did some testing...

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2014-01-14 19:32:55 +00:00
parent 01c8c434f7
commit 449c66c70f
3 changed files with 12 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ SHELL = /bin/sh
# ./configure --enable-threads --enable-sse2 --enable-shared
# make
# make install
# + set FFTWROOT in your envinronment
# + set FFTW_ROOT in your envinronment
# We essentially look for two library files "lib/libfftw3_threads" and "lib/libfftw3",
# Uses linux threads to parallelize fftw3
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ SHELL = /bin/sh
# PORTABLE = TRUE (FALSE): decision, if executable is optimized for the machine on which it was built.
# OPTIMIZATION = DEFENSIVE (OFF,AGGRESSIVE,ULTRA): Optimization mode: O2, O0, O3 + further options for most files, O3 + further options for all files
# OPENMP = TRUE (FALSE): OpenMP multiprocessor support
# FFTWROOT = root path
# IMKLROOT = root path
# ACMLROOT = root path
# LAPACKROOT = root path
# FFTW_ROOT = root path
# IMKL_ROOT = root path
# ACML_ROOT = root path
# LAPACK_ROOT = root path
# PREFIX = arbitrary prefix (before compilername)
# OPTION = arbitrary option (just before file to compile)
# SUFFIX = arbitrary suffix (after file to compile)

configure vendored
View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ with open('installation/options','r') as f:
if items[0] == 'FFTW_ROOT': line = '%s=%s\n'%(items[0],options.fftwdir)
if items[0] == 'MSC_ROOT': line = '%s=%s\n'%(items[0],options.marcdir)
for blastype in blastypes:
if options.blastype == blastype and items[0] == '%sROOT_'%type:
if options.blastype == blastype and items[0] == '%s_ROOT'%blastype:
line = '%s=%s\n'%(items[0],options.blasdir)
for spectralOption in options.spectraloptions:
[key,value] = re.split('[= ]',spectralOption)[0:2]

View File

@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ if options['IMKL_ROOT'] != '' and options['F90'] != 'gfortran':
lib_lapack = '-L%s/lib/intel64 -I%s/include -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lm'%(options['IMKL_ROOT'],options['IMKL_ROOT'])
elif options['ACML_ROOT'] != '':
lib_lapack = '-L%s/%s64/lib -lacml'%(options['ACML_ROOT'],options['F90'])
elif lapackroot != '':
lib_lapack = '-L%s -llapack'%(options['LAPACK_ROOT'])
elif options['LAPACK_ROOT'] != '':
lib_lapack = '-L%s/lib -L%s/lib64-llapack'%(options['LAPACK_ROOT'],options['LAPACK_ROOT'])
os.chdir(codeDir) # needed for compilation with gfortran and f2py
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ except OSError, e:
#' --overwrite-signature --no-lower prec.f90 DAMASK_spectral_interface.f90 math.f90 mesh.f90,...'
cmd = 'f2py damask.core.pyf' +\
' --build-dir %s'%codeDir +\
' -c --no-lower --fcompiler=%s'%(compileCommand) +\
' prec.f90'+\
' DAMASK_spectral_interface.f90'+\
@ -78,7 +77,10 @@ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
except OSError:
print ('f2py not found')
os.rename(os.path.join(codeDir,'core.so'), os.path.join(damaskEnv.relPath('lib/damask'),'core.so'))
modules = glob.glob('*.mod')
for module in modules: