IP neighbourhood deprecated

trivial for grid and, hence, not written out.
Test for marc/abaqus/mesh would make more sense
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2019-11-24 07:48:55 +01:00
parent a6a6519678
commit 50b48b8bf7
3 changed files with 3 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -308,13 +308,6 @@ nonlocal_densityConservation:
- master
- release
stage: grid
script: Spectral_ipNeighborhood/test.py
- master
- release
stage: grid
script: RGC_DetectChanges/test.py

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@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ module crystallite
use discretization
use lattice
use plastic_nonlocal
use geometry_plastic_nonlocal, only: &
nIPneighbors => geometry_plastic_nonlocal_nIPneighbors, &
IPneighborhood => geometry_plastic_nonlocal_IPneighborhood
use HDF5_utilities
use results
implicit none
@ -90,21 +86,11 @@ module crystallite
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: undefined_ID, &
phase_ID, &
texture_ID, &
orientation_ID, &
grainrotation_ID, &
defgrad_ID, &
fe_ID, &
fp_ID, &
fi_ID, &
lp_ID, &
li_ID, &
p_ID, &
s_ID, &
elasmatrix_ID, &
neighboringip_ID, &
end enum
integer(kind(undefined_ID)),dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
crystallite_outputID !< ID of each post result output
@ -279,36 +265,14 @@ subroutine crystallite_init
do o = 1, size(str)
crystallite_output(o,c) = str(o)
outputName: select case(str(o))
case ('phase') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = phase_ID
case ('texture') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = texture_ID
case ('orientation') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = orientation_ID
case ('grainrotation') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = grainrotation_ID
case ('defgrad','f') outputName ! ToDo: no alias (f only)
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = defgrad_ID
case ('fe') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = fe_ID
case ('fp') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = fp_ID
case ('fi') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = fi_ID
case ('lp') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = lp_ID
case ('li') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = li_ID
case ('p','firstpiola','1stpiola') outputName ! ToDo: no alias (p only)
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = p_ID
case ('s','tstar','secondpiola','2ndpiola') outputName ! ToDo: no alias (s only)
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = s_ID
case ('elasmatrix') outputName
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = elasmatrix_ID
case ('neighboringip') outputName ! ToDo: this is not a result, it is static. Should be written out by mesh
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = neighboringip_ID
case ('neighboringelement') outputName ! ToDo: this is not a result, it is static. Should be written out by mesh
crystallite_outputID(o,c) = neighboringelement_ID
case default outputName
call IO_error(105,ext_msg=trim(str(o))//' (Crystallite)')
end select outputName
@ -335,8 +299,6 @@ subroutine crystallite_init
mySize = 4
mySize = 9
mySize = nIPneighbors
case default
mySize = 0
end select
@ -908,16 +870,6 @@ function crystallite_postResults(ipc, ip, el)
mySize = 9
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = &
mySize = nIPneighbors
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = 0.0_pReal
forall (n = 1:mySize) &
crystallite_postResults(c+n) = real(IPneighborhood(1,n,ip,el),pReal)
mySize = nIPneighbors
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = 0.0_pReal
forall (n = 1:mySize) &
crystallite_postResults(c+n) = real(IPneighborhood(2,n,ip,el),pReal)
end select
c = c + mySize
@ -945,7 +897,7 @@ subroutine crystallite_results
do p=1,size(config_name_phase)
group = trim('current/constituent')//'/'//trim(config_name_phase(p))//'/generic'
call HDF5_closeGroup(results_addGroup(group))
call results_closeGroup(results_addGroup(group))
do o = 1, size(output_constituent(p)%label)
select case (output_constituent(p)%label(o))

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
microstructureAt, &
integer:: &
Nnodes !< total number of nodes in mesh
Nnodes !< total number of nodes in mesh
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &