1. rename BBC2003 as BBC2000;
2. add the real BBC2003 yield criterion, BBC2003 works; 3. now the BBC family yield criteria include: BBC2000, BBC2003, BBC2008
This commit is contained in:
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ def Hosford(eqStress, paras, sigmas, mFix, criteria, Jac = False):
def Barlat1989(eqStress, paras, sigmas, mFix, criteria, Jac=False):
Barlat-Lian 1989 yield criteria PASS
Barlat-Lian 1989 yield criteria
the fitted parameters are:
Anisotropic: a, c, h, p, m; m is optional
@ -505,9 +505,9 @@ def Barlat1991(eqStress, paras, sigmas, mFix, criteria, Jac=False):
if mFix[0]: return np.vstack((dfdI2*dI2dx+dfdI3*dI3dx)).T
else: return np.vstack((dfdI2*dI2dx+dfdI3*dI3dx, jm)).T
def BBC2003(eqStress, paras, sigmas, mFix, criteria, Jac=False):
def BBC2000(eqStress, paras, sigmas, mFix, criteria, Jac=False):
BBC2003 yield criterion
BBC2000 yield criterion
the fitted parameters are
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k; k is optional
criteria are invalid input
@ -561,6 +561,51 @@ def BBC2003(eqStress, paras, sigmas, mFix, criteria, Jac=False):
if mFix[0]: return np.vstack((ja,jb,jc,jd, je, jf,jg)).T
else: return np.vstack((ja,jb,jc,jd, je, jf,jg,jk)).T
def BBC2003(eqStress, paras, sigmas, mFix, criteria, Jac=False):
BBC2003 yield criterion
the fitted parameters are
M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,a, k; k is optional
criteria are invalid input
M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,a = paras[0:8]
if mFix[0]: k = mFix[1]
else: k = paras[-1]
s11 = sigmas[0]; s22 = sigmas[1]; s12 = sigmas[3]
k1 = k-1.0; k2 = 2.0*k
Gamma = 0.5* (s11 + M*s22)
Psi = 0.5*( (N*s11 - P*s22)**2 + 4.0*Q*Q*s12**2 )**0.5
Lambda = 0.5*( (R*s11 - S*s22)**2 + 4.0*T*T*s12**2 )**0.5
l1 = Lambda + Psi; l2 = Lambda - Psi; l3 = 2.0*Lambda
l1s = l1**2; l2s = l2**2; l3s = l3**2
left = a*l1s**k + a*l2s**k + (1-a)*l3s**k
r = left**(1.0/k2)/eqStress
if not Jac:
return ( r - 1.0).ravel()
drdl = 0.5*r/left/k
drdk = r*math_ln(left)*(-0.5/k/k)
dldl1 = a* k*(l1s**k1)*(2.0*l1)
dldl2 = a* k*(l2s**k1)*(2.0*l2)
dldl3 = (1-a)*k*(l3s**k1)*(2.0*l3)
dldGama, dldPsi, dldLambda = dldl1+dldl2, dldl1-dldl2, 2.0*dldl3
temp = 0.5/Psi*(N*s11 - P*s22)
dPsidN, dPsidP, dPsidQ = s11*temp, -s22*temp, Q*s12**2/temp
temp = 0.5/Lambda*(R*s11 - S*s22)
dLambdadR, dLambdadS, dLambdadT = s11*temp, -s22*temp, T*s12**2/temp
dldk = a*math_ln(l1s)*l1s**k + a*math_ln(l2s)*l2s**k + (1-a)*math_ln(l3s)*l3s**k
J = drdl * np.array( [ dldGama*s22*0.5,
dldPsi*dPsidN, dldPsi*dPsidP, dldPsi*dPsidQ,
dldLambda*dLambdadR, dldLambda*dLambdadS, dldLambda*dLambdadT,
l1s**k+l2s**k-l3s**k ])
if mFix[0]: return np.vstack(J).T
else : return np.vstack((J, drdl*dldk+drdk)).T
def BBC2005(eqStress, paras, sigmas, mFix, criteria, Jac=False):
BBC2005 yield criterion
@ -836,13 +881,20 @@ fitCriteria = {
'text' : '\nCoefficients of anisotropic Barlat 1991 criterion: a, b, c, f, g, h, m:\n',
'error': 'The standard deviation errors are: '
'bbc2003' :{'func' : BBC2003,
'bbc2000' :{'func' : BBC2000,
'nExpo': 1,'err':np.inf,
'bound': [(None,None)]*7+[(1.0,8.0)],
'paras': 'a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k:',
'text' : '\nCoefficients of Banabic-Balan-Comsa 2003 criterion: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k:\n',
'error': 'The standard deviation errors are: '
'bbc2003' :{'func' : BBC2003,
'nExpo': 1,'err':np.inf,
'bound': [(None,None)]*7+[(0.0,1.0)]+[(1.0,8.0)],
'paras': 'M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, a, k:',
'text' : '\nCoefficients of Banabic-Balan-Comsa 2005 criterion: M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, a, k:\n',
'error': 'The standard deviation errors are: '
'bbc2005' :{'func' : BBC2005,
'nExpo': 1,'err':np.inf,
'bound': [(None,None)]*8+[(0.0,12.0)],
Reference in New Issue