python3 compatible status message

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2018-12-09 12:25:31 +01:00
parent 741032339e
commit 5054291557
1 changed files with 22 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -803,12 +803,6 @@ if not options.constitutiveResult: options.constitutiveResult = []
# --- start background messaging
if options.verbose:
bg = damask.util.backgroundMessage()
# --- parse .output and .t16 files
if os.path.splitext(files[0])[1] == '':
@ -825,18 +819,13 @@ me = {
'Constitutive': options.phase,
if options.verbose: bg.set_message('parsing .output files...')
for what in me:
outputFormat[what] = ParseOutputFormat(filename, what, me[what])
if '_id' not in outputFormat[what]['specials']:
print("\nsection '{}' not found in <{}>".format(me[what], what))
print('\n'.join(map(lambda x:' [%s]'%x, outputFormat[what]['specials']['brothers'])))
if options.verbose: bg.set_message('opening result file...')
p = OpenPostfile(filename+extension,options.filetype,options.nodal)
if options.verbose: bg.set_message('parsing result file...')
stat = ParsePostfile(p, filename, outputFormat)
if options.filetype == 'marc':
stat['NumberOfIncrements'] -= 1 # t16 contains one "virtual" increment (at 0)
@ -879,8 +868,10 @@ if
# --- build connectivity maps
elementsOfNode = {}
for e in range(stat['NumberOfElements']):
if options.verbose and e%1000 == 0: bg.set_message('connect elem %i...'%e)
Nelems = stat['NumberOfElements']
for e in range(Nelems):
if Nelems > 100 and e%(Nelems//100) == 0: # report in 1% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.print_progress(iteration=e,total=Nelems,prefix='1/3: connecting elements')
for n in map(p.node_sequence,p.element(e).items):
if n not in elementsOfNode:
elementsOfNode[n] = [p.element_id(e)]
@ -899,10 +890,12 @@ index = {}
groups = []
groupCount = 0
memberCount = 0
if options.nodalScalar:
for n in range(stat['NumberOfNodes']):
if options.verbose and n%1000 == 0: bg.set_message('scan node %i...'%n)
Npoints = stat['NumberOfNodes']
for n in range(Npoints):
if Npoints > 100 and e%(Npoints//100) == 0: # report in 1% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.print_progress(iteration=n,total=Npoints,prefix='2/3: scanning nodes ')
myNodeID = p.node_id(n)
myNodeCoordinates = [p.node(n).x, p.node(n).y, p.node(n).z]
myElemID = 0
@ -933,10 +926,13 @@ if options.nodalScalar:
myNodeCoordinates) # incrementally update average location
groups[index[grp]].append([myElemID,myNodeID,myIpID,myGrainID,0]) # append a new list defining each group member
memberCount += 1
for e in range(stat['NumberOfElements']):
if options.verbose and e%1000 == 0: bg.set_message('scan elem %i...'%e)
Nelems = stat['NumberOfElements']
for e in range(Nelems):
if Nelems > 100 and e%(Nelems//100) == 0: # report in 1% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.print_progress(iteration=e,total=Nelems,prefix='2/3: scanning elements ')
myElemID = p.element_id(e)
myIpCoordinates = ipCoords(p.element(e).type, list(map(lambda node: [node.x, node.y, node.z],
list(map(p.node, map(p.node_sequence, p.element(e).items))))))
@ -976,6 +972,7 @@ else:
myIpCoordinates[n]) # incrementally update average location
groups[index[grp]].append([myElemID,myNodeID,myIpID,myGrainID,n]) # append a new list defining each group member
memberCount += 1
# --------------------------- sort groups --------------------------------
@ -1002,7 +999,6 @@ if 'none' not in map(str.lower, options.sort):
sortKeys = eval('lambda x:(%s)'%(','.join(theKeys)))
if options.verbose: bg.set_message('sorting groups...')
groups.sort(key = sortKeys) # in-place sorting to save mem
@ -1021,8 +1017,6 @@ standard = ['inc'] + \
# --------------------------- loop over positions --------------------------------
if options.verbose: bg.set_message('getting map between positions and increments...')
incAtPosition = {}
positionOfInc = {}
@ -1048,8 +1042,8 @@ increments = [incAtPosition[x] for x in locations] # build list of increments to
time_start = time.time()
Nincs = len([i for i in locations])
for incCount,position in enumerate(locations): # walk through locations
p.moveto(position+offset_pos) # wind to correct position
# --------------------------- file management --------------------------------
@ -1075,16 +1069,14 @@ for incCount,position in enumerate(locations): # walk through locations
# --------------------------- read and map data per group --------------------------------
member = 0
for group in groups:
Ngroups = len(groups)
for j,group in enumerate(groups):
f = incCount*Ngroups + j
if (Ngroups*Nincs) > 100 and f%((Ngroups*Nincs)//100) == 0: # report in 1% steps if possible and avoid modulo by zero
damask.util.print_progress(iteration=f,total=Ngroups*Nincs,prefix='3/3: processing points ')
N = 0 # group member counter
for (e,n,i,g,n_local) in group[1:]: # loop over group members
member += 1
if member%1000 == 0:
time_delta = ((len(locations)*memberCount)/float(member+incCount*memberCount)-1.0)*(time.time()-time_start)
if options.verbose: bg.set_message('(%02i:%02i:%02i) processing point %i of %i from increment %i (position %i)...'
newby = [] # current member's data
if options.nodalScalar:
@ -1172,6 +1164,7 @@ for incCount,position in enumerate(locations): # walk through locations
group[0] + \
)) + '\n')
if fileOpen: