2]-qu[0]*qu[3])
om[2,1] = 2.0*(qu[3]*qu[2]+qu[0]*qu[1])
om[1,2] = 2.0*(qu[2]*qu[3]-qu[0]*qu[1])
om[0,2] = 2.0*(qu[1]*qu[3]+qu[0]*qu[2])
om[2,0] = 2.0*(qu[3]*qu[1]-qu[0]*qu[2])
return om if P > 0.0 else om.T
om[1,0] = 2.0*(qu[2]*qu[1]+qu[0]*qu[3])
om[0,1] = 2.0*(qu[1]*qu[2]-qu[0]*qu[3])
om[2,1] = 2.0*(qu[3]*qu[2]+qu[0]*qu[1])
om[1,2] = 2.0*(qu[2]*qu[3]-qu[0]*qu[1])
om[0,2] = 2.0*(qu[1]*qu[3]+qu[0]*qu[2])
om[2,0] = 2.0*(qu[3]*qu[1]-qu[0]*qu[2])
return om if P > 0.0 else om.T
def qu2eu(qu):
"""Quaternion to Bunge-Euler angles."""
q03 = qu[0]**2+qu[3]**2
q12 = qu[1]**2+qu[2]**2
chi = np.sqrt(q03*q12)
"""Quaternion to Bunge-Euler angles."""
q03 = qu[0]**2+qu[3]**2
q12 = qu[1]**2+qu[2]**2
chi = np.sqrt(q03*q12)
if iszero(chi):
eu = np.array([np.arctan2(-P*2.0*qu[0]*qu[3],qu[0]**2-qu[3]**2), 0.0, 0.0]) if iszero(q12) else \
np.array([np.arctan2(2.0*qu[1]*qu[2],qu[1]**2-qu[2]**2), np.pi, 0.0])
eu = np.array([np.arctan2((-P*qu[0]*qu[2]+qu[1]*qu[3])*chi, (-P*qu[0]*qu[1]-qu[2]*qu[3])*chi ),
np.arctan2( 2.0*chi, q03-q12 ),
np.arctan2(( P*qu[0]*qu[2]+qu[1]*qu[3])*chi, (-P*qu[0]*qu[1]+qu[2]*qu[3])*chi )])
if iszero(chi):
eu = np.array([np.arctan2(-P*2.0*qu[0]*qu[3],qu[0]**2-qu[3]**2), 0.0, 0.0]) if iszero(q12) else \
np.array([np.arctan2(2.0*qu[1]*qu[2],qu[1]**2-qu[2]**2), np.pi, 0.0])
eu = np.array([np.arctan2((-P*qu[0]*qu[2]+qu[1]*qu[3])*chi, (-P*qu[0]*qu[1]-qu[2]*qu[3])*chi ),
np.arctan2( 2.0*chi, q03-q12 ),
np.arctan2(( P*qu[0]*qu[2]+qu[1]*qu[3])*chi, (-P*qu[0]*qu[1]+qu[2]*qu[3])*chi )])
# reduce Euler angles to definition range, i.e a lower limit of 0.0
eu = np.where(eu<0, (eu+2.0*np.pi)%np.array([2.0*np.pi,np.pi,2.0*np.pi]),eu)
return eu
# reduce Euler angles to definition range, i.e a lower limit of 0.0
eu = np.where(eu<0, (eu+2.0*np.pi)%np.array([2.0*np.pi,np.pi,2.0*np.pi]),eu)
return eu
def qu2ax(qu):
Quaternion to axis angle pair.
Quaternion to axis angle pair.
Modified version of the original formulation, should be numerically more stable
if iszero(qu[1]**2+qu[2]**2+qu[3]**2): # set axis to [001] if the angle is 0/360
ax = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
elif not iszero(qu[0]):
s = np.sign(qu[0])/np.sqrt(qu[1]**2+qu[2]**2+qu[3]**2)
omega = 2.0 * np.arccos(np.clip(qu[0],-1.0,1.0))
ax = [ qu[1]*s, qu[2]*s, qu[3]*s, omega ]
ax = [ qu[1], qu[2], qu[3], np.pi]
return np.array(ax)
Modified version of the original formulation, should be numerically more stable
if iszero(qu[1]**2+qu[2]**2+qu[3]**2): # set axis to [001] if the angle is 0/360
ax = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
elif not iszero(qu[0]):
s = np.sign(qu[0])/np.sqrt(qu[1]**2+qu[2]**2+qu[3]**2)
omega = 2.0 * np.arccos(np.clip(qu[0],-1.0,1.0))
ax = [ qu[1]*s, qu[2]*s, qu[3]*s, omega ]
ax = [ qu[1], qu[2], qu[3], np.pi]
return np.array(ax)
def qu2ro(qu):
"""Quaternion to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
if iszero(qu[0]):
ro = [qu[1], qu[2], qu[3], np.inf]
s = np.linalg.norm([qu[1],qu[2],qu[3]])
ro = [0.0,0.0,P,0.0] if iszero(s) else \
[ qu[1]/s, qu[2]/s, qu[3]/s, np.tan(np.arccos(np.clip(qu[0],-1.0,1.0)))] # avoid numerical difficulties
return np.array(ro)
"""Quaternion to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
if iszero(qu[0]):
ro = [qu[1], qu[2], qu[3], np.inf]
s = np.linalg.norm([qu[1],qu[2],qu[3]])
ro = [0.0,0.0,P,0.0] if iszero(s) else \
[ qu[1]/s, qu[2]/s, qu[3]/s, np.tan(np.arccos(np.clip(qu[0],-1.0,1.0)))]
return np.array(ro)
def qu2ho(qu):
"""Quaternion to homochoric vector."""
omega = 2.0 * np.arccos(np.clip(qu[0],-1.0,1.0)) # avoid numerical difficulties
"""Quaternion to homochoric vector."""
omega = 2.0 * np.arccos(np.clip(qu[0],-1.0,1.0))
if iszero(omega):
ho = np.array([ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
ho = np.array([qu[1], qu[2], qu[3]])
f = 0.75 * ( omega - np.sin(omega) )
ho = ho/np.linalg.norm(ho) * f**(1./3.)
return ho
if iszero(omega):
ho = np.array([ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
ho = np.array([qu[1], qu[2], qu[3]])
f = 0.75 * ( omega - np.sin(omega) )
ho = ho/np.linalg.norm(ho) * f**(1./3.)
return ho
def qu2cu(qu):
"""Quaternion to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.qu2ho(qu))
"""Quaternion to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.qu2ho(qu))
#---------- Rotation matrix ----------
def om2qu(om):
Rotation matrix to quaternion.
Rotation matrix to quaternion.
The original formulation (direct conversion) had (numerical?) issues
return Rotation.eu2qu(Rotation.om2eu(om))
The original formulation (direct conversion) had (numerical?) issues
return Rotation.eu2qu(Rotation.om2eu(om))
def om2eu(om):
"""Rotation matrix to Bunge-Euler angles."""
if abs(om[2,2]) < 1.0:
zeta = 1.0/np.sqrt(1.0-om[2,2]**2)
eu = np.array([np.arctan2(om[2,0]*zeta,-om[2,1]*zeta),
np.arctan2(om[0,2]*zeta, om[1,2]*zeta)])
eu = np.array([np.arctan2( om[0,1],om[0,0]), np.pi*0.5*(1-om[2,2]),0.0]) # following the paper, not the reference implementation
"""Rotation matrix to Bunge-Euler angles."""
if abs(om[2,2]) < 1.0:
zeta = 1.0/np.sqrt(1.0-om[2,2]**2)
eu = np.array([np.arctan2(om[2,0]*zeta,-om[2,1]*zeta),
np.arctan2(om[0,2]*zeta, om[1,2]*zeta)])
eu = np.array([np.arctan2( om[0,1],om[0,0]), np.pi*0.5*(1-om[2,2]),0.0]) # following the paper, not the reference implementation
# reduce Euler angles to definition range, i.e a lower limit of 0.0
eu = np.where(eu<0, (eu+2.0*np.pi)%np.array([2.0*np.pi,np.pi,2.0*np.pi]),eu)
return eu
# reduce Euler angles to definition range, i.e a lower limit of 0.0
eu = np.where(eu<0, (eu+2.0*np.pi)%np.array([2.0*np.pi,np.pi,2.0*np.pi]),eu)
return eu
def om2ax(om):
"""Rotation matrix to axis angle pair."""
"""Rotation matrix to axis angle pair."""
# first get the rotation angle
t = 0.5*(om.trace() -1.0)
ax[3] = np.arccos(np.clip(t,-1.0,1.0))
# first get the rotation angle
t = 0.5*(om.trace() -1.0)
ax[3] = np.arccos(np.clip(t,-1.0,1.0))
if iszero(ax[3]):
ax = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
w,vr = np.linalg.eig(om)
# next, find the eigenvalue (1,0j)
i = np.where(np.isclose(w,1.0+0.0j))[0][0]
ax[0:3] = np.real(vr[0:3,i])
diagDelta = np.array([om[1,2]-om[2,1],om[2,0]-om[0,2],om[0,1]-om[1,0]])
ax[0:3] = np.where(iszero(diagDelta), ax[0:3],np.abs(ax[0:3])*np.sign(-P*diagDelta))
return np.array(ax)
if iszero(ax[3]):
ax = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
w,vr = np.linalg.eig(om)
# next, find the eigenvalue (1,0j)
i = np.where(np.isclose(w,1.0+0.0j))[0][0]
ax[0:3] = np.real(vr[0:3,i])
diagDelta = np.array([om[1,2]-om[2,1],om[2,0]-om[0,2],om[0,1]-om[1,0]])
ax[0:3] = np.where(iszero(diagDelta), ax[0:3],np.abs(ax[0:3])*np.sign(-P*diagDelta))
return np.array(ax)
def om2ro(om):
"""Rotation matrix to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.eu2ro(Rotation.om2eu(om))
"""Rotation matrix to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.eu2ro(Rotation.om2eu(om))
def om2ho(om):
"""Rotation matrix to homochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ho(Rotation.om2ax(om))
"""Rotation matrix to homochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ho(Rotation.om2ax(om))
def om2cu(om):
"""Rotation matrix to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.om2ho(om))
"""Rotation matrix to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.om2ho(om))
#---------- Bunge-Euler angles ----------
def eu2qu(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to quaternion."""
ee = 0.5*eu
cPhi = np.cos(ee[1])
sPhi = np.sin(ee[1])
qu = np.array([ cPhi*np.cos(ee[0]+ee[2]),
-P*cPhi*np.sin(ee[0]+ee[2]) ])
if qu[0] < 0.0: qu*=-1
return qu
"""Bunge-Euler angles to quaternion."""
ee = 0.5*eu
cPhi = np.cos(ee[1])
sPhi = np.sin(ee[1])
qu = np.array([ cPhi*np.cos(ee[0]+ee[2]),
-P*cPhi*np.sin(ee[0]+ee[2]) ])
if qu[0] < 0.0: qu*=-1
return qu
def eu2om(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to rotation matrix."""
c = np.cos(eu)
s = np.sin(eu)
"""Bunge-Euler angles to rotation matrix."""
c = np.cos(eu)
s = np.sin(eu)
om = np.array([[+c[0]*c[2]-s[0]*s[2]*c[1], +s[0]*c[2]+c[0]*s[2]*c[1], +s[2]*s[1]],
[-c[0]*s[2]-s[0]*c[2]*c[1], -s[0]*s[2]+c[0]*c[2]*c[1], +c[2]*s[1]],
[+s[0]*s[1], -c[0]*s[1], +c[1] ]])
om = np.array([[+c[0]*c[2]-s[0]*s[2]*c[1], +s[0]*c[2]+c[0]*s[2]*c[1], +s[2]*s[1]],
[-c[0]*s[2]-s[0]*c[2]*c[1], -s[0]*s[2]+c[0]*c[2]*c[1], +c[2]*s[1]],
[+s[0]*s[1], -c[0]*s[1], +c[1] ]])
om[np.where(iszero(om))] = 0.0
return om
om[np.where(iszero(om))] = 0.0
return om
def eu2ax(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to axis angle pair."""
t = np.tan(eu[1]*0.5)
sigma = 0.5*(eu[0]+eu[2])
delta = 0.5*(eu[0]-eu[2])
tau = np.linalg.norm([t,np.sin(sigma)])
alpha = np.pi if iszero(np.cos(sigma)) else \
"""Bunge-Euler angles to axis angle pair."""
t = np.tan(eu[1]*0.5)
sigma = 0.5*(eu[0]+eu[2])
delta = 0.5*(eu[0]-eu[2])
tau = np.linalg.norm([t,np.sin(sigma)])
alpha = np.pi if iszero(np.cos(sigma)) else \
if iszero(alpha):
ax = np.array([ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ])
ax = -P/tau * np.array([ t*np.cos(delta), t*np.sin(delta), np.sin(sigma) ]) # passive axis angle pair so a minus sign in front
ax = np.append(ax,alpha)
if alpha < 0.0: ax *= -1.0 # ensure alpha is positive
return ax
if iszero(alpha):
ax = np.array([ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ])
ax = -P/tau * np.array([ t*np.cos(delta), t*np.sin(delta), np.sin(sigma) ]) # passive axis angle pair so a minus sign in front
ax = np.append(ax,alpha)
if alpha < 0.0: ax *= -1.0 # ensure alpha is positive
return ax
def eu2ro(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
ro = eu2ax(eu) # convert to axis angle pair representation
if ro[3] >= np.pi: # Differs from original implementation. check convention 5
ro[3] = np.inf
elif iszero(ro[3]):
ro = np.array([ 0.0, 0.0, P, 0.0 ])
ro[3] = np.tan(ro[3]*0.5)
return ro
"""Bunge-Euler angles to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
ro = eu2ax(eu) # convert to axis angle pair representation
if ro[3] >= np.pi: # Differs from original implementation. check convention 5
ro[3] = np.inf
elif iszero(ro[3]):
ro = np.array([ 0.0, 0.0, P, 0.0 ])
ro[3] = np.tan(ro[3]*0.5)
return ro
def eu2ho(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to homochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ho(Rotation.eu2ax(eu))
"""Bunge-Euler angles to homochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ho(Rotation.eu2ax(eu))
def eu2cu(eu):
"""Bunge-Euler angles to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.eu2ho(eu))
"""Bunge-Euler angles to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.eu2ho(eu))
#---------- Axis angle pair ----------
def ax2qu(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to quaternion."""
if iszero(ax[3]):
qu = np.array([ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
c = np.cos(ax[3]*0.5)
s = np.sin(ax[3]*0.5)
qu = np.array([ c, ax[0]*s, ax[1]*s, ax[2]*s ])
return qu
"""Axis angle pair to quaternion."""
if iszero(ax[3]):
qu = np.array([ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
c = np.cos(ax[3]*0.5)
s = np.sin(ax[3]*0.5)
qu = np.array([ c, ax[0]*s, ax[1]*s, ax[2]*s ])
return qu
def ax2om(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to rotation matrix."""
c = np.cos(ax[3])
s = np.sin(ax[3])
omc = 1.0-c
om=np.diag(ax[0:3]**2*omc + c)
"""Axis angle pair to rotation matrix."""
c = np.cos(ax[3])
s = np.sin(ax[3])
omc = 1.0-c
om=np.diag(ax[0:3]**2*omc + c)
for idx in [[0,1,2],[1,2,0],[2,0,1]]:
q = omc*ax[idx[0]] * ax[idx[1]]
om[idx[0],idx[1]] = q + s*ax[idx[2]]
om[idx[1],idx[0]] = q - s*ax[idx[2]]
return om if P < 0.0 else om.T
for idx in [[0,1,2],[1,2,0],[2,0,1]]:
q = omc*ax[idx[0]] * ax[idx[1]]
om[idx[0],idx[1]] = q + s*ax[idx[2]]
om[idx[1],idx[0]] = q - s*ax[idx[2]]
return om if P < 0.0 else om.T
def ax2eu(ax):
"""Rotation matrix to Bunge Euler angles."""
return Rotation.om2eu(Rotation.ax2om(ax))
"""Rotation matrix to Bunge Euler angles."""
return Rotation.om2eu(Rotation.ax2om(ax))
def ax2ro(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
if iszero(ax[3]):
ro = [ 0.0, 0.0, P, 0.0 ]
ro = [ax[0], ax[1], ax[2]]
# 180 degree case
ro += [np.inf] if np.isclose(ax[3],np.pi,atol=1.0e-15,rtol=0.0) else \
return np.array(ro)
"""Axis angle pair to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
if iszero(ax[3]):
ro = [ 0.0, 0.0, P, 0.0 ]
ro = [ax[0], ax[1], ax[2]]
# 180 degree case
ro += [np.inf] if np.isclose(ax[3],np.pi,atol=1.0e-15,rtol=0.0) else \
return np.array(ro)
def ax2ho(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to homochoric vector."""
f = (0.75 * ( ax[3] - np.sin(ax[3]) ))**(1.0/3.0)
ho = ax[0:3] * f
return ho
"""Axis angle pair to homochoric vector."""
f = (0.75 * ( ax[3] - np.sin(ax[3]) ))**(1.0/3.0)
ho = ax[0:3] * f
return ho
def ax2cu(ax):
"""Axis angle pair to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.ax2ho(ax))
"""Axis angle pair to cubochoric vector."""
return Rotation.ho2cu(Rotation.ax2ho(ax))
#---------- Rodrigues-Frank vector ----------
def ro2qu(ro):
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ax2qu(Rotation.ro2ax(ro))
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ax2qu(Rotation.ro2ax(ro))
def ro2om(ro):
"""Rodgrigues-Frank vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ax2om(Rotation.ro2ax(ro))
"""Rodgrigues-Frank vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ax2om(Rotation.ro2ax(ro))
def ro2eu(ro):
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.om2eu(Rotation.ro2om(ro))
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.om2eu(Rotation.ro2om(ro))
def ro2ax(ro):
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to axis angle pair."""
ta = ro[3]
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to axis angle pair."""
ta = ro[3]
if iszero(ta):
ax = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
elif not np.isfinite(ta):
ax = [ ro[0], ro[1], ro[2], np.pi ]
angle = 2.0*np.arctan(ta)
ta = 1.0/np.linalg.norm(ro[0:3])
ax = [ ro[0]/ta, ro[1]/ta, ro[2]/ta, angle ]
return np.array(ax)
if iszero(ta):
ax = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
elif not np.isfinite(ta):
ax = [ ro[0], ro[1], ro[2], np.pi ]
angle = 2.0*np.arctan(ta)
ta = 1.0/np.linalg.norm(ro[0:3])
ax = [ ro[0]/ta, ro[1]/ta, ro[2]/ta, angle ]
return np.array(ax)
def ro2ho(ro):
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to homochoric vector."""
if iszero(np.sum(ro[0:3]**2.0)):
ho = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
f = 2.0*np.arctan(ro[3]) -np.sin(2.0*np.arctan(ro[3])) if np.isfinite(ro[3]) else np.pi
ho = ro[0:3] * (0.75*f)**(1.0/3.0)
return np.array(ho)
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to homochoric vector."""
if iszero(np.sum(ro[0:3]**2.0)):
ho = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
f = 2.0*np.arctan(ro[3]) -np.sin(2.0*np.arctan(ro[3])) if np.isfinite(ro[3]) else np.pi
ho = ro[0:3] * (0.75*f)**(1.0/3.0)
return np.array(ho)
def ro2cu(ro):
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to cubochoric vector."""
return ho2cu(ro2ho(ro))
"""Rodriques-Frank vector to cubochoric vector."""
return ho2cu(ro2ho(ro))
#---------- Homochoric vector----------
def ho2qu(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ax2qu(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
"""Homochoric vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ax2qu(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
def ho2om(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ax2om(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
"""Homochoric vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ax2om(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
def ho2eu(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.ax2eu(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
"""Homochoric vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.ax2eu(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
def ho2ax(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to axis angle pair."""
tfit = np.array([+1.0000000000018852, -0.5000000002194847,
-0.024999992127593126, -0.003928701544781374,
-0.0008152701535450438, -0.0002009500426119712,
-0.00002397986776071756, -0.00008202868926605841,
+0.00012448715042090092, -0.0001749114214822577,
+0.0001703481934140054, -0.00012062065004116828,
+0.000059719705868660826, -0.00001980756723965647,
+0.000003953714684212874, -0.00000036555001439719544])
# normalize h and store the magnitude
hmag_squared = np.sum(ho**2.)
if iszero(hmag_squared):
ax = np.array([ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ])
hm = hmag_squared
"""Homochoric vector to axis angle pair."""
tfit = np.array([+1.0000000000018852, -0.5000000002194847,
-0.024999992127593126, -0.003928701544781374,
-0.0008152701535450438, -0.0002009500426119712,
-0.00002397986776071756, -0.00008202868926605841,
+0.00012448715042090092, -0.0001749114214822577,
+0.0001703481934140054, -0.00012062065004116828,
+0.000059719705868660826, -0.00001980756723965647,
+0.000003953714684212874, -0.00000036555001439719544])
# normalize h and store the magnitude
hmag_squared = np.sum(ho**2.)
if iszero(hmag_squared):
ax = np.array([ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ])
hm = hmag_squared
# convert the magnitude to the rotation angle
s = tfit[0] + tfit[1] * hmag_squared
for i in range(2,16):
hm *= hmag_squared
s += tfit[i] * hm
ax = np.append(ho/np.sqrt(hmag_squared),2.0*np.arccos(np.clip(s,-1.0,1.0)))
return ax
# convert the magnitude to the rotation angle
s = tfit[0] + tfit[1] * hmag_squared
for i in range(2,16):
hm *= hmag_squared
s += tfit[i] * hm
ax = np.append(ho/np.sqrt(hmag_squared),2.0*np.arccos(np.clip(s,-1.0,1.0)))
return ax
def ho2ro(ho):
"""Axis angle pair to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ro(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
"""Axis angle pair to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.ax2ro(Rotation.ho2ax(ho))
def ho2cu(ho):
"""Homochoric vector to cubochoric vector."""
return Lambert.BallToCube(ho)
"""Homochoric vector to cubochoric vector."""
return Lambert.BallToCube(ho)
#---------- Cubochoric ----------
def cu2qu(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ho2qu(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
"""Cubochoric vector to quaternion."""
return Rotation.ho2qu(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
def cu2om(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ho2om(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
"""Cubochoric vector to rotation matrix."""
return Rotation.ho2om(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
def cu2eu(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.ho2eu(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
"""Cubochoric vector to Bunge-Euler angles."""
return Rotation.ho2eu(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
def cu2ax(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to axis angle pair."""
return Rotation.ho2ax(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
"""Cubochoric vector to axis angle pair."""
return Rotation.ho2ax(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
def cu2ro(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.ho2ro(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
"""Cubochoric vector to Rodriques-Frank vector."""
return Rotation.ho2ro(Rotation.cu2ho(cu))
def cu2ho(cu):
"""Cubochoric vector to homochoric vector."""
return Lambert.CubeToBall(cu)
"""Cubochoric vector to homochoric vector."""
return Lambert.CubeToBall(cu)