nodal displacements for grid solver
currently for non-MPI only
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,6 +113,12 @@ for filename in options.filenames:
if results.structured:
if results.structured:
writer = vtk.vtkXMLRectilinearGridWriter()
writer = vtk.vtkXMLRectilinearGridWriter()
results.set_visible('constituents', False)
x = results.get_dataset_location('u_n')
dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),options.dir))
dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),options.dir))
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
@ -290,6 +290,12 @@ class DADF5():
path = []
path = []
with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f:
with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f:
for i in self.iter_visible('increments'):
for i in self.iter_visible('increments'):
k = '/'.join([i,'geometry',label])
except KeyError as e:
print('unable to locate geometry dataset: {}'.format(str(e)))
for o,p in zip(['constituents','materialpoints'],['con_physics','mat_physics']):
for o,p in zip(['constituents','materialpoints'],['con_physics','mat_physics']):
for oo in self.iter_visible(o):
for oo in self.iter_visible(o):
for pp in self.iter_visible(p):
for pp in self.iter_visible(p):
@ -315,6 +321,10 @@ class DADF5():
for pa in path:
for pa in path:
label = pa.split('/')[2]
label = pa.split('/')[2]
if (pa.split('/')[1] == 'geometry'):
dataset = np.array(f[pa])
p = np.where(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][:,c]['Name'] == str.encode(label))[0]
p = np.where(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][:,c]['Name'] == str.encode(label))[0]
if len(p)>0:
if len(p)>0:
u = (f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][p,c]['Position'])
u = (f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][p,c]['Position'])
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ module spectral_utilities
include 'fftw3-mpi.f03'
include 'fftw3-mpi.f03'
logical, public :: cutBack = .false. !< cut back of BVP solver in case convergence is not achieved or a material point is terminally ill
logical, public :: cutBack = .false. !< cut back of BVP solver in case convergence is not achieved or a material point is terminally ill
integer, public, parameter :: maxPhaseFields = 2
integer, public :: nActiveFields = 0
integer, public :: nActiveFields = 0
@ -1068,6 +1067,63 @@ subroutine utilities_updateCoords(F)
enddo; enddo; enddo
enddo; enddo; enddo
call discretization_setIPcoords(reshape(IPcoords,[3,grid(1)*grid(2)*grid3]))
call discretization_setIPcoords(reshape(IPcoords,[3,grid(1)*grid(2)*grid3]))
call discretization_setNodeCoords(reshape(NodeCoords(IPcoords,Favg),[3,(grid(1)+1)*(grid(2)+1)*(grid3+1)]))
function nodeCoords(IPcoords,Favg)
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: IPcoords
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: Favg
real(pReal), dimension(3,size(IPcoords,2)+1,size(IPcoords,3)+1,size(IPcoords,3)+1) :: nodeCoords
real(pReal), dimension(3,size(IPcoords,2)+2,size(IPcoords,3)+2,size(IPcoords,3)+2) :: IPCoords_wrapped
integer :: &
integer, dimension(3) :: &
shift, &
lookup, &
integer, dimension(3,8) :: &
neighbor = reshape([ &
0, 0, 0, &
1, 0, 0, &
1, 1, 0, &
0, 1, 0, &
0, 0, 1, &
1, 0, 1, &
1, 1, 1, &
0, 1, 1 ], [3,8])
do k = grid3offset,grid3offset+grid3+1
do j = 0,grid(2)+1
do i = 0,grid(1)+1
if (k==0 .or. k==grid(3)+1 .or. & ! z skin
j==0 .or. j==grid(2)+1 .or. & ! y skin
i==0 .or. i==grid(1)+1 ) then ! x skin
me = [i,j,k] ! me on skin
shift = sign(abs(grid+1-2*me)/(grid+1),grid+1-2*me)
lookup = me-1+shift*grid
IPCoords_wrapped(1:3,i+1,j+1,k+1) = IPcoords(1:3,lookup(1)+1,lookup(2)+1,lookup(3)+1) &
- matmul(Favg, real(shift,pReal)*geomSize)
IPCoords_wrapped(1:3,i+1,j+1,k+1) = IPCoords(1:3,i,j,k)
enddo; enddo; enddo
nodeCoords = 0.0_pReal
do k = 0,grid3; do j = 0,grid(2); do i = 0,grid(1)
do n = 1,8
nodeCoords(1:3,i+1,j+1,k+1) = nodeCoords(1:3,i+1,j+1,k+1) &
+ IPCoords_wrapped(1:3,i+1+neighbor(1,n), &
j+1+neighbor(2,n), &
k+1+neighbor(3,n) )
enddo; enddo; enddo
nodeCoords = nodeCoords/8.0_pReal
end function nodeCoords
end subroutine utilities_updateCoords
end subroutine utilities_updateCoords
@ -399,78 +399,4 @@ pure function IPneighborhood(grid)
end function IPneighborhood
end function IPneighborhood
!!> @brief builds mesh of (distorted) cubes for given coordinates (= center of the cubes)
!function mesh_nodesAroundCentres(gDim,Favg,centres) result(nodes)
! real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:) :: &
! centres
! real(pReal), dimension(3,size(centres,2)+1,size(centres,3)+1,size(centres,4)+1) :: &
! nodes
! real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3) :: &
! gDim
! real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
! Favg
! real(pReal), dimension(3,size(centres,2)+2,size(centres,3)+2,size(centres,4)+2) :: &
! wrappedCentres
! integer :: &
! i,j,k,n
! integer, dimension(3), parameter :: &
! diag = 1
! integer, dimension(3) :: &
! shift = 0, &
! lookup = 0, &
! me = 0, &
! iRes = 0
! integer, dimension(3,8) :: &
! neighbor = reshape([ &
! 0, 0, 0, &
! 1, 0, 0, &
! 1, 1, 0, &
! 0, 1, 0, &
! 0, 0, 1, &
! 1, 0, 1, &
! 1, 1, 1, &
! 0, 1, 1 ], [3,8])
!! initializing variables
! iRes = [size(centres,2),size(centres,3),size(centres,4)]
! nodes = 0.0_pReal
! wrappedCentres = 0.0_pReal
!! building wrappedCentres = centroids + ghosts
! wrappedCentres(1:3,2:iRes(1)+1,2:iRes(2)+1,2:iRes(3)+1) = centres
! do k = 0,iRes(3)+1
! do j = 0,iRes(2)+1
! do i = 0,iRes(1)+1
! if (k==0 .or. k==iRes(3)+1 .or. & ! z skin
! j==0 .or. j==iRes(2)+1 .or. & ! y skin
! i==0 .or. i==iRes(1)+1 ) then ! x skin
! me = [i,j,k] ! me on skin
! shift = sign(abs(iRes+diag-2*me)/(iRes+diag),iRes+diag-2*me)
! lookup = me-diag+shift*iRes
! wrappedCentres(1:3,i+1, j+1, k+1) = &
! centres(1:3,lookup(1)+1,lookup(2)+1,lookup(3)+1) &
! - matmul(Favg, real(shift,pReal)*gDim)
! endif
! enddo; enddo; enddo
!! averaging
! do k = 0,iRes(3); do j = 0,iRes(2); do i = 0,iRes(1)
! do n = 1,8
! nodes(1:3,i+1,j+1,k+1) = &
! nodes(1:3,i+1,j+1,k+1) + wrappedCentres(1:3,i+1+neighbor(1,n), &
! j+1+neighbor(2,n), &
! k+1+neighbor(3,n) )
! enddo
! enddo; enddo; enddo
! nodes = nodes/8.0_pReal
!end function mesh_nodesAroundCentres
end module mesh_grid
end module mesh_grid
Reference in New Issue