methods for texture component calculations
This commit is contained in:
@ -636,6 +636,134 @@ class Rotation:
asAxisAngle = as_axis_angle
__mul__ = __matmul__
def from_spherical_component(center,FWHM,N_samples=500,degrees=True,seed=None):
Calculate set of rotations with Gaussian distribution around center.
K. Helming, Texturapproximation durch Modellkomponenten
Cuvillier Verlag, 1996
center : Rotation
Central Rotation.
FWHM : float
Full width at half maximum of the Gaussian distribution.
N_samples : int, optional
Number of samples, defaults to 500.
degrees : boolean, optional
FWHM is given in degrees.
seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator}, optional
A seed to initialize the BitGenerator. Defaults to None.
If None, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS.
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
_FWHM = np.radians(FWHM) if degrees else FWHM
if _FWHM > np.radians(0.1):
rotations = []
for i in range(N_samples):
while True:
rnd = rng.random(4)
a = rnd[0]*2.0 -1.0 # uniform
ax = np.array([a,
np.sqrt(1.0-a**2.0)*np.cos(rnd[1]*2.0*np.pi), # random axis
np.sqrt(1.0-a**2.0)*np.sin(rnd[1]*2.0*np.pi), # random axis
(rnd[2]-0.5) * 4 *_FWHM]) # rotation by [0, +-2 FWHM]
if ax[3] < 0.0: ax*=-1.0
R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(ax,normalize=True)
angle = R.misorientation(Rotation()).as_axis_angle()[3] # misorientation to unity
if rnd[3] <= np.exp(-4.0*np.log(2.0)*(angle/_FWHM)**2): # rejection sampling (Gaussian)
rotations.append((center @ R).as_quaternion())
rotations = [center.as_quaternion() for i in range(N_samples)]
return Rotation.from_quaternion(rotations)
def from_fiber_component(alpha,beta,FWHM,N_samples=500,degrees=True,seed=None):
Calculate set of rotations with Gaussian distribution around direction.
K. Helming, Texturapproximation durch Modellkomponenten
Cuvillier Verlag, 1996
alpha : numpy.ndarray of size 2
beta : numpy.ndarray of size 2
FWHM : float
Full width at half maximum of the Gaussian distribution.
N_samples : int, optional
Number of samples, defaults to 500.
degrees : boolean, optional
FWHM, alpha, and beta are given in degrees.
seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator}, optional
A seed to initialize the BitGenerator. Defaults to None.
If None, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS.
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
FWHM_,alpha_,beta_ = map(np.radians,(FWHM,alpha,beta)) if degrees else (FWHM,alpha,beta)
f_in_C = np.array([np.sin(alpha_[0])*np.cos(alpha_[1]), np.sin(alpha_[0])*np.sin(alpha_[1]), np.cos(alpha_[0])])
f_in_S = np.array([np.sin(beta_[0] )*np.cos(beta_[1] ), np.sin(beta_[0] )*np.sin(beta_[1] ), np.cos(beta_[0] )])
rotations = []
for i in range(N_samples):
rnd = rng.random(3)
ax = np.append(np.cross(f_in_C,f_in_S), - np.arccos(,f_in_S)))
if ax[3] < 0.0: ax *= -1.0
R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(ax,normalize=True) # rotation to align fiber axis in crystal and sample system
ax = np.append(f_in_S,rnd[0]*np.pi*2.0)
if ax[3] > np.pi: ax = np.append(ax[:3]*-1,np.pi*2-ax[3])
R = R @ Rotation.from_axis_angle(ax) # rotation (0..360deg) perpendicular to fiber axis
if FWHM_ > np.radians(0.1):
i_smallest = np.argmin(np.abs(f_in_S))
i_non_smallest = list(filter(lambda x: x!=i_smallest, [0,1,2]))
s = f_in_S[i_smallest]
a = f_in_S[i_non_smallest]
x = sum([x**2 for x in a])
u = np.empty(3)
while True: # rejection sampling
angle = (rnd[1] - 0.5)*4 *FWHM_
# solve cos(angle) = dot_product(fInS,u) for u. This is underdetermined, hence assume that
# they share the smallest component.
c = np.cos(angle) - s**2
u[i_non_smallest[1]] = -(2.0*c*a[1] + np.sqrt(4*((c*a[1])**2.0-x*(c**2.0-a[0]**2*(1.0-s**2)))))/(2*x)
u[i_non_smallest[0]] = np.sqrt(1.0-u[i_non_smallest[1]]**2.0-s**2.0)
u[i_smallest] = s
if (rnd[2] <= np.exp(-4.0*np.log(2.0)*(angle/FWHM_)**2)):
ax = np.append(np.cross(u,f_in_S),angle)
if ax[3]<0.0: ax *= -1.0
R = R * Rotation.from_axis_angle(ax,normalize=True) # tilt around direction of smallest component
rnd = rng.random(3)
return Rotation.from_quaternion(rotations)
# Code below available according to the following conditions on
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import os
import pytest
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from damask import Rotation
from damask import _rotation
@ -911,3 +912,39 @@ class TestRotation:
R_2 = Rotation.from_axis_angle([0,0,1,angle],degrees=True)
avg_angle = R_1.average(R_2).as_axis_angle(degrees=True,pair=True)[1]
assert np.isclose(avg_angle,10+(angle-10)/2.)
def test_spherical_component(self,N_samples,FWHM):
c = Rotation.from_random()
o = Rotation.from_spherical_component(c,FWHM,N_samples)
m = c.broadcast_to(N_samples).misorientation(o)
_, angles = m.as_axis_angle(pair=True,degrees=True)
dist = angles * (np.random.randint(0,2,N_samples)*2-1)
p = stats.normaltest(dist)[1]
FWHM_out = np.std(dist) * (2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)))
print(f'\np: {p}, FWHM ratio {FWHM/FWHM_out}')
assert (.9 < FWHM/FWHM_out < 1.1) and p > 0.001
def test_from_fiber_component(self,N_samples,FWHM):
alpha = np.array([15.0,4.6])
beta = np.ones(2)
n = Rotation.from_quaternion([0.9914448613738086,-0.01046806021254377,0.13010575149028156,7.146345858741878e-08])
o = Rotation.from_fiber_component(alpha,beta,FWHM,N_samples,True)
for i in range(N_samples):
cos =,np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])),
||||[i].as_matrix(),np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])))
dist = np.array(angles) * (np.random.randint(0,2,N_samples)*2-1)
FWHM_out = np.degrees(np.std(dist)) * (2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)))
print(f'\n FWHM ratio {FWHM/FWHM_out}')
assert .85 < FWHM/FWHM_out < 1.1
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