From 34ef7b0f340ff69404c29594680809c259da3ee2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pratheek Shanthraj
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 04:32:32 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] now fully anisotropic grain growth possible by setting up the
function "interfacialEnergy"
processing/pre/ | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/processing/pre/ b/processing/pre/
index 4ac5e79dd..186fc21c6 100755
--- a/processing/pre/
+++ b/processing/pre/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
-import os,sys,string,re,math,numpy
+import os,sys,string,re,math,numpy,itertools
import damask
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, Option, SUPPRESS_HELP
from scipy import ndimage
@@ -26,18 +26,42 @@ class extendedOption(Option):
Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
def grainCoarsenLocal(microLocal,ix,iy,iz,window):
+ interfacialEnergy = lambda A,B: 1.0
winner = numpy.zeros(microLocal.shape).astype(int)
winner = numpy.where(numpy.reshape(numpy.in1d(microLocal,,microLocal.shape),
microLocal,0) # zero out non-blacklisted microstructures
diffusedMax = (winner > 0).astype(float) # concentration of immutable microstructures
boundingSlice = ndimage.measurements.find_objects(microLocal) # bounding boxes of each distinct microstructure region
- for grain in set(numpy.unique(microLocal)).difference(set([0]))): # diffuse all microstructures except immutable ones
+ for grain in set(numpy.unique(microLocal)) - set( - (set([0])): # diffuse all microstructures except immutable ones
mini = [max(0, boundingSlice[grain-1][i].start - window) for i in range(3)] # upper right of expanded bounding box
maxi = [min(microLocal.shape[i], boundingSlice[grain-1][i].stop + window) for i in range(3)] # lower left of expanded bounding box
- diffused = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter((microLocal[mini[0]:maxi[0],\
- mini[1]:maxi[1],\
- mini[2]:maxi[2]]==grain).astype(float),\
- options.d) # diffuse microstructure inside extended bounding box
+ microWindow = microLocal[mini[0]:maxi[0],mini[1]:maxi[1],mini[2]:maxi[2]]
+ neighbours = set(numpy.unique(ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(microWindow==grain,\
+ structure=ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3,3))))\
+ - set([grain]) - set( # who is on my boundary?
+ if len(neighbours) == 0: # no neighbours
+ diffused = numpy.ones(microWindow.shape)
+ elif len(neighbours) == 1: # 1 neighbour
+ speed = interfacialEnergy(grain,neighbours.pop()) # speed proportional to interfacial energy between me and only neighbour
+ diffused = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter((microWindow==grain).astype(float),speed*options.d)# diffuse microstructure inside extended bounding box
+ else: # more than 1 neighbour ie junctions
+ numerator = numpy.zeros(microWindow.shape)
+ denominator = numpy.zeros(microWindow.shape)
+ diffused = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter((microWindow==grain).astype(float),options.d) # diffuse microstructure inside extended bounding box
+ weights = {}
+ weights[grain] = diffused
+ for i in neighbours:
+ weights[i] = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter((microWindow==i).astype(float),options.d) # partition of unity around me
+ for grainA,grainB in itertools.combinations(neighbours,2): # combinations of triple junctions possible
+ speed = interfacialEnergy(grain,grainA) +\
+ interfacialEnergy(grain,grainB) -\
+ interfacialEnergy(grainA,grainB) # speed of the triple junction
+ weight = weights[grain] + weights[grainA] + weights[grainB]
+ numerator += weight*(speed*diffused + (1.-speed)*(microWindow==grain))
+ denominator += weight
+ diffused = (numerator)/(denominator+1e-30)
isMax = diffused > diffusedMax[mini[0]:maxi[0],\
mini[2]:maxi[2]] # me at highest concentration?