reading in VTR files

will replace geom file in the near future
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2020-09-12 14:43:04 +02:00
parent a5d5638e4a
commit 566ab7e7d9
3 changed files with 376 additions and 3 deletions

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 3bc60348981a68bc22a5ebaafe4173b7513ac264 Subproject commit 92ca3e83b6093c1af277cfc06a504e4bb09fe8bc

View File

@ -585,6 +585,8 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,instance,ext_msg)
msg = 'incomplete information in grid mesh header' msg = 'incomplete information in grid mesh header'
case (843) case (843)
msg = 'microstructure count mismatch' msg = 'microstructure count mismatch'
case (844)
msg = 'invalid VTR file'
case (846) case (846)
msg = 'rotation for load case rotation ill-defined (R:RT != I)' msg = 'rotation for load case rotation ill-defined (R:RT != I)'
case (891) case (891)

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ module discretization_grid
use prec use prec
use system_routines use system_routines
use base64
use zlib
use DAMASK_interface use DAMASK_interface
use IO use IO
use config use config
@ -64,7 +66,11 @@ subroutine discretization_grid_init(restart)
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- discretization_grid init -+>>>'; flush(6) write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- discretization_grid init -+>>>'; flush(6)
call readGeom(grid,geomSize,origin,microstructureAt) if(index(geometryFile,'.vtr') /= 0) then
call readVTR(grid,geomSize,origin,microstructureAt)
call readGeom(grid,geomSize,origin,microstructureAt)
!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! grid solver specific quantities ! grid solver specific quantities
@ -150,7 +156,6 @@ subroutine readGeom(grid,geomSize,origin,microstructure)
character(len=65536) :: line character(len=65536) :: line
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunkPos integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunkPos
integer :: & integer :: &
h =- 1, &
headerLength = -1, & !< length of header (in lines) headerLength = -1, & !< length of header (in lines)
fileLength, & !< length of the geom file (in characters) fileLength, & !< length of the geom file (in characters)
fileUnit, & fileUnit, &
@ -294,6 +299,372 @@ subroutine readGeom(grid,geomSize,origin,microstructure)
end subroutine readGeom end subroutine readGeom
!> @brief Parse vtk rectilinear grid (.vtr)
!> @details
subroutine readVTR(grid,geomSize,origin,microstructure)
integer, dimension(3), intent(out) :: &
grid ! grid (for all processes!)
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(out) :: &
geomSize, & ! size (for all processes!)
origin ! origin (for all processes!)
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable :: &
character(len=:), allocatable :: fileContent, data_type, header_type
logical :: inFile,inGrid,readCoordinates,readCellData,compressed
integer :: fileUnit, myStat, coord
integer(pI64) :: &
fileLength, & !< length of the geom file (in characters)
startPos, endPos, &
grid = -1
geomSize = -1.0_pReal
! read raw data as stream
inquire(file = trim(geometryFile), size=fileLength)
open(newunit=fileUnit, file=trim(geometryFile), access='stream',&
status='old', position='rewind', action='read',iostat=myStat)
if(myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,ext_msg=trim(geometryFile))
read(fileUnit) fileContent
inFile = .false.
inGrid = .false.
readCoordinates = .false.
readCelldata = .false.
! interprete XML file
startPos = 1_pI64
do while (startPos < len(fileContent,kind=pI64))
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
if (endPos < startPos) endPos = len(fileContent,kind=pI64) ! end of file without new line
if(.not. inFile) then
if(index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<VTKFile',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
inFile = .true.
if(.not. fileOk(fileContent(startPos:endPos))) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='file format')
header_type = merge('UInt64','UInt32',getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'header_type')=='UInt64')
compressed = getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'compressor') == 'vtkZLibDataCompressor'
if(.not. inGrid) then
if(index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<RectilinearGrid',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
inGrid = .true.
grid = getGrid(fileContent(startPos:endPos))
if(index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<CellData>',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
readCellData = .true.
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
do while (index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'</CellData>',kind=pI64) == 0_pI64)
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
if(index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<DataArray',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64 .and. &
getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'Name') == 'materialpoint' ) then
if(getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'format') /= 'binary') &
call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='format (materialpoint)')
data_type = getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'type')
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
s = startPos + verify(fileContent(startPos:endPos),IO_WHITESPACE,kind=pI64) -1_pI64 ! start (no leading whitespace)
microstructure = as_Int(fileContent(s:endPos),header_type,compressed,data_type)
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
elseif(index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<Coordinates>',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
readCoordinates = .true.
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
coord = 0
do while (startPos<fileLength)
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
if(index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'<DataArray',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) then
if(getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'format') /= 'binary') &
call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='format (coordinates)')
data_type = getXMLValue(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'type')
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
endPos = startPos + index(fileContent(startPos:),IO_EOL,kind=pI64) - 2_pI64
s = startPos + verify(fileContent(startPos:endPos),IO_WHITESPACE,kind=pI64) -1_pI64 ! start (no leading whitespace)
coord = coord + 1
call origin_and_size(fileContent(s:endPos),header_type,compressed,data_type,coord)
if(index(fileContent(startPos:endPos),'</Coordinates>',kind=pI64) /= 0_pI64) exit
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
if(readCellData .and. readCoordinates) exit
startPos = endPos + 2_pI64
end do
if(.not. allocated(microstructure)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='materialpoint not found')
if(size(microstructure) /= product(grid)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='size(materialpoint)')
if(any(geomSize<=0)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='size')
if(any(grid<1)) call IO_error(error_ID = 844, ext_msg='grid')
!> @brief determine size and origin from coordinates
!ToDo: check for regular spacing
subroutine origin_and_size(base64_str,header_type,compressed,data_type,direction)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string of 1D coordinates
header_type, & ! header type (UInt32 or Uint64)
data_type ! data type (Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64)
logical, intent(in) :: compressed ! indicate whether data is zlib compressed
integer, intent(in) :: direction ! direction (1=x,2=y,3=z)
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: coords
coords = as_pReal(base64_str,header_type,compressed,data_type)
origin(direction) = coords(1)
geomSize(direction) = coords(size(coords)) - coords(1)
end subroutine
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as integer of default kind
function as_Int(base64_str,header_type,compressed,data_type)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
header_type, & ! header type (UInt32 or Uint64)
data_type ! data type (Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64)
logical, intent(in) :: compressed ! indicate whether data is zlib compressed
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: as_Int
select case(data_type)
as_Int = int(bytes_to_C_INT32_T(asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed)))
as_Int = int(bytes_to_C_INT64_T(asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed)))
as_Int = int(bytes_to_C_FLOAT (asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed)))
as_Int = int(bytes_to_C_DOUBLE (asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed)))
case default
end select
end function as_Int
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as integer of pReal kind
function as_pReal(base64_str,header_type,compressed,data_type)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
header_type, & ! header type (UInt32 or Uint64)
data_type ! data type (Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64)
logical, intent(in) :: compressed ! indicate whether data is zlib compressed
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: as_pReal
select case(data_type)
as_pReal = real(bytes_to_C_INT32_T(asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed)),pReal)
as_pReal = real(bytes_to_C_INT64_T(asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed)),pReal)
as_pReal = real(bytes_to_C_FLOAT (asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed)),pReal)
as_pReal = real(bytes_to_C_DOUBLE (asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed)),pReal)
case default
end select
end function as_pReal
!> @brief Interpret Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes
function asBytes(base64_str,header_type,compressed) result(bytes)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
header_type ! header type (UInt32 or Uint64)
logical, intent(in) :: compressed ! indicate whether data is zlib compressed
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), allocatable :: bytes
if(compressed) then
bytes = asBytes_compressed(base64_str,header_type)
bytes = asBytes_uncompressed(base64_str,header_type)
end function asBytes
!> @brief Interpret compressed Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes
!> @details A compressed Base64 string consists of a header block and a data block
! [#blocks/#u-size/#p-size/#c-size-1/#c-size-2/.../#c-size-#blocks][DATA-1/DATA-2...]
! #blocks = Number of blocks
! #u-size = Block size before compression
! #p-size = Size of last partial block (zero if it not needed)
! #c-size-i = Size in bytes of block i after compression
function asBytes_compressed(base64_str,header_type) result(bytes)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
header_type ! header type (UInt32 or Uint64)
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), allocatable :: bytes
integer(pI64), dimension(:), allocatable :: temp, size_inflated, size_deflated
integer(pI64) :: header_len, N_blocks, b,s,e
if (header_type == 'UInt32') then
temp = int(bytes_to_C_INT32_T(base64_to_bytes(base64_str(:base64_nChar(4_pI64)))),pI64)
N_blocks = int(temp(1),pI64)
header_len = 4_pI64 * (3_pI64 + N_blocks)
temp = int(bytes_to_C_INT32_T(base64_to_bytes(base64_str(:base64_nChar(header_len)))),pI64)
elseif(header_type == 'UInt64') then
temp = int(bytes_to_C_INT64_T(base64_to_bytes(base64_str(:base64_nChar(8_pI64)))),pI64)
N_blocks = int(temp(1),pI64)
header_len = 8_pI64 * (3_pI64 + N_blocks)
temp = int(bytes_to_C_INT64_T(base64_to_bytes(base64_str(:base64_nChar(header_len)))),pI64)
size_inflated(N_blocks) = merge(temp(3),temp(2),temp(3)/=0_pI64)
size_deflated = temp(4:)
e = 0_pI64
do b = 1, N_blocks
s = e + 1_pI64
e = s + size_deflated(b) - 1_pI64
bytes = [bytes,zlib_inflate(base64_to_bytes(base64_str(base64_nChar(header_len)+1:),s,e),size_inflated(b))]
end function asBytes_compressed
!> @brief Interprete uncompressed Base64 string in vtk XML file as bytes
!> @details An uncompressed Base64 string consists of N headers blocks and a N data blocks
function asBytes_uncompressed(base64_str,header_type) result(bytes)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str, & ! base64 encoded string
header_type ! header type (UInt32 or Uint64)
integer(pI64) :: s
integer(pI64), dimension(1) :: N_bytes
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), allocatable :: bytes
if (header_type == 'UInt32') then
do while(s+base64_nChar(4_pI64)<(len(base64_str,pI64)))
N_bytes = int(bytes_to_C_INT32_T(base64_to_bytes(base64_str(s+1_pI64:s+base64_nChar(4_pI64)))),pI64)
bytes = [bytes,base64_to_bytes(base64_str(s+1_pI64:s+base64_nChar(4_pI64+N_bytes(1))),5_pI64)]
s = s + base64_nChar(4_pI64+N_bytes(1))
elseif(header_type == 'UInt64') then
do while(s+base64_nChar(8_pI64)<(len(base64_str,pI64)))
N_bytes = int(bytes_to_C_INT64_T(base64_to_bytes(base64_str(s+1_pI64:s+base64_nChar(8_pI64)))),pI64)
bytes = [bytes,base64_to_bytes(base64_str(s+1_pI64:s+base64_nChar(8_pI64+N_bytes(1))),9_pI64)]
s = s + base64_nChar(8_pI64+N_bytes(1))
end function asBytes_uncompressed
!> @brief Get XML string value for given key
! ToDo: check if "=" is between key and value
pure function getXMLValue(line,key)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line, key
character(len=:), allocatable :: getXMLValue
integer :: s,e
character :: q
s = index(line," "//key,back=.true.)
if(s==0) then
getXMLValue = ''
s = s + 1 + scan(line(s+1:),"'"//'"')
q = str(s-1:s-1)
e = s + index(line(s:),q) - 1
e = s + index(line(s:),merge("'",'"',line(s-1:s-1)=="'")) - 1
getXMLValue = line(s:e-1)
end function
!> @brief figure out if file format is understandable
pure function fileOk(line)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: line
logical :: fileOk
fileOk = getXMLValue(line,'type') == 'RectilinearGrid' .and. &
getXMLValue(line,'byte_order') == 'LittleEndian' .and. &
getXMLValue(line,'compressor') /= 'vtkLZ4DataCompressor' .and. &
getXMLValue(line,'compressor') /= 'vtkLZMADataCompressor'
end function fileOk
!> @brief get grid information from '<RectilinearGrid WholeExtent="0 x 0 y 0 z">'
function getGrid(line)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: line
integer,dimension(3) :: getGrid
integer :: s,e,i
getGrid = [(IO_intValue(line(s+1:e-1),IO_stringPos(line(s+1:e-1)),i*2),i=1,3)]
end function getGrid
end subroutine readVTR
!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!> @brief Calculate undeformed position of IPs/cell centers (pretend to be an element) !> @brief Calculate undeformed position of IPs/cell centers (pretend to be an element)
!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------