1) introduced default colors

2) complaints are more verbose
This commit is contained in:
Philip Eisenlohr 2010-09-06 16:51:11 +00:00
parent a3c92061f9
commit 4a31b175da
1 changed files with 26 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -69,24 +69,24 @@ def output(cmds,locals,dest):
# -----------------------------
def lever(val0, val1, x):
def interpolate(val0, val1, x):
return val0 + (val1 - val0) * x
# -----------------------------
def symlever(comp, val0, val1, x):
def syminterpolate(comp, val0, val1, x):
if comp == "hue":
return lever(val0, val1, x)
return interpolate(val0, val1, x)
if comp == "lightness":
val_middle = max(0.9, val0, val1)
elif comp == "saturation":
val_middle = min(0.1, val0, val1)
if x < 0.5:
return lever(val0, val_middle, 2*x)
return interpolate(val0, val_middle, 2*x)
return lever(val_middle, val1, 2*x-1)
return interpolate(val_middle, val1, 2*x-1)
@ -121,44 +121,46 @@ parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type = "int",\
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",\
dest = "verbose",\
help = "write Mentat command stream also to stdout [%default]")
parser.set_defaults(port = 40007)
parser.set_defaults(symmetric = False)
parser.set_defaults(verbose = False)
(options, vars) = parser.parse_args()
(options, colors) = parser.parse_args()
### read hlsColors and check if they are valid hls values
hlsColor_bounds = [[],[]]
for i in range(2):
hlsColor_bounds[i] = map(float, vars[i].split(","))
if len(hlsColor_bounds[i]) <> 3:
hlsColors_limits = [[0,0,0],[1,1,1]]
for j in range(3):
if hlsColor_bounds[i][j] < hlsColors_limits[0][j] or hlsColor_bounds[i][j] > hlsColors_limits[1][j]:
hlsColors_limits = [[0.0,0.0,0.0],[1.0,1.0,1.0]]
parser.error("give lower and upper hlsColor as comma separated values")
hlsColor_range = (options.symmetric and [[0,0.2,0.9],[0.333,0.2,0.9]]) or \
msg = []
for i in [0,1]:
if len(colors) > i and colors[i] != None:
hlsColor_range[i] = map(float, colors[i].split(','))
if len(hlsColor_range[i]) != 3:
msg.append('please give %s color as three numbers (hue, lightness, saturation)...'%(['lower','upper'][i]))
for j in range(min(3,len(hlsColor_range[i]))):
if hlsColor_range[i][j] < hlsColors_limits[0][j] or hlsColor_range[i][j] > hlsColors_limits[1][j]:
msg.append('%s of %s color exceeds limit'%(['hue','lightness','saturation'][j],['lower','upper'][i]))
if msg != []:
### interpolate hls values
nColors = 32
if options.symmetric:
hlsColors = [ [ symlever(comp, hlsColor_bounds[0][j], hlsColor_bounds[1][j], float(idx)/(nColors-1))
hlsColors = [ [ syminterpolate(comp, hlsColor_range[0][j], hlsColor_range[1][j], float(idx)/(nColors-1))
for j,comp in enumerate(["hue","lightness","saturation"]) ]
for idx in range(nColors) ]
hlsColors = [ [ lever(hlsColor_bounds[0][j], hlsColor_bounds[1][j], float(idx)/(nColors-1))
hlsColors = [ [ interpolate(hlsColor_range[0][j], hlsColor_range[1][j], float(idx)/(nColors-1))
for j,comp in enumerate(["hue","lightness","saturation"]) ]
for idx in range(nColors) ]