rewrote voronoi tessellation. the VE generation is now divided into two parts:
-generation of random positions (in a 1x1x1 parameter space) and random angels -actual voronoi tessellation for the generation of the positions, a resolution can be specified to ensure that the tessellation works at that resolution. The tessellation will always work on larger resolutions but not necessarily at smaller ones.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
program voronoi
use prec, only: pReal, pInt
implicit none
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: seedmap
character(len=1024) name, format, format2, N_Digits
character choice
integer(pInt) a, b, c, ab, abc, abc_Red, N_Seeds, seedPoint, minDistance, myDistance, i, j, k, l, m
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: seeds, grainMap, visual_Case
integer(pInt) coordinates(3)
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: grainEuler
real(pReal), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_pReal
real(pReal) randomSeed
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ' Spectral Method Problem Set-up'
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ''
print*, 'generates:'
print*, ' * geom file "_GIVEN_NAME_.geom": Geometrical information for solver'
print*, ' * material file "material.config": Orientation information for solver'
print*, ' * "_GIVEN_NAME_.spectral": combined information for solver'
print*, 'optional output:'
print*, ' * view file "_GIVEN_NAME_2D.msh": Information for visualization in gmsh'
print*, ' * view file "_GIVEN_NAME_3D.msh": Information for visualization in gmsh'
print*, ''
print*, 'hints:'
print*, ' * a+b+c should not exeed 30'
print*, ' * file extension is added to given name'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for a: '
read(*, *), a
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for b: '
read(*, *), b
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for c: '
read(*, *), c
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter No. of Grains: '
read(*, *), N_Seeds
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter name of geometry file: '
read(*, *), name
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Should the visualization files be generated (y/n)? '
read(*, *), choice
! calculate No. of digits needed for name of the grains
i = 1 + int( log10(real( N_Seeds )))
write(N_Digits, *) i
N_Digits = adjustl( N_Digits )
!write material.config header and add a microstructure entry for every grain
open(20, file = trim(name)//('_material.config'))
write(20, '(A)'), '<microstructure>'
format = '(A, I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//', A)'
format2 = '(A, I'//trim(N_Digits)//', A)'
do i = 1, N_Seeds
write(20, trim(format)), '[Grain', i, ']'
write(20, '(A)'), 'crystallite 1'
write(20, trim(format2)), '(constituent) phase 1 texture ', i, ' fraction 1.0'
end do
! get random euler angles for every grain, store them in grainEuler and write them to the material.config file
format2 = '(A, F10.6, A, F10.6, A, F10.6, A)'
write(20, '(/, A)'), '<texture>'
do i = 1, N_Seeds
call random_number(grainEuler(i*3 -2))
call random_number(grainEuler(i*3 -1))
call random_number(grainEuler(i*3 -0))
grainEuler(i*3 -2) = (grainEuler(i*3 -2))*360
grainEuler(i*3 -1) = acos(2.0_pReal*(grainEuler(i*3 -1))-1.0_pReal)*180/pi
grainEuler(i*3 -0) = grainEuler(i*3)*360
write(20, trim(format)), '[Grain', i, ']'
write(20, trim(format2)), '(gauss) phi1 ', grainEuler(i*3-2), ' Phi ', grainEuler(i*3-1), &
&' Phi2 ', grainEuler(i*3), ' scatter 0 fraction 1'
end do
print*, ''
print*, 'material config file is written out'
!write header of geom file, should be done before the following change of variables
open(20, file = ((trim(name))//'.geom'))
write(20, '(A, I2, A, I2, A, I2)'), 'resolution a ', 2**a, ' b ', 2**b, ' c ', 2**c
write(20, '(A, I4, A, I4, A, I4)'), 'dimension x ', 2**a, ' y ', 2**b, ' z ', 2**c
write(20, '(A)'), 'homogenization 1'
!initialize varibles, change values of some numbers for faster execution
a = 2**a
b = 2**b
c = 2**c
ab = a * b
abc = a * b * c
abc_Red = abc -(a-1)*(b-1)*(c-1)
format = '(I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//')'
allocate (seedmap(abc)); seedmap = .false.
allocate (seeds(3*N_Seeds))
allocate (grainMap(abc))
allocate (visual_Case(abc_Red))
k = 1
!build array with x-y-z-coordinates of each point
do i = 1, abc
coordinates(1) = mod((i-1), a) +1
coordinates(2) = mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1
coordinates(3) = mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1
if((coordinates(3) == 1)) then
visual_Case(k) = i
k = k +1
if((coordinates(2) == 1)) then
visual_Case(k) = i
k = k +1
if((coordinates(1) == 1)) then
visual_Case(k) = i
k = k +1
end if
end if
end if
end do
!generate random position of seeds for voronoi tessellation
i = 0
do while (i /= N_Seeds)
call random_number(randomSeed)
seedpoint = int(randomSeed*(abc))
if (.not.seedmap(seedpoint+1)) then
seedmap(seedpoint+1) = .true.
seeds(i*3+1) = (mod((seedpoint), a)+1)
seeds(i*3+2) = (mod(((seedpoint)/a), b)+1)
seeds(i*3+3) = (mod(((seedpoint)/(ab)), c)+1)
i = i +1
end if
end do
! perform voronoi tessellation and write result to file and to grainMap
do i = 1, abc
minDistance = a*a+b*b+c*c
do j = 1, N_Seeds
do k = -1, 1
do l = -1, 1
do m = -1, 1
myDistance = ((mod((i-1), a) +1-seeds(j*3-2)+m*a)**2+&
(mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1-seeds(j*3-1)+l*b)**2+&
(mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1-seeds(j*3-0)+k*c)**2)
if (myDistance < minDistance) then
minDistance = myDistance
grainMap(i) = j
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
write(20, format), grainMap(i)
end do
print*, 'voronoi tesselation finished'
open(20, file = ((trim(name))//'.spectral'))
format = '(tr2, f6.2, tr2, f6.2, tr2, f6.2, I10, I10, I10, I10, a)'
do i = 1, abc
j = grainMap(i)
write(20, trim(format)), grainEuler(j*3-2), grainEuler(j*3-1), grainEuler(j*3), &
&mod((i-1), a)+1, mod(((i-1)/a), b)+1, mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c)+1, &
&j, ' 1'
end do
print*, 'geometry files are written out'
!write visualization files (in case wanted)
if (choice == 'y' .or. choice == 'Y') then
print*, 'for more information on gmsh:'
! write full geometry out
open(20, file = ((trim(name))//'_3Dfull.msh'))
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$MeshFormat', '2.1 0 8', '$EndMeshFormat', '$Nodes', abc
do i = 1, abc
write(20, '(I10, I10, I10, I10)'), i, mod((i-1), a) +1, mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1, mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1
end do
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$EndNodes', '$Elements', abc
do i = 1, abc
write(20, '(I10, A, I10, A, I10)'), i, ' 15 2', grainMap(i), ' 2', i
end do
write(20, '(A)'), '$EndElements'
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$NodeData', '1', '"Grain No."', '1', &
&'0.0', '3', '0', '1', abc
do i = 1, abc
write(20, '(I10, tr2, I10)'), i, grainMap(i)
end do
write(20, *), '$EndNodeData'
! write 3d skin out
open(20, file = ((trim(name))//'_3D.msh'))
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$MeshFormat', '2.1 0 8', '$EndMeshFormat', '$Nodes', abc_Red
do j = 1, abc_Red
i = visual_Case(j)
write(20, '(I10, I10, I10, I10)'), i, mod((i-1), a) +1, mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1, mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1
end do
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$EndNodes', '$Elements', abc_Red
do j = 1, abc_Red
i = visual_case(j)
write(20, '(I10, A, I10, A, I10)'), i, ' 15 2', grainMap(i), ' 2', i
end do
write(20, '(A)'), '$EndElements'
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$NodeData', '1', '"Grain No."', '1', &
&'0.0', '3', '0', '1', abc_Red
do j = 1, abc_Red
i = visual_case(j)
write(20, '(I10, tr2, I10)'), i, grainMap(i)
end do
write(20, *), '$EndNodeData'
! write 2d geometry out
open(20, file = ((trim(name))//'_2D.msh'))
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$MeshFormat', '2.1 0 8', '$EndMeshFormat', '$Nodes', ab
do i = 1, ab
write(20, '(I10, I10, I10, I10)'), i, mod((i-1), a) +1, mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1, mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1
end do
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$EndNodes', '$Elements', ab
do j = 1, ab
write(20, '(I10, A, I10, A, I10)'), j, ' 15 2', grainMap(j), ' 2', j
end do
write(20, '(A)'), '$EndElements'
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$NodeData', '1', '"Grain No."', &
&'1', '0.0', '3', '0', '1', ab
do j = 1, ab
write(20, '(I10, tr2, I10)'), j, grainMap(j)
end do
write(20, *), '$EndNodeData'
print*, 'visualization files are written out'
end if
end program voronoi
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
!prec.f90 407 2009-08-31 15:09:15Z MPIE\f.roters
implicit none
! *** Precision of real and integer variables ***
integer, parameter :: pReal = selected_real_kind(15,300) ! 15 significant digits, up to 1e+-300
integer, parameter :: pInt = selected_int_kind(9) ! up to +- 1e9
integer, parameter :: pLongInt = 8 ! should be 64bit
program voronoi
use prec, only: pReal, pInt
implicit none
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: seedmap
character(len=1024) filename
integer(pInt) a, b, c, N_Seeds, seedpoint, i
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: grainEuler, seeds
real(pReal), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_pReal
real(pReal) randomSeed
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ' Voronoi description file'
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ''
print*, 'generates:'
print*, ' * description file "_GIVEN_NAME_.seeds":'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for first resolution: '
read(*, *), a
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for second resolution: '
read(*, *), b
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for third resolution: '
read(*, *), c
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter No. of Grains: '
read(*, *), N_Seeds
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter name of geometry file: '
read(*, *), filename
allocate (seedmap(a*b*c)); seedmap = .false. ! logical to store information which position is occupied by a voronoi seed
allocate (seeds(N_Seeds,3))
allocate (grainEuler(N_Seeds,3))
do i=1, N_Seeds
call random_number(grainEuler(i,1))
call random_number(grainEuler(i,2))
call random_number(grainEuler(i,3))
grainEuler(i,1) = (grainEuler(i,1))*360
grainEuler(i,2) = acos(2.0_pReal*(grainEuler(i,2))-1.0_pReal)*180/pi
grainEuler(i,3) = grainEuler(i,3)*360
!generate random position of seeds for voronoi tessellation
i = 0
do while (i /= N_Seeds)
call random_number(randomSeed)
seedpoint = int(randomSeed*(a*b*c))
if (.not.seedmap(seedpoint+1)) then
seedmap(seedpoint+1) = .true.
i = i + 1
seeds(i,1) = real(mod((seedpoint), a)+1)/real(a, pReal)
seeds(i,2) = real(mod(((seedpoint)/a), b)+1)/real(b,pReal)
seeds(i,3) = real(mod(((seedpoint)/(a*b)), c)+1)/real(c,pReal)
end if
end do
! write description file with orientation and position of each seed
open(21, file = trim(filename)//('.seeds'))
write(21, '(A, I2, A, I2, A, I2)'), 'resolution a ', a, ' b ', b, ' c ', c
write(21,*), 'grains', N_Seeds
do i = 1, n_Seeds
write(21, '(6(F10.6,tr2))'),seeds(i,1), seeds(i,2), seeds(i,3),&
grainEuler(i,1), grainEuler(i,2), grainEuler(i,3)
end do
end program voronoi
@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
program voronoi
use prec, only: pReal, pInt
implicit none
logical seed
character(len=1024) name, format, format2, N_Digits
character choice
integer(pInt) a, b, c, ab, abc, abc_Red, N_Seeds, seedPoint, minDistance, myDistance, i, j, k, l, m, n, z
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: seedmap, grainMap, visual_Case
integer(pInt) coordinates(3)
real(pReal) grainEuler(3)
real(pReal), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_pReal
real(pReal) randomSeed
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ' Spectral Method Problem Set-up'
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ''
print*, 'generates:'
print*, ' * geometry file "_GIVEN_NAME_.geom": Geometrical information for solver'
print*, ' * material file "material.config": Orientation information for solver'
print*, 'optional output:'
print*, ' * view file "_GIVEN_NAME_2D.msh": Information for visualization in gmsh'
print*, ' * view file "_GIVEN_NAME_3D.msh": Information for visualization in gmsh'
print*, ''
print*, 'hints:'
print*, ' * a+b+c should not exeed 30'
print*, ' * file extension is added to given name'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for a: '
read(*, *), a
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for b: '
read(*, *), b
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for c: '
read(*, *), c
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter No. of Grains: '
read(*, *), N_Seeds
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter name of geometry file: '
read(*, *), name
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Should the visualization files be generated (y/n)? '
read(*, *), choice
! calculate No. of digits needed for name of the grains
i = 1 + int( log10(real( N_Seeds )))
write(N_Digits, *) i
N_Digits = adjustl( N_Digits )
!write material.config header and add a microstructure entry for every grain
open(20, file = trim(name)//('_material.config'))
write(20, '(A)'), '<microstructure>'
format = '(A, I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//', A)'
format2 = '(A, I'//trim(N_Digits)//', A)'
do i = 1, N_Seeds
write(20, trim(format)), '[Grain', i, ']'
write(20, '(A)'), 'crystallite 1'
write(20, trim(format2)), '(constituent) phase 1 texture ', i, ' fraction 1.0'
end do
! get random euler angles for every grain, store them in grainEuler and write them to the material.config file
format2 = '(A, F10.6, A, F10.6, A, F10.6, A)'
write(20, '(/, A)'), '<texture>'
do i = 1, N_Seeds
call random_number(grainEuler(1))
call random_number(grainEuler(2))
call random_number(grainEuler(3))
grainEuler(1) = (grainEuler(1)) * 360
grainEuler(2) = acos(2.0_pReal * (grainEuler(2))-1.0_pReal) * 180/pi
grainEuler(3) = grainEuler(3) * 360
write(20, trim(format)), '[Grain', i, ']'
write(20, trim(format2)), '(gauss) phi1 ', grainEuler(1), ' Phi ', grainEuler(2), &
&' Phi2 ', grainEuler(3), ' scatter 0 fraction 1'
end do
print*, ''
print*, 'material config file is written out'
!write header of geometry file, should be done before the following change of variables
open(20, file = ((trim(name))//'.geom'))
write(20, '(A, I2, A, I2, A, I2)'), 'resolution a ', 2**a, ' b ', 2**b, ' c ', 2**c
write(20, '(A, I4, A, I4, A, I4)'), 'dimension x ', 2**a, ' y ', 2**b, ' z ', 2**c
write(20, '(A)'), 'homogenization 1'
!initialize varibles, change values of some numbers for faster execution
a = 2**a
b = 2**b
c = 2**c
ab = a * b
abc = a * b * c
abc_Red = abc -(a-1)*(b-1)*(c-1)
format = '(I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//')'
allocate (seedmap(3 * N_Seeds)); seedmap = 0
allocate (grainMap(abc_Red))
allocate (visual_Case(abc_Red))
k = 1
!build array with x-y-z-coordinates of each point
do i = 1, abc
coordinates(1) = mod((i-1), a) +1
coordinates(2) = mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1
coordinates(3) = mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1
if((coordinates(3) == 1)) then
visual_Case(k) = i
k = k +1
if((coordinates(2) == 1)) then
visual_Case(k) = i
k = k +1
if((coordinates(1) == 1)) then
visual_Case(k) = i
k = k +1
end if
end if
end if
end do
!generate random position of seeds for voronoi tessellation
i = 0
do while (i /= N_Seeds)
call random_number(randomSeed)
seedpoint = int(randomSeed*(abc))
seed = .false.
coordinates(1) = mod((seedpoint), a) +1
coordinates(2) = mod(((seedpoint)/a), b) +1
coordinates(3) = mod(((seedpoint)/(ab)), c) +1
do j = 1, i
if((coordinates(1) == seedmap(j*3 -2)) .and. &
&(coordinates(2) == seedmap(j*3 -1)) .and. &
&(coordinates(3) == seedmap(j*3 -0))) seed = .true.
end do
if (.not.seed) then
seedmap(i*3 +1) = coordinates(1)
seedmap(i*3 +2) = coordinates(2)
seedmap(i*3 +3) = coordinates(3)
i = i +1
end if
end do
! perform voronoi tessellation and write result to file and to grainMap
n = 1
do i = 1, abc
minDistance = a*a+b*b+c*c
do j = 1, N_Seeds
do k = -1, 1
do l = -1, 1
do m = -1, 1
myDistance = ((mod((i-1), a) +1-seedmap(j*3-2)+m*a)**2+&
(mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1-seedmap(j*3-1)+l*b)**2+&
(mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1-seedmap(j*3-0)+k*c)**2)
if (myDistance < minDistance) then
minDistance = myDistance
z = j
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
write(20, format), z
do k = 1, abc_Red
if(visual_Case(k) == i) then
grainMap(n) = z
n = n +1
end if
end do
end do
print*, 'voronoi tesselation finished'
print*, 'geometry file is written out'
!write visualization files (in case wanted)
if (choice == 'y' .or. choice == 'Y') then
print*, 'for more information on gmsh:'
! write full geometry out
open(20, file = ((trim(name))//'_3D.msh'))
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$MeshFormat', '2.1 0 8', '$EndMeshFormat', '$Nodes', abc_Red
do j = 1, abc_Red
i = visual_Case(j)
write(20, '(I10, I10, I10, I10)'), i, mod((i-1), a) +1, mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1, mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1
end do
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$EndNodes', '$Elements', abc_Red
do j = 1, abc_Red
write(20, '(I10, A, I10, A, I10)'), visual_Case(j), ' 15 2', grainMap(j), ' 2', visual_Case(j)
end do
write(20, '(A)'), '$EndElements'
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$NodeData', '1', '"Grain No."', '1', &
&'0.0', '3', '0', '1', abc_Red
do j = 1, abc_Red
write(20, '(I10, tr2, I10)'), visual_Case(j), grainMap(j)
end do
write(20, *), '$EndNodeData'
! write 2d geometry out
open(20, file = ((trim(name))//'_2D.msh'))
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$MeshFormat', '2.1 0 8', '$EndMeshFormat', '$Nodes', ab
do i = 1, ab
write(20, '(I10, I10, I10, I10)'), i, mod((i-1), a) +1, mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1, mod(((i-1)/(ab)), c) +1
end do
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$EndNodes', '$Elements', ab
do j = 1, ab
write(20, '(I10, A, I10, A, I10)'), j, ' 15 2', grainMap(j), ' 2', j
end do
write(20, '(A)'), '$EndElements'
write(20, '(A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, A, /, I10)'), '$NodeData', '1', '"Grain No."', &
&'1', '0.0', '3', '0', '1', ab
do j = 1, ab
write(20, '(I10, tr2, I10)'), j, grainMap(j)
end do
write(20, *), '$EndNodeData'
print*, 'visualization files are written out'
end if
end program voronoi
@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
!prec.f90 407 2009-08-31 15:09:15Z MPIE\f.roters
implicit none
! *** Precision of real and integer variables ***
integer, parameter :: pReal = selected_real_kind(15,300) ! 15 significant digits, up to 1e+-300
integer, parameter :: pInt = selected_int_kind(9) ! up to +- 1e9
integer, parameter :: pLongInt = 8 ! should be 64bit
!IO.f90 693 2010-11-04 18:18:01Z MPIE\c.kords
! identifies lines without content
pure function IO_isBlank (line)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
character(len=*), parameter :: blank = achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! whitespaces
character(len=*), parameter :: comment = achar(35) ! comment id '#'
integer(pInt) posNonBlank, posComment
logical IO_isBlank
posNonBlank = verify(line,blank)
posComment = scan(line,comment)
IO_isBlank = posNonBlank == 0 .or. posNonBlank == posComment
! read string value at pos from line
pure function IO_stringValue (line,positions,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*),pos
character(len=1+positions(pos*2+1)-positions(pos*2)) IO_stringValue
if (positions(1) < pos) then
IO_stringValue = ''
IO_stringValue = line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1))
! read float value at pos from line
pure function IO_floatValue (line,positions,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*),pos
real(pReal) IO_floatValue
if (positions(1) < pos) then
IO_floatValue = 0.0_pReal
read(UNIT=line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_floatValue
100 IO_floatValue = huge(1.0_pReal)
! read int value at pos from line
pure function IO_intValue (line,positions,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*),pos
integer(pInt) IO_intValue
if (positions(1) < pos) then
IO_intValue = 0_pInt
read(UNIT=line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_intValue
100 IO_intValue = huge(1_pInt)
! change character in line to lower case
pure function IO_lc (line)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
character (len=*), intent(in) :: line
character (len=len(line)) IO_lc
integer(pInt) i
IO_lc = line
do i=1,len(line)
if(64<iachar(line(i:i)) .and. iachar(line(i:i))<91) IO_lc(i:i)=achar(iachar(line(i:i))+32)
! locate at most N space-separated parts in line
! return array containing number of parts in line and
! the left/right positions of at most N to be used by IO_xxxVal
! pure function IO_stringPos (line,N)
function IO_stringPos (line,N)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
character(len=*), parameter :: sep=achar(44)//achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! comma and whitespaces
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: N
integer(pInt) left,right
integer(pInt) IO_stringPos(1+N*2)
IO_stringPos = -1
IO_stringPos(1) = 0
right = 0
do while (verify(line(right+1:),sep)>0)
left = right + verify(line(right+1:),sep)
right = left + scan(line(left:),sep) - 2
if ( IO_stringPos(1)<N ) then
IO_stringPos(1+IO_stringPos(1)*2+1) = left
IO_stringPos(1+IO_stringPos(1)*2+2) = right
IO_stringPos(1) = IO_stringPos(1)+1
program voronoi
use prec, only: pReal, pInt
use IO
implicit none
logical gotN_Seeds, gotResolution
character(len=1024) input_name, output_name, format1, format2, N_Digits, line
integer(pInt) a, b, c, N_Seeds, seedPoint, minDistance, myDistance, i, j, k, l, m
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: grainMap
integer(pInt) coordinates(3)
integer(pInt), dimension (15) :: posGeom
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: grainEuler, seeds
real(pReal), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_pReal
real(pReal) scaling
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ' Spectral Method Problem Set-up'
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ''
print*, 'generates:'
print*, ' * geom file "_GIVEN_NAME_.geom": Geometrical information for solver'
print*, ' * material file "material.config": Orientation information for solver'
print*, ' * "_GIVEN_NAME_.spectral": combined information for solver'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter filename of input file (extension .seeds): '
read(*, *), input_name
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter filename of output file: '
read(*, *), output_name
open(20, file = trim(input_name)//('.seeds'), status='old', action='read')
read(20,'(a1024)',END = 100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
posGeom = IO_stringPos(line,7)
select case ( IO_lc(IO_StringValue(line,posGeom,1)) )
case ('grains')
gotN_Seeds = .true.
N_Seeds = IO_intValue(line,posGeom,2)
case ('resolution')
gotResolution = .true.
do i = 2,6,2
select case (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,posGeom,i)))
a = IO_intValue(line,posGeom,i+1)
b = IO_intValue(line,posGeom,i+1)
c = IO_intValue(line,posGeom,i+1)
end select
end select
if (gotN_Seeds .and. gotResolution) exit
100 allocate(grainEuler(N_Seeds,3))
print*, 'resolution: ' ,a,b,c
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter scaling factor: '
read(*, *), scaling
a = int(a*scaling)
b = int(b*scaling)
c = int(c*scaling)
do i=1, N_seeds
read(20,'(a1024)') line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
posGeom = IO_stringPos(line,12)
seeds(:,1) = seeds(:,1)*real(a, pReal)
seeds(:,2) = seeds(:,2)*real(b, pReal)
seeds(:,3) = seeds(:,3)*real(c, pReal)
allocate (grainMap(a*b*c))
! calculate No. of digits needed for name of the grains
i = 1 + int( log10(real( N_Seeds )))
write(N_Digits, *) i
N_Digits = adjustl( N_Digits )
!write material.config header and add a microstructure entry for every grain
open(20, file = trim(output_name)//('_material.config'))
write(20, '(A)'), '<microstructure>'
format1 = '(A, I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//', A)'
format2 = '(A, I'//trim(N_Digits)//', A)'
do i = 1, N_Seeds
write(20, trim(format1)), '[Grain', i, ']'
write(20, '(A)'), 'crystallite 1'
write(20, trim(format2)), '(constituent) phase 1 texture ', i, ' fraction 1.0'
end do
! get random euler angles for every grain, store them in grainEuler and write them to the material.config file
format2 = '(6(A, F10.6))'
write(20, '(/, A)'), '<texture>'
do i = 1, N_Seeds
write(20, trim(format1)), '[Grain', i, ']'
write(20, trim(format2)), '(gauss) phi1 ', grainEuler(i,1), ' Phi ', grainEuler(i,2), &
&' Phi2 ', grainEuler(i,3), ' scatter 0 fraction 1'
end do
print*, ''
print*, 'material config file is written out'
!write header of geom file
open(20, file = ((trim(output_name))//'.geom'))
write(20, '(A, I2, A, I2, A, I2)'), 'resolution a ', a, ' b ', b, ' c ', c
write(20, '(A, I4, A, I4, A, I4)'), 'dimension x ', a, ' y ', b, ' z ', c
write(20, '(A)'), 'homogenization 1'
!initialize varibles, change values of some numbers for faster execution
format1 = '(I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//')'
! perform voronoi tessellation and write result to file and to grainMap
do i = 1, a*b*c
minDistance = a*a+b*b+c*c
do j = 1, N_Seeds
do k = -1, 1
do l = -1, 1
do m = -1, 1
myDistance = ((mod((i-1), a) +1-seeds(j,1)+m*a)**2+&
(mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1-seeds(j,2)+l*b)**2+&
(mod(((i-1)/(a*b)), c) +1-seeds(j,3)+k*c)**2)
if (myDistance < minDistance) then
minDistance = myDistance
grainMap(i) = j
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
write(20, format1), grainMap(i)
end do
print*, 'voronoi tesselation finished'
open(20, file = ((trim(output_name))//'.spectral'))
format1 = '(3(tr2, f6.2), 3(I10), I10, a)'
do i = 1, a*b*c
j = grainMap(i)
write(20, trim(format1)), grainEuler(j,1), grainEuler(j,2), grainEuler(j,3), &
&mod((i-1), a)+1, mod(((i-1)/a), b)+1, mod(((i-1)/(a*b)), c)+1, &
&j, ' 1'
end do
print*, 'geometry files are written out'
end program voronoi
Reference in New Issue