diff --git a/src/Marc/DAMASK_Marc.f90 b/src/Marc/DAMASK_Marc.f90 index 8f93d93dc..9f6071efe 100644 --- a/src/Marc/DAMASK_Marc.f90 +++ b/src/Marc/DAMASK_Marc.f90 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ subroutine DAMASK_interface_init if (ierr /= 0) then print*, 'working directory "'//trim(wd)//'" does not exist' call quit(1) - endif + end if symmetricSolver = solverIsSymmetric() end subroutine DAMASK_interface_init @@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ logical function solverIsSymmetric() s = s + verify(line(s+1:),' ') ! start of second chunk e = s + scan (line(s+1:),' ') ! end of second chunk solverIsSymmetric = line(s:e) /= '1' - endif - enddo + end if + end do 100 close(fileUnit) contains @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ logical function solverIsSymmetric() lc(i:i) = string(i:i) n = index(UPPER,lc(i:i)) if (n/=0) lc(i:i) = LOWER(n:n) - enddo + end do end function lc end function solverIsSymmetric @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ subroutine hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,m,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,nshear,disp, & transpose(ffn) write(6,'(/,a,/,3(3(f12.7,1x)/))',advance='no') ' Deformation gradient at t=n+1:', & transpose(ffn1) - endif + end if defaultNumThreadsInt = omp_get_num_threads() ! remember number of threads set by Marc call omp_set_num_threads(1_pI32) ! no openMP @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ subroutine hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,m,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,nshear,disp, & call materialpoint_initAll debug_Marc => config_debug%get_list('Marc',defaultVal=emptyList) debug_basic = debug_Marc%contains('basic') - endif + end if computationMode = 0 ! save initialization value, since it does not result in any calculation if (lovl == 4 ) then ! jacobian requested by marc @@ -333,35 +333,35 @@ subroutine hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,m,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,nshear,disp, & lastIncConverged = .true. outdatedByNewInc = .true. print'(a,i6,1x,i2)', '<< HYPELA2 >> new increment..! ',m(1),nn - endif + end if else if ( timinc < theDelta ) then ! >> cutBack << lastIncConverged = .false. outdatedByNewInc = .false. terminallyIll = .false. cycleCounter = -1 ! first calc step increments this to cycle = 0 print'(a,i6,1x,i2)', '<< HYPELA2 >> cutback detected..! ',m(1),nn - endif ! convergence treatment end + end if ! convergence treatment end flush(6) if (lastLovl /= lovl) then cycleCounter = cycleCounter + 1 !mesh_cellnode = mesh_build_cellnodes() ! update cell node coordinates !call mesh_build_ipCoordinates() ! update ip coordinates - endif + end if if (outdatedByNewInc) then computationMode = ior(computationMode,materialpoint_AGERESULTS) outdatedByNewInc = .false. - endif + end if if (lastIncConverged) then computationMode = ior(computationMode,materialpoint_BACKUPJACOBIAN) lastIncConverged = .false. - endif + end if theTime = cptim theDelta = timinc theInc = inc - endif + end if lastLovl = lovl call materialpoint_general(computationMode,ffn,ffn1,t(1),timinc,int(m(1)),int(nn),stress,ddsdde) @@ -429,13 +429,13 @@ subroutine uedinc(inc,incsub) if (discretization_Marc_FEM2DAMASK_node(n) /= -1) then call nodvar(1,n,d_n(1:3,discretization_Marc_FEM2DAMASK_node(n)),nqncomp,nqdatatype) if(nqncomp == 2) d_n(3,discretization_Marc_FEM2DAMASK_node(n)) = 0.0_pReal - endif - enddo + end if + end do call discretization_Marc_UpdateNodeAndIpCoords(d_n) call materialpoint_results(int(inc),cptim) inc_written = int(inc) - endif + end if end subroutine uedinc diff --git a/src/Marc/discretization_Marc.f90 b/src/Marc/discretization_Marc.f90 index b3c412579..0492ef468 100644 --- a/src/Marc/discretization_Marc.f90 +++ b/src/Marc/discretization_Marc.f90 @@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ subroutine inputRead_fileFormat(fileFormat,fileContent) if(IO_lc(IO_stringValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,1)) == 'version') then fileFormat = IO_intValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,2) exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do end subroutine inputRead_fileFormat @@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ subroutine inputRead_tableStyles(initialcond,hypoelastic,fileContent) initialcond = IO_intValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,4) hypoelastic = IO_intValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,5) exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do end subroutine inputRead_tableStyles @@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ subroutine inputRead_matNumber(matNumber, & data_blocks = IO_intValue(fileContent(l+1),chunkPos,1) else data_blocks = 1 - endif + end if allocate(matNumber(data_blocks), source = 0) do i = 0, data_blocks - 1 j = i*(2+tableStyle) + 1 chunkPos = IO_stringPos(fileContent(l+1+j)) matNumber(i+1) = IO_intValue(fileContent(l+1+j),chunkPos,1) - enddo + end do exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do end subroutine inputRead_matNumber @@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ subroutine inputRead_NnodesAndElements(nNodes,nElems,& elseif(IO_lc(IO_StringValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,1)) == 'coordinates') then chunkPos = IO_stringPos(fileContent(l+1)) nNodes = IO_IntValue (fileContent(l+1),chunkPos,2) - endif - enddo + end if + end do end subroutine inputRead_NnodesAndElements @@ -411,12 +411,12 @@ subroutine inputRead_NelemSets(nElemSets,maxNelemInSet,& if(IO_lc(IO_stringValue(fileContent(l+i),chunkPos,chunkPos(1))) /= 'c') then ! line finished, read last value elemInCurrentSet = elemInCurrentSet + 1 ! data ended exit - endif - enddo - endif + end if + end do + end if maxNelemInSet = max(maxNelemInSet, elemInCurrentSet) - endif - enddo + end if + end do end subroutine inputRead_NelemSets @@ -448,8 +448,8 @@ subroutine inputRead_mapElemSets(nameElemSet,mapElemSet,& elemSet = elemSet+1 nameElemSet(elemSet) = trim(IO_stringValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,4)) mapElemSet(:,elemSet) = continuousIntValues(fileContent(l+1:),size(mapElemSet,1)-1,nameElemSet,mapElemSet,size(nameElemSet)) - endif - enddo + end if + end do end subroutine inputRead_mapElemSets @@ -484,17 +484,17 @@ subroutine inputRead_mapElems(FEM2DAMASK, & j = j + 1 chunkPos = IO_stringPos(fileContent(l+1+i+j)) nNodesAlreadyRead = nNodesAlreadyRead + chunkPos(1) - enddo - enddo + end do + end do exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do call math_sort(map_unsorted) allocate(FEM2DAMASK(minval(map_unsorted(1,:)):maxval(map_unsorted(1,:))),source=-1) do i = 1, nElems FEM2DAMASK(map_unsorted(1,i)) = map_unsorted(2,i) - enddo + end do end subroutine inputRead_mapElems @@ -522,16 +522,16 @@ subroutine inputRead_mapNodes(FEM2DAMASK, & chunkPos = [1,1,10] do i = 1,nNodes map_unsorted(:,i) = [IO_intValue(fileContent(l+1+i),chunkPos,1),i] - enddo + end do exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do call math_sort(map_unsorted) allocate(FEM2DAMASK(minval(map_unsorted(1,:)):maxval(map_unsorted(1,:))),source=-1) do i = 1, nNodes FEM2DAMASK(map_unsorted(1,i)) = map_unsorted(2,i) - enddo + end do end subroutine inputRead_mapNodes @@ -560,10 +560,10 @@ subroutine inputRead_elemNodes(nodes, & do i=1,nNode m = discretization_Marc_FEM2DAMASK_node(IO_intValue(fileContent(l+1+i),chunkPos,1)) nodes(1:3,m) = [(mesh_unitlength * IO_floatValue(fileContent(l+1+i),chunkPos,j+1),j=1,3)] - enddo + end do exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do end subroutine inputRead_elemNodes @@ -596,17 +596,17 @@ subroutine inputRead_elemType(elem, & else t_ = mapElemtype(IO_stringValue(fileContent(l+1+i+j),chunkPos,2)) if (t /= t_) call IO_error(191,IO_stringValue(fileContent(l+1+i+j),chunkPos,2),label1='type',ID1=t) - endif + end if remainingChunks = elem%nNodes - (chunkPos(1) - 2) do while(remainingChunks > 0) j = j + 1 chunkPos = IO_stringPos(fileContent(l+1+i+j)) remainingChunks = remainingChunks - chunkPos(1) - enddo - enddo + end do + end do exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do contains @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ function inputRead_connectivityElem(nElem,nNodes,fileContent) do k = 1,chunkPos(1)-2 inputRead_connectivityElem(k,e) = & discretization_Marc_FEM2DAMASK_node(IO_IntValue(fileContent(l+1+i+j),chunkPos,k+2)) - enddo + end do nNodesAlreadyRead = chunkPos(1) - 2 do while(nNodesAlreadyRead < nNodes) ! read on if not all nodes in one line j = j + 1 @@ -694,14 +694,14 @@ function inputRead_connectivityElem(nElem,nNodes,fileContent) do k = 1,chunkPos(1) inputRead_connectivityElem(nNodesAlreadyRead+k,e) = & discretization_Marc_FEM2DAMASK_node(IO_IntValue(fileContent(l+1+i+j),chunkPos,k)) - enddo + end do nNodesAlreadyRead = nNodesAlreadyRead + chunkPos(1) - enddo - endif - enddo + end do + end if + end do exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do end function inputRead_connectivityElem @@ -749,12 +749,12 @@ subroutine inputRead_material(materialAt,& do i = 1,contInts(1) e = discretization_Marc_FEM2DAMASK_elem(contInts(1+i)) materialAt(e) = ID + 1 - enddo + end do if (initialcondTableStyle == 0) m = m + 1 - enddo - endif - endif - enddo + end do + end if + end if + end do if(any(materialAt < 1)) call IO_error(180) @@ -791,9 +791,9 @@ pure subroutine buildCells(connectivity,definition, & do c = 1, elem%NcellNodes realNode: if (count(elem%cellNodeParentNodeWeights(:,c) /= 0) == 1) then where(connectivity(:,:,e) == -c) connectivity(:,:,e) = connectivity_elem(c,e) - endif realNode - enddo - enddo + end if realNode + end do + end do nCellNode = maxval(connectivity_elem) @@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ pure subroutine buildCells(connectivity,definition, & do c = 1, elem%NcellNodes if (count(elem%cellNodeParentNodeWeights(:,c) /= 0) == nParentNodes) & candidates_local = [candidates_local,c] - enddo + end do s = size(candidates_local) if (allocated(candidates_global)) deallocate(candidates_global) @@ -822,8 +822,8 @@ pure subroutine buildCells(connectivity,definition, & if (elem%cellNodeParentNodeWeights(j,c) /= 0) then ! real node 'j' partly defines cell node 'c' p = p + 1 parentsAndWeights(p,1:2) = [connectivity_elem(j,e),elem%cellNodeParentNodeWeights(j,c)] - endif - enddo + end if + end do ! store (and order) real node IDs and their weights together with the element number and local ID do p = 1, nParentNodes m = maxloc(parentsAndWeights(:,1),1) @@ -833,9 +833,9 @@ pure subroutine buildCells(connectivity,definition, & candidates_global(nParentNodes*2+1:nParentNodes*2+2,candidateID) = [e,c] parentsAndWeights(m,1) = -huge(parentsAndWeights(m,1)) ! out of the competition - enddo - enddo - enddo + end do + end do + end do ! sort according to real node IDs + weight (from left to right) call math_sort(candidates_global,sortDim=1) ! sort according to first column @@ -847,13 +847,13 @@ pure subroutine buildCells(connectivity,definition, & do while (n+j<= size(candidates_local)*Nelem) if (candidates_global(p-1,n+j)/=candidates_global(p-1,n)) exit j = j + 1 - enddo + end do e = n+j-1 if (any(candidates_global(p,n:e)/=candidates_global(p,n))) & call math_sort(candidates_global(:,n:e),sortDim=p) n = e+1 - enddo - enddo + end do + end do i = uniqueRows(candidates_global(1:2*nParentNodes,:)) allocate(definition(nParentNodes-1)%parents(i,nParentNodes)) @@ -876,15 +876,15 @@ pure subroutine buildCells(connectivity,definition, & end where j = j+1 - enddo + end do nCellNode = nCellNode + 1 definition(nParentNodes-1)%parents(i,:) = parentsAndWeights(:,1) definition(nParentNodes-1)%weights(i,:) = parentsAndWeights(:,2) i = i + 1 n = n+j - enddo + end do - enddo + end do contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -906,10 +906,10 @@ pure subroutine buildCells(connectivity,definition, & do while (r+d<= size(A,2)) if (any(A(:,r)/=A(:,r+d))) exit d = d+1 - enddo + end do u = u+1 r = r+d - enddo + end do end function uniqueRows @@ -939,10 +939,10 @@ pure function buildCellNodes(node_elem) buildCellNodes(:,n) = buildCellNodes(:,n) & + buildCellNodes(:,cellNodeDefinition(i)%parents(j,k)) & * real(cellNodeDefinition(i)%weights(j,k),pReal) - enddo + end do buildCellNodes(:,n) = buildCellNodes(:,n)/real(sum(cellNodeDefinition(i)%weights(j,:)),pReal) - enddo - enddo + end do + end do end function buildCellNodes @@ -970,9 +970,9 @@ pure function buildIPcoordinates(node_cell) do n = 1, size(connectivity_cell_reshaped,1) buildIPcoordinates(:,i) = buildIPcoordinates(:,i) & + node_cell(:,connectivity_cell_reshaped(n,i)) - enddo + end do buildIPcoordinates(:,i) = buildIPcoordinates(:,i)/real(size(connectivity_cell_reshaped,1),pReal) - enddo + end do end function buildIPcoordinates @@ -1031,8 +1031,8 @@ pure function IPvolume(elem,node) + dot_product((x7-x1), math_cross((x5-x0), (x7-x4)+(x3-x0))) IPvolume(i,e) = IPvolume(i,e)/12.0_pReal end select - enddo - enddo + end do + end do end function IPvolume @@ -1075,11 +1075,11 @@ pure function IPareaNormal(elem,nElem,node) IPareaNormal(1:3,f,i,e) = IPareaNormal(1:3,f,i,e) & + math_cross(nodePos(1:3,mod(n+0,m)+1) - nodePos(1:3,n), & nodePos(1:3,mod(n+1,m)+1) - nodePos(1:3,n)) * 0.5_pReal - enddo + end do end select - enddo - enddo - enddo + end do + end do + end do end function IPareaNormal @@ -1109,10 +1109,10 @@ function IPneighborhood(elem) do n = 1, size(face_unordered) face(n,c) = minval(face_unordered) face_unordered(minloc(face_unordered)) = huge(face_unordered) - enddo + end do face(n:n+3,c) = [e,i,f] - enddo - enddo; enddo + end do + end do; end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! sort face definitions @@ -1125,17 +1125,17 @@ function IPneighborhood(elem) if(any(face(:c,s) /= face(:c,e))) then if(e-1/=s) call math_sort(face(:,s:e-1),sortDim=c) s = e - endif - enddo - enddo + end if + end do + end do IPneighborhood = 0 do c=1, size(face,2) - 1 if(all(face(:n-1,c) == face(:n-1,c+1))) then IPneighborhood(:,face(n+2,c+1),face(n+1,c+1),face(n+0,c+1)) = face(n:n+3,c+0) IPneighborhood(:,face(n+2,c+0),face(n+1,c+0),face(n+0,c+0)) = face(n:n+3,c+1) - endif - enddo + end if + end do end function IPneighborhood @@ -1171,8 +1171,8 @@ function continuousIntValues(fileContent,maxN,lookupName,lookupMap,lookupMaxN) if (IO_stringValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,1) == lookupName(i)) then ! found matching name continuousIntValues = lookupMap(:,i) ! return resp. entity list exit - endif - enddo + end if + end do exit elseif(containsRange(fileContent(l),chunkPos)) then first = IO_intValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,1) @@ -1180,20 +1180,20 @@ function continuousIntValues(fileContent,maxN,lookupName,lookupMap,lookupMaxN) do i = first, last, sign(1,last-first) continuousIntValues(1) = continuousIntValues(1) + 1 continuousIntValues(1+continuousIntValues(1)) = i - enddo + end do exit else do i = 1,chunkPos(1)-1 ! interpret up to second to last value continuousIntValues(1) = continuousIntValues(1) + 1 continuousIntValues(1+continuousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,i) - enddo + end do if ( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,chunkPos(1))) /= 'c' ) then ! line finished, read last value continuousIntValues(1) = continuousIntValues(1) + 1 continuousIntValues(1+continuousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(fileContent(l),chunkPos,chunkPos(1)) exit - endif - endif - enddo + end if + end if + end do end function continuousIntValues @@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ logical function containsRange(str,chunkPos) containsRange = .False. if(chunkPos(1) == 3) then if(IO_lc(IO_stringValue(str,chunkPos,2)) == 'to') containsRange = .True. - endif + end if end function containsRange diff --git a/src/Marc/materialpoint_Marc.f90 b/src/Marc/materialpoint_Marc.f90 index 03d6025b6..5e1591bbd 100644 --- a/src/Marc/materialpoint_Marc.f90 +++ b/src/Marc/materialpoint_Marc.f90 @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ subroutine materialpoint_init print'(a32,1x,6(i8,1x))', 'materialpoint_dcsdE: ', shape(materialpoint_dcsdE) print'(a32,1x,6(i8,1x),/)', 'materialpoint_dcsdE_knownGood: ', shape(materialpoint_dcsdE_knownGood) flush(IO_STDOUT) - endif + end if end subroutine materialpoint_init @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ subroutine materialpoint_general(mode, ffn, ffn1, temperature_inp, dt, elFE, ip, if (terminallyIll) & print'(a,/)', '# --- terminallyIll --- #' print'(a,/)', '#############################################'; flush (6) - endif + end if if (iand(mode, materialpoint_BACKUPJACOBIAN) /= 0) & materialpoint_dcsde_knownGood = materialpoint_dcsde @@ -220,15 +220,15 @@ subroutine materialpoint_general(mode, ffn, ffn1, temperature_inp, dt, elFE, ip, - math_delta(j,l) * homogenization_F(i,m,ce) * homogenization_P(k,m,ce) & + 0.5_pReal * ( Kirchhoff(j,l)*math_delta(i,k) + Kirchhoff(i,k)*math_delta(j,l) & + Kirchhoff(j,k)*math_delta(i,l) + Kirchhoff(i,l)*math_delta(j,k)) - enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo + end do; end do; end do; end do; end do; end do forall(i=1:3, j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3) & H_sym(i,j,k,l) = 0.25_pReal * (H(i,j,k,l) + H(j,i,k,l) + H(i,j,l,k) + H(j,i,l,k)) materialpoint_dcsde(1:6,1:6,ip,elCP) = math_sym3333to66(J_inverse * H_sym,weighted=.false.) - endif terminalIllness - endif validCalculation + end if terminalIllness + end if validCalculation if (debugmaterialpoint%extensive & .and. ((debugmaterialpoint%element == elCP .and. debugmaterialpoint%ip == ip) .or. .not. debugmaterialpoint%selective)) then @@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ subroutine materialpoint_general(mode, ffn, ffn1, temperature_inp, dt, elFE, ip, print'(a,i8,1x,i2,/,6(12x,6(f10.3,1x)/))', & '<< materialpoint >> Jacobian/GPa at elFE ip ', elFE, ip, transpose(materialpoint_dcsdE(1:6,1:6,ip,elCP))*1.0e-9_pReal flush(IO_STDOUT) - endif + end if - endif + end if if (all(abs(materialpoint_dcsdE(1:6,1:6,ip,elCP)) < 1e-10_pReal)) & call IO_warning(601,label1='element (CP)',ID1=elCP,label2='IP',ID2=ip) diff --git a/src/YAML_parse.f90 b/src/YAML_parse.f90 index a65d80fb3..2d9cc3620 100644 --- a/src/YAML_parse.f90 +++ b/src/YAML_parse.f90 @@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ end subroutine dct !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -! @brief decide whether next block is list or dict +! @brief Decide whether next block is list or dict. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine decide(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) @@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ recursive subroutine decide(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) end if end if -end subroutine +end subroutine decide !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/src/grid/DAMASK_grid.f90 b/src/grid/DAMASK_grid.f90 index c9dea0166..08d29cd4e 100644 --- a/src/grid/DAMASK_grid.f90 +++ b/src/grid/DAMASK_grid.f90 @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ program DAMASK_grid call results_openJobFile(parallel=.false.) call results_writeDataset_str(fileContent,'setup',fname,'load case definition (grid solver)') call results_closeJobFile - endif + end if call parallelization_bcast_str(fileContent) config_load => YAML_parse_str_asDict(fileContent) @@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ program DAMASK_grid thermalActive: if (solver%get_asString('thermal',defaultVal = 'n/a') == 'spectral') then field = field + 1 ID(field) = FIELD_THERMAL_ID - endif thermalActive + end if thermalActive damageActive: if (solver%get_asString('damage',defaultVal = 'n/a') == 'spectral') then field = field + 1 ID(field) = FIELD_DAMAGE_ID - endif damageActive + end if damageActive !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ program DAMASK_grid #endif end select call loadCases(l)%rot%fromAxisAngle(step_mech%get_as1dFloat('R',defaultVal = real([0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0],pReal)),degrees=.true.) - enddo readMech + end do readMech if (.not. allocated(loadCases(l)%deformation%myType)) call IO_error(error_ID=837,ext_msg = 'L/dot_F/F missing') step_discretization => load_step%get_dict('discretization') @@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ program DAMASK_grid write(IO_STDOUT,'(2x,12a)',advance='no') ' x ' else write(IO_STDOUT,'(2x,f12.7)',advance='no') loadCases(l)%deformation%values(i,j) - endif - enddo; write(IO_STDOUT,'(/)',advance='no') - enddo + end if + end do; write(IO_STDOUT,'(/)',advance='no') + end do if (any(loadCases(l)%stress%mask .eqv. loadCases(l)%deformation%mask)) errorID = 831 if (any(.not.(loadCases(l)%stress%mask .or. transpose(loadCases(l)%stress%mask)) .and. (math_I3<1))) & errorID = 838 ! no rotation is allowed by stress BC @@ -280,10 +280,10 @@ program DAMASK_grid write(IO_STDOUT,'(2x,12a)',advance='no') ' x ' else write(IO_STDOUT,'(2x,f12.4)',advance='no') loadCases(l)%stress%values(i,j)*1e-6_pReal - endif - enddo; write(IO_STDOUT,'(/)',advance='no') - enddo - endif + end if + end do; write(IO_STDOUT,'(/)',advance='no') + end do + end if if (any(dNeq(loadCases(l)%rot%asMatrix(), math_I3))) & write(IO_STDOUT,'(2x,a,/,3(3(3x,f12.7,1x)/))',advance='no') 'R:',& transpose(loadCases(l)%rot%asMatrix()) @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ program DAMASK_grid print'(2x,a)', 'r: 1 (constant step width)' else print'(2x,a,1x,f0.3)', 'r:', loadCases(l)%r - endif + end if print'(2x,a,1x,f0.3)', 't:', loadCases(l)%t print'(2x,a,1x,i0)', 'N:', loadCases(l)%N if (loadCases(l)%f_out < huge(0)) & @@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ program DAMASK_grid if (errorID > 0) call IO_error(errorID,label1='line',ID1=l) - endif reportAndCheck - enddo + end if reportAndCheck + end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! doing initialization depending on active solvers @@ -337,14 +337,14 @@ program DAMASK_grid else writeHeader open(newunit=statUnit,file=trim(getSolverJobName())//& '.sta',form='FORMATTED', position='APPEND', status='OLD') - endif writeHeader - endif + end if writeHeader + end if writeUndeformed: if (CLI_restartInc < 1) then print'(/,1x,a)', '... writing initial configuration to file .................................' flush(IO_STDOUT) call materialpoint_results(0,0.0_pReal) - endif writeUndeformed + end if writeUndeformed loadCaseLooping: do l = 1, size(loadCases) t_0 = t ! load case start time @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ program DAMASK_grid else Delta_t = loadCases(l)%t * (loadCases(l)%r**(inc-1)-loadCases(l)%r**inc) & / (1.0_pReal-loadCases(l)%r**loadCases(l)%N) - endif + end if Delta_t = Delta_t * real(subStepFactor,pReal)**real(-cutBackLevel,pReal) ! depending on cut back level, decrease time step skipping: if (totalIncsCounter <= CLI_restartInc) then ! not yet at restart inc? @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ program DAMASK_grid case(FIELD_THERMAL_ID); call grid_thermal_spectral_forward(cutBack) case(FIELD_DAMAGE_ID); call grid_damage_spectral_forward(cutBack) end select - enddo + end do if (.not. cutBack) call materialpoint_forward !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -422,12 +422,12 @@ program DAMASK_grid if (.not. solres(field)%converged) exit ! no solution found - enddo + end do stagIter = stagIter + 1 stagIterate = stagIter < stagItMax & .and. all(solres(:)%converged) & .and. .not. all(solres(:)%stagConverged) ! stationary with respect to staggered iteration - enddo + end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check solution for either advance or retry @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ program DAMASK_grid write(statUnit,*) totalIncsCounter, t, cutBackLevel, & solres(1)%converged, solres(1)%iterationsNeeded flush(statUnit) - endif + end if elseif (cutBackLevel < maxCutBack) then ! further cutbacking tolerated? cutBack = .true. stepFraction = (stepFraction - 1) * subStepFactor ! adjust to new denominator @@ -453,9 +453,9 @@ program DAMASK_grid else ! no more options to continue if (worldrank == 0) close(statUnit) call IO_error(950) - endif + end if - enddo subStepLooping + end do subStepLooping cutBackLevel = max(0, cutBackLevel - 1) ! try half number of subincs next inc @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ program DAMASK_grid print'(/,1x,a,i0,a)', 'increment ', totalIncsCounter, ' converged' else print'(/,1x,a,i0,a)', 'increment ', totalIncsCounter, ' NOT converged' - endif; flush(IO_STDOUT) + end if; flush(IO_STDOUT) call MPI_Allreduce(signals_SIGUSR1,signal,1_MPI_INTEGER_KIND,MPI_LOGICAL,MPI_LOR,MPI_COMM_WORLD,err_MPI) if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI error' @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ program DAMASK_grid print'(/,1x,a)', '... writing results to file ...............................................' flush(IO_STDOUT) call materialpoint_results(totalIncsCounter,t) - endif + end if if (signal) call signals_setSIGUSR1(.false.) call MPI_Allreduce(signals_SIGUSR2,signal,1_MPI_INTEGER_KIND,MPI_LOGICAL,MPI_LOR,MPI_COMM_WORLD,err_MPI) if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI error' @@ -485,16 +485,16 @@ program DAMASK_grid end select end do call materialpoint_restartWrite - endif + end if if (signal) call signals_setSIGUSR2(.false.) call MPI_Allreduce(signals_SIGINT,signal,1_MPI_INTEGER_KIND,MPI_LOGICAL,MPI_LOR,MPI_COMM_WORLD,err_MPI) if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI error' if (signal) exit loadCaseLooping - endif skipping + end if skipping - enddo incLooping + end do incLooping - enddo loadCaseLooping + end do loadCaseLooping !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -523,9 +523,9 @@ subroutine getMaskedTensor(values,mask,tensor) do j = 1,3 mask(i,j) = row%get_asString(j) == 'x' if (.not. mask(i,j)) values(i,j) = row%get_asFloat(j) - enddo - enddo + end do + end do -end subroutine +end subroutine getMaskedTensor end program DAMASK_grid diff --git a/src/grid/VTI.f90 b/src/grid/VTI.f90 index 5c3cb864a..cc5a6843b 100644 --- a/src/grid/VTI.f90 +++ b/src/grid/VTI.f90 @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ subroutine cellsSizeOrigin(c,s,o,header) temp = getXMLValue(header,'Origin') o = [(IO_floatValue(temp,IO_stringPos(temp),i),i=1,3)] -end subroutine +end subroutine cellsSizeOrigin !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ pure function getXMLValue(line,key) end if end if -end function +end function getXMLValue !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/src/grid/base64.f90 b/src/grid/base64.f90 index 6e580f043..a81078725 100644 --- a/src/grid/base64.f90 +++ b/src/grid/base64.f90 @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function base64_to_bytes(base64_str,s,e) result(bytes) else s_str = 1_pI64 s_bytes = 1_pI64 - endif + end if if(present(e)) then if(e>base64_nByte(len(base64_str,kind=pI64))) call IO_error(114, ext_msg='e out of range') @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function base64_to_bytes(base64_str,s,e) result(bytes) e_bytes = base64_nByte(len(base64_str,kind=pI64)) - base64_nByte(s_str) if(base64_str(e_str-0_pI64:e_str-0_pI64) == '=') e_bytes = e_bytes - 1_pI64 if(base64_str(e_str-1_pI64:e_str-1_pI64) == '=') e_bytes = e_bytes - 1_pI64 - endif + end if bytes = decodeBase64(base64_str(s_str:e_str)) bytes = bytes(s_bytes:e_bytes) @@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ pure function decodeBase64(base64_str) result(bytes) charPos(p) = int(index(base64_encoding,base64_str(c+p:c+p))-1,C_SIGNED_CHAR) else charPos(p) = 0_C_SIGNED_CHAR - endif - enddo + end if + end do call mvbits(charPos(0),0,6,bytes(b+0),2) call mvbits(charPos(1),4,2,bytes(b+0),0) @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ pure function decodeBase64(base64_str) result(bytes) call mvbits(charPos(3),0,6,bytes(b+2),0) b = b+3_pI64 c = c+4_pI64 - enddo + end do end function decodeBase64 diff --git a/src/grid/discretization_grid.f90 b/src/grid/discretization_grid.f90 index 158ee0a8d..999b8f460 100644 --- a/src/grid/discretization_grid.f90 +++ b/src/grid/discretization_grid.f90 @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ function discretization_grid_getInitialCondition(label) result(ic) ic_global = VTI_readDataset_real(IO_read(CLI_geomFile),label) else allocate(ic_global(0)) ! needed for IntelMPI - endif + end if call MPI_Gather(product(cells(1:2))*cells3Offset, 1_MPI_INTEGER_KIND,MPI_INTEGER,displs,& 1_MPI_INTEGER_KIND,MPI_INTEGER,0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND,MPI_COMM_WORLD,err_MPI) diff --git a/src/grid/grid_mech_FEM.f90 b/src/grid/grid_mech_FEM.f90 index 9e9f20d24..bbfd2802f 100644 --- a/src/grid/grid_mech_FEM.f90 +++ b/src/grid/grid_mech_FEM.f90 @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ subroutine grid_mechanical_FEM_init elseif (CLI_restartInc == 0) then restartRead F_lastInc = spread(spread(spread(math_I3,3,cells(1)),4,cells(2)),5,cells3) ! initialize to identity F = spread(spread(spread(math_I3,3,cells(1)),4,cells(2)),5,cells3) - endif restartRead + end if restartRead homogenization_F0 = reshape(F_lastInc, [3,3,product(cells(1:2))*cells3]) ! set starting condition for homogenization_mechanical_response call utilities_updateCoords(F) @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ subroutine grid_mechanical_FEM_init call HDF5_closeGroup(groupHandle) call HDF5_closeFile(fileHandle) - endif restartRead2 + end if restartRead2 end subroutine grid_mechanical_FEM_init @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ subroutine grid_mechanical_FEM_forward(cutBack,guess,Delta_t,Delta_t_old,t_remai elseif (deformation_BC%myType=='F') then ! aim at end of load case is prescribed F_aimDot = F_aimDot & + merge(.0_pReal,(deformation_BC%values - F_aim_lastInc)/t_remaining,deformation_BC%mask) - endif + end if if (guess) then call VecWAXPY(solution_rate,-1.0_pReal,solution_lastInc,solution_current,err_PETSc) @@ -397,14 +397,14 @@ subroutine grid_mechanical_FEM_forward(cutBack,guess,Delta_t,Delta_t_old,t_remai else call VecSet(solution_rate,0.0_pReal,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - endif + end if call VecCopy(solution_current,solution_lastInc,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) F_lastInc = F homogenization_F0 = reshape(F, [3,3,product(cells(1:2))*cells3]) - endif + end if !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update average and local deformation gradients @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ subroutine grid_mechanical_FEM_restartWrite call HDF5_write(C_volAvgLastInc,groupHandle,'C_volAvgLastInc',.false.) call HDF5_closeGroup(groupHandle) call HDF5_closeFile(fileHandle) - endif + end if call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(mechanical_grid,solution_current,u,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ subroutine converged(snes_local,PETScIter,devNull1,devNull2,fnorm,reason,dummy,e reason = -1 else reason = 0 - endif + end if print'(/,1x,a)', '... reporting .............................................................' print'(/,1x,a,f12.2,a,es8.2,a,es9.2,a)', 'error divergence = ', & @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ subroutine formResidual(da_local,x_local, & print'(/,1x,a,/,2(3(f12.7,1x)/),3(f12.7,1x))', & 'deformation gradient aim =', transpose(F_aim) flush(IO_STDOUT) - endif newIteration + end if newIteration !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get deformation gradient @@ -578,9 +578,9 @@ subroutine formResidual(da_local,x_local, & do kk = -1, 0; do jj = -1, 0; do ii = -1, 0 ctr = ctr + 1 x_elem(ctr,1:3) = x_scal(0:2,i+ii,j+jj,k+kk) - enddo; enddo; enddo + end do; end do; end do F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k-cells3Offset) = params%rotation_BC%rotate(F_aim,active=.true.) + transpose(matmul(BMat,x_elem)) - enddo; enddo; enddo + end do; end do; end do call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(da_local,x_local,x_scal,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) @@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ subroutine formResidual(da_local,x_local, & do kk = -1, 0; do jj = -1, 0; do ii = -1, 0 ctr = ctr + 1 x_elem(ctr,1:3) = x_scal(0:2,i+ii,j+jj,k+kk) - enddo; enddo; enddo + end do; end do; end do ele = ele + 1 f_elem = matmul(transpose(BMat),transpose(P_current(1:3,1:3,i,j,k-cells3Offset)))*detJ + & matmul(HGMat,x_elem)*(homogenization_dPdF(1,1,1,1,ele) + & @@ -621,8 +621,8 @@ subroutine formResidual(da_local,x_local, & do kk = -1, 0; do jj = -1, 0; do ii = -1, 0 ctr = ctr + 1 r(0:2,i+ii,j+jj,k+kk) = r(0:2,i+ii,j+jj,k+kk) + f_elem(ctr,1:3) - enddo; enddo; enddo - enddo; enddo; enddo + end do; end do; end do + end do; end do; end do call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(da_local,x_local,x_scal,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(da_local,f_local,r,err_PETSc) @@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ subroutine formJacobian(da_local,x_local,Jac_pre,Jac,dummy,err_PETSc) col(MatStencil_j,ctr+16) = j+jj col(MatStencil_k,ctr+16) = k+kk col(MatStencil_c,ctr+16) = 2 - enddo; enddo; enddo + end do; end do; end do row = col ce = ce + 1 K_ele = 0.0_pReal @@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ subroutine formJacobian(da_local,x_local,Jac_pre,Jac,dummy,err_PETSc) shape=[3,3,3,3], order=[2,1,4,3]),shape=[9,9]),BMatFull))*detJ call MatSetValuesStencil(Jac,24_pPETScInt,row,24_pPetscInt,col,K_ele,ADD_VALUES,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - enddo; enddo; enddo + end do; end do; end do call MatAssemblyBegin(Jac,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call MatAssemblyEnd(Jac,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,err_PETSc) @@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ subroutine formJacobian(da_local,x_local,Jac_pre,Jac,dummy,err_PETSc) do k = cells3Offset+1, cells3Offset+cells3; do j = 1, cells(2); do i = 1, cells(1) ce = ce + 1 x_scal(0:2,i-1,j-1,k-1) = discretization_IPcoords(1:3,ce) - enddo; enddo; enddo + end do; end do; end do call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(da_local,coordinates,x_scal,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) ! initialize to undeformed coordinates (ToDo: use ip coordinates) call MatNullSpaceCreateRigidBody(coordinates,matnull,err_PETSc) diff --git a/src/materialpoint.f90 b/src/materialpoint.f90 index 5b8b690e0..2f22444b2 100644 --- a/src/materialpoint.f90 +++ b/src/materialpoint.f90 @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ subroutine materialpoint_init call phase_restartRead(fileHandle) call HDF5_closeFile(fileHandle) - endif + end if end subroutine materialpoint_init diff --git a/src/mesh/DAMASK_mesh.f90 b/src/mesh/DAMASK_mesh.f90 index 08e2940b3..f10be4d0c 100644 --- a/src/mesh/DAMASK_mesh.f90 +++ b/src/mesh/DAMASK_mesh.f90 @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ program DAMASK_mesh write(statUnit,*) totalIncsCounter, time, cutBackLevel, & solres%converged, solres%iterationsNeeded ! write statistics about accepted solution flush(statUnit) - endif + end if end do subStepLooping cutBackLevel = max(0, cutBackLevel - 1) ! try half number of subincs next inc diff --git a/src/mesh/FEM_quadrature.f90 b/src/mesh/FEM_quadrature.f90 index a2217847a..dde762eda 100644 --- a/src/mesh/FEM_quadrature.f90 +++ b/src/mesh/FEM_quadrature.f90 @@ -365,16 +365,16 @@ subroutine selfTest do o = lbound(FEM_quadrature_weights(d,:),1), ubound(FEM_quadrature_weights(d,:),1) if (dNeq(sum(FEM_quadrature_weights(d,o)%p),1.0_pReal,5e-15_pReal)) & error stop 'quadrature weights' - enddo - enddo + end do + end do do d = lbound(FEM_quadrature_points,1), ubound(FEM_quadrature_points,1) do o = lbound(FEM_quadrature_points(d,:),1), ubound(FEM_quadrature_points(d,:),1) n = size(FEM_quadrature_points(d,o)%p,1)/d if (any(dNeq(sum(reshape(FEM_quadrature_points(d,o)%p,[d,n]),2),-real(n,pReal)/w(d),1.e-14_pReal))) & error stop 'quadrature points' - enddo - enddo + end do + end do end subroutine selfTest diff --git a/src/mesh/discretization_mesh.f90 b/src/mesh/discretization_mesh.f90 index c645edc95..abda549b7 100644 --- a/src/mesh/discretization_mesh.f90 +++ b/src/mesh/discretization_mesh.f90 @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ subroutine discretization_mesh_init(restart) call DMClone(globalMesh,geomMesh,err_PETSc) else call DMPlexDistribute(globalMesh,0_pPETSCINT,sf,geomMesh,err_PETSc) - endif + end if CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) allocate(mesh_boundaries(mesh_Nboundaries), source = 0_pPETSCINT) @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ subroutine discretization_mesh_init(restart) mesh_boundaries(1:nFaceSets) = pFaceSets CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call ISRestoreIndicesF90(faceSetIS,pFaceSets,err_PETSc) - endif + end if call MPI_Bcast(mesh_boundaries,mesh_Nboundaries,MPI_INTEGER,0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND,MPI_COMM_WORLD,err_MPI) if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI error' @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ subroutine discretization_mesh_init(restart) do j = 1, mesh_NcpElems call DMGetLabelValue(geomMesh,'Cell Sets',j-1,materialAt(j),err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - enddo + end do materialAt = materialAt + 1_pPETSCINT if (debug_element < 1 .or. debug_element > mesh_NcpElems) call IO_error(602,ext_msg='element') @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ subroutine mesh_FEM_build_ipVolumes(dimPlex) call DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFVM(geomMesh,cell,vol,pCent,pNorm,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) mesh_ipVolume(:,cell+1) = vol/real(mesh_maxNips,pReal) - enddo + end do end subroutine mesh_FEM_build_ipVolumes @@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ subroutine mesh_FEM_build_ipCoordinates(dimPlex,qPoints) do dirJ = 1_pPETSCINT, dimPlex mesh_ipCoordinates(dirI,qPt,cell+1) = mesh_ipCoordinates(dirI,qPt,cell+1) + & pCellJ((dirI-1)*dimPlex+dirJ)*(qPoints(qOffset+dirJ) + 1.0_pReal) - enddo - enddo + end do + end do qOffset = qOffset + dimPlex - enddo - enddo + end do + end do end subroutine mesh_FEM_build_ipCoordinates diff --git a/src/mesh/mesh_mech_FEM.f90 b/src/mesh/mesh_mech_FEM.f90 index 255bf3c77..41aea6b75 100644 --- a/src/mesh/mesh_mech_FEM.f90 +++ b/src/mesh/mesh_mech_FEM.f90 @@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_init(fieldBC) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call PetscSectionGetDof(section,cellStart,pnumDof(topologDim),err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - enddo + end do numBC = 0 do field = 1, dimPlex; do faceSet = 1, mesh_Nboundaries if (fieldBC%componentBC(field)%Mask(faceSet)) numBC = numBC + 1 - enddo; enddo + end do; end do allocate(pbcField(numBC), source=0_pPETSCINT) allocate(pbcComps(numBC)) allocate(pbcPoints(numBC)) @@ -229,9 +229,9 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_init(fieldBC) else call ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,0_pPETSCINT,[0_pPETSCINT],PETSC_COPY_VALUES,pbcPoints(numBC),err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - endif - endif - enddo; enddo + end if + end if + end do; end do call DMPlexCreateSection(mechanical_mesh,nolabel,pNumComp,pNumDof, & numBC,pBcField,pBcComps,pBcPoints,PETSC_NULL_IS,section,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_init(fieldBC) do faceSet = 1, numBC call ISDestroy(pbcPoints(faceSet),err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - enddo + end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize solver specific parts of PETSc @@ -299,11 +299,11 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_init(fieldBC) call PetscQuadratureGetData(functional,dimPlex,nc,nNodalPoints,nodalPointsP,nodalWeightsP,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) x_scal(basis+1:basis+dimPlex) = pV0 + matmul(transpose(cellJMat),nodalPointsP + 1.0_pReal) - enddo + end do px_scal => x_scal call DMPlexVecSetClosure(mechanical_mesh,section,solution_local,cell,px_scal,5,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - enddo + end do call utilities_constitutiveResponse(0.0_pReal,devNull,.true.) end subroutine FEM_mechanical_init @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ type(tSolutionState) function FEM_mechanical_solution( & FEM_mechanical_solution%converged = .true. call SNESGetIterationNumber(mechanical_snes,FEM_mechanical_solution%iterationsNeeded,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - endif + end if print'(/,1x,a)', '===========================================================================' flush(IO_STDOUT) @@ -409,9 +409,9 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formResidual(dm_local,xx_local,f_local,dummy,err_PETSc 0.0_pReal,params%fieldBC%componentBC(field)%Value(face),params%timeinc) call ISDestroy(bcPoints,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - endif - endif - enddo; enddo + end if + end if + end do; end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! evaluate field derivatives @@ -433,10 +433,10 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formResidual(dm_local,xx_local,f_local,dummy,err_PETSc i = ((qPt*nBasis + basis)*dimPlex + comp)*dimPlex+comp BMat(comp*dimPlex+1_pPETSCINT:(comp+1_pPETSCINT)*dimPlex,basis*dimPlex+comp+1_pPETSCINT) = & matmul(IcellJMat,basisFieldDer(i*dimPlex+1_pPETSCINT:(i+1_pPETSCINT)*dimPlex)) - enddo - enddo + end do + end do homogenization_F(1:dimPlex,1:dimPlex,m) = reshape(matmul(BMat,x_scal),shape=[dimPlex,dimPlex], order=[2,1]) - enddo + end do if (num%BBarStabilisation) then detFAvg = math_det33(sum(homogenization_F(1:3,1:3,cell*nQuadrature+1:(cell+1)*nQuadrature),dim=3)/real(nQuadrature,pReal)) do qPt = 0, nQuadrature-1 @@ -444,11 +444,11 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formResidual(dm_local,xx_local,f_local,dummy,err_PETSc homogenization_F(1:dimPlex,1:dimPlex,m) = homogenization_F(1:dimPlex,1:dimPlex,m) & * (detFAvg/math_det33(homogenization_F(1:3,1:3,m)))**(1.0_pReal/real(dimPlex,pReal)) - enddo - endif + end do + end if call DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(dm_local,section,x_local,cell,x_scal,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - enddo + end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! evaluate constitutive response @@ -475,20 +475,20 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formResidual(dm_local,xx_local,f_local,dummy,err_PETSc i = ((qPt*nBasis + basis)*dimPlex + comp)*dimPlex+comp BMat(comp*dimPlex+1_pPETSCINT:(comp+1_pPETSCINT)*dimPlex,basis*dimPlex+comp+1_pPETSCINT) = & matmul(IcellJMat,basisFieldDer(i*dimPlex+1_pPETSCINT:(i+1_pPETSCINT)*dimPlex)) - enddo - enddo + end do + end do f_scal = f_scal & + matmul(transpose(BMat), & reshape(transpose(homogenization_P(1:dimPlex,1:dimPlex,m)), & shape=[dimPlex*dimPlex]))*qWeights(qPt+1_pPETSCINT) - enddo + end do f_scal = f_scal*abs(detJ) pf_scal => f_scal call DMPlexVecSetClosure(dm_local,section,f_local,cell,pf_scal,ADD_VALUES,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(dm_local,section,x_local,cell,x_scal,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - enddo + end do call DMRestoreLocalVector(dm_local,x_local,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) @@ -559,9 +559,9 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formJacobian(dm_local,xx_local,Jac_pre,Jac,dummy,err_P 0.0_pReal,params%fieldBC%componentBC(field)%Value(face),params%timeinc) call ISDestroy(bcPoints,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - endif - endif - enddo; enddo + end if + end if + end do; end do call DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm_local,0_pPETSCINT,cellStart,cellEnd,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) do cell = cellStart, cellEnd-1 !< loop over all elements @@ -583,8 +583,8 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formJacobian(dm_local,xx_local,Jac_pre,Jac,dummy,err_P i = ((qPt*nBasis + basis)*dimPlex + comp)*dimPlex+comp BMat(comp*dimPlex+1_pPETSCINT:(comp+1_pPETSCINT)*dimPlex,basis*dimPlex+comp+1_pPETSCINT) = & matmul(reshape(pInvcellJ,[dimPlex,dimPlex]),basisFieldDer(i*dimPlex+1_pPETSCINT:(i+1_pPETSCINT)*dimPlex)) - enddo - enddo + end do + end do MatA = matmul(reshape(reshape(homogenization_dPdF(1:dimPlex,1:dimPlex,1:dimPlex,1:dimPlex,m), & shape=[dimPlex,dimPlex,dimPlex,dimPlex], order=[2,1,4,3]), & shape=[dimPlex*dimPlex,dimPlex*dimPlex]),BMat)*qWeights(qPt+1_pPETSCINT) @@ -602,8 +602,8 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formJacobian(dm_local,xx_local,Jac_pre,Jac,dummy,err_P BMatAvg = BMatAvg + BMat else K_eA = K_eA + matmul(transpose(BMat),MatA) - endif - enddo + end if + end do if (num%BBarStabilisation) then FInv = math_inv33(FAvg) K_e = K_eA*math_det33(FAvg/real(nQuadrature,pReal))**(1.0_pReal/real(dimPlex,pReal)) + & @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formJacobian(dm_local,xx_local,Jac_pre,Jac,dummy,err_P K_eB)/real(dimPlex,pReal) else K_e = K_eA - endif + end if K_e = (K_e + eps*math_eye(int(cellDof))) * abs(detJ) #ifndef __INTEL_COMPILER pK_e(1:cellDOF**2) => K_e @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_formJacobian(dm_local,xx_local,Jac_pre,Jac,dummy,err_P CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(dm_local,section,x_local,cell,x_scal,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - enddo + end do call MatAssemblyBegin(Jac,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call MatAssemblyEnd(Jac,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,err_PETSc) @@ -704,9 +704,9 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_forward(guess,timeinc,timeinc_old,fieldBC) 0.0_pReal,fieldBC%componentBC(field)%Value(face),timeinc_old) call ISDestroy(bcPoints,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - endif - endif - enddo; enddo + end if + end if + end do; end do call DMRestoreLocalVector(dm_local,x_local,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) @@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_forward(guess,timeinc,timeinc_old,fieldBC) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call VecScale(solution_rate,timeinc_old**(-1),err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) - endif + end if call VecCopy(solution_rate,solution,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) call VecScale(solution,timeinc,err_PETSc) @@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_updateCoords() call DMPlexGetPointLocal(dm_local, p, s, e, err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) nodeCoords(1:dimPlex,p)=nodeCoords_linear(s+1:e) - enddo + end do call discretization_setNodeCoords(nodeCoords) call VecRestoreArrayF90(x_local,nodeCoords_linear,err_PETSc) @@ -827,9 +827,9 @@ subroutine FEM_mechanical_updateCoords() x_scal(nOffset+1:nOffset+dimPlex)) q = q+dimPlex nOffset = nOffset+dimPlex - enddo - enddo - enddo + end do + end do + end do call DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(dm_local,section,x_local,c,x_scal,err_PETSc) CHKERRQ(err_PETSc) end do diff --git a/src/phase_mechanical_plastic_nonlocal.f90 b/src/phase_mechanical_plastic_nonlocal.f90 index 9010ac1c7..8e187c08e 100644 --- a/src/phase_mechanical_plastic_nonlocal.f90 +++ b/src/phase_mechanical_plastic_nonlocal.f90 @@ -1783,6 +1783,6 @@ subroutine storeGeometry(ph) end do end do -end subroutine +end subroutine storeGeometry end submodule nonlocal