made new spectral solver the default (no need for SOLVER=NEW anymore) and added additional warnings switche to be used with gfortran >= 4.6

added comments
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2012-12-15 16:21:10 +00:00
parent ec9e7908a6
commit 566b680319
4 changed files with 166 additions and 150 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
!> @brief Driver controlling inner and outer load case looping of the various spectral solvers
program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran >4.6 at the moment)
use, intrinsic :: &
iso_fortran_env ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran >4.6 at the moment)
use DAMASK_interface, only: &
DAMASK_interface_init, &
loadCaseFile, &
@ -17,8 +18,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
use prec, only: &
pInt, &
pReal, &
use IO, only: &
IO_isBlank, &
IO_open_file, &
@ -78,33 +78,49 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
! variables related to information from load case and geom file
real(pReal), dimension(9) :: temp_valueVector = 0.0_pReal !< temporarily from loadcase file when reading in tensors (initialize to 0.0)
logical, dimension(9) :: temp_maskVector = .false. !< temporarily from loadcase file when reading in tensors
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunksLoadcase = (1_pInt + 9_pInt)*3_pInt +& ! deformation, rotation, and stress
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = (1_pInt + 9_pInt)*3_pInt + & ! deformation, rotation, and stress
(1_pInt + 1_pInt)*5_pInt + & ! time, (log)incs, temp, restartfrequency, and outputfrequency
1_pInt ! dropguessing
integer(pInt), dimension(1_pInt + maxNchunksLoadcase*2_pInt) :: positions ! this is longer than needed for geometry parsing
1_pInt, & ! dropguessing
myUnit = 234_pInt !< file unit, DAMASK IO does not support newunit feature
integer(pInt), dimension(1_pInt + maxNchunks*2_pInt) :: positions ! this is longer than needed for geometry parsing
integer(pInt) :: &
N_l = 0_pInt, &
N_t = 0_pInt, &
N_n = 0_pInt, &
N_Fdot = 0_pInt, & !
myUnit = 234_pInt
N_Fdot = 0_pInt
character(len=1024) :: &
! loop variables, convergence etc.
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), parameter :: ones = 1.0_pReal, zeros = 0.0_pReal
real(pReal) :: time = 0.0_pReal, time0 = 0.0_pReal, timeinc = 1.0_pReal, timeinc_old = 0.0_pReal ! elapsed time, begin of interval, time interval, previous time interval
logical :: guess
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k, l, errorID, cutBackLevel = 0_pInt, stepFraction = 0_pInt
integer(pInt) :: currentLoadcase = 0_pInt, inc, &
totalIncsCounter = 0_pInt,&
notConvergedCounter = 0_pInt, convergedCounter = 0_pInt, &
resUnit = 0_pInt, statUnit = 0_pInt, lastRestartWritten = 0_pInt
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), parameter :: &
ones = 1.0_pReal, &
zeros = 0.0_pReal
real(pReal) :: &
time = 0.0_pReal, & !< elapsed time
time0 = 0.0_pReal, & !< begin of interval
timeinc = 1.0_pReal, & !< current time interval
timeinc_old = 0.0_pReal ! !< previous time interval
logical :: &
guess !< guess along former trajectory
integer(pInt) :: &
i, j, k, l, &
errorID, &
cutBackLevel = 0_pInt, & !< cut back level \f$ t = \frac{t_{inc}}{2^l} \f$
stepFraction = 0_pInt !< fraction of current time interval
integer(pInt) :: &
currentLoadcase = 0_pInt, & !< current load case
inc, & !< current increment in current load case
totalIncsCounter = 0_pInt, & !< total No. of increments
convergedCounter = 0_pInt, & !< No. of converged increments
notConvergedCounter = 0_pInt, & !< No. of non-converged increments
resUnit = 0_pInt, & !< file unit for results writing
statUnit = 0_pInt, & !< file unit for statistics output
lastRestartWritten = 0_pInt !< total increment No. at which last restart information was written
character(len=6) :: loadcase_string
character(len=1024) :: incInfo
type(tLoadCase), allocatable, dimension(:) :: loadCases
character(len=1024) :: incInfo !< string parsed to solution with information about current load case
type(tLoadCase), allocatable, dimension(:) :: loadCases !< array of all load cases
type(tSolutionState) solres
@ -122,8 +138,8 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
read(myUnit,'(a1024)',END = 100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunksLoadcase)
do i = 1_pInt, maxNchunksLoadcase, 1_pInt ! reading compulsory parameters for loadcase
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
do i = 1_pInt, maxNchunks, 1_pInt ! reading compulsory parameters for loadcase
select case (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,i)))
N_l = N_l + 1_pInt
@ -139,7 +155,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
100 if ((N_l + N_Fdot /= N_n) .or. (N_n /= N_t)) & ! sanity check
call IO_error(error_ID=837_pInt,ext_msg = trim(loadCaseFile)) ! error message for incomplete loadcase
allocate (loadCases(N_n))
allocate (loadCases(N_n)) ! array of load cases
@ -149,8 +165,8 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
read(myUnit,'(a1024)',END = 101) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
currentLoadCase = currentLoadCase + 1_pInt
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunksLoadcase)
do i = 1_pInt,maxNchunksLoadcase
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
do i = 1_pInt,maxNchunks
select case (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,i)))
case('fdot','dotf','l','velocitygrad','velgrad','velocitygradient') ! assign values for the deformation BC matrix
temp_valueVector = 0.0_pReal
@ -160,19 +176,20 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%myType = 'l'
forall (j = 1_pInt:9_pInt) temp_maskVector(j) = IO_stringValue(line,positions,i+j) /= '*'
forall (j = 1_pInt:9_pInt) temp_maskVector(j) = IO_stringValue(line,positions,i+j) /= '*' ! true if not a *
do j = 1_pInt,9_pInt
if (temp_maskVector(j)) temp_valueVector(j) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+j)
if (temp_maskVector(j)) temp_valueVector(j) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+j) ! read value where applicable
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%maskLogical = transpose(reshape(temp_maskVector,[ 3,3]))
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%maskFloat = merge(ones,zeros,&
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%values = math_plain9to33(temp_valueVector)
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%maskLogical = & ! logical mask in 3x3 notation
transpose(reshape(temp_maskVector,[ 3,3]))
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%maskFloat = & ! float (1.0/0.0) mask in 3x3 notation
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%values = math_plain9to33(temp_valueVector) ! values in 3x3 notation
temp_valueVector = 0.0_pReal
forall (j = 1_pInt:9_pInt) temp_maskVector(j) = IO_stringValue(line,positions,i+j) /= '*'
forall (j = 1_pInt:9_pInt) temp_maskVector(j) = IO_stringValue(line,positions,i+j) /= '*' ! true if not a *
do j = 1_pInt,9_pInt
if (temp_maskVector(j)) temp_valueVector(j) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+j)
if (temp_maskVector(j)) temp_valueVector(j) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+j) ! read value where applicable
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%P%maskLogical = transpose(reshape(temp_maskVector,[ 3,3]))
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%P%maskFloat = merge(ones,zeros,&
@ -190,7 +207,8 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
case('f','freq','frequency','outputfreq') ! frequency of result writings
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%outputfrequency = IO_intValue(line,positions,i+1_pInt)
case('r','restart','restartwrite') ! frequency of writing restart information
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%restartfrequency = max(0_pInt,IO_intValue(line,positions,i+1_pInt))
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%restartfrequency = &
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%followFormerTrajectory = .false. ! do not continue to predict deformation along former trajectory
case('euler') ! rotation of currentLoadCase given in euler angles
@ -222,7 +240,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
checkLoadcases: do currentLoadCase = 1_pInt, size(loadCases)
write (loadcase_string, '(i6)' ) currentLoadCase
write(6,'(1x,a,i6)') 'load case: ', currentLoadCase
if (.not. loadCases(currentLoadCase)%followFormerTrajectory) &
write(6,'(2x,a)') 'drop guessing along trajectory'
if (loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%myType=='l') then
@ -237,7 +254,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
write(6,'(3(3(3x,f12.7,1x)/))',advance='no') &
merge(math_transpose33(loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%values), &
reshape(spread(huge(1.0_pReal),1,9),[ 3,3]), &
reshape(spread(huge(1.0_pReal),1,9),[ 3,3]), & ! print *** (huge) for undefined
if (any(loadCases(currentLoadCase)%P%maskLogical .eqv. &
loadCases(currentLoadCase)%deformation%maskLogical)) errorID = 831_pInt ! exclusive or masking only
@ -267,9 +284,11 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
write(6,'(2x,a,i5,/)') 'restart frequency: ', &
if (errorID > 0_pInt) call IO_error(error_ID = errorID, ext_msg = loadcase_string)
if (errorID > 0_pInt) call IO_error(error_ID = errorID, ext_msg = loadcase_string) ! exit with error message
enddo checkLoadcases
! doing initialization depending on selected solver
select case (myspectralsolver)
case (DAMASK_spectral_SolverBasic_label)
call basic_init()
@ -285,15 +304,15 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
! write header of output file
if (appendToOutFile) then
if (appendToOutFile) then ! after restart, append to existing results file
'.spectralOut',form='UNFORMATTED', position='APPEND', status='OLD')
'.sta',form='FORMATTED', position='APPEND', status='OLD')
else ! open new files ...
write(resUnit) 'load', trim(loadCaseFile)
write(resUnit) 'load', trim(loadCaseFile) ! ... and write header
write(resUnit) 'workingdir', trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())
write(resUnit) 'geometry', trim(geometryFile)
write(resUnit) 'resolution', res
@ -309,7 +328,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
write(resUnit) materialpoint_results(1_pInt:materialpoint_sizeResults,1,1_pInt:mesh_NcpElems) ! initial (non-deformed or read-in) results
write(statUnit,'(a)') 'Increment Time CutbackLevel Converged IterationsNeeded'
write(statUnit,'(a)') 'Increment Time CutbackLevel Converged IterationsNeeded' ! statistics file
if (debugGeneral) write(6,'(a)') 'Header of result file written out'
@ -340,21 +359,24 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
timeinc = loadCases(1)%time*(2.0_pReal**real(inc-1_pInt-loadCases(1)%incs ,pReal))
else ! not-1st currentLoadCase of logarithmic scale
timeinc = time0 *( (1.0_pReal + loadCases(currentLoadCase)%time/time0 )**(real( inc,pReal)/&
timeinc = time0 * &
( (1.0_pReal + loadCases(currentLoadCase)%time/time0 )**(real( inc,pReal)/&
real(loadCases(currentLoadCase)%incs ,pReal))&
-(1.0_pReal + loadCases(currentLoadCase)%time/time0 )**(real( (inc-1_pInt),pReal)/&
real(loadCases(currentLoadCase)%incs ,pReal)))
timeinc = timeinc / 2.0_pReal**real(cutBackLevel,pReal)
timeinc = timeinc / 2.0_pReal**real(cutBackLevel,pReal) ! depending on cut back level, decrease time step
if(totalIncsCounter >= restartInc) then ! do calculations (otherwise just forwarding)
stepFraction = 0_pInt
! report begin of new increment
! loop over sub incs
subIncLooping: do while (stepFraction/2_pInt**cutBackLevel <1_pInt)
time = time + timeinc
time = time + timeinc ! forward time
stepFraction = stepFraction + 1_pInt
! report begin of new increment
write(6,'(1/,a)') '###########################################################################'
@ -370,6 +392,8 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
'-',stepFraction, '/', 2_pInt**cutBackLevel
select case(myspectralsolver)
! calculate solution
case (DAMASK_spectral_SolverBasic_label)
solres = basic_solution (&
incInfo, guess,timeinc,timeinc_old, &
@ -395,36 +419,38 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
rotation_BC = loadCases(currentLoadCase)%rotation)
end select
! check solution
cutBack = .False.
if(solres%termIll .or. .not. solres%converged) then ! no solution found
if (cutBackLevel < maxCutBack) then ! do cut back
write(6,'(/,a)') 'cut back detected'
cutBack = .True.
stepFraction = (stepFraction - 1_pInt) * 2_pInt**cutBackLevel
stepFraction = (stepFraction - 1_pInt) * 2_pInt**cutBackLevel ! adjust to new denominator
cutBackLevel = cutBackLevel + 1_pInt
time = time - timeinc
time = time - timeinc ! rewind time
timeinc_old = timeinc
timeinc = timeinc/2.0_pReal
elseif (solres%termIll) then ! material point model cannot find a solution
if(regridMode > 0_pInt) call quit(-1*(lastRestartWritten+1))
call IO_error(850_pInt)
if(regridMode > 0_pInt) call quit(-1*(lastRestartWritten+1)) ! regrid requested (mode 1 or 2)
call IO_error(850_pInt) ! no regrid (give up)
if(regridMode == 2_pInt) call quit(-1*(lastRestartWritten+1))
guess = .true. ! start guessing after first accepted (not converged) (sub)inc
if(regridMode == 2_pInt) call quit(-1*(lastRestartWritten+1)) ! regrid also if BVP solver do not converge
guess = .true. ! continue from non-converged solution and start guessing after accepted (sub)inc
guess = .true. ! start guessing after first converged (sub)inc
if(guess) &
if(guess) & ! write statistics about accepted solution
write(statUnit,*) inc, time, cutBackLevel, solres%converged, solres%iterationsNeeded
enddo subIncLooping
cutBackLevel = max(0_pInt, cutBackLevel - 1_pInt) ! try half subincs next inc
if(solres%converged) then
cutBackLevel = max(0_pInt, cutBackLevel - 1_pInt) ! try half number of subincs next inc
if(solres%converged) then ! report converged inc
convergedCounter = convergedCounter + 1_pInt
write(6,'(A,'//IO_intOut(totalIncsCounter)//',A)') &
'increment ', totalIncsCounter, ' converged'
write(6,'(A,'//IO_intOut(totalIncsCounter)//',A)') &
write(6,'(A,'//IO_intOut(totalIncsCounter)//',A)') & ! report non-converged inc
'increment ', totalIncsCounter, ' NOT converged'
notConvergedCounter = notConvergedCounter + 1_pInt
@ -459,6 +485,8 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
end select
! done report summary
write(6,'(a)') ''
write(6,'(a)') '##################################################################'
write(6,'(i6.6,a,i6.6,a,f5.1,a)') convergedCounter, ' out of ', &
@ -467,8 +495,8 @@ program DAMASK_spectral_Driver
real(notConvergedCounter + convergedCounter,pReal)*100.0_pReal, &
' %) increments converged!'
if (notConvergedCounter > 0_pInt) call quit(3_pInt)
call quit(0_pInt)
if (notConvergedCounter > 0_pInt) call quit(3_pInt) ! error if some are not converged
call quit(0_pInt) ! no complains ;)
end program DAMASK_spectral_Driver

View File

@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ SHELL = /bin/sh
# Install fftw3 (v3.3 is tested):
# + execute
# ./configure --enable-threads --enable-sse2 --enable-shared [-enable-float]
# ./configure --enable-threads --enable-sse2 --enable-shared
# make
# make install
# + specify in the "pathinfo:FFTW" where FFTW was installed.
# We essentially look for two library files "lib/libfftw3_threads" and "lib/libfftw3",
# so you can copy those, for instance,
# into DAMASK_ROOT/lib/fftw/lib/ and specify "./fftw/" as pathinfo:FFTW
# Use --enable-float in above configure for single precision...
# Uses linux threads to parallelize fftw3
# Instead of the AMD Core Math Library a standard "lib(64)/liblapack.a/dylib/etc." can be used.
# Instead of the AMD Core Math Library or the Intel Kernel Math Library
# a standard "lib(64)/liblapack.a/dylib/etc." can be used.
# leave pathinfo:ACML and pathinfo:IKML blank, but specify as pathinfo:LAPACK where the library folder is located
# OPTIONS = standard (alternative): meaning
@ -111,13 +111,11 @@ endif
ifeq "$(SOLVER)" "NEW"
include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/variables
@ -127,9 +125,9 @@ endif
ifneq "$(FASTBUILD)" "YES"
STANDARD_CHECK_ifort ?=-stand f08 -standard-semantics -warn stderrors
STANDARD_CHECK_gfortran ?=-std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics
#-std=2008ts for newer gfortran
#-fall-intrinsics: all intrinsic procedures (including the GNU-specific extensions) are accepted. This can be useful with -std=f95 to force standard-compliance
#-std=f2008ts: for newer gfortran
# but get access to the full range of intrinsics available with gfortran. As a consequence, -Wintrinsics-std will be ignored and no user-defined
# procedure with the same name as any intrinsic will be called except when it is explicitly declared external
#-Wintrinsics-std: warnings because of "flush" is not longer in the standard, but still an intrinsic fuction of the compilers
@ -221,7 +219,12 @@ COMPILE_OPTIONS_gfortran :=$(COMPILE_OPTIONS_gfortran)\
#-xf95-cpp-input: preprocessor
@ -246,13 +249,8 @@ endif
# -value:
# -parameter: find usused variables with "parameter" attribute
#-Wreal-q-constant: warn about real-literal-constants with 'q' exponent-letter
#-Wreal-q-constant: Warn about real-literal-constants with 'q' exponent-letter
#-Wline-truncation: too many warnings because we have comments beyond character 132
#-Warray-temporarieswarnings: because we have many temporary arrays (performance issue?):
@ -286,15 +284,14 @@ COMPILED_FILES = prec.o DAMASK_spectral_interface.o IO.o numerics.o debug.o math
FEsolving.o mesh.o material.o lattice.o \
constitutive_dislotwin.o constitutive_j2.o constitutive_phenopowerlaw.o \
constitutive_titanmod.o constitutive_nonlocal.o constitutive_none.o constitutive.o crystallite.o \
homogenization_RGC.o homogenization_isostrain.o homogenization.o CPFEM.o
homogenization_RGC.o homogenization_isostrain.o homogenization.o CPFEM.o \
DAMASK_spectral_utilities.o DAMASK_spectral_solverBasic.o
ifeq "$(SOLVER)" "NEW"
PETSC_FILES = DAMASK_spectral_solverAL.o DAMASK_spectral_solverBasicPETSc.o
COMPILED_FILES += DAMASK_spectral_utilities.o DAMASK_spectral_solverBasic.o $(PETSC_FILES)
DAMASK_spectral.exe: DAMASK_spectral_driver.o
@ -315,15 +312,6 @@ DAMASK_spectral_solverBasicPETSc.o: DAMASK_spectral_solverBasicPETSc.f90\
DAMASK_spectral_utilities.o: DAMASK_spectral_utilities.f90\
DAMASK_spectral.exe: DAMASK_spectral.o
-o DAMASK_spectral.exe DAMASK_spectral.o \
DAMASK_spectral.o: DAMASK_spectral.f90 CPFEM.o

View File

@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ subroutine numerics_init
IO_floatValue, &
IO_intValue, &
#ifndef Marc ! Use the standard conforming module file for omp if using the spectral solver
!$ use OMP_LIB, only: omp_set_num_threads
#ifndef Marc
!$ use OMP_LIB, only: omp_set_num_threads ! Use the standard conforming module file for omp if not using MSC.Marc
implicit none
#ifdef Marc ! use the non F90 standard include file because some versions of Marc and Abaqus crash when using the module
!$ include "omp_lib.h"
#ifdef Marc
!$ include "omp_lib.h" ! use the non F90 standard include file to prevent crashes with some versions of MSC.Marc
#ifdef PETSc
PetscErrorCode :: ierr