now stating instance when sanity checks run into trouble

This commit is contained in:
Alankar Alankar 2010-05-05 13:36:59 +00:00
parent 1ee5df41fd
commit 393a67e587
1 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
!c44 46.7e9
!gdot0_slip 0.001
!n_slip 50
!1_by_m_slip 50
!tau0_slip 65e6 22e6 52e6 50e6 # per family
!tausat_slip 80e6 180e6 140e6 140e6 # per family
!w0_slip 1
!gdot0_twin 0.001
!n_twin 50
!1_by_m_twin 50
!tau0_twin 52e6 52e6 52e6 52e6 # per family
!s_pr 50e6 # push-up stress for slip saturation due to twinning
!twin_b 2
@ -329,21 +329,21 @@ subroutine constitutive_phenopowerlaw_init(file)
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_totalNslip(i) = sum(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Nslip(:,i)) ! how many slip systems altogether
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_totalNtwin(i) = sum(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Ntwin(:,i)) ! how many twin systems altogether
if (constitutive_phenopowerlaw_structure(i) < 1 ) call IO_error(205)
if (constitutive_phenopowerlaw_structure(i) < 1 ) call IO_error(205,i)
if (any(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_tau0_slip(:,i) < 0.0_pReal .and. &
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Nslip(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(210)
if (constitutive_phenopowerlaw_gdot0_slip(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(211)
if (constitutive_phenopowerlaw_n_slip(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(212)
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Nslip(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(210,i)
if (constitutive_phenopowerlaw_gdot0_slip(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(211,i)
if (constitutive_phenopowerlaw_n_slip(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(212,i)
if (any(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_tausat_slip(:,i) <= 0.0_pReal .and. &
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Nslip(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(213)
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Nslip(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(213,i)
if (any(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_w0_slip(i) == 0.0_pReal .and. &
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Nslip(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(214)
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Nslip(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(214,i)
if (any(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_tau0_twin(:,i) < 0.0_pReal .and. &
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Ntwin(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(210)
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Ntwin(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(210,i)
if ( constitutive_phenopowerlaw_gdot0_twin(i) <= 0.0_pReal .and. &
any(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Ntwin(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(211)
any(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Ntwin(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(211,i)
if ( constitutive_phenopowerlaw_n_twin(i) <= 0.0_pReal .and. &
any(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Ntwin(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(212)
any(constitutive_phenopowerlaw_Ntwin(:,i) > 0)) call IO_error(212,i)
if (constitutive_phenopowerlaw_relevantResistance(i) <= 0.0_pReal) &
constitutive_phenopowerlaw_relevantResistance(i) = 1.0_pReal ! default absolute tolerance 1 Pa